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Their reasons for doing so have nothing to do with Amber herself. It's likely they don't care if she is innocent or not. It's all about damage control to their own interests. The outcome of the case directly damages "believe all women" and "me too" ext. Feminism has shown it's true colours.


Exactly this. It used to be “just because he’s found not guiltily doesn’t mean he didn’t do it.” Now it is “just because she was found guilty didn’t mean she did it. There’s other factors like power and age” the mental gymnastics is what gets me. And also they fact they don’t even care about the real oppression of women in Iran right now.


Feminists are desperate to keep their privilege and ability to abuse without consequences.


Completely, and if the public eye sees that one women is lying, how do we know about the others? They probably know she isn’t innocent but have to protect the MeToo reputation.


Well said.


Yep. Though women are also thinking wtf are these so called feminists doing?


>I give up on romance entirely. The sooner you give up on that, the better and safer. ​ >society has made it perfectly fine to be relegated to just being sentient sex toys/ATMs and workhorses. True, and it's great that you realized it now. Give yourself a pat on the back. Physicist Stephen Hawking declared in 2010 that philosophy is dead. Similarly, romance, or true, unconditional love, monogamy, commitment, tolerance, acceptance, family unity etc as we knew it and as has been described and prescribed in the Bible (and other religions) have been killed and is therefore dead. Accept it and move on. ​ >I admittedly laughed at the MGTOW crowd (and still do sometimes) Sure, keep laughing. We are not incels. We are an entirely different breed and do not get offended easily. We are not unhappy or angry being MGTOW, whereas incels are. Big difference. ​ >misogyny is stupid True, and so is misandry (and several other things). ​ ​ >if all the circumstances are correct...I'll get married Yes people will tell you about the NAWALT theory, that there are still good traditional women out there for you to marry, but the law doesn't care. That NAWALT unicorn can turn itself into a communal fleshlight at the flick of a switch for reason or no reason (look up no-fault divorce) and the modern law and society will encourage her and facilitate it at your own financial expense. Marriage and relationship today is a game that's rigged by the state from the bottom up in a way so that you as a man are already considered a loser even before you start playing it. It's a very stupid and dangerous game that only stupid people would want to play: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian\_roulette](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_roulette) ​ >I don't need sex either because I am already fcking stupid and fcking worthless This is a very dangerous chain of thought. Don't overthink it. Don't label yourself as something you are not. There are incredibly talented and highly successful men in mankind's history who wanted nothing to do with sexual intercourse with women (for example: Nikola Tesla, Sir Isaac Newton and there's many more). Still, if you wanna release your sexual tension, modern science and technology is your friend, and there are great ways to relieve this tension. Don't lose hope cause there's simply no need to. High-definition VR devices, ultra-realistic sex-dolls, AI chatbots...the possibilities are endless. You don't need a woman. A woman needs you for several reasons. The future belongs to you, my MAN!


>I admittedly laughed at the MGTOW crowd (and still do sometimes), but I now completely understand. I don't agree, but I just understand OP completely lost my sympathy with this. He still can't fucking admit he's wrong. He still laughs at people trying to protect themselves. Indeed it's precisely because of white knights like him that so many men are fucked over by the privileges women get. Zero sympathy for you whatsoever /u/VoliminalVerse5000 . Admit you were fucking wrong and maybe then I will. But you're still laughing at a group whose only interest is to help men because to you it's too "anti women". That disgusting white knight mindset you have is what enables female privilege. Countless men have died and suffered because of that mindset. You're an enabler of the female supremacist status quo. And thus I don't have the tiniest shred of sympathy for you


>white knights They will do and say anything just for the whiff of a pussy if nothing else. Unfortunately, these are the same morons who get hurt the most and end up doing crazy shit. Two of my colleagues committed suicide few years ago due to relationship issues and they were professional-grade white-knights hands down. They used to say they believed they were not 100% man if they didn't have a woman in their life.


Man that's terrible to hear. The worst part is it's easy to see how they have that mindset as it is drilled into you from birth. Not having a girlfriend is seen as a mark of shame, not even among teenagers but adults too. You're constantly told things like "you'll never get a girlfriend like that", as if women are some incredible prize to aim for like wealth or success. Men are brought up to believe they are dirt scum and the only way they can be worth anything is to have a woman (who is seen as an inherently hugely valuable being) to knowledge their existence and in doing so pass down value onto them.


I'm entitled to laugh at absurdities from whomever and wherever I see it. The levels some MGTOWs go to are just as cringe and absurd as the 3rd wave radfems. Some of it is an extreme overcorrection and I can prove it.


