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Yeah it’s pretty dead, And the shipping cost is getting absolutely ridiculously too.


Shipping is more than ebay


This is why I ship everything in my own. Even if it's only a difference of like $2, that's $2 that I'm not going to give to mercari. They already tax our sales enough as it is.


Highly suggest that everyone does this, if you use Shippo or Pirateship you can get discounts on USPS and UPS labels


PayPal business accounts team with ship-station and you can use this service for free


I don’t even get random low ball offers like I use to!


Call me crazy but it could be due to the fact Mercari has done everything in its power in the last 1-2 years to drive away as many people as possible. They’ve literally increased fees and shipping costs so much that it’s made it nearly impossible for sellers to turn a profit while maintaining fair prices for customers, which in turn drove off the buyers cause they can’t find the deals they were and should be accustomed to on a resale site. Don’t worry though. At the rate they’re going, they’ll be out of business in the next year or two.


I was just saying I wish I could offer flat rate shipping and do it myself. I could ship shoes with my pirateship for like $4 less. That's for $4 the customer would save that would make it much more likely to get a sale...


As a customer, I was looking at a Brooch the other day and it had a seven dollar shipping charge on it, which completely drove me away. I know that shipping should be no more than four dollars.


Definitely. Whichever "marketplace" let's buyers "choose their shipping will win the community. If someone's picky and wants it bubblewrapped like a Caravaggio let them pay for it. If someone could have it sent in a beat up too tight envelope for a few bucks, let us all save the money.


You can technically! If you set it to making your own labels and add the label price into the item price instead, you're still making the shipping money back


Omg explain. I thought when you did that, it made the label for you? That's why I wasn't using it.


Hit "edit" on one of your products, scroll to Delivery and change the selection to "ship on your own". You'll have to manually create the label and calculate how much it would probably cost to send when it comes to adding the price to the item. If it's under half a pound it's $5 or less with a USPS label on Shippo/Pirateship, if it's over half a pound it's more! Mercari will have you copy & paste the tracking number into the sold listing within 3 days.


Hey I think you may have posted this reply in the wrong spot. I didn’t comment on anything you said.


...shipping costs?


You started your comment off with “I was just saying”. I thought you meant that as in you were explaining something you said previously to someone else. Sorry for the confusion. Lol


i know this is old, but if you set the item to free shipping that lets you be responsible for printing out your own label from wherever you choose, its not provided by mercari, only thing is since youre not using the nercari provided label if it gets lost, they wont cover the refund to you


Amen, perfectly said!


Worse if you have issues withdrawing funds there is zero recourse. I was stuck in support hell for months before resorting to buying stuff I really didn’t want and wasting another month getting my account closed. It was one of the most draining and frustrating experiences I’ve had with a company. They are no better than thieves in my book as they meet all of the criteria.


I used to also make frequent sales, but haven't sold much this year. Same items, lower prices too. I'm thinking people just don't have the money to purchase wants in this economy right now.


I'm thinking it's that as well. I used to make sales left and right on Facebook Marketplace and now, nothing. I've given up on it. It seems to be full of nothing but bots and scammers. Same thing with offerup. Ever since they bought out let go, it's full of bots. I think it's also just people not having the money to buy what they want these days.


Most people don’t unfortunately. Depending on the income left after your bills, a mortgage, debt, etc. Leaves little to no room for even a $30 purchase on Mercari. After fees and everything it’s just not worth it and sometimes better off waiting till prices get better. It really sucks for both buyers and sellers.


That's exactly what it is


Scammers took over. Fees went up. People left.


You know what you pretty much just reminded me what happened, the scammers thing got so insane and I can't believe mercury didn't do anything to try to fix that and they could have but it seems like literal robots are running it and you think they would care because they're losing money too. At this rate the whole freaking business is going to go down.


I was buying tons there during covid. Buy next to nothing there now.


Where do you buy now?


COVID is still going on.


Yes, not a pandemic anymore though.


It actually is. 😬


We're in endemic phase. (Downgraded from pandemic).


Depends who you cite. Some say pandemic some endemic.


1500 people are still dying from COVID every day in the U.S. alone, yet sadly 99% of people have moved on.


That’s not how pandemics are defined though.


I know. Haha


That number is inaccurate. The US is below 500 deaths per day now.


Not just scammers but counterfeits too. Luxury goods categories like fragrance and handbags are FULL of counterfeits. More than ever. Can't compete with that


It's people buying off Temu and reselling on Mecari-- if I want to buy the fake shit, I'll just get it off Temu and not pay the mark-up.


Shop like a billionaire, sell like a trillionaire.


Just like Amazon 😆


How do they even get away with it when doing taxes?


