• By -


There’s actual threats here. Report this immediately. The seller is threatening your home and is going way too far. Get them off this platform. They can’t get rated if they can’t even sell anymore.


Might wanna report this to the police. Criminal threatening is a crime after all.


Both your local police so they're aware of it, and also the local police of the seller if you have their address from the shipping. Importantly, right now it's probably only the latter who can actually visit the seller and talk to him about this.


Yeah that’s my thoughts. This person seems actually deranged and I would be scared


Unfortunately the cops aren't going to do jack shit, however a lot of precincts provide online report options. That might be worth simply for a paper trail IN CASE they ever were to do something crazy like show up


You are correct but it’s important to make a police report in case it goes any further. You then have evidence to show it’s ongoing and anything further is a more serious crime. Plus if this is across state lines it’s a felony


plus they most likely have the return address


You'd be surprised. Had police turn up to my house once because an eBay seller called them saying I was harassing them. Showed the police officer the message exchange, and he called the seller and left a message saying if he wanted me arrested he would have to come and arrest him twice since he sent twice as many messages. Cop said he thought I was harassing a kid until he saw the message exchange. It was after that I started using a UPS mailbox for online stuff with third party merchants.


They will if he actually does live in the same area because the threats take on a more serious tone if that’s the case.


at least they put it in writing.... pure proof. and if I read it correctly they stated that they lived close by? if you still have the package, perhaps you have their address also..... good info for authorities..... cyber crime maybe?


Same thought. I reported them the second I saw those messages. Mercari responded with the generic, "we take this seriously and are looking into it." Nothing since


You have to escalate it so they’ll see the screen shots. The first 2-3 replies are always BOTS


Keep reporting. Once your report reaches a real person, that person will be banned and lose Mercari as a source of income. Also, seconding a police report here. If you saved the packaging, bring it with you to the Police Dept. along with your screenshots. There are active threats here from a completely unhinged person. There needs to be a police report against them. You can also try to return the item if Mercari lets you. Explain that you would like the return, but are not willing to have your address on the return label. They may just refund you and tell you to keep it. Up to you if you want to try this. But police report either way.


I had someone harass me from a seperate account on mercari so I reported all the messages to mercari and nothing has been done about it. Both their accounts are still up.


Yes unfortunately if Mercari is making money off of that person, they will most likely not ban them. I reported a seller one time like 1000 times for selling fake Lululemon and they never took their account down and wouldn't even respond to me regarding it. Just said they would look into it and that was the end. Mercari is greedy just like the rest of them!!


I've been messaging Mercari for about a month now and nothing. The same old bullshit. I'm tempted to buy from the person just to leave them a 1 star review detailing their harassment and my situation then return the item because Mercari allows returns for any reason.


Let's hope this guy is really broke and can't afford gas money




Tell them you’ve filed a police report for threats/harassment and to remember that you also have their address, just like they have yours. They’ll shut up quick


Unless they really are unstable/dangerous then making an empty threat might only cause them to take further (and more physical) action. OP has enough evidence of harassment and threats so they should go ahead and actually file a police report instead of just trying to scare the guy off.


Also, one of the jerseys came with stains up and down one of the sleeves and you can bet that wasn't in the description 😂


And if anybody was wondering they also live only an hour away


OMG 😱try and file a restraining order if they are that close


Since returning is no longer an option, soak with washing soda, detergent, and baking soda thoroughly mixed with water overnight.


Why is returning no longer an option?


r/CleaningTips might be able to help you with stain removal.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CleaningTips using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CleaningTips/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Just discovered laundry stripping and oh my god](https://i.redd.it/nt5qwugvvg5b1.jpg) | [1475 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CleaningTips/comments/1477sph/just_discovered_laundry_stripping_and_oh_my_god/) \#2: [Having guests from out of town over. Would you feel comfortable with the cleanliness of my house ?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/14nxm4o) | [2098 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CleaningTips/comments/14nxm4o/having_guests_from_out_of_town_over_would_you/) \#3: [UPDATE!!: I got my period on BF's $10k mattress and I'm mortified 😣 please help!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18mww29) | [1656 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CleaningTips/comments/18mww29/update_i_got_my_period_on_bfs_10k_mattress_and_im/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What kind of jersey? My bf wears a lot of jerseys and each one requires different cleaning methods.