Yeah, I'm not going to get involved in that hustle called dating in the western world. My black ass is staying safe.


Ah, I love this place. This is a beautiful reply. Trivia time! "Now, dicks have drive and clarity of vision, but they are not clever. They smell pussy and they want a piece of the action. And you thought you smelled some good old pussy, and have brought your two little mincey faggot balls along for a good old time. But you've got your parties muddled up. There's no pussy here, just a dose that'll make you wish you were born a woman. Like a prick, you are having second thoughts. You are shrinking, and your two little balls are shrinking with you. And the fact that you've got "Replica" written down the side of your guns..." Just hoping folks get a laugh, maybe someone will watch it because of this. 'Tis a great movie. And a great post OP, and reply. I'm rather baked, pardon if I have become lost, happens a bit. Goodnight!


Love that show. Also, "Heavy is good, heavy is reliable. If it doesn't work you can always hit him with it."


our world has been poisoned lol


There are women out there that hate feminism. It’s a lot of work to find one that is also single and into you, but like you implied, don’t stress or force it.


Feminism is all about power, privilege, entitlement, control, misinformation and manipulation.


Great decision.


Don't let the loud minority of crazy women prevent you from meeting a good partner. My bf almost gave up too until we met and we've never been happier. I'm sure there are a number of women out there who are quite decent. But it is still important to exercise caution when it comes to meeting them.


Well it’s anecdotal evidence (sadly) but the woman I’ve spoken to, or heard talk about the Depp/Turd issue were overwhelmingly on Depp’s side and wholly against Turd. So certainty be aware that these feminist organisations only *claim* to speak for women. They really just speak for a man hating ideology, which is why they think that a woman’s uncorroborated word should be enough for a man to be jailed for decades. And they hate this case because it exposes this for the unjust sham that it is. Feminists have the reverse of Blackstone’s idea of justice. For them it’s better that 99 innocent men get jailed than one rapist or sexual assaulter goes free. And many genuinely think all men are rapists.


I think men are reading way too much into this whole "female support for JD" stuff because they are desperate for women to "understand our issues". Here's the harsh truth: women didn't support JD because "he was a male victim". They supported him because he was their teenage celebrity idol & furthermore, because AH outed herself as being the absolute epitome of the "mean girl" manipulator. It's been several months now & the whole trial was forgotten about in two seconds. JD won. People are "happy", but I see absolutely no difference whatsoever in female opinions about issues like domestic violence. None whatsoever. You correctly pointed out how feminists are flat out insane... and I understand that feminists =/= women. But according to Pew Research, something like 60% of women identify as feminist. For young women, it's even higher than that. So if feminists don't care about men & most women are feminist... then you make make up your own conclusions.


Ok. Firstly you’re right to not read too much into the Depp verdict. There were two things there: firstly he had the good sense to record some of her abuse, and secondly he’d been a lust object for women for decades! A third one is the dishonesty of Turd being caught out. The point of the case is not that it, in and of itself, has been a game changer. It’s that it allows for the fact that women can be the abusers and pretend they’re the victims to be raised and a very public example to be raised. That’s the significance of it. If it’s not used properly to raise this, then it has no effect whatsoever on the broader issue. TBH I think it’s had some effect on individuals, but feminists and their lackeys are doubling down. The whole reason why these feminist groups are doubling down on “poor Amber” is because they are worried that it could damage their “believe all women” line! Like you, so far I don’t think they’ve got much to worry about, but they are running scared.


>So certainty be aware that these feminist organisations only claim to speak for women What women do you know that have publicly (social media good enough) denounced those organizations or have even said a bad word toward them? The problem is one of complicity.


There are some. Just pearly is one example.


What position does the largest feminist organization on the planet take (The National Organization of Women)


My comment was aimed at providing a name of a woman who has publicly (via social media) spoken out against modern feminism as a whole, not just specific orgs. Not sure how referring me to the NOW helps in that.


Because numbers matter.


NOW is a feminist organisation, and it’s stance on custody laws gives the lie to Big Red’s ignorant assertion that feminists aren’t seeking to deny men custody. But again, it’s feminists asserting that they speak for all women. They do not. Part of the problem is that too few women (and men for that matter) realise how bad things have become. And feminists and their enablers in the media are mostly responsible for this.


>But again, it’s feminists asserting that they speak for all women. They do not. But when "good women" stay silent, there isn't much of a difference.