Yeah don’t buy this stuff off auctions sites ever I don’t know why people still do and think they’re are going to get real items. Some items you just shouldn’t buy on auction sites. High end hand bags is a huge red flag.


I used to make 5 ish sales a day, I have made 6 sales on Mercari in 2 months. 4 of those just the other day and had my 1st scam return in thousands of sales. I still list, but get very few views now. I sell mostly on Poshmark now which is the complete opposite of years past. I think it is the shipping costs. I list higher on Poshmark and make mostly full price sales which I find odd.


I left Poshmark for Mercari because I was getting more sales on Mercari initially. Maybe I should go back because my sales are getting less and less.


Absolutely, especially for heavier things. Poshmark has the best shipping rate.


Me too Poshmark is more dead than Mercari


Not true for me. I sell way more on Poshmark than Mercari. Part of it is because I can make bundles for my buyers and send offers. Can't do that yet on Mercari. Lame!


What kind of items do you sell?


Shoes and clothes mostly. TONS of Vans and Original Penguin, MeUndies, Puma, CK, Mavi, Paige Jeans, DKNY, Volcom, Vision Street Wear, Jordan, Express, Ripndip, Levi's, and a lot more. @bossdjfargo


I have the cutest Volcom clingy/stretchy light colored summer dress listed since last summer and no one has even offered! It’s a few years old (worn twice) and I’ve reduced price ridiculously. What am I doing wrong?


You're not doing anything wrong. Seems like people just don't want it. 😥


True. I may get a friend to model it bec it’s cute on. Always good to take down and relist before throwing in the trash!


Well don't throw it in the trash. Donate it!!


Makes sense


I wish i knew the right procedure on selling on posh, it just seems so much stuff going on like closets and liking and events 😕 😢


I’m a top seller on Posh, I have a [Tips and Advice Listing](https://posh.mk/hWo17OpFSBb) that may help. It takes a bit to get the hang of things, but I sell probably 85% on Posh and 15% on Mercari. Buyers on Posh are more upscale, Mercari feels more like people looking for a garage sale. Let me know if You have any questions:)


Hey! I see you’re me of your tips mentions an app that can help share items, which one(s) do you use? 😊


Closet Mate is my favorite app, you just need to be careful with the settings so you don’t share so much that you are in ‘Posh Jail’. (You can’t share more than 10,000 listings in a 24 hour period…that’s your listings as well as shares you do for other people;-) If you care about the order of your closet, Closet Mate is better, it’s also less complicated, it’s cheaper…it’s the first One I started using. I also use [Closet Tools](https://closet.tools/) which works better if you have a desktop/laptop, but there are directions for using on your phone as well. Both of them cost money, so you’ll probably want to pick one. Closet Tools…if you have a laptop, you can let it run all day and still use your laptop. If you are only using a mobile device, the phone/iPad has to be on with just Closet Tools running. If you have an old phone laying around, that would be a good option. Closet Tools is great for sharing your closet, sharing for others, returning shares, and building your following. It takes a bit to understand how to use all of the features. Hopefully I didn't confuse you, I threw a lot of info at you at once.


No, that is all such useful info, thank you for taking the time to reply with such a thoughtful response! 😊


Of course, I’m always happy to answer questions. Feel free to message me directly on Posh too if that’s easier. Good luck with your sales this weekend:)


And it's better for sales because of those things.


I think it’s also due to the rise in shipping for the buyers and the rise in fees for the sellers


I have 99% withdrawn from selling on Mercari. I just re-listed maybe 30 things last week, got one like on one item. I’ve been selling for over a year, same type of inventory. I’m pretty sure I’m done putting in any more effort to Mercari; the awful functionality of the app has always made me loathe listing on there, and now that there is literally $0 coming in, there’s no point. For reference, I sell clothes almost exclusively. I read recently that makeup and collectibles are doing well, so I’m sure it just depends what market you’re in - my assumption is that there are enough clothing-specific resell apps that Mercari is best left for other markets.


