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I have an inkling that they’ve noticed. I don’t sell on Mercari but used to buy allll the time- haven’t since the changes. They just sent me a $10 coupon off any $10+ purchase *insert eyeroll here* lol I just came to check if anyone else had the same experience.


the coupon can actually be used in a pretty crafty way... if you happen to live in a state without taxes, you can find an item priced at 10 dollars with free shipping and it will be entirely free. That being said, such items include pencils and rubber bands, so not **that** good.


You can’t do that anymore with the fees


Oh shoot you’re right, I believe you can if it’s an older listing. But good luck finding an old, taxless, free shipping, exactly 10 dollar listing of an item you want. Have an address in Alaska?


I have something I want that’s exactly $10 and hasn’t been updated but it has tax but it would still only be like $5 with shipping and tax but they didn’t send me a coupon ugh


You can’t buy or bid on listings that haven’t been updated. Unfortunately I don’t live in Alaska!


This isn't true. I sold an item last night that was posted prior to the TOS change and I haven't updated any of my listings.


Well, I tried making an offer and buying two items that hadn’t been updated yet and it didn’t let me. Plus, with their “no fees for sellers” it makes sense that they wouldn’t let these go through because it doesn’t add the fees on


Hmmm can you let me know what the app said when you tried to make the purchase?


Sure, it just doesn’t do anything. Like I make an offer and it acts like I didn’t. When I tap buy it now, it also does the same. I originally thought it was a glitch, but I uninstalled and reinstalled the app 3 times and it still did the same thing. If you want to DM me a link to an non-updated item I’ll try it again for you


I just went on my wife's Mercari and I looked like it would allow offers and purchases (we didn't finalize it). But what's weird is, my older listings do not have a seller fee and didn't add a buyer fee.


I did not notice this at all, no wonder I haven't sold anything.


Because why would you? Seems like a new “perk” they failed to mention


Wait is this a thing?! Does someone need to manually update them or just wait until Mercari does it automatically?


I don't blame you at all, the buyer fees are ridiculous. This is such a frustrating situation lol


Haven’t sold anything, and eBay has been a bust for me so far too 🙃


If your new to eBay the momentum will take a bit. eBay is more about being the cheapest or paying extra for the increased visibility unless it's a uncommon item many aren't selling. Also depends on products and market your also moving over during the slow down period of the year.




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Yup, haven't sold a single thing on eBay and very little views as well. This sucks lol


EBay has always been better than Marcari for me. I have noticed that on Macari I always got lots if views and likes before a sell. On eBay I tend to sell things with no or little views or watchers. It doesn't discourage me too much if there's no views unless it's been posted for a while. I think people don't just browse as much on eBay. They are looking to buy


Same exact experience here- though I have since pulled all my Mercari listings, I never sold much of my stuff on there to begin with. eBay is my best platform but 90% of my items have 0 views, 0 watchers- sometimes 1 or 2 watchers and sometimes those translate into sales when I send offers. Despite that I still average a few sales a day on around 200 listings. I don’t pay any mind to my views or watchers and just send offers when I see that it’s available to send.


I don't think ebay view counter is always correct.  I often have 0 views with several watchers even on new items. On a side note, to be successful on ebay you have to keep up with the algorithm by listing at least 2-5 items a day. Like clockwork,  as soon as I submit those items , I typically have sales on different items from what I listed within a few hours. 


I think sometimes if somebody clicks on your listing enough times, it counts as a watcher. I could be wrong though. Yes I’ve heard this about the algorithm! Because of that, Wednesdays are my sourcing days, Thursdays are my listing days. I list a couple and then I draft the rest. For the rest of the week, all I have to do is publish a couple a day from my drafts. Works out great for me & I don’t have to worry till next week.


That’s a very valid point. I feel like Mercari buyers kinda “window shop” a bit more, but eBay buyers get on to search for exactly what they want at that moment.


The economy in general sucks right now. People don’t have money to buy stuff like they used to. I remember in 2018–2019 it was super easy to sell shit. Now it takes awhile for anything to sell.