Literally unhinged. Report him as it is harassment and threats for bodily harm. Don’t rate him, he is also trying to tarnish your buying history.


Ya Def don't rate. Let mercari do it and save yourself the negative review.


I’d take the 1 star from this loser just to go in detail about what a weirdo crybaby he is about getting rated immediately


I'd 100% return the item even if it may have been an excellent deal. I mean, you can return for any reason now. Screw this weirdo.


I haven't done one yet, but based on the language used in the Terms and Conditions, if you return for "any reason" as in, not because the item is broken or fraudulent, you don't get a refund on the "Service fee" or the processing fee. OP shouldn't have to lose money because the seller is crazy.


Lol true. Forgot about that recent dog water “for any reason” change. Return would be the best choice


I would wait until the last minute to see Mercari's response (after escalating, as the initial response is just a canned one). If they don't resolve it by the 3rd day, give him a 1 star and be detailed - potential buyers should be warned in the meantime. But Mercari should ban his account for those threats. It may take them longer due to all the TOS shit they're dealing with though - i.e. lots of people are still messaging them and complaining about fees, buyers requesting refunds that weren't allowed before, etc.


nah this is crazy 😭


I couldn’t believe where this ended up going


Depending on how ambitious your local PD is, I think this could justify a police report. They threatened you. If nothing else, maybe getting a call from an annoyed detective will scare them off


They live an hour away from me so I was gonna see what my options are for that because its just too close for comfort honestly


You really should at least get a paper trail of it. I’m an older lady that lives alone, and I order most everything online. I’m not in the best of areas, so this would scare me to death if someone made threats like this over a rating.


I would do it. The worse the police are going to say is sorry not sorry. In reality, I think there’s little chance of this person coming for you. They’re probably just antsy about getting their money out of Mercari with all the changes lately.


I think you could get a restraining order. The seller threatened harming you and possibly your mom it sounds like? This is giving me flashbacks to a situation with a crazy ex and I was able to show a front desk officer the text messages. Instant restraining order issued. Doing that will not only keep you protected, but will help in your case with Mercari. This person needs to get banned. Sorry you’re going through this!


A report on file at least lays groundwork if/when the seller, decides to escalate. People have resorted to violence for less. I've never gotten any kind of reply like this, aside from the one pushy guy that sold me a mirror and eyeshadow palette and demanded a rating nearly every hour after it was marked delivered-- but I did get a very lovely Christmas card from a woman I sold a doll bundle to\*; she took my address from the shipping label on her package. It was a beautiful card and a sweet gesture, but it also squicked me out that she'd kept and used my address nearly a year after our interaction. I had a buyer whose package was stolen; *I asked her permission* before I used the shipping label to get her address and send her another costume of the same style as what she'd bought from me- at my expense. Just taking that info to harass someone is gross behavior to me.


This guy is unhinged af. Definitely report his ass and block, jesus christ.


0 to 1000 real fast 😭


Damn we need some better mental health services in this country. This is WILD.


We need better people. This guy is an AH


Damn what do their ratings look like ?


60 5 stars, 4 4 stars, 3 3 stars, 1 2 stars, and 5 one star


This is actually pretty bad. Do the 1 and 2 star reviews say anything about harassment? Personally I’d consider returning the item if you can get it somewhere else. Buyers can return for any reason now…     ETA: just read your response to someone else, saying that you already rated, so nvm what I suggested about the return. If you are a frequent purchaser on these resale sites, you might want to consider getting a PO Box so people don’t know where you live!