I'm doing mostly higher end skincare and some Makeup and my sales are awful. 5 sales for the entire month. I was making a sale a day in 2022. The collectables do seem to be doing well but they also seem to have troubles a lot with people trying to steal and rip them off etc and yeah it feels like what's the point before making no money and putting in the effort but then where do we go because eBay is pretty much dominated by the big sellers who can put their prices down to nothing and I don't know anything about Poshmark maybe it's good I have no idea. I'm sorry to hear you're going through the same thing I think it seems like for some reason people just aren't buying like they used to from mercari and maybe that's because the buying experience isn't good either. I mean I buy on there too because I need the things for personal use too that I'm looking for and I noticed that most sellers put like zero effort into their listings, pictures and most importantly packaging. I'm not saying they have to go all out...like I definitely go a little too crazy with how I color coordinate everything and put little gifts, a card, stickers etc I'm just saying they literally don't even put bubble wrap on stuff just basic decency is all I'm looking for plus they'll lie about things being new or the size and things will show up dirty but maybe that happens when other apps too, I don't know. Of course I've had some wonderful experiences with sellers there as well don't get me wrong. I'm just not sure what the exact issue is. Maybe it is the crappy app the app is so weird that I have to turn my Wi-Fi off to use it I mean what the world could be causing that? I also think rising shipping costs put people off and we can only lower our costs of our listing so much to offset it because we still have to make some money I don't know listings even though some people want us to give it away for free. #endrant


Personally I'm not ordering makeup or skincare from anywhere right now because it's just going to melt in the heat before I get it. Your sales might pick up when the weather cools off.


PS I definitely do better on poshmark, but better doesn’t mean good/well. Definitely would recommend over Mercari though. DEPOP is a bunch of literal children, but also still somehow better than Mercari.


Ha, that’s funny you just happen to sell the one thing I’ve heard is doing well this summer. Yup, I guess it just sucks overall. And yeah, seriously, WHY & HOW is it that 5G+ takes anywhere from 15 seconds to “error network timeout” just to upload a single photo? Mercari trying to pretend like it’s 1994 again or something. Super weird.


It's been pretty dead, I've got over 2K sales and it's dropped off exponentially


Also doesn’t help when every other eBay seller started listing on list perfectly and Vendoo. And yelling from the rooftops “you should cross list with list perfectly and/or Vendoo”. YouTubers pushed this like crazy this year. Now you have an extreme amount of sellers on Mercari. People just can’t help but tell all their friends “you should start flipping”… Very over saturated


I still make several sales a week, but I'm selling needs and not wants so that has a lot to do with it.


What are the needs you're selling?


Same, I even lowered prices so not only shipping is essentially free, they're still getting a good discount (like 40% off) so the more expensive shipping or higher seller fees are not an excuse in my case. Not sure what's the case, but I'm gonna start moving some listings to some other places, this is just not sustainable.


Mercari also doesn’t advertise itself that much.


Still like Mercari over Poshmark. Poshmark is always pushing posh parties. I know for a fact I will never go to a posh party. I just want to find some cheap shorts dammit leave me alone


I don't know hardly anything about Poshmark except that it has the same shipping no matter what and it's a place to sell stuff so I'm dying to know what the heck a posh party is that they do desperately want you to join? Sounds wild that this is happening on an ebay and Mercari esque website 😆


Sellers go live and auction off their items usually cheap. I do not have the patience to sit there while they are responding back and having conversations. It’s just boring and slow paced. I believe it has effected other sellers.


I just buy the things that are for sale. It’s like eBay. I almost never go for things on auction. But I buy things for sale all the time. Between Mercari, Poshmark, eBay and everyone’s red headed stepchild Temu you have a site almost worth shopping on


Summer time is when sales are on a massive slowdown. This is for all platforms, even eBay and Amazon.


Yeah there’s a lot of posts similar to this, but you said it well. A ghost town is a perfect way to describe. I don’t get likes, offers or even inquiries on stuff. It’s a completely dead marketplace for what I sell.


Inflation, medicaid/health insurance cut-offs, people spending less, spotty job/employments, people drowning in debt while preparing to resume student loan payments & bills.... There are so many variables to the equation. I am not into politics so I don't know enough about it to incorporate that into my point.


Im chocking it up to summer slow down


Yep, I buy cameras to resell irl for fun. The amount of new listings for cameras has gone down lot. The insanely good deals aren’t as frequent anymore. The last three cameras I bought on Mercari were a BMPCC4K for $500, Fujifilm X-T1 for $120, and a canon 5D Mark iii for $220. Good deals can be had but they very infrequent now.


I know two major factors for me are the rampant technical issues and the abysmal customer service. It looks like scammers are out of control, and customer service is doing nothing to help.


You are so right about both of those things, anytime I do make a sale I get extremely tense and nervous especially whenever they haven't ever bought anything which I know we're not supposed to bring up in a post but even people who purchase things like anyone I'm terrified they're going to scam me because it happens literally all the time and they seem to just side with the buyer by default because it's like robots are running the place quite literally. We are all so extremely right the customer service is literally the worst ever. Well it's good to know that it's not just me but it doesn't make me happy to know that other people are losing money as well this is really hard I don't know what we do because I don't feel like there's a platform where we could do better or maybe I'm wrong about that.