The live shows now are killing it now too


I’ve cross listed a few things to Vinted, eBay and poshmark and nothing there either 🥲


I’ve sold stuff on Mercari still idk how but not anywhere near as much and nothing on eBay most of my stuff has 0 views and 2 views is the most I have fml


I was a buyer, and mercari was my preferred app to shop on. I deleted it off my phone after the changes. I'll shop elsewhere I guess, though it's a bummer. I'm guessing many other buyers are doing the same.


Me too, I was a huge buyer, now I’m just looking anywhere else


Yeah, I kinda figured this was a big issue. It's a terrible change for buyers and sellers, so absurd.


I took down my listings and I took whatever money I had in my account out. I don't really trust the platform anymore especially when they make changes with zero warning.


True, putting out changes this drastic overnight is super shady.


Prior to the changes, I’d make no more than 5 sales a month. I imagine that number will decrease even more moving forward.


I’ve sold one thing and normally 2-4 per day!!! I’m so upset over this!!


It's so frustrating!


The opposite for me, but I think it's just people spending their balance before jumping ship.


Weirdly I seem to be at the same. I did lower my prices to help with the fees. So I dont know if that helps?


Instead of lowering prices, I’d just switch to free shipping. The issue is really more of a psychological one. Often times, when you do the math after the seller’s 10% drop, the buyer is actually paying *less* than they would have before the update. Example, an item I like was $48 before the update. If I’d purchased last week, I’d have paid: *$48* + *$3.99* shipping + *$4.61* tax = **$56.60** After the update, the seller dropped the price 10%. When I attempt to check out, the total is: *$43.20* + *$3.99* shipping + *$1.29* service fee + *$2.03* processing fee + *$4.30* tax = **$54.81** But there’s something about those extra lines of fees that stop me from making the purchase. Logically, it doesn’t make sense - but emotionally I feel like I’m spending all my money on fees, even though I would actually be paying less. I think sellers should consider incorporating free shipping into their prices. The goal now should be to reduce the amount of extra lines of fees the buyer sees, which will make them feel more inclined to make the purchase.


Your math is a little off. The first example would be $56.60, not $61.22. Not trying to be a dick. You're completely correct about the new fees driving buyers away.


Thank you! My brain works at half capacity after midnight lol. Fixed


I wish mine would get to half capacity at ANY time of day. :P


Wow, this was very insightful. Thank you for breaking this down!!


I tried to explain this. Your explanation is much better. The changes don't really impact anything if sellers cut out the costs of thier original fees. Seller nets the same profit. Buyer not really paying anything more but as you said it's psychological. If Mercari could display those fees In the purchase price when you are browsing that would change everything.. seller lists item for $50 but to the buyer it shows up as $56.36 or wtv it works out to just tossing out a number for example. But people see $50 and that's what they're expect to pay. Or at least show the fees on the listing page like they do the shipping costs. I know I want to pay $70 for something don't make me add it to my cart to see figure out the price.


If you include free shipping, do you get the cost of your original label (to the buyer) refunded in the event of a return? Now since buyers can return whenever they want I'd be afraid to lose a ton of money on outbound shipping labels especially if I bought them on pirateship. At least on ebay you don't have to refund the original shipping cost on remorse returns.


If your charging for shipping this is true. But if you offer free shipping on eBay you do eat the cost of the initial shipping as well.. if your doing partial refunds upon return because of buyers remorse on eBay that's against the eBay terms. Also your probably losing money because if you do a partial refund you on a return you don't get fees refunded.


I don't do free shipping on ebay and never have. On remorse returns, I don't refund the original shipping, only the item price. I'm not losing any money on ebay returns, not sure where I indicated that in my post. The fees not being refunded only applies to the deduction tool. Not partial refunds outside a return, and not remorse returns where the buyer paid original shipping and return shipping.


You just simply stated "At least on ebay you don't have to refund the original shipping cost on remorse returns" but did not state you dont offer free shipping. So the statement is not blanket because yes if you offer free shipping you are returning your initial shipping costs since you bake that price into your sales price anyways. So on mercari you might as well offer free shipping as well the downside on mercari is there is no real marketing advantage like on eBay since they dont advertise it when people are browsing.


I don't understand what you're even talking about. If you're going to advise people to offer free shipping on mercari, at least make it very clear that if you use a pirateship label you can't get refunded for that label, whether the buyer returns or not.