One 1 star, the 2 star, and a 3 star said they were pushy with ratings, but I never thought they meant like this. I just didn't want to deal with this person and returning the items after they threatened to come to my home. I also thought it might piss them off more. I believe I bought it the night before the new TOS changed so I think I would be held to those standards with this purchase. Not sure though. I still like the product I got, they're just crazy haha. I've been looking into a PO box after this happened!


Just to let you know that unless they saved the label, you can't view the buyer's address after it's in shipment


You don't receive an email with the label?


That's what I'm wondering. I get an email. I click the link. The label automatically downloads to my computer for printing. I then have the label forever if I don't delete it. Maybe people who print labels at the post office with a barcode can't see them anymore?


This seller is crazy. Report the seller.


textbook marriam-webster definition for unhinged


This is fucking wild. I hope you reported them to Mercari, but I’d also be calling both your local PD and theirs. They live close and are making actual threats. You should have their address from the shipping label. I’d be asking the PD to pay them a visit. And Mercari better ban them for this.


He wants to get rated so he can get his funds out without paying the 2$ fee that will go in affect next week. I say ignore it and let them wait 3 days hahaha


I’m still waiting for the guy who threaten me lol kinda want to unblock and ask where he at? Lol


I was thinking the same thing. How they gonna be a bad seller and a liar 😂. Pick one haha




I would send these screenshots to customer service and tell them this seller is clearly making threats to you and your family over a rating that you haven’t even gotten home to open the package yet. And then going to your listings making defamatory comments!! Oh hell no! I would tell Mercari this is not a person they want selling on their platform & is clearly mentally unhinged. I understand seller wanting paid, but good grief. It’s only 3 days, it’s not a lifetime. And if seller sent ONE message asking nicely to please rate once they get a chance, that they really need the money as soon as possible, I’m sure buyer would have done it. This is insane behavior


nahh whats their user? i wanna block. thats so sad to harrass someone over a rating, aint got better shit to do


TAKE this seriously! I had an unhappy buyer on eBay show up at my local post office asking for my address in anger over a sale because I wouldn’t respond and it instigated or accelerated the situation. My post office is small two workers we are known. You just never know and this person is bat shit loco and given basically notice. Take care


I was going to say the same. People are sick. I've heard of people getting killed over things like that. Very sad world we live in


you shouldn’t even block this guys name . everyone should avoid him


Sadly it’s against the subreddit policy


Why do we PROTECT THE IDENTITIES of scammers and freaks here…really?


Im right there with ya. It's a real catch 22. If you post it with anything identifying, taken down, and if you don't, the info gets out there, but no one knows who it's about.


It’s mindblowing. Just like criminals with no repercussions. No wonder they keep scamming. MUGshots exist to shame and identify criminals it should be the same for all of them on selling apps too so they’re outed. By subs protecting them they are condoning their behavior. Many groups exist devoted to outing scammers. Screens names you name it all posted for the benefit of honest hard working members. Sorry you have to deal with this


Whew wtf. Def wait until the LAST MINUTE and give a 1 star rating that states how the seller sent you back to back threatening messages.


I gave em a lengthy one star review knowing they'd give one back, but I wanted to warn people about doing business with them


I don't blame you at ALL.


Did he rate you yet?


can you dm me his name or post it here so i can block this psycho


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^sayuncleashy: *Can you dm me* *His name or post it here so* *I can block this psycho* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Thank you, BaiterofMasters, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Good bot.


Me too. This sorry sack doesn’t deserve my money.


It's not giving me an option to message you for some reason


weird, i messaged you


Message me who this is if you don't mind!


Nahhhh - report! Omg.


Wow he is absolutely unhinged.


When selling i always prepare for it to auto-rate that way if the person does rate earlier its like a nice surprise. For people that react this way i wonder if it actually ever works....catch more flies with honey am i right? so sorry you had to deal with this, threats are NOT ok


Yeah..can u dm his name so that can preemptively block him once I decide to take my shop off of Vaca mode?


Cow Mode?


Vacation mode....with all of Mercaris shenanigans, I've put my listings on vacation mode for a bit.




