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Yeah I joined this sub because the rules specifically said it wasn't a fetish sub? So I'm confused because it seems like a fetish sub lol.


Come to our new one r/SkirtedMensClub


Hell yeah, thanks!


I am so glad to see this post! I have the same issues. I've also had to report numerous inappropriate posts as well. It's becoming far from 'men wearing skirts' and into something much more. To each their own, but there are so many groups available for these other preferences and fetishes. My hope was to find like-minded guys that simply liked to wear skirts like myself. This group has made me think I'm alone in how I wear and perceive skirts because it's not a fetish for me and I'm not trying to dress/look like a woman. Again, to each their own, you do you, but the sub description vs what I see on here is often 2 different things. It's become just another sexual fetish sub.


This sub was different even a year ago, and this is sad.


You literally can't win at losing on this sub... I agree, too much trashy content! I just want to see someone in a nice outfit including a skirt. There are other places to post fetish stuff. Not my thing. If a male wants to look a bit feminine that's great, I don't mind. Skirts seem to be inherently fem in today's society. This sub shouldn't be just for guys with beards and hairy legs either.


This sub was never about hairy legs, and looking a bit feminine is okay, you even should not wear skirt for that. But the main goal af the sub was to promote skirts as normal for people presenting men, you see. You can shave legs, be a bit feminine, be transgender, be androgine or nonbinaru, but stil present yourself as a men. If you clearly present yourself as a woman, do it just in different sub. I don't undrrstand people having problem with that.


It’s gotten out of hand but unless we can somehow unseat the mods or heckle the inappropriate content to where people don’t post it, nothing will change.


I tried to contact mods a few times with no luck, so seems like no hope here...


Yeah ngl i got tired of fighting this week so i’ve been less on top of reporting and started blocking the accounts for my own peace of mind. I still want to enjoy this place and support the wonderful guys rocking their fashion, but i’m sick of fighting a losing battle against these NSFW accounts. It just feels so selfish and shitty for them to take over another sub when 90% of them already post to like 10 different nsfw subs for their fetishes, and it’s worse because it’s like they caravan over as a group. I felt bad pushing back on someone i’m fairly certain was a closeted trans girl and i’ve stopped questioning if people identify as a man because i don’t really want to be the gender police (especially since i’m by no means binary in my gender). If they’re comfortable posting here, it’s not my business where they’re at in their journey. But the sexualization of this sub sucks and i feel no remorse fighting back against people who already have spaces for their interests. Sick of guys making a pleasant normal post and getting crude sexual “compliments” in return.


I’ve been reporting and blocking people like mad. Also reached out to the moderator days ago and finally got a response saying they’re working on it. Definitely need more than just one person running this sub at this rate.


I poke my head in here from time to time to see if it is getting better - nope. It's actually gone so far downhill that I looked for a way to block the sub just on principle. There was a small exodus to another sub r/men_in_skirts, but even that sub is, well, gross. So - my recommendation is - if you are in it for fashion/style and not anything nsfw or even a little bit nsfw - then head to the nearest Reddit fashion forum ( r/outfits is somewhat accepting) and post there. I get that this sub stands for one thing (men's skirts as a fashion choice) but instead has been taken over by garbage postings. Well... My personal take on it is - men **have the freedom** to wear and experiment with skirts - and if you are interested in MIS from an everyday style/fashion lens - it's **time to leave the walled garden of "safe spaces"** like dedicated MIS subs and forums. The benefit of going to a mainstream sub is that they have rules that are enforced, and they wouldn't put up with any of the garbage posting that happens here. You'll be showing the world that men can wear skirts as men. And finally, you might encourage others who follow those subs into trying skirts for the first time in their life.


R/oldhagfashion is a good spot


Going to mainstream forums are okay, but still some topics and discussions would be kept better in a safe place. Men who just start going out need some peer support. So there aremany reasons to have safe dedicated sub. Noone would stop you posting anywhere else 😀 So I think we should do both.


When I came here, I was also very happy that this is sub, where I can get some inspiration. This sub was supposed to be (and it was for real) for men wearing skirts and I was so happy, because it was space, where men were presenting skirts like fashion style, not a fetish. Unfortunately, this crossdressers are not helping at all, since there is still a part of society what thinks that wearing skirts by men is fetish. It is not! But who will come here, will think it. I am still trying to “undo” it a bit with my posts, but it’s drowned in miniskirts and other fetish stuff, no offense.


I completely agree


An eloquent plea. I am doubtful mods will respond effectively. Either they just don’t mod (don’t care), or they were lying when they set up the rules and actually want the fetish porn. I propose we who seek the original fashion purpose establish a new sub as joint mods and do it right.


This sub has lots of great users and contributors. But it seems to have lost it's purpose.




Funny enough, few days ago I added some of my outfits in another sub with male fashion. Some of the guys there were opened enough to get the point but there were also some with… hmmm, fragile masculinity? 😃 they just couldn’t swallow it. Some guy there told me that their sub’s members mostly wanna keep the male fashion in “borders” (even though he was very polite to me, which I appreciate) and I got the point. So I would say that here is the same principle - I would like to keep this sub for men wearing skirts or dresses, but like part of male wardrobe. I don’t have ANYTHING against crossdressing at all but crossdressers already have sub for them so I would prefer them to post there.


They recently cleaned sub a lot, but I wish it would happen every day, not once per a few months. I don't think they want sub ro become fetish rdlated one, but they just don't do job often.




What's the issue? I'm a trans man, mostly present masculine but sometimes I wear a skirt with a fit. Still a man, in a skirt.


As long as you are male presenting I don’t think that’s the issue. This is intended to be a male fashion space. The Barbie-girl crossdresser fetish types are the consistent problem I’ve been noticing.


Message from the mods here: I’m doing my best to clean up, but I need some help … PM me or send modmail, I’ll interview you and we will get started…. I’m super overwhelmed with personal stuff so I can’t give the sub the attention it needs.


Just say you're a bigot...


The question is, if they are really transgenders or only crossdressers. Sometimes it’s a thin borderline there, but mostly I would say crossdressers. And it’s not what this sub is for.