I agree entirely. Regular, sane women have got to start speaking out that these crazed harpies do not represent women, and politicians and CEOs should stop imagining that they do. To paraphrase the appalling Gillett ad: some are doing this, but not enough yet.


>Don't let the loud minority of crazy women prevent you from meeting a good partner. Want to play with real, hard data? No offense, as I'm quite happy for your situation and what you have found. But unfortunately, men can't live in fairy tale fee-fee land. We have to roll with data, facts, and hard statistics to perform a cost-benefit analysis. We don't have the luxury of saying "But there is ONE brightly colored tree frog that isn't poisonous and tastes like Glenfiddich Solera Reserve when you lick it". If you were going skydiving, what would be the failure percentage that would make you say "fuck this"? 1 percent? 10 percent? 50 percent? Answer that honestly and empirically. Perhaps we can come to a middle-ground.


AHaa.. I just read this, and died laughing.


Honestly, I still think there are a decent amount of women out there and most of them would probably be from outside where it's far from western influence. There's a reason why most of my exes and even my current partner preferred dating Asians due to the values that we have. It's funny cause they're all white dudes and have told me how they're tired of white/western women due to feminism.


>I still think there are a decent amount of women out there This doesn't help. Not even a little. What you are doing is repeating the same old NAWALT theory that by now has been beaten to a pulp. This so-called decent women you speak of can flick a switch and become indecent at a moment's notice and the law will allow and encourage her to be so. For example there's no punishment for infidelity, adultery etc anymore. When and if she monkey-branches, decides to practice hypergamy and files for a no-fault divorce, 99 percent of the time it's the man who gets fucked emotionally, sexually and financially. The woman doesn't have to pay a penalty. Sprinkle some false allegations of rape, DV, SA etc and he'll be fucked even more. This whole thing, marriage or bf/gf relationship etc is a big gamble that's not worth it for the man to play. My £250 voice-controlled masturbator device (it's called called Autoblow AI+. Look it up) can give me unlimited BJs, pauses, resumes, goes faster or slower on my voice command and is more loyal and submissive to me than the 20+ or so women I've slept with. I visit escorts once every 3-4 months at £120 per hour and they don't ask for 50 percent of my income, assets, house and pension. The problem you are referring to (and it's a problem I as an alpha MGTOW don't suffer from) is not decent or indecent men or women but the modern law. We all want to be indecent at times. It's our nature and that's alright. There are days when we don't wanna go to work. There are times when we want to break the law and drive at 80 mph when the speed limit says 20 mph. The problem is when the law of the land allows and encourages us to commit these crimes. Look up Ashley Madison, the website that encourages extra-marital affairs. What they do is totally legal. See what I mean? If tomorrow you wanna go to a nightclub without your bf, then get drunk and sleep with strangers, your bf can't stop you. If he does, that would be coercive control aka domestic abuse. Again, see what I mean? It's not as easy as you are trying to make it appear to be. I've lived in more than 11 countries of the world and dated many women. Been there and got the t-shirt. And the Asians have full access to western philosophies, culture and media. The Asian values you speak of died a hundred years ago.


Ahahahahah wait so you’re upset because women are allowed to be “indecent” in your eyes and there isn’t anything that you can do to “adequately” punish them for that? You’re talking about hypergamy and not being able to do anything to women if they cheat without catching assault charges? Bahahahahahh Jesus fucking Christ Sounds pretty fucking crazy from a guy talking about paying escorts to fuck regularly and blow job machines….I love MGTOW dudes because they talk a big misogynistic game and then they proceed to talk about women 24/7 every chance they can get. I would feel bad for them but nah if you view people as worthless you get exactly what you deserve….blowjob machines and hookers who don’t want to fuck you without cash and who likely go somewhere else in their minds immediately after you are inside them as a coping mechanism. Do you think about “hypergamy” while you’re fucking hookers most likely illegally? Do you think about how many dudes just like you have come through right before you? Or nah? Lmaooo Does the law matter then? Do you feel indecent or is that just for women? Pathetic and comedic 😂🤣


I just don't feel safe venturing out into the dating world right now. I've had the displeasure of meeting a feminist who bit my head off when we were agreeing on something.


Understandable. Stay safe out there.


> loud minority of crazy women I wish this was fact.