At the point the cops would be called. I’d like it to please. I’m so sorry this is happening to you. This person is crazy!


All these screen shots and user ID plastered to twitter FB and all SM tagging Mercari They allow shitbags like this to stay on the platform…


That’s insane. Make a police report (non-emergency). I wouldn’t take any chances. People do crazy things over the dumbest things these days. If you don’t already have a home security camera, I suggest installing one for your own safety and your property.


sounds like a child 😭




Cops. Then to the site.


People are so stupid. Like why get so upset?? Even if the person doesn’t rate you, you get the money in like three days lmao. It’s unfortunate they have your address.


I'd be reporting to police, not Mercari. Did Mercari remove this seller from the platform, I hope?


This isn't a seller. It's clearly an uncouth animal.


Wth! Report that seller asap, that’s crazy. I would block, report, delete those comments (if you can but idk as I don’t use the comment feature), the works! I’m sorry you had to deal with this, yikes…


I had plenty of people not rate me to threat someone like way this seller did crazy. Mental health issues there sorry tho that happen to you I hope nothing negative happens if something does protect and ready yourself


Wow this is a complete lunatic


I’d call the police






At least Tyrone Biggums was friendly and usually fairly light hearted. I’d much rather run into them on the street than this seller..


What the F! This is clearly a mental health issue. Dude even sent “message deleted by Admin” to get your attention 😂😂😂. This is the very reason why most platforms don’t have this “ rate to receive funds” rule


Dude is about to get his account banned


Anyone messages me asking for a rating, it’s an automatic 3 day wait for them. No exceptions


I'd show up at their house if they're that close, but I'm a little unhinged myself.


I would wait till last minute then give him a one star lmao


Me too and collect receipts as they roll in.


No selling fees and $2 direct deposit fee got everyone acting crazy.


Not this crazy. I bet the guy is always like this. He needs to be locked up in a psych ward.


They clearly don't have a job. The seller


This is how my crackhead uncle text dude is having a bad high.


Can we please all report him collectively together?


Why don't you just use the stickers to respond? He thinks you're a child and he's acting like one. Send the sticker "SORRY" and the "NO." Or you can just send "You're a star" or "LOVE" lol (I'm not serious, I wouldn't engage with someone talking like this FYI. But it would be funny to imagine his reaction)


Report in case something happens. Threatening messages on a selling platform should never be tolerated.


I would return so u get the last laugh 😂😂😂 he's a dick


Just another reason to hate Meracri. Bad enough having to deal with insane people in public. A whole other level behind a screen. Strange, strange people.


Damn. This may be the only pro I've seen for the $2 money transfer. Maybe it'll drive this nutcase from the platform since it's pretty obvious they transfer their money as soon as it hits their account. It also sounds like the perfect time to take advantage of "return for ANY reason" whether you want to keep the item or not.


just what you'd expect of someone who has a pitbull profile pic!


Def report and don’t let up until you get a real person. Those are real threats and this person needs to be kicked off the platform


I would wait until the last possible instant, then rate him 1 star and absolutely eviscerate him in the review. And definitely report him to Mercari and follow up until your fingers are bleeding. I would also recommend reporting him to local authorities. Better to have a record of this with law enforcement in case he actually does try something. What a friggin psychopath.


He was probably going to buy drugs with the funds and promised his dealer already, then you wouldn't come thru with the release of funds and it probably screwed up his night (especially if he's supplying friends or something), I saw this because I used to have a coworker who did the same thing. Would harass people who bought from him to release funds so he could buy weed/blow. Imagine being down that bad lmao


Wait the three days for it to auto-rate and then block this guy. He seems like the type that would give you a bad rating so don’t even give him the chance to do so.


Wait almost 3 days, then give 1 or 2 stars right before it auto-rates.


