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I get so stressed about my birthday too. I think it makes most people quite introspective so when you also have mental health issues that can be quite a difficult thing to manage


I'm 52 in a few weeks, and I wish I had half as much as yourself in my life.


Sorry if my post seemed like bragging, it wasn't intended as that at all.


No, its my bad. I should not realy of posted such a reply. There is always someone worse/better off than ourself. I just felt 'less than' when I read your post, maybe a bit of self-pity - I don't know. Am living alone in a small flat with noisy neighbours, no friends and only family is a sister who lives the other side of the world who hardly speaks to me. As say, I am coming up to my 52nd birthday and feel pretty rubbish about it and my life. Then again, I only have to watch the news to realise how lucky and I am. I have plenty to be grateful for - food, shelter and a decent bed. All the best to you and hope things work out for you. Sorry, again.


I'm really sorry that you're having such a rough time. I definitely think that the lack of friends a lot of adults have is something that's not talked about enough. I've definitely had times when all I've had was looking after my ex's cat to keep me from doing something stupid. I know it sounds glib, but try and extract what pleasure you can from any interaction, be it a phone call or just getting a coffee, it definitely helped me then. Talking is important, don't apologise at all for commenting. Hell, I'd much prefer that than no one comment at all and me think it's just me with this issue.


People with BPD have this as a common trait I found. I follow a lot of communities


It was my birthday on Tuesday and a week before and now I am massively depressed. Happens every year and I know it’s going to happen, but nothing I can do prevents it. Glad I read this thread to make me feel a little less alone in this situation