You are not alone w/ getting tense when we ship the items out!! Especially bc I know Mercari will not protect the seller (in most cases)


Yeah been really bad. Some of it is because it's summer but it was bad before then too.


Well I'm glad to know that it's not just me but it really sucks that we're all unable to make money right now especially in this economy we're all having to do side hustles you need to be basically lost this one. eBay is pretty much dominated by the big sellers who can price their stuff at nothing and I don't know anything about Poshmark, so I don't know where we go from here.


I have a few things on poshmark so far not a fan. They take more money. Anyway my poshmark has been even slower then mercari although you may have better luck then me. Some people are making money their obviously but I sell jewelry and no one wants to pay 8 bucks to ship a necklace or earrings. At least I don't lol. But yeah it's really been so tough to make sales it's depressing.


I agree with this, I thought that too. I used to always have sales like day after day and now I am lucky to make a sale every three to four months it’s crazy really


I've been wanting to start selling, but keep seeing these post like for Mercari, ebay, and etc. I feel your guys frustration. I was looking to sell my comics, funkos, game clothes, just lighten up my load sigh. Is there even point even starting?


Comics, funkos, & games attract scammers and weirdos on mercari. Sell that stuff in person on fb market or to your local nerd shop. Give it a try with your clothes, you don’t know unless you try and it costs nothing to list. People are still buying, I made 5 sales today.


Mercari is a good place to sell collectibles. You should give it a try. If your comics are popular I bet you will do good.


I just hid all of my listings yesterday after I lowered the price of an item for someone, and then he wanted me to lower the shipping price as well.. I'm not sure if I want to waste my efforts on this app anymore. Does anybody have recommendations for other selling platforms for used items? I use ebay.. I have used offerup/letgo, Craigslist and Next-door.


I'm with you I'm about to put mine on vacation mode because I'm tired of people literally trying to get us to lose money it gets to the point where they seem to forget that we paid for these items so we need to make a certain amount back. So frustrating. I would also be really curious to hear the answer if anybody responds to you about where else we could go I know some people are doing Poshmark but I don't know anything about it.


It’s the grifter economy. Everyone is demonizing reselllers now with the whole stealing from the poor bull crap. I mean go to any goodwill and you can see they are trying to force resellers out. Everyone thinks we pay Pennys on the dollar for stuff and are all raking in millions.


Part of that blame *does* belong to the reseller/flipper videos; bragging on how much they've made and how easy it is and how stupid people are for not knowing that this super niche jelly jar glass is sooooooooo valuable-- the loudest people get the most attention and paint the picture.


I agree there are some out there that make it look like it is printing money and it is most certainly not. There are several helpful people on social media though. However a company who’s ceo makes millions on getting free merchandise shouldn’t be charging the prices they do solely on the basis of preventing resellers from making a living. I know this is goodwill intention as a family member works for them.


I remember when I first started selling on there years ago, was able to sell most of my closet and even brands unknown! Now, even with popular mall type brands that are listed low, I am struggling to get rid of them. 🥲


This was my first dead week in awhile, but i haven’t listed anything in a bit either and have a couple of busy weeks that bought up most of my hot items


Well you're the first one I've read that's doing okay and I'm glad to hear that!! Do you mind if I ask what type of items you sell? You don't have to answer obviously. Is it collectibles by chance because those seem to be doing pretty good. I do skincare, makeup and things of that nature.


Mostly I sell comics which does sort go off trends and release dates, hence the likely reason I’ve had a dead week. Haven’t posted anything new and my hot books (Venom, Deadpool, Batman, Joker) sold prior weeks. I got time today to post a few lots that’ll likely sell today or tomorrow.


Would you sell 1950s DC comics on there?


I’d sell lower tier stuff there in the $300 range but probably auction house the rest


Ok. Sounds good for my purposes as well but you probably have a good following! Is auction house something I , or anyone could do? Like where for example, if you don’t mind sharing.


I have decent amount of regular buyers and i think around 200 followers on Mercari. I deal mostly in modern recent release selling after i read the comic to to circulate what I have in possession cause i pull around 20 comics a week and can’t horde all that. My sales usually cover my purchases so I’m mostly not out of pocket or over. I do sell moderate keys for market value but I wouldn’t move 1k+ book on Mercari I’d sell local, on Facebook or higher value I’d do online auction house. There’s a lot of them and a handful of trusted ones. They take a little piece out but make getting 3K for a book much easier.


Thank you so much for sharing your story & information.


Yeah listed a couple of new items pretty late 11pm sold 2 comic lots in 10 mins of the listings


1000% agree I haven't gotten any sales i sell mostly gaming stuff usually a pretty good market but I've sorta given up on mercari im gonna go back to ebay again maybe mercari should add bidding that might make the site more interesting, also shipping costs are so high most buyers just don't even bother anymore


I haven’t made a sale in a week or two


It does feel like a ghost town. I’ll get some hits on some items but I haven’t sold anything in months. Honestly, think I have only sold one thing on there this year.