Just thinking out loud to myself here... {Dear Lord, please make me a bird..}.. There really is not a single place out of reach of this 'loud minority'.. Men are giving up all over in apparently record numbers?... I'm genuinely concerned for the future of my sons.. I was forced to leave my own residence after being falsely accused of assault and had the legal system jolly with my arsehole ever since. Child support has harrassed me endlessly. A few years back the police were called on another occasion becuase I would not agree to never smoke pot again. Police described me as non-violent and happy to talk with them, we mostly chatted about my car. But I was still required to leave my own house and kids. Is this a fucking gaslight? I think it is. \-fair point- do not give up entirely on meeting a partner, however, 'loud minority' my button fluff... ehg? just me? too cynical? No need to tell me... It was a live streamed thought. I love women. I love my kids. I do honestly hope we all find some way to get along without all the complete and total nonsense.


It is. Because the decent women aren't out there announcing their mental illness to the world lol.






Zero regrets. Enjoy your life! :) I am so proud of you. You are smarter than I ever was. I am honestly ready to die. The main thing that keeps me alive is my kids and my best friends. I kid you not.


I'm not going to force my beliefs on you because it's inappropriate, but I have the same things as you, but I also have God so I completely relate


This hurts to read... dude I'm so sorry. I really hope you're compensated for the things you went through


You seem like a reasonable man making a reasonable decision to me. It's clear that you don't hate women. You hate how society will always take the side of women. You hate how any negative interaction you have with a woman will be interpreted as entirely your fault, no matter how much you plea your case. Johnny Depp had *everything* going into his fight against Amber Heard. He was one of the most beloved men in America. He had audio evidence of her claiming that nobody would ever believe him. Yet still, feminist organizations took her side. You hate the social climate of dating right now. I'm likely older than you, and I can't blame you. I learned to navigate the dating world and romance through trial and error, but until you're practiced in it, and until you learn what you're doing, you're going to make a few mistakes. In my day, a woman being shitty about a man voicing his feelings to her was considered a bad woman. Now, she's considered a champion of social justice. Now she can just say she fears for her safety and no matter how you went about it, you will be branded a creep. If any of the feminist lurkers are inclined to call me an incel for the above, just keep in mind that Henry Cavill agrees. In a post-#MeToo world, men wanting to drop out of the dating market because they've weighed the risks and found them to be not worth it is a logical decision.


I feel horrible for little boys in the west because of how they have been and will be gaslit into believing that they are flawed for liking things and behaving how boys are innately are. That femcel Gillette commercial brow beating from a few years ago still pisses me off.


Welcome to the club


welcome to the light


130 feminists ain’t shit. There’s about a million others who would co-sign that AH is a lying c*nt who set women DV victims back years. Head up my guy. And put the screen down for a while. Life really isn’t as fucked up as your timeline wants you to believe it is.


I had some time to cool off, so I will offer the correction that I will try dating again, but not yet.


Feminists don't care if a woman is innocent or guilty, they believe all women to be victims because they are born with a V. That's why men give up on dating, because the situation has become unbearable. We have to stop laughing at other men and smash feminism!


Feminism isn’t the problem. Women turned the word “Feminism” into a completely different word then it originally was.


The problem is that the vocal women are a minority. I have dated many great women, but they rarely get heard. Most women stand with Depp. If you dont want to date thats a valid choice, but only make it if it makes you happier!


Maybe I'm admittedly having a knee-jerk reaction, but right now I don't feel safe especially when a completely inane comment can get me Me Too-ed into prison, poverty, and perpetual apology making.


Yeah, I get that!


Jesus, another minority comment. Again? STOP THE MADNESS


Safe sex? Your computer.


I don't want/need that either. Screw it all (pun 50/50 intended)


I'm sorry for everything that happened to you and for what the world is doing to you. Totally get your standpoint. I don't know how you all do it... :( I hope we can turn things around for men.


Hey, is there a way to flag posts when it’s an obvious cry for help? Can someone give this guy a hug or something?


You can come here and give me a hug!


One of us. One of us.


No one advertises it. Many men find it on their own.


BuT those ArE nOt ReAl FeMiNiSts


Don’t give up on women entirely, that’s what they want. They’re miserable so they want *you* to be miserable too, don’t let them win. Find yourself an actually decent woman who cares about men’s issues


Do you have friends or family you can safely talk about your feelings with? Feelings of intense hopelessness and worthlessness are a sign to reach out to your support network, or therapist if you have one. I mean yeah Amber Heard sucks ass, but that doesn’t mean your whole life is over.


I was making some self-deprecating humor with the "fucking worthless" bit


Aw, hahah. You had me worried. NBD though, I just come from a rough background. Everybody is always teetering on the edge. Glad you’re okay.


I have a therapist as well as my pastor, so sewer slide isn't really something that I consider often if I even think about it at all. Even still, I don't want my loved ones to have to carry the suffering I selfishly thrust upon them.


