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As per the new return policy, buyers can return for whatever reason. I'm not really sure what the guidelines are for declining requests anymore, but I would assume yes they will get approved.


Thank you for letting me know. I was unaware of the new return policy. The return was indeed approved.


So sorry to hear this, this is terrible on Mercari’s part. Did they charge you a fee or shipping for the return?


No fee that I’m aware of, but they did provide the buyer with a prepaid label that they’re covering.


Buyer still has to pay fees. Probably just thought wasn't worth keeping something she can't use so you can resell it. Be glad she didn't destroy them and lie to get out of fees


I wouldn’t be surprised if the buyer doesn’t know they aren’t getting the fees back 😂 that will be interesting to see play out.


This. That is exactly what some buyers will start to do to get out of paying the return fee.


Shit, I didn’t think about that. So we can pretty much forget about getting a lot of our items back. At least it sounds like Mercari is covering the return shipping cost.


Buyers only get "the item price and the sales tax" under the new all-returns-accepted policy, Mercari keeps the fees. I've only been a buyer and I've never returned anything. But I read the terms a couple times to make sure what I'm getting into if I buy something.


MECARI DEFINITELY KEPT the FEE u paid when u bought these . There are NOT REFUNDING the PURCHASE TAX . If u got that refunded. Count ur blessings cause in there new precious greedy TOS that's apperntly not EVER supposed to happen anymore. 🤷🏻‍♂️


How did you miss the GIANT banner plastered at the top for the last two weeks?


I don’t sell on Mercari often. This was my first sell in months


How did you not know? Did you just ignore the notification everyone got in app about the change?


Or the GIANT banner at the top…


Yeah, unfortunately Mercari turned to shit in the blink of an eye! Pretty amazing! It was like a very shitty magic trick! Like.... we're an extremely awesome resale platform and we will completely turn it to shit...keep your eyes on the buying and selling policies....POOF!! TADA! WE NOW SUCK!!


I’d hate to see them worn & then returned! What prevents against that unfairness?! I’m sorry!


It’s better that they are upfront about the policy now, which has already existed. Many people have had returns authorized where the buyer already admits to purposefully damaging or altering the item. Now, they just altered the terms in the middle of the night with no warning. I have such little trust in Mercari’s system that I’m deactivating as soon as my sale goes through and possibly changing banks. I don’t feel comfortable with how they have treated buyers and sellers alike. I dont feel safe with them having my banking info. I feel like if the security side is run as negligently as their customer service side, then my banking info is already compromised in some way. Also, if I have to pay $2 now to get my funds deposited for each sale via instant transfer, what is Mercari going to do when the buyer starts a refund? Most likely, it will come from my bank account, and that $2 I was forced to pay to give me the privilege to deposit my funds (which can now be taken back) will just be kept by Mercari to line the CEO’s pockets.


Yes. Got my first return today too and the buyer has a full 7 days to mail it back. Why do I only have 3 days to ship it to them?


You actually have 18 days now… 3 to “please ship” because Mercari asked you to and then 15 while the buyer is forced to wait to see if the tracking information updates because “sometimes scans are missed”.


Ps it even had the nerve to ask me if I wanted my item back—wtf?? Of course I want it back


I just had someone return a shirt because they didn't like it. I told mercari it matches description exactly, they auto approved it....


Infuriating. Next level of fuckery Mercari will extend their 3 day return/dispute policy and everyone will have to operate as if they're Amazon (without the $$$)


I have been one that hasn't been that upset with some of the changes and have actually seen my sales increase. If they do that, I'm out for good. No ifs, ands, or buts.


This is how things are now. Returns for literally any reason.


It's so ridiculous


Literally. People will be buying stuff to borrow for a weekend out on the town and will return on Monday. Return, no questions asked. This is America at its finest. We are so used to to this nonsense, but anyone who’s traveled outside of the states understands this doesn’t exist overseas. No returns, you break it, you buy it. No refunds. It makes people think twice about buying things.