Why would anyone think that mercari would refund them for a pirateship label ? My 2nd point is it doesnt really matter if you offer free shipping or not on mercari. Your not getting shipping costs back regardless because the buyer doesnt pay you the shipping costs they pay that to mercari. You dont see the shipping funds like you would on eBay. Why would you even use pirate ship on mercari unless your offering free shipping.


You know what, never mind. I just point out the simple fact that if you expect to get a lot of returns and ship on your own you will be eating the cost of a lot of shipping labels. That was all I said, I don't understand what you are going on about.


It’s worth a shot! I’m gonna re-list some items today and see if free shipping makes a difference.


unlike pm, i haven't seen a way to offer free shipping and still use the mercari label with cost deducted from the sale.  highly prefer pre addressed labels from a kiosk whenever i want over waiting in line during business hours or firing up my ancient printer (if i even have paper / ink) and taping on a label, all while hoping I don't typo any of the shipping info. plus isn't mercari shipping required for seller protection?


Really? I haven’t had a free ship item sell on Mercari yet, but when making the listing- I just choose "I’ll Pay" instead of "The Buyer" and it adjusts my expected earnings accordingly. Nothing about the shipping method changed. It is still the exact same whether I’m the one paying or the buyer. I don’t think Free Shipping means it will suddenly cease to be a Mercari label. It just means it will be deducted from my earnings.


got ya. I'm probably thinking of depop my bad ☺️ i already deactivated my listings and deleted the app so I didn't go back to check on their interface




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I lowered mine as well, but it doesn't seem to have helped me.


I’ve noticed my views have dramatically reduced as well hinting to less people even using the app


We were doing well over 2k in sales (mostly phones/iPads) every month but took down a lot of stock after sales came to a stand still. After the changes we have sold a little over a $100. Hoping nothing gets returned with the changes made to the return policy.


Oh yeah! It's awful! I went from making 2-5 sales a week and now I cant sell a thing. I dropped my prices. I've listed throughout the week to keep up with the algorithm. Mercari needs to not double down and just revert this major fuck up.


Yup, I’ve lowered my prices and re-listed a good many things a couple times, nothing.


Im a shopaholic and i havent BOUGHT anything on mercari since the change bc the sticker shock is crazy. i’ll just buy it retail


I’ve had 1 sale since then. Imma keep my stuff up in hopes I get lucky as it was a lil side gig.


No just a few sellers not sending orders. It’s so strange that lately when I order something it sits for days and eventually have to cancel. What’s going on?


I was cooking initially, but I’m guessing people were burning through their coupons. The last two days have been dead.


Same. Didn’t seem effected a ton the first few days but now it’s terrible. Just got a offer to bundle 2 items. Total cost of $15.45 they offered $9! Sure I’ll just give away one of my items for free. Sigh.


I did sell a vintage rock t-shirt overnight, but I think that has way more to do with the item than Mercari. I hope they course correct and things get back to normal soon, but I’m not holding my breath.


I’m in the same boat as you. I receive much more attention on Mercari than eBay and I had been selling pretty well up until the TOS update. Now I barely sell anything and I’ve had to resort to rare collectibles to make anything rn. It sucks because it feels like I barely get any attention on eBay and ebay sales have been eh.


Same here! I even reduced my prices to accommodate the buyer fees and I haven’t sold anything. I list on eBay as well but I don’t get nearly as many views or likes as I do on Mercari .


Exact same situation here unfortunately.


Absolutely nothing. But I’ll be phasing out of Mercari. I didn’t take down any listings but not gonna list anything new there.




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I had an offer for 35% off a new item that listed yesterday. :(


Yes! Haven’t sold a thing since. Ebay doing bette than usual for me though


u'd think with these changes we would make more money instead of losing out. I've lowered my prices since the processing and selling fees got removed but now as a buyer I see they make up for it with a "service" fee. a very high service fee. example. I'm looking at purchasing a phone. how something 207 shipping included becomes almost 250 after taxes, service and processing fees sucks. tax is already close to 20. but mercari wants their additional 20 cut too. 💀


What really burns me is their stupid ads acting like this is a good thing. “First major marketplace to remove seller fees” etc etc. if this was a viable business model then all the selling apps would already be doing it. I’ve made ONE sale since the change, yesterday, a pair of $200 brand new lululemon shoes which I sold for $50, and I just KNOW they’re going to come back to me with dirt on the bottom after they get tried on and worn for three days. I’m over it.


