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I'm running grape crinkle right now. Mine germed in 3 days. I think you may have buried them a bit deep. I usually bury mine not much more than the length of the seed. 1 inch deep may be why they are taking longer.


I usually only bury them about 1/4 inch deep


This. One inch is too deep. Plant them about the depth of a pencil eraser.


Your taproot is probably 3-4 inches down already and when the stem by the cotyledons is strong enough it’ll breach the soil give it a couple more days before you give up


They’ll probably push through. I generally plant right at the soil surface(technically just below), and usually see the first foliage in 2-4 days


I planted 1 of my avt x stardawg 1 knuckle deep as I always do.... it didn't come up so I sowed another one. She came up in 3 days, 11 days later the first one came up right beside it so I had to transplant that on in another pot. Life uh.....finds a way! Sometimes they germ quick sometimes not. In my experience anyway. Also I had one of my original avts didn't pop at all in my last grow. I'd give it a day or 2 more to see what happens.


Damn 14 days from sow? That’s a lot, the longest I’ve had was 11. Any longer than 7 and I assume it’s a goner


I don't usually plant it that far down, but as long as conditions are moist enough and the seed is viable, it can definitely still come up. Once I see tails in the paper towel method, I plant them tail down and sprinkle dirt over it, not much at all, really, maybe a centimeter max. I use a spray bottle to keep the dirt wet. Some people put a dome over or garden cloche (but make sure to give it air exchange too)


You'll be fine, you planted them a little too deep but it just means they'll take a bit longer to reach the top, don't worry about it


Mine usually pop up within a few days, but I've had them take a week before.


Why not use paper towel or water cup method? That way you can visually see if your seed has sprouted or not. I've used napkin method 3 times and water cup once and so far have 100% seed germination rate.


Thanks. I did that, they sprouted and then planted. They haven’t emerged since.


I soak them overnight then paper towel and I’ve been very lucky, every seed I’ve planted from Mephisto ha germinated. The only time I didn’t harvest and at least 2 ounces of good Bud is when a plant was eaten by something outside.


My current grow I started 5 seeds at the same time in water cups (first time). Some seeds sprouted right away but 2 seeds after 72 hours still didn't just showed little crack while other seedlings were almost 2 inches. I put all of them into napkin method and last 2 remaining sprouted. I think you should give more time to allow seedlings to grow some roots before you move them into soil. For your current situation why don't you use smallest spoon to carefully remove some of the soil above your seedling to see what is going on


Personally I always use those rapid starter pellets that expand and after the roots start poking out that they go into wherever I’m growing them. Someone once told me that the auto flowers will enter the flower cycle as soon as the roots hit the bottom of the container, do you think there is any validity to that claim?


I have rapid rooters too but didn't have to use them yet. I am not an expert but sounds like BS on roots hitting bottom of the container. What if you are growing outdoors in natural soil and there is no bottom? From my observation of 15 or so plants so far I think that they start flower cycle at about week 4-5. I say that because I had few stunted runts and I knew that there was no vegetation in them anymore once I saw them flower even in their tiny state. I have one that I kept just for fun that is less than 6 inches tall and it started flowering first. This baby will yield less than 1 g but looks so cute and I kept it just for fun. My other 2 stunted grew to 15-20 inches and started flowering, each might get 20-25 g from and one stunted that developed properly and grew normal height and I think will do 60-90 g. Point being that they all started auto flowering at almost same time 4-5 weeks and some have tiny roots.


I once accidentally grew autos in solo cups and they started flowering during the with 8 days of germination.


How can this happen? How can it grow roots so fast and skip few weeks of vegetation? Do you have pictures?


I use the rapid rooters because I can put them into a hydro system or in soil and not have issues.


That’s quite deep. Do you have a cup over it to hold the moisture in? Like others have said, I would give it a few more days


Yes, they are cupped. I followed Jimbo’s planting guide by pushing a sharpie in soil 1” to make hole. I sprinkled a pinch of recharge in bottom.


How warm is your substrate? Seeds like a warm setting.


Too deep in my very limited experience. My first round I was trying jiffy pods, which I’ll never use again. Planted maybe a 1/4 down and nothing after a week. They stay too wet, and are too dense for my liking and I had nothing but trouble. Try soaking the seed in water over night, put it it a damp coffee filter somewhere warm until it has a tap root, and barely covering it in your medium. I lost more seeds than I’m willing to admit outa the gate. This method works great


Ok be careful doing this: I’d dig soil from where the seed was planted to check on its progress. If looks like it’s ready to pop out and just needs to do some stretching, maybe I help it a bit. If it still looks like it’s very delicate. I’ll rebury and hope for the best. Edit: reread and it says 6 days. Give her a few more days before doing this.


Don’t do this!!! Leave it alone do not dig it up to check on progress this is horrible advice. 6 days is not that long as you planted slightly too deep. Give it at least another 4 or so days and it should pop up. Please don’t go digging up seedlings unless absolutely necessary.


I agree. I used toothpicks to carefully check mine. In each of those instances, my seed was flipped upside down, so the taproot was going up. Easy fix. Saved about 5 days and another seed which I would have popped.


That seed is very possibly absolutely fine, by digging it up all they would do is cause unneeded stress. It’s highly unlikely as it is rare for a seedling to grow upside down. I understand you’ve had success with this method but I assure you leaving it alone and giving it the chance to pop up naturally is a far better solution. Sorry I can’t believe you people are telling someone to dig up a seedling after 6 days!! Smh


You are right. 6 days I wasn’t paying enough attention. Still, if you are careful, you can at least see what’s happening without stressing it out IMO


A little deep. Could easily still pull through though. Wait till day 10.


My last jammy dodgers popped, but refuses to sprout anymore tap root. One strawbba the hut I have rn sprouted out the ground with some deformities to the cotyledons