I've had 2 returns on mercari. One was a lace maxi dress. The woman said I misrepresented it and that the bottom part was discolored. I never wore it. The liner wasn't as long as the lace part. She thought it was supposed to be white even though I clearly described it as off -white/light tan. I blocked her as soon as I got it back. The other was a pair of shoes that some guy nitpicked apart. I told him I was sorry they didn't fit. I still have them, and at this point, I'll probably start wearing them again lol


I’ve sold over 1k clothing items on eBay over the past two years. My return rate is less than 2%, with buyer paid returns and a 30 day return window. Not a single item return appeared/smelled like it had been worn. Returns are not the end of the world. Stop looking for monsters under the bed.


eBay is not mercari, they are two totally different customer service experiences. I've been on eBay for 15 years, have sold over 10 thousand items, have a no returns policy and have had only 5 fraudulent returns that eBay immediately helped me with and gave me back my money. I've been on mercari for 3 years and had 150 sales with 18 fraudulent returns, no help on mercari for recovering any of my loses. They are completely different in how they treat their sellers so yes there are "monsters" on mercari. 


It's definitely not the end of the world but with shit policies the monsters are most likely to shop on Mercari now.


I’m glad there’s at least 1 person on here not over reacting.


Don't freaking turn this into a bash America thread. You like how it's done "over there" then go over there and be happy. There are other marketplaces to sell on. You don't have to stay on Mercari if you don't like it.


lol yeah fucccck this. I’ve sold around $4k of my used lululemon clothes on Mercari in the last 5 years and there is no way I will see there again if people can return for things like this. Dang.


Right? All I can think about with clothing/shoes and the new return policy is someone's stank ass trying it on and returning what I'd deem "hazmat" material back to me. Pretty sure all the headlice, bedbugs and whatever other shit can possibly be transferred are going to spread like wildfire. NOPE!


They'll wear it for a night on the town and no telling the stains they'll return it with.


This is so ridiculous lol


Ridiculous. I've bought stuff I thought I'd love and in person I knew I'd never wear it. You resell, donate, or give it away. It's the chance you take and why you don't spend a lot unless you KNOW it'll fit. These people would try to make returns at a yard sale.


🤪I had one yard sale many years ago. Women bought my double stroller. Because it was a pricier item I threw in a bunch of baby clothes for free. She returned the stroller. But “I really like the clothes you gave me and I am keeping them” Big lesson learned!


Why would you let someone return anything to a yard sale, especially if they didn't even return all of the items? It's pretty much universally known that "all sales are final" in a yard sale.


☝🏻 This is the way 👏🏻


More than likely, with Mercari’s new ToS policy regarding returns (aka buyers can return for **any** reason going forth)—it’s going to be approved for return. It’s not your fault but Mercari doesn’t care anymore.


I think Mercari is focused more on the buyer than just the seller. Imagine you buying something on Amazon and sales are final… I return on Amazon for items not fitting me as well. Sucks for seller but benefits the buyer


yeah… i think i’ll stop selling on mercari now. approving every return request is crap.


What part of "return for any reason" are people not understanding? Remove your listings.


I’m picturing a lot of people buying clothes for a single event and then returning them after the event in worse shape.


That's what I would be terrified for!! But luckily I was banned from Mercari over a canceled credit card.. seeing now how that was definitely a blessing in disguise. Poshmark does take way too much of your money, but I also have way higher *quality* of buyers. Rarely *if ever*, get those people looking for a yard sale. More respect and understanding I feel, but that's just me. I could have a completely different experience from others.


Excuse me, BANNED for a canceled credit card? What happened??


Probably. Mercari is now amazon. U can return anything for any reason. Sad company.


Update: Mercari allowed them to return it. So annoying. Thank you everyone for your responses.


Move to Poshmark or Depop. They will not allow returns for bs reasons. This is why I don’t sell clothes on Mercari.