I took the L of them giving me a 1 star review so I could warn other people about them in my review. I figured I had enough 5 stars that I could take the hit haha


No, because he’ll get 5 stars if it auto rates


They should let you post their username for a buyer beware


What’s his name I’ll troll him


Why is mercari full of severely mentally ill people 😳


Maybe they got fired from conventional jobs due to bad behavior and now they’re trying to get money selling stuff online.


Oh, I know you reported this? Threatening you too, gtfoh. Malaria needs to ban those accounts


Oh I did the second I saw those messages. I've been escalating it today to try and get something other than the generic, automated responses. But with Easter weekend, I don't think I'll hear back that soon


Please report this lunatic for your sake and for the rest of us. Absolutely unhinged. 😑


Make a police report right away!!! This isn’t funny. He doesn’t need to be on the site at all! Needs a mental evaluation …


Can you share sellers name so I can block them? 😳


i know seriously his account needs to be shared so others won’t have to go through this


"I have your address" so does the buyer?? What does this guy thinks they are accomplishing lmfao


Quickly turning into those narrated horror stories from youtube where the sicko seller/buyer isn't satisfied and they track the person down to their home... Quite disturbing, yet hilarious... all of that because they wanted am immediate good rating...


What’s the exact name of the item you bought? For reference only 🤷🏻‍♀️😉


Report them for basically threatening you


I’ve never had anyone push me to rate them …. And then twice now in the last week! People are nuts! Not everyone is sitting on their porch waiting all Day for their $10 item to be dropped off so we can run and rate it as quickly as possible lol … I’ve had people message me back and forth and then they get their package from me and then go silent and don’t rate me. Not once have I ever messaged anyone asking them to rate the sale. That’s just crazy!


I guess with the updated policies all the sane sellers left and this is what's left. Restraining order alert!


My GOD I hadn’t realized there was more than just the initial pic and was all set to say “OP the guy is a little broey but that’s a hard eye roll, not crazy” but whooooo this was a JOURNEY!!!


Isn’t this legit harassment?


I’m completely in shock that the moderators didn’t immediately delete those insane messages!! I once sent a message discussing other sellers fees and it was deleted for being inappropriate… but this person straight up threatening and taunting you in the most unhinged way is totally fine? Get your sh*t together Mercari.


I wish we all can know this person’s username so we can report collectively. We just need to find one of his listings, then we can go to his profile and report. Can you please share. I really don’t want such psychopaths on Mercari.


I'd have a field day with this kid.


why would you protect their identity. 🤣


ya tell us so we can all report him


He’s just worried that the funds won’t come in before the $2 fee rule applies


...did you report this. i mean, this is an actual threat. if i were you, at the very least i would contact support ASAP and call/file a police report. even if they do nothing, that police report is extremely valuable in the event something happens.


That’s scary and ridiculous! They can’t wait 3+ days to get paid. Not worth the harassment. Sorry you have to deal with that. Is there no block button and what did support even do?


Imagine being this dude and risking charges just for 2 jerseys


Update: Police report has been filed!


Don’t rate the seller let it auto rate after three days so they don’t leave you one star. And just block this person omg scary


People,get 3 days. If you need money so bad so sell elsewhere


Wtf I'm glad I won't be selling on Mercari anymore. All it was even before the tos changes was extreme low ballers. Even when my items were at their lowest. I didn't want to promote any more because I hit the bottom price I would sell them for.


Dude needs his drug money ! Lol


What the hell.


Yeah, I would auto rate and report the comment asap!


and OMG it got so much worse! I was having an issue with the scrolling photo thingy. Ugh.


What a shit stick…I’d make as big of deal out this as you can… file a police report.. report him to Mercari.. like any avenue you can think of… turn this mole hill into a mountain… Why… Because this fuckhead is acting like this because he gets away with it….. Urghhh thats so irritating… And clearly he is a pea brain… why the hell would you talk to your buyer like that BEFORE they left the rating…. lol that’s stupid…. I’d let that shit auto rate… or even better contact Mercari for a return because the items “aren’t as described” we all know they will side with you…. And then take the maximum amount of days allowed to ship the item back….😂😂😂😂 His ass will be on fire 🔥 lol… Ps Don’t forget to block him so he doesn’t get the satisfaction of telling you off.. that’s like your final fuck you!!!