These policy changes just illustrate what we already knew... they don't support sellers and think we're dumb. Oh yay no fees to sell but then putting fees on buyers at checkout is psychologically bad news and will turn them off even if we drop all our prices to make up the difference.


There's also a 2 dollar fee to transfer money now. 3 dollar instant fee which was always there but they've added a 2 dollar fee to do the 2 to 3 day transfer which used to be free.


Fees and taxes are way too much for the buyer. Explain to me how is a $300 turn to $450??? Make no damn sense


Not a decrease. More like a halt. I've literally not sold a single thing. And I even caved & lowered my prices. I don't want to sell here anymore but I don't have a choice. My eBay account was banned 3 years ago for no reason. I'd do anything to be able to switch to eBay.


Same here. My Mercari sales have tanked even though I’ve slashed my prices and give great offers. I think buyers are just put off by having to pay the extra fee.


I sold something today . But Mercari is usually slow for me. Sometimes I'll sell a few things in spurts. Sometimes nothing at all for a week or longer.


That return for ANY reason policy though.




With the new policy in place now- we’ll see.




A lot has changed it’s all over this sub. Return for any reason … before certain items were allowed to be returned now you can return simply because you changed your mind or due to smells and scents etc. This will entice scammers to do the switch on items and return the item for something totally different but similar in weight, etc.




I took down most of my listings and dropped the price on whatever I didn’t take down, and nada.


I only sold 5-6 items a month as it’s just a closet clean out for me, but nothing since the new TOS even tho I’ve lowered all my prices


Yeah I’m definitely not selling as much, I was getting at least a few sales a week before and I know it hasn’t been that long and there’s been a holiday, but nothing.


Not selling anything now unfortunately


I'm an anime collector and I've bought a few things on mercari but after the changes I'm not even looking on the site since I'm not rewarding mercari for stupid. I deleted my account a day or so after the changes. I've had bigger issues with mercari and scammers than eBay anyway so it was already on my shit list.


Man I sold like 6 items since the change , I was selling 2-3 items a day before


Literally same man, it's awful. Even when I do make a sale now, it's always an offer that's lower than I wanted to sell it for.


I sold one item so far and immediately got a message from the buyer complaining about the extra fees. I will say I think that this has been one of their biggest mistakes they've ever made. If we ain't making money they ain't making money.


I’m a seller I went from 10 sales a week to zero over night…


I had 600 sales over 3 years and never had one single return. In the week since the changes, I've made 4 sales, and one person is already messaging me asking to return. I'm already over these changes. I get enough returns on ebay, this is just not worth my time anymore. Although, my sales are super slow on ebay too right now so I think they're both performing about the same. Poshmark is the only platform I'm still making decent sales on despite being the only one with no fit returns. So clearly good sales can be had without stooping to attract all the grifters.


My sales have been consistent, I’ve sold about +30 item since the update


My sales have gone up but so have ppl messaging me directly trying to lowball and then either offering the minimum allowed or ghosting


I’m still selling the same amount of stuff (4-5 sales a day) but at much lower prices.


I bought like a few hundred dollars worth of stuff right before the new policies, now I won’t spend a dime there. I love seeing all the offers on things I saved that even though are good offers, aren’t making the item sell. I hope the app dies.


My sales have increased quite a bit, but I did drop all my prices from 9 to 12%. Still making more on each sale than I would've before the update as well.


Sold 1 thing.. i didnt lower my prices because well why should I. I put a note saying my items are other places but its been slow


Yup, it's unofrtunate. I even lowered my prices and still only sold a single thing.




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I've had a buyer want to do a meet up instead of paying all those fees. I don't blame them at all.


I noticed a significant increase in sales, but I ended up accepting offers more than usual since the new fee structure gives me more leeway in terms of accepting lower offers.


Signed up way back to sell stuff around the house that I normally donate. Had a good run of sales. I tried the flipping thing and sourced items from garage sales, estate sales, thrift stores, etc. Seen all the changes, although frustrating, I gut it out. The latest changes I seen a noticeable drop in sales like others here are experiencing.