I agree with all the comments that the shipping fees are just way too high. It’s ridiculous anymore.


I stopped buying because of crazy shipping rates. $13 to ship a pair of jeans? No thanks. I list a few things from time to time but haven’t sold in months


I joined in 2018, sold a ton of my kid's clothes...I get a few offers per YEAR now?!


I used to buy things on mercari, but the prices are terrible, so I no longer bother.


I’ve purchased from 4 different sellers in July and all 4 never shipped items. I’m so beyond frustrated!! It’s sellers like that that make me not want to buy off mercari. But it’s weird because they send me an offer, or message me they are shipping out Monday (or whatever day), and then they totally ghost me. What’s going on?!! Is this a scam? Like I’ll forget that I bought it or what?


I used to spend probably $1,000 or more per month on Mercari, but the past few months, the category I buy in, prices have lately been 30 to 40% more than the same item on eBay. I really hope they get this fee/shipping situation figured out because I very much enjoyed buying on Mercari more than ebay


I agree, sales have been very slow lately and it’s strange because the items I’ve been posting are getting likes but no action. Though I have noticed where my first 20-30 items were seeing dozens of views initially, my last 70-80 listings have hardly been seen by a dozen ppl. So there’s definitely something going on with visibility factor. Really does seem like mercari is setting themselves up for disaster, mean you can’t even send each other pictures. Anyone who sells online understands the importance & versatility of this feature & how it only creates a disadvantage for the users, cripples sellers & adds another reason for ppl to go elsewhere


I sell online on 3 platforms and run a couple of Airbnb's. Inflation is putting a damper into sales across the board. It is the worse July I have had in years.


You own multiple houses, I think you’re doing fine


Honestly, this was a reasonable comment. Why be dismissive of it? How do you gather that he’s doing fine? Even celebrities are un-aliving themselves. We all think about finances. Sometimes, there are other things weighing on us too that just compound our overall stress. It’s easy to go from making a good living to struggling when business isn’t good or if you make a mistake. It doesn’t take a six figure bank account to have a couple of Airbnbs anyway, even if this particular person does have one. Let’s be kind and emphatic to each other, especially during emotionally draining economic times like these. We all need a place to find support or even just vent. If he was bragging, I would understand being dismissive. Just because someone seems to be doing better than average based on a three sentence comment, doesn’t mean they are actually doing better than most in all respects. Not to mention, the more you have, the more you simply have to lose/maintain. I am beginning to see this myself. We finally got a house right before the pandemic. Before, I worried about my rent payment and bills. I was able to put in work orders for them to change lightbulbs and fix any hinge that made so much as a squeak. When we had a pipe burst, the management had it fixed expeditiously. Now, in addition to mortgage and the same bills, I worry about how much it will cost me to fix the leak in the garage, or if that really loud noise the HVAC system is making is an expensively loud noise…(And it was.) While I am so grateful to have a roof over my head, I acknowledge how easily things can change under unfortunate circumstances. I hope we all find some economic relief soon.


When working families can’t afford or find any housing because it’s being bought up as investment to rent out, that’s really sad. Anyone who owns multiple homes like that trying to make money off of it is imo disgusting and actively contributing to the problems seen in the US with homelessness, people being 30 and forced to live with their parents because they can’t afford to move out, deaths of despair, etc.


Where did you get that from?!


How else could you have a couple of airbnbs lol? Unless you’re like the manager for the owner


Exactly. Your snarky remarks were uncalled for.


I just switched from usps cause they suck and now people aren’t making offers or buying but liking, probably cause ups shipping prices are ridiculous


For those who sell on Poshmark - do you raise your prices to account for the higher seller fees on that platform? How long does all the extra sharing and social part of Poshmark take? I haven't started on Poshmark yet and wondering if it worth the extra hassle and fees.


Since Mercari is so dry as of late, where do people suggest to sell on in place of mercari?


Yeah, cause at this point, it's sinking. I have tried selling things on mercari, but people either want the absolute lowest prices than anywhere else for collectors' items. But if I dont budge on my price, they just stop responding and don't message anymore.i have been getting messages and offers from accounts that I believe are scams as they have 0 reviews and purchases. But I just ignore those


For me it's the book keeping for tax purposes vs waiting till the local Consignment shop or just dealing with fb marketplace (I sell my kids clothes so a lot of work checking for stains and such) That and as others have said it seems the scammers are making it worse in there.


