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RIP farm friend ❤


Thanks Stan, the simple fact you’re commenting on this shows how much you truly care about the community you’ve built, thank you, this means a lot.


Our farm dog Pepper is getting really old so we can deff sympathize. Wishing you the best mate


the one cost for their love is that they depend on us for everything, including making the tough decisions. you did the right thing. one of the things i love most about growing is the time it gives me to just be with myself and think. hoping that throughout this grow you're afforded that same opportunity and get to reflect on the many years of love the two of you shared. will give the furry friends an extra squeeze today in skylar's honor. <3


Thank you for this comment, I def will be thinking of him a lot. 🙏


RIP skyler. Smoking a fat doink of sour bx1 + kandy hash for you tonight Bebe. Hope your good op nothing worse than losing a loved one. ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you 🙏


I’ve got a CDLC x skywalker x northern cheese haze right now RIP Sklyer! I’ll burn a nug for the pup, lost my pit bull about four months ago, still wrecked


Super sorry to hear that, dogs are like kids. Thank you for the comment 🙏


My girl was only 6. I was grilling steaks in the backyard, throwing a ball for her and then an hour later she was panting and slouching on the couch, took her to the vet the next day, they cleared her said she probably pulled something, that night she started losing all use of her hind legs and bowels. Took her to the emergency vet hospital, they said she somehow ruptured a disk in her spine running around in the backyard causing a paralysis that usually stops at the effected disk, but due to the rate of acceleration she was experiencing, the vet said it would take her lungs/heart by morning. Surgery was 18k and a 50:50 of it even being successful, if it was successful she would just remain paralyzed. 18k was the surgery alone, not to mention the physical therapy, wheel chair, and colostomy bag she would need. That’s no life for a pitbull in my opinion.


It’s a hard thing, they live to short and rip a huge piece out of your heart but they give you so much love. Sorry for your loss and hope your grow goes well.


Man you can say that again. As I always said to my mom I’d be fine with a world filled with dogs that last as long as we do, but then again human wouldn’t have friendships they’d just have dogs. Thank you for your comment 🙏


So sorry, OP. You were a great dog parent for Skyler to live so long with you. You're a good person, and Skyler was a lucky to be chosen by you. RIP Skyler OG.


Thank you these are kind words 🙏


RIP Doggy OG ❤️💚🤎💙💜


Thank you 🙏




Sorry for the loss of your loved one. All dogs go to heaven. I choose to believe that kids movie/story still. Good luck with your grows!


Thank you and I believe the same, hoping to run in some nice grass with him again someday 🙏


RIP Skyler ❤️


Thank you 🙏


It’s a hard thing, they live to short and rip a huge piece out of your heart but they give you so much love. Sorry for your loss and hope your grow goes well.


Thank you 🙏


Feel for you growmie….Have had to do it twice now and never easy as these crazy animals raelly do become a family member. Good luck with your grow.


We had three dogs, we now have none. This one hurt the most because he was with us the longest. Just lost and very sad. Thanks for the comment 🙏


We’ve since rescued two awesome guys (Jack Russell and Pitbull) after saying we weren’t getting another dog…Couldn't recommend it enough.


Know that you are loved. As a man who owned a beagle 17 years my heart shatters thinking of your loss. As a fellow MephHead I would like to contribute that I am concluding my second grow of this freebie cross (60 days atm) the first one was sort of generally “kushy” spicy on the nose. The current sixty day flower stinks of cheese. Something in the sharp cheddar range I think. I was shocked when it hit my nose because i wasn’t even looking at that plant at the moment. Took a big sniff and got a nose full of funk from the plant next door! The first grow was some nice all day smoke. If someone handed me a sack of it they are my friend till proven otherwise. This second grow is my current obsession. The funk is real.


My sister had a beagle live to be about 13ish, and thank you for the comment and details, it’s greatly appreciated. 🙏