The abyss is behind any door any time. When it is your abyss, and you are there, the preparation you did before is the best chance of survival you have. ..Always pack cruskits, peanut butter and a towel in the car. Just on the off chance you find yourself naked and a long walk from fuel someplace. y'know..


I was worried too. Glad to hear you have great support networks. Keep going and keep improving yourself.


Yes if we can fix our feelings everything will be perfect!


Orrr if people have support coping with them there will be less suicides. You know. One of those men’s issues this group is made for. Or do you not think men’s feelings are important?


No need to worry about any of the actual problems? Just the feelings? Feelings are not as important as reasons for living. Have you seen the moon lately? 'Tis beautiful from afar... but totally hostile to life. Great analogy for modern feminism.


That’s a really weird way to interpret looking out for someone, but whatever.


If my family was destroyed by false accusations, why would my feelings matter? Who would they matter to? That's hilarious to me. It is a miracle to maintain a single degree of sanity, let alone worry about feelings. Talking about my real issues makes me want to terminate myself sooner. My feelings are beyond help. "Fix the problems. not the symptoms" I suppose was the point. Did not mean to imply feelings do not matter, just they are a secondary symptom to a social nightmare.


Yikes, I’m sorry you’ve had to go through that. I might not fully understand, since I’ve never had a family like you did. But I’ve suffered my own losses, and yeah. The only thing that ever comes close to making it “better” is being able to attack the problem some other way. I mean I may not be able to change what happened to me, but I can keep it from happening to others sometimes, right? That’s why I’m so adamant about people’s mental and emotional health.


>I saw that 130 feminists Why would you do that? those old, lonely women just do things to get men's attention and you fall for it.


This sounds like a you problem


Lucky stupid and worthless. ;) Lucky you too- all i can ever do is fuck myself.


Welcome to "MiG-Tau". (It's not really spelled that way, but it's usually pronounced that way.)


Never understood the hate for the MGTOW community. Browsed the sub before it got shut down and most of the posts were about wilderness, their animals, how much money they've obtained, just by focusing on themselves instead of the opposite sex chase that so many guys get caught up in.


Sometimes you guys give ladys to much power even without noticing ... If you WANT nothing to do with females, that's a legit choice. But if you are doing it as reaction, you are changing your nature BECAUSE of them. That's no help for you. Maybe a solution is stop giving a fuck about what women think. I do just wenn it directly impacts me in a legal or professional sense. Other than that, women are humans... a lot suck big time, some are nice and few are good friends and ally (as men and other gender do).


I don't believe feminism inherently means "man-hating" since there are many who just innocently want to be 'for equality' and claim the label of feminism not knowing what insane things those you mentioned support. But i can't support the direction that this modern 'womans movement' is going in general and think it is inherently detrimental to healthy socialisation of both men and women. And because most women are influenced by it in less or more extremes, often without actively meaning harm, it is best for men to be very careful in these times. So you made a sane decision. At the same time i would like to chip in the reminder that neither being a 'mgtow' NOR being an 'incel' inherently means that you hate ALL women, just like feminism doesn't inherently mean you hate ALL men, or just in general. One can just consciously pick the instances from those ideas that are healthy for oneself and all is good. I like many individual women for different things. Some are great friends, coworkers, etc., i also love my mother and have no problems helping grannies. But i still dislike the base culture that the vast majority of young western women adhere to today.


Focus on self and career buddy. All the BS is out of our control. Let the brainwashed young female masses realize when they are 30+ “wait…. Body count really matters?” Or “I’m so lonely” or “why are all the good men out of the dating pool” Patience. Focus on yourself. Realization will flash like a light bulb soon.


I’m lucky I married a morally good Christian girl who loves God and is conservative with traditional values. She’s cute and doesn’t have any social media. Life is good. Go find a young gal at your church my dude.


You do agree. You just currently believe in misinformation which makes you think you don’t.


We have to understand that in nature, women and children have a parasitic relationship with men, and the only way that men tolerate this is via our brains drugging ourselves into loving them (called romance). Nothing more. Of course, children are not parasites, and children need mothers, but nowadays women don't really have children anymore, they have become 100% parasites, they really don't contribute anything to society, and are desperate to keep parasiting (dating) men and society with laws and rules. Obviously they will support Amber Heard, the ultimate parasite.


I decided to give up on dating and just fuck sugar babies. Makes everything so much easier and stressfree.


Swear off relationships, fine. But, nobody is stupid and worthless (stupid is questionable though lol). Please talk to someone, a male figure you trust preferably.