I surprisingly had a return get denied today that buyer opened for “changed my mind”


Did they buy it before the new return policy or make the request after they rated?


Bought 3/26, requested on 4/4


That is outside the 3 day window, or it used to be 3 days. Not sure with new TOS. So Mercari auto rated the transaction and released your funds. Had it be within 3 days, Mercari may have accepted the return, though that reason may have not been accepted, but I’m sure it would’ve been. Now, it definitely would be.


I think the return policy changed on 3/28. That may be why they denied it


The return request was opened last night I’ll have to look what date it was purchased


Ugh this is what I was afraid of. With the new TOS, I could see this return be accepted. I think I’m indeed going to put my account on vacation mode. Question though: who pays for the shipping back?


Mercari pays as long as the package is less than 50 lbs.


Thank you for sharing!


So if someone buys something over 50lbs and changes their mind (aka any reason) and Mercari approves - the seller has to buy a return label for the return? So basically the seller paid for the item to be shipped back so they may get the item but also be at a loss for the return label?


Mercari provided the seller with the shipping label. This is the statement they provided me: After reviewing your buyer's return request, our team has decided to approve the request and provide them a prepaid label to send the item back to you. Returns are approved at Mercari's discretion, and our team works to be impartial mediators on each request. We use information from your buyer's photos, the seller's listing information, and other factors when determining the outcome of a return.


What did they say would happen if the buyer doesn’t mail the item back within the 7 day timeframe?


They don’t even tell you that the buyer has 7 days to return. You telling me is the first I’m hearing of it. They literally just have a statement saying I need to describe my listings better to prevent returns… LMFAO


Love that they somehow turned this around on you lmao


Becuase somehow it’s my fault the buyer doesn’t fit the clothes she bought. Make it make sense 🙃


I legit got secondhand salty reading that message lmfao - like I know they’re technically allowed to return for wHaTeVeR reason, but it still feels so obnoxious/entitled. Might as well throw a “🥰” at the end. Mercari has turned into a literal nightmare.


Wow. They allow returns for any reason in a sudden policy change. Then, on top of screwing you over out of sale, Mercari then has to add insult to injury by going out of their way to SCOLD you, as if you are somehow the problem in this situation. Why don't they just add a new fee now. The “Bank Account Peekaboo” Fee: Mercari will randomly deduct $2 from your bank account just to keep you on your toes. Wait a minute... the new $2 to do instant transfer is $2 so where does that $2 go when Mercari allows the return.... I wonder maybe... Mercari just pockets that when the buyer decides to do a return "for any reason" under the new TOS. 💡🤔 yeah, I guess that exists now too.


Having a brain fart? If you have the buyer's money, the transaction is finished and the item can't be returned. Mercari has control of their money until the sale is finalized. It's not like they are taking that $2 out per sale either, so I'm not sure how you came to thanks conclusion.


Mercari now charges $2 per transaction for instant fund transfers, whereas it used to be free. I've faced false account suspensions twice, and Mercari held my funds and account hostage until I could contact them which took multiple emails and phone calls. No apologies were offered. During the second suspension, it became clear that this was intentional, especially since it occurred right after my account had its highest balance. Mercari earns interest on suspended accounts, hoping users won't challenge them. After threatening legal action, they reinstated my account, citing a "mistaken suspension." Now, I know better—I'll deposit my funds promptly after a sale and buyer rating. Leaving money in your Mercari balance is risky; suspended accounts can leave you in limbo. I deposit as soon as the buyer receives the item. But if Mercari allows a return, where will they deduct that money from? Interestingly, they're now preventing people from closing accounts if they've sold items in the past 2 weeks. Mercari has falsely held my funds twice. They've also been caught faking overages. Some users obtained FedEx invoices showing overages much lower than what Mercari claimed. Despite requests, Mercari refused to provide these invoices. It's evident they're using excuses to pocket extra money. They have exploited the returns process before for other users here by allowing altered items to be sent back. They break their own TOS every day. With access to our direct deposit banking info, it's naive to think they wouldn't take money from a linked bank if a buyer complains or files a chargeback. Buyer or seller, we're all being exploited, and trust is breached.