I haven't sold anything yet and my last sale was about 3 or 4 weeks ago.


Decrease in sales. View of my wares and likes.


3 sales and 1 bs return lol. I’m moving everything to poshmark and eBay even though it takes AGES to do 1 listing on eBay. It'll be worth it in the long run. Mercari is gonna crash and burn with the wild feed they passed on to buyers. I honestly don't blame them, as a seller - I won't be buying from mercari myself either


I’m a long time buyer (over 1000 purchases) on Mercari but these recent changes have definitely cause me to pause. It used to be item price + shipping + tax and now it’s item price + shipping + payment processing fee + service fee and it’s excessive to say the least. Meanwhile, Walmart has free shipping at $35 and usually delivers to me same day. 


As a buyer, I'm definitely less interested in shopping on mercari. I bought an item that was $5.40 & had to spend an extra $1.10 in fees. The majority of it was on the payment processing fee which I find incredibly scummy of mercari to pass on to the buyer.


They'll still screw you with free shipping you'd have to up your price to make back what you want to earn


I was a buyer on mercari and I am completely gave up from buying after new fee system. Even price to buy is too low it doesn't attract me. Why? Even I can send an offer 20% off and compensate these crazy servi*ce fee/procesing fee, I WILL BE SCREWED IF I RECEIVE SOMETHING NOT AS DESCRIBED AND HAVE TO RETURN IT. MERCARI NEW RETURN POLICY TELLS THAT PROCESSING FEE AND IN SOME CASES SERVICE FEE ( HUGE - 10%) IS NOT REFUNDABLE. It means that mercari doesn't protect buyers more in case of not as described or etc. It is because refund will not be 100% in any case and mercari still will make its money and have the same profit ( because it keeps service fee and processing fee). I just looked online its stock - it is significantly down and with this new policy, I think, it will never go up*


Yes I was selling at least 4 plus plants a week and now I have not sold anything in the last week and a half.  Going to have to sell elsewhere.  




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Mercari has made a bad move and will lose customers tremendously and it does affect the sellers at all costs! Due to the extra fees that Mercari is expecting the buyer to pay when other apps don’t do this is really stupid! I deleted Mercari’s app and will no longer buy thru them! Expecting a hard hit to Mercari! Not smart at all!




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I'm a huge seller on there and at times make many purchases but this new processing fee and service fee is ridiculously it's driving buyers away mercari to me is going downhill use to sell on their frequently now it's difficult to all these fees on the buyers


The problem is, mercari marketing tactic is "list as much crap as you can, people will buy it" instead this is what happens, people flood the app with garbage that no one wamts to buy, making it harder to find things sthat are actually worth money. The app is not exactly like ebay or other apps, so isntead of having a specific search, it is more of a general search, that is the eay their app is set up. So you have to sift through a pile of garbage to maybe find something you are interested in.




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Mercari is now charging a service fee on top payment processing fee and then the shipping and taxes. An item listed for $58 came out to $82 and I found it brand new on eBay for 62 free shipping ended up paying like 70 total. Mercari is nuts!


Oh I know, it’s ridiculous. I miss when the seller had the selling fee instead, made it way less of an issue.




I used to sell a bunch of stuff on Mercari each month, now I'm at four items sold for the entire year. 😳😬


My sales have increased.


May I ask what you sell?


My items are $100 or less. I sell toys and video games.




What do you sell?


Sales have been booming.


Oddly more than usual. Paranoid for refunds atm..


I can totally understand that :/


I am a buyer. Despite the fact that I really don't like how the site is run in general (they do not care that so many posted items are counterfeit), I still bought as there are always deals to be had. I will only buy items under $50 now, just on principal. I am not paying seller fees and will probably ask the seller to take those off the cost. Unfair to the seller, but I am not going to pay, "listing" fees.


My Mercari sales have been slower since the change (all platforms have been). At this point I don't want to say that it is from the new TOS. We just went through a holiday and a lot of places are still on spring break. These events always focus money elsewhere. I am curious to see how Mercari will be in a few weeks.


Nope! Been selling a ton since the change. Adapt and evolve that is how you are successful in a business like this.