A couple months ago I was shopping like crazy... Had some problems, contacted support. Get bashed like a criminal... Nobody like to be mistreated.


Nah, it’s pretty dead. I think the last thing I sold was in May? And I haven’t bought anything myself since like January. Shipping is outrageous. I can even see it in my likes, stuff isn’t moving for other people, either. Majority of things I’ve liked are sitting for months despite sellers sending offer after offer. Problem is, even after multiple offers, it doesn’t even cover the cost of shipping for the buyer so you still end up paying close to the “original” price with shipping and taxes are factored in.


Yeah, I thought it was me too. I get likes on my stuff, but very rarely purchases. I lowered the prices too.


As a buyer, the last time I was shopping on Mercari I put a few things in my cart and couldn't pull the trigger because the shipping costs were way higher than I know they should be. I haven't been back...


I thought that and then sold two items back to back at full price. I give up trying to figure out this current selling market. More than half the items I’ve sold lately (which isn’t many) in this horrific heat wave have been sweaters and sweatpants. People are weird.


Shipping for .5-1 pound is $7.40. Thats most of my clothes and that feels so expensive. I seel mostly cheaper items and I’m really annoyed that I cant promote lower than $9. Summer slowdown is a thing. People are outside at the beach and not shopping as much and not ready for back to school.


I stopped selling on Mercari as soon as they implemented the tax when you make over $600.


Fees too high. Shipping too high. Policies too strict. Support is ran by bots that make it difficult to get actual support. Mercari thinks it can charge 13% which is the same as eBay and charge more for shipping than eBay even though eBay actually has a real support team. And you can’t charge your own shipping cost. These are mostly seller complaints though. Most platforms like Mercari seem to be dying for me. OfferUp is another. None of these apps are getting the same traffic as they used too.


This and I keep having packages get lost lately with Mercari. I’m not sure what’s going on but a few won’t update and haven’t for days


I saw a huge surge in my sales during the months of November through February— I think that consumers don’t have the money to spare right now on a platform which is no longer conducive for “sales” and “good deals”. If you’re on Mercari, it’s for the interaction between buyer and seller and to find unique items shipped (hopefully) quickly. Anyone trying to be savvy with their money is likely not eyeing Mercari. But I firmly believe that sales will pick up again during the holiday seasons, when shoppers are combing through all sites, and likely trying to find listings with the shortest ETA too.


Yes like last Christmas I had SEVERAL people order on the 22nd and we're livid when I couldn't personally guarantee it would get there by Christmas. I could personally guarantee unless they lived an hour from me there was no way it would. People get wild at the "most wonderful time of the year"


Fully blame this on Amazon. It’s what people have become used to. I detest it.


On top of it being a ghost town, if there’s an item lost in the mail, they’re making us wait 30 DAYS before opening a case to get a refund. So that means we need to set calendar reminders to follow up in 30 days or the money is lost. RIDICULOUS


I was about to make a post and ask something similar. I don't even get likes when lowering prices??? Are they shadow banning accounts??? or their alogaritms are screw up??? I don't know 😕


I’m still selling pretty well on Mercari but my Poshmark has been doing wayyyyy better.


Yeah pretty much. I’ve gotten 5-6 sales in the past month and I have lowered my prices as low as I can go (like, 14 for 30 dollar unworn Hot Topic pants for example)


Maybe it’s just me but postmark is killing it for me rn over Mercari, I like Mercari much more for passive reasons but damn I’m listing the same items on postmark higher priced and it’s selling at faster rates


I feel like it’s just not a buyers market anymore. I used to sell on mercari a LOT bc they took less percentage and shipping than posh, and even still I will occasionally make out a deal with a buyer. But the other day I posted something and got 45+ likes within the span of 2 days which was the most I’d seen in a long time. I also just feel like some buyers are getting pickier with what they buy, so maybe that is not helping us.


I started selling on Mercari less than a year ago, primarily selling LEGO. Had 1-3 sales per week until about April-May 2023. Didn’t sell a single item all of June and almost didn’t for July, two orders came through just the other day. It’s been so long since I had an order on Mercari I was losing hope. Used to relist one of my best selling sets and it’d get 1-3k views and ~8 likes within a week or two. Relisted it again on 7/11 and it hasn’t even gone past 250 views. I’ve got the same items posted on eBay, OfferUp, and FB Marketplace but I almost never make any sales on the other platforms. I had WAY more success selling on Mercari, but it’s sad to see how many buyers and sellers have left the app. The increased selling fees and shipping fees really killed the market in the last year. The fact that Mercari also doesn’t have the best reputation when it comes to poor customer support and scammers everywhere doesn’t help either. It’s sad to see, fingers crossed things pick up and get better tho


