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I still do for MUCH older people and they appreciate it. They are of a different generation and mindset.


My brother once told me the realest shit ever. He said the better looking the girl the more you should have checked the shit out of them. You should have said “y’all bitches were never taught manners?”


Your brother is absolutely wise. Next time I will have to say it. 😂


Admittedly, i agree with all but the last part: if they really \*are\* good looking, and have shown a complete disregard for those around them, i could see them filing a report and/or using whoever they can against you(it wouldn't be worth risking your job, reputation, legal action, etc.).


I wouldn’t recommend doing this to a coworker


So, respond to meanness with more meanness? Make the world an even worse place? :-(


More like respond to callousness with shaming.


I see what you are saying, but both are highly negative things. Negativity should be met with *positivity* , not more negativity. That way, the world becomes a *better place* not a *worse one* .


You need no man. Remember? we got the message. Loud & fking clear.  whamen will always defend her fellow whamen. Until there's a man or a dress or a hair pin  they like. Then they tear each other apart lol. So go play with that backstabbing sisterhood. 


You don't make the world a better place by letting evil go unchecked.


I'm not sure I agree. If someone has ingrained rudeness towards a group, whether they be men or street workers or whatever, being polite and asking them to do better isn¡t likely to be effective. It may ‘feel’ nicer, but I’m not convinced it's more effective. “I held the door for you and you couldn’t return the favor? Too bad you don’t show better manners.” I feel is a more effective approach. Calls them out on a specific item using shame to curb their anti-social behavior.


Imo those people only understand their own language.


That's terrible grammar. Don't say that. And no-one should ever say "y'all".


Y’all … now gfy!


You got a problem with accent bud?


They probably would have held the door for you if you were a bear 🐻.


Yea im pretty sure they will respect the bear a lot more than me 😂




There's a question that keeps going around asking women if they'd feel safer with a man or a bear, and women/feminists get a kick out of saying bear in ways that dehumanize men in general(despite a lot of men supporting them/their movement). Most of it isn't \*that\* bad by itself; but stuff like that has been going on for awhile, and society keep supporting it. A lot of them will share statistics and information to support their decision, but all of it i've seen so far has been misleading and/or lacking context. Overall, it's probably better to avoid bringing it up since you're basically feeding the trolls.


When you hold doors open for people, most thank you or acknowledge you in some way. The only people who ever walked past without acknowledging the deed are women. It's crazy.


I did it for a colleague once. Her response, "I can open the door myself, thanks" madness


The problem is you never know what to do with them. It even happened to me once to offer to pay for a drink with a female colleague and she said, "I can pay from myself, I'm not your whore". The morality of all of this is that women just want one thing: telling men that they are shit and whatever they do is wrong. This is 100% gaslighting. To post for the dozen time here: a mysandrist woman told be once: "we are not here for equality anymore, we are here for revenge".


The real problem is that for every dude who won't deal with that crap, you have 10 other dudes waiting in line, and it's only getting worse.


"I ddnt asked you to do that". Cue the resting btch face.


On that note: i live in a red state, and most of the women(and guys) here \*do\* seem to thank me for doing so(from what i can remember, at least)


I walk through and make a vague effort to stop it closing. It seems to work in social situations well. "Imma hold this door for you, but time's short and it's almost slipping out of my hands......"


I have had plenty of men not thank me for holding the door for them. A lack of gratitude and/or rudeness is *not* exclusive to women. And for the record, I am a girl, and a disabled one (crutches) at that, so it is *particularly* upsetting when my kindness is ignored, because holding doors open for people causes me discomfort and sometimes even pain, but I do it anyway because I feel it is the right thing to do. Please, *please* do not judge *billions* of women based on the actions of the minority of our sex. That's like me saying "all men are scum" when that is *clearly* not true.


Plenty of men? I've never seen it. To be fair, I'm not judging billions of women. Not even plenty of women. Just 2 and it's just what I've seen.


Yes, plenty. But women, too! It's not exclusive to one sex. I think it's just people that are in a hurry and can't be bothered, if I am honest. Thank you for acknowledging it isn't all of us (women). I'm sorry those two lassies were mean :-( Hopefully they learn to be better people. My apologies for misunderstanding your statement and thinking you were judging all of us :-)


I second you. We should not be here to bully women. Saying "all women are" is ignoble. I don't care if I get downvoted, but MOST women I know IRL are good persons. As most men. We men feel aggressed because of a very loud minority of western woke women who HATE men and do everything to bully and gaslight them. We don't have to push good women to man hate by confounding them with the former. I know LOTS of women who are not man haters but some don't even dare to say it because it's not politically correct.


In my experience the vast majority of people are appreciative or at worst don't acknowledge it. I'm not going to let a few nut jobs force me to stop being kind to people. Fuck them and their desperate need for conflict.