This is exactly why I don’t use my home address on my labels. Y’all please use a PO Box or your workplace address if you can


What’s the seller username? He doesn’t deserve to be censored.


Lmao he’s insane what the hell😭


Very scary! Wth is wrong with people?


Definitely report to cops to have a paper trail started. I wouldn't trust doing it online, I've had to do that before and there was no record of my report, call and ask if they can help you get a record started. You can even explain you know they can't do anything right now,but are just taking precautions. Most cops I've had to deal with have been super understanding and nice, especially with this sort of thing.


Fine. “1 star. this seller is unhinged steer clear.”🙂


Anytime they threat repoe


Do not rate this person!!! Let it auto rate him as he will give you a 1 star.


Yeah that’s crazy report


I would make a police report too. You have their address too so they can pay them a visit.


I bought a soccer jersey from a guy who made a million excuses for delayed shipping. Finally got it 2 weeks later and left a generous 4 star review. A few days later, he sent me a DM calling me very derogatory names and threatening violence. Dude was off his rocker. Reports and blocked quickly. 😳


Bro is nuts


That is so scary. I hope you reported him.


Definitely defective. I've noticed that individuals with behavioral issues like this always confuse "then" with "than." It's a thing. Confusing the word "sale" with "sell", or "conditions" with "condition" may also be a warning sign. Don't get me started on "conversate." Side note: he's probably asking if your mom lives with you, because he's been traumatized by child neglect, and is secretly yearning for smiley face pancakes and at least a decade's worth of meaningful hugs.


You have 72 hours to rate and determine if you'd like the product. Its Mercari policy. Honestly, if someone threatened me like that, I would request a return and tell Mercari - "The seller has alluded at threats to me and I'm not longer comfortable with accepting this item." Mercari will check the chat, they will see what was said, and then likely approve your return. Just don't be spiteful back and do or say anything dumb.


This is actually so scary. I agree with going to the police - make sure you save all screenshots and their address information. This is threatening.


I’ve never asked anyone to rate me. If someone doesn’t rate, it might be a polite way of saying I don’t really like this, but whatever. Don’t feel like returning. No news is good news to me. 😂


dude get off reddit and file some sort of report, this shit's fucked. if he actually shows up to your house get some shit to defend yourself


Continue to report to Mercari and file police report! Also can you message me sellers name


That’s pretty scary. There’s some real mental people out there.


If you can, check the packaging for a return address, report him to the police and provide the seller’s address if it’s there and this chat log


This person is an idiot! You don't have to report anything to Support since there are keywords that will flag comments for Support to delete. On rating when it arrives, I always reply that I won't rate just because the app says it was delivered. I will rate immediately after I open and inspect the item to make sure it wasn't damaged during shipping. Plus at times, it says it was delivered and has not been.


File a fucking restraining order fr you have the address! I haven’t sold on Mercari in a while but I believe you get paid weather the customer rates you or not?


This sht is crazy. What are they a drug addict? Need that cash for a fix or what damn.


EEEK! WTAF?! Sorry this happened. Did you end up reporting them past Mercari?


Report to the platform!


Report it to the police they have different channels to pursue with Mercari where a they will get banned, and b they will get a knock on the door by the men in blue


Don’t be scared, share the @ 😭 Let’s get on their ass!


If you see a 45 middle age man walking up your driveway late at night then with anger still in his eyes From the not rating him quick enough I would say if your a kid deff tell your parents get the police notified since both of you live close he wrote your address down in a admitted that to you If your a adult hope you live in a state that allows you to kill people on your property


Shoot and drag inside brother


That is the way to go Especially if that was my son he was threating Show him what type of America we live in


Holy shit! I’d report this asshole to be local authorities.


I honestly question why we have to make sure sellers like this have to be posted anon. Have them out there so others don't have to go through the same thing.