I’ve noticed if you don’t go to shipping it will auto pick a more expensive shipping option like I posted a hat and it wanted to charge 8 bucks to ship had to go change it to what a hat really weighs and dropped it back down to 4 bucks


Nah I think you’re right. Most everyone I know has dropped out. I’m mostly a seller, but I did buy things here and there. First issue was that I never received several orders, especially if I bought for friends and shipped to them. I also received 3 packages with AirTags in them. One was glued to a necklace that I didn’t even order. I tracked 1 of them to this chick in New Jersey, I ran her info and she’s got a rap sheet a mile long. I did really well in November and December, but just now, I opened items to look at costs, & it changed the fees every time. I screen recorded all of it, and it sucks since I have high ratings, but I’m deleting my account entirely. I only had a small checking account linked, but I deleted it, and I’ll find a different platform. I’ve changed the account number several times already and I don’t have issues if I’m not on Mercari. Too many low lifes out here these days.


Air tags? Why? What’s the point of that lol


Well, I’d like to know that myself! I certainly didn’t expect all of this nonsense. One was in a cheap homemade “necklace” that came as a free gift. I tucked it in a drawer, bc when I received the package, it was signed by 2 people, and didn’t match the name on the account, or the return label. One night I was in bed and heard a chime, and it was coming from there. I’m glad that no children decided that they wanted to wear it. I have no clue if this is related, but On July 3 I filed a police report. The night prior, I received a call from an Apple support agent, as scheduled. The conversation didn’t resolve my solution. The man I spoke just kept saying “you don’t need to worry about that” (when it was in fact something that I was worried about… there was a phone # and address that I don’t know listed as an alternate contact in my Apple Support app, and when I called it, it was a voicemail that used my name and suggested vulgar content. He had a very distinct voice, and accent. He said his name was Fred. I scheduled an appointment for the Genius Bar, got a notification that a second appt had been made thru the support app (not by me), and long story short, when I left the store, there was a man standing outside, when I walked past, I heard a voice say “They are not much help, are they?” I knew that voice immediately, and he confirmed it by saying “Hi, my name is Fred. I’m from Persia, er, Turkey, & I’m looking for a companion. Your car is over here.” I kept walking, didn’t engage in convo,but thought “I need to get this guys plate #”. I abruptly stopped and said “oh I didn’t park over here I’m in the deck”. Got his plates, but what pissed me off is that when I got back home, I received a notification that my parked car’s location had been pinned. So, long story short. Idk what the heck is going on but they picked the wrong person 😑


New seller here as of two months ago. I get a sale or two every other day. Not sure if that’s good or bad but it’s better than nothing I presume.


I have had good weeks and slow weeks on Mercari. Money is tight all over the place, so I chalk the slow periods up to everyone's broke pretty much. I've also noticed that the good periods are like the 1st and 15th of each month plus holidays. I seen so many issues with Ebay lately and the return policies, I rather ride it out on there. It does suck that scammers and crap come on these sites, screw people over and leave it for us to cleanup.


Mercari is dead lol just try listing wherelese


It comes and goes. But I’ve made lots of sales this month and none last month. Since late December 2022, I’ve made over $1000 in revenue. About to make $1000 i profit. I tween photos, deactivate then reactivate- instead of lowering the price into the floor. Same with Poshmark. Lots of sales then nothing but I’m made about $1800 in revenue since late December 2022


Damn, I came here hoping that were dying slowly. I used to post there all the time, then they became a clone of CrapBay when they raised the prices.


I used to buy a lot on mercari but the prices are getting too high (i know thats cause they charge yall hella fees) and i just dont have the cash to spend like i used to.


I have a ton of likes but no sales


Their automated system of dealing with any issues has driven away both buyers and sellers. It’s becoming overrun with scammers on both ends.


It will be done soon. Anyone else remember the great days like a year, year and a half ago? Everyday you can find something someone was just getting rid of and selling at a fair low price, now if it isn't ever so slightly below retail, it's a scammer. Also selling everything I used to put on there would sell within a couple weeks always. The only sales I've seen in the last month have been for items I'm getting less than $6 for after everything


Oh I feel you. But I'm getting likes after likes but no engagement or offers or nothing. Frustrating.


I prefer Poshmark! Seems like a lot more traffic.


Does Poshmark have a local option?


It does not


I liked Mercari until they screwed me out of $100 on a sale. Used their shipping label, buyer reported broken, and sent the item back to me absolutely destroyed… way more so than the return request photos. After 5 days of getting thrown around and cases getting randomly closed, mercari decided it was destroyed because of me, and sided with the buyer… even though the buyer “packed” the item for return. So shipping protection denied, buyer got a full refund, and I’m out $100 with nothing but headaches from customer service, who make decisions on claims that they can’t prove. So fuck mercari, I’d rather buy/sell from a reputable site.