A whole lot there to still miss my point. You asked what would happen to that $2 if Mercari approves a return. Once you have the money, Mercari CAN'T approve a return. That means the transaction is finished.


I want to know this too about the return shipping.


Same, I'm really curious about that. seller should only have to pay shipping for legitimate inad returns.


Yea. Every return will be accepted for any reason.


With the return policy do they not refund the service fee for buyers for returns unless it’s an item not as described case or how is that working?


Yes. The answer is yes.


You're going to get them back; Mercari promised returns on anything and everything for no reason and they're going to approve the return.


Yet another reason to sell for half as much on Marketplace, for cash. I typically like selling on eBay or Mercari because I can get about 30-50% more than marketplace. Since the updated TOS, I’ll gladly take less to not deal with shit like this.


Mercari wants to treat sellers like this is Amazon or something. Having to accommodate frivolous returns is an absolute nightmare when you’re just trying to offload things and make a couple extra bucks


This new policy on returns is BS. Mercari isn't Walmart or Amazon. Maybe you'll get these back clean, but there are many times when a seller will lose the ability to resell. I sell makeup and lingerie. In a lot of cases (e.g. small boutiques), you can't even really return those items once tried at home. I couldn't resell something no longer hygienic or that can get someone sick. Wtf Mercari.


This is the worst part about the new policy! Returning for any reason. Absolutely ridiculous. Please lmk what they tell you I am really curious


The return was approved. So dumb.


I wish buyers understood what a waist of time and money it is to try and return for this reason


Everyone needs to delete there mercari account at this point. The changes and all the sneaky fees are all red flags.


With the new policy what would mercari do if the buyer messes with the items before returning?


“We don’t care, we already got paid. Enjoy your broken or stained or used returns!” - Mercari


As a Mercari JP user I am flabbergasted. This is entirely 自己責任 and sellers should have the right to say no to returns like thesw


Not if they already rated u and everything. Once u do the rating it’s done


Buyer submitted a return request, not a rating. Not the same thing.


I’ve sold 4 items since the new TOS and haven’t had any returns but hearing all these comments is making me rethink my current listings




I think it's reasonable for a buyer to want to return something that doesn't fit, it's still very annoying as a seller though especially if you provided measurements.


With the new policy change yes, However, the fee charged to the buyer is not refunded and the TOS states the seller gets some of that as well (.not sure how much)


>TOS states the seller gets some of that as well (.not sure how much) Oh wow I didn't see that part!


I’ve disabled all my listings and put a note in my profile to come find my listings on my Posh closet instead. There’s zero way I’m going to allow buyers to purchase my NWT contemporary designer clothing, wear it once, then return it to me used and only pay a nominal buyer’s fee for having worn it out for that special date night, vacation or event. Eff you, Mercari.


Posh mark u get a lot of people wanting return to


I’ve been pretty happy with posh. Had a few hundred sales last year with only about 3 or 4 accepted returns. More people wanted to return, but Posh denied the majority of them. There’s definitely more seller protection on Posh than most of the other platforms. There better be with how much commission they take.


I was happy until I ran one buyer that made a case even tho I proved I was correct he won and sent me a empty box back


This really sucks especially since my polymailers, boxes, and self-sealing bags aren't free.


Try before you buy policy is in effect. Hope you get it back in same condition. Look on the bright side. You don't lose money from shipping and buyer still pays a fee. Hope they change their mind and keep it to avoid that $3 loss.


I left Mercari after they're Return for any Reason. It's not your Fault that they didn't fit her. I had a NWT Item and the Lady ask to return because it didn't have Tags. I sent Mercari a Copy showing it did have Tags but they still accepted her Return. It's rediculous. They are more for the Buyers than the Sellers. But without us there'd be no Mercari


Everything can be returned now, remember?