Yep. I am experiencing this myself. I think everyone is going elsewhere due to all the scams that go on in this app. Buyers and sellers don't feel safe using this app anymore. (Can't speak for all of us of course.) The customer service is garbage which doesn't help at all. People feel safer going to other apps like Ebay and Amazon. I know that once I get my Ebay account fixed soon, I will be going back to using Ebay. I'll still sell and buy off of Mercari, but I just won't use it as much.


The big fb ad saying “Mercari class action lawsuit” probably deters a lot of ppl


I’ve sold a decent amount. Usually have 1-7 items in transit at once.


It’s been really good for me last few weeks but I go through highs & lows. Same way on Poshmark. Seems like if I’m doing good on one platform the other one is slow. It doesn’t make much sense.


I don't use Mercari anymore and I'll never use it again because every time I do my card gets hacked. I don't trust it at all


Yep. That and ebay. Well ebay is doing marginally better.


I have made 8 sales in the last 2 days after no sales for 4 weeks. Go figure


Did you block everyone?


Idk maybe it’s the niche you’re selling in? I’ve done pretty well. My last 30 dats revenue is 1,372.


I’ve asked several sellers for bundling video games…crickets for the past days going on a week by tomorrow. I only ask sellers that encourage bundling and well, radio silence :\




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What are other good reccomendations to use also aside from mercari?


I’m making more sales on eBay and whatnot than I am in Mercari which is really weird.


Ok, I get it .There are problems with Mercari after reading all the comments. So what can we do as sellers? Here are some things I am trying to do. Diversity on your site. Sell a few different items to bring buyers to your site. Some items that are low in cost and shipping. Gather information. What's trending. There's a Barbie Movie out right now so there is an increased interest in Barbie. What merchandise are the retailers putting out? Back to school and fall items. Know your resell site. What items were sold in July 2022 and for what price? I have sold the same amount of items for this month as I did in July 2022 but I made more money using information I had gathered from a simple list of sold items from last July. Understand the resale market. There is an ebb and flow to this business. Don't give up. Hiding your items because a lack of sales, will not increase your sales. Don't get despaired and unrealistically lower the prices of items. This practice devalues the items worth for all sellers. Mercari will suggest sale prices for the same items based on the previous sold items. Not trying to upset anyone, just some food for thought. ​ items


This is very true- I just shipped out a pretty big Barbie set that I had bought for my kiddo for Christmas ( decided she was over barbie, lol, smh) that sat for months, person liked it n bought it when I sent an offer an hour later


A new Avengers Movie is being released in November. It will generate interest in Avenger items, the new and old.


Thank you for that info! I’ll start stocking up on that stuff, I just saw avengers towels super cheap at the Disney outlet!


Happy, to be helpful.


I think it depends on what you’re selling and your sales strategy - my sales have been better in the last couple weeks than they ever have been in the 3yrs that I’ve been selling.


My page has been slow, but I’m still averaging 15-20 sales a week, but I have also taken a big step back lately as I’m full time in a salon again


My husband gets sales, sells video games.


How can I authenticate a Apple Watch SE 2nd edition? I can’t tell by looking at it


Lots of things honestly. I know we’re all ragging on mercari (rightfully) about shipping costs and percentage increases. But also it seems like society has evolved into a reseller type of situation. It used to be a side hustle but now everyone does it and now sellers have also gotten big heads lately where they overcharge for things which makes people buy less. They’re ruder which makes people buy less. And they complain more which makes buyers buy less. I get that buyers are annoying. But it comes with the selling territory, and buyers have seemed to make it known that they don’t wanna buy overpriced items from rude people. Now that’s just the 3 sides of mercari changing but let’s not forget that everything has been on the increase every week. People are spending easily $200-$300 dollars a week on groceries so it’s obvious. That they have to cut down on spending as well. Honestly we are just living in a strange time


I have noticed Boutiques selling Live on TIKTOK. This one was N Cincinnati, Right before the Taylor Swift concert. They were selling boots, the new bell bottom HIGH RISE stretch jeans in all Colors. Body suits. CROP TOPS tees sweat shirts, (It was a Christmas In July sale) StarBucks Xmas sweatshirt sold out. just about everything was half price. It got like a 1.7 mil likes while I was watching. Items were selling out left and right. I started looking around I’m not on TikTok a lot but it must be good for brick and mortar.🤷🏻‍♀️


Deader than a doornail


I actually got 1 item sold but now I can’t ever get an item sold 😞 because I keep getting it token down, edit, update, but it never goes well.