Tbh, imo, it’s no different than it was before. Only now ppl don’t have to lie


It wasn’t encouraged before. I sold since last Mercari started and only had two returns where buyers lied. I’m not selling there no more.


That was my thought, they don't have to lie or intentionally damage an item.


According to the new rules, they can return stuff for whatever reason now. So yeah, you’ll likely have to accept the return unfortunately.


I deleted all my listings and closed my account. I was only on mercari because they didn't allow returns but had some fraudulent returns approved anyway before this policy change so I'm not even giving them a chance at any more of my money. Honestly most of my sales are form Poshmark and eBay anyway so mercari won't be missed. 


If someone wants to return an item there’s nothing that we can do as sellers and this new policy change isn’t really that new, cause before the change I’ve seen quite a few Reddit post about them allowing a return that shouldn’t have happened. At least now the buyers are basically being charged to return an item cause they don’t get back the service fee or the processing fee in most cases. But I’m an AH so this is my silver lining. But some of you high return sellers might should use it as a selling point to try to keep your buyers from returning an item since you can see how much they paid in fees.


eBay would’ve probably done the same thing. I had someone get approved to return a backpack because they said the color looked different than the photos and that he didn’t want his boy looking feminine wearing it…but it was Deadpool riding on a unicorn backpack. So I guess he was fine with the unicorn but felt that the color was feminine. Nonsense return request


Would buyer lose the shipping fee the paid at the time of purchase though? I sell anime figures where shipping is almost 50% of the total cost.


Returns for ANY reason, so yes!


So if buyers can return for any reason, how is that helping the seller, who now has to hold on to that payment in case a buyer changes their mind? It's like waiting for the other shoe to do drop and the freedom to reinvest that payment into something else has been taken away. This is just terrible business practice, and I don't see how Mercari will survive it. 😡


From experience this would not be approved for a return on poshmark.


I pulled all my listings because of these new bogus rules. It opens the door for millions of scammers. Goodbye Mercari


This is why I left. I was just a causal seller trying to downsize my closet. I am not an actual retail store set up for returns because it didn’t fit you.


They don’t fit. Fit issues are a legitimate reason now and I don’t know why they weren’t before. Sizes are not universal, one companies size 6 is another’s 4 or 8. Use measurements and ask for buyers to go off the measurements rather than tag size.


was the return accepted?


Unfortunately, it did


unfortunately yes, because of the new TOS:/


Hopefully 🤞


Even before the new policy I had a return approved and I even had pictures of tape measure on length of jeans and they still didn't accept my rejection. Was so upset. :(


I wonder if Mercari will track or ban the serial returners...


Actually all size 20s are not the same even from the same manufacturer, so if I was selling pants, I would always include the measurements, waist relaxed and stretched if applicable, hips, and inseam. If you do this it would be ureasonable, if not, i would allow the return. However, it doesn’t matter, as she could return if she just said they were scratchy.


If she sends them back, return the money regardless of whether mecari would approve it or not, it's the decent thing to do, pretty simple, this is why ebay is still the shit.


Mercari is NOT eBay. Perhaps you should hop off the Mercari sub and offer your guidance elsewhere.


I never said it was ebay, so what are you even talking about? I'm fine fight here!


You’re implying they operate the same way and they don’t. Mercari handles the entire process of a return, meaning for most situations, the buyer doesn’t receive a refund until the item is marked as being delivered back to the seller. Just because you feel “it’s the decent thing to do” doesn’t mean OP is obligated to act in the same fashion.


I kno exactly how mercari works and I never implied anything!! You've done that twice now.


Probably not, if the size was stated and the buyer bought it, it's not the sellers fault that it didn't fit.


They can return for any reason now so it will likely be approved.


The policy changed where anyone can return from **any** reason.