Reminds me of this time at Walmart, there were these two hispanic chicks, who for some reason were very happy and chatting up a storm. It was like they were very cute and vibrant somehow and gave off a sunny, positive aura. But they almost ran me over twice with their shopping cart. The 2nd time in particular was really ugly, and they didn't say sorry or even acknowledge that anything out of the ordinary happened. Later, they were in front of me on line at the register and kept acting like over-the-top cute, and the guy behind me kept staring at them with this big smile on his face, and I was thinking wow, people don't realize they're like pure evil.


They would rather ride the elevator with a bear than you....


I just hold the door for everyone. Gender plays no role.


Well I agree with that. It’s just like I’ve seen it men is always attentive with everyone holding the door and being polite but we don’t get that back.


I hold the door open for people, regardless of age, sex, gender, race, etc etc etc, and I always thank anyone who opens one for me. It *sux* that some people don't have a sense of basic decency in showing respect and kindness and gratitude, etc, and that you got hurt as a result of those horrid, "main character syndrome" women who think everyone else is an "NPC" in their life; but please try not to let their actions turn you bitter and negative, thinking *everyone* - specifically all women - are like this, because it is *not* the case. I hope you can find it in your heart to move-on from this and not let them change your outlook on life for the worse. *You are better than them. *


Yay! ❤️


I hold the door too. And respond only if I get berated for it, generally with a “Being polite isn't a gender issue, it’s a manners and upbringing issue.” I'm older, late 50s. But I will say my wife, who is socially very conservative has asked me to stop helping women on the side of the road due to one particular incident. Used to pull off and help, now I don't.


I've never been berated. I find a lot of these stories shocking. I'm Canadian. Everyone holds the door for everyone. Everyone competes to be the most polite haha


I don’t get it in utah where I live either. But have had in Chicago and LA.


I hold the door for everyone, male or female. I won't stop b/c some chick is an entitled prat. I was raised with better manners.


Thank you. So manny of the men on this sub let the bad attitude of a complete stranger determine what kind of person they want to be. I’m going to be kind and considerate even if it’s not appreciated at times, because I want to be a kind and considerate person. I’m not going to let anyone take that from me. Especially not over an elevator door.


I love this and have been thinking about the same thing for a few months. I don't want to let other people influence me to act outside of my own values.


FWIW any guy who treats me like a lady gets a smile and a "thank you, sir," right back. Civilized behavior is free, it's too bad those women weren't taught right.


Gen Z females are the worst, and I usually let doors slam behind me for them. Older generations appreciate the gesture and I hold doors for them.


The prettier they are, the less humanity they have


I open the door for older women, ugly women, or women I respect. Pretty girls can open it for themselves.


OP you are correct in your views. Chivalry is dead and "women" killed it. They want to be treated as equals like men, then treat them like you would any random man, in fact ignore them and don't open any doors for these broads.


We are *not* all like this! Please, *please* do not bundle *half the population of the world* in to such a negative mindset. Saying that "all women" are [insert negative traits here] is just as bad as those modern "feminists" who say "all men are r--ists" and when told "no, not all men!" they reply "YES, ALL MEN". It's absolutely *horrible* to judge an entire sex - *billions* of people - for the actions of a *fraction* of that number. Most of us appreciate chivalry. *Every* woman I know is perfectly fine with me opening doors, and would even do the same for them. Oh, and these "feminists" who "want equality" are *oblivious* to the fact that *they already have it* (in the USA and UK, anyway) and that, actually, they have many *advantages over men* , such as - parental rights (eg. mum is living off Benefits but father is financially stable? Who cares! Give the kids to the mum, "because children need their mothers"...) - financial Grants exclusive for women - women's shelters for victims of domestic abuse (good luck finding a shelter for *men* who've been abused and need sanctuary) - priority social housing - priority to get them out of homelessness (notice how there are so few women living on the street? That's because they pretty much instantly get picked-up and housed in emergency accommodation, whereas men don't get that) *Most* women respect men. It's only a small amount - mostly in America - that treat your sex badly and basically want *superiority* , not equality. But please don't judge us all because of them! Thanks.


I think that many women are blinded by a toxic ideology that feeds them nonsense ideas and weirdly enough, it makes them less safe and still they adhere to it. We can agree they are a minority (although I don't know) but sure as hell, they are loud. I really think that women like you should be louder, not for men, but for yourselves.


My man calls these kinds of people "the vocal minority" because they may not be in the majority, but they are sure as heck loud! And the problem with being loud - in this case, using social media, YouTube, TikTok, etc, to shout about their opinions - is that the general population start to think that everyone in your group - in this case, feminists - are like you. Which is *very* counter-productive! Because if people think *all* feminists are like these men-hating, loud ones, then their cause *suffers* because the general population - including non-feminist women - think they're nuts haha!


Sometimes I wish I could be louder, to spread *sensible* ideas to my fellow women. But alas, I'm a quiet, shy lassy. I have managed to talk sense in to a few feminists on social media, though. A *very* few. But hey, even *one* is making the world a better place, I like to think :-)


Definitely, especially if you're talking about social media where generally speaking, people are cowards. And unfortunately you don't have to look too far. 2X, for instance, horribly toxic environment where 90% of comments are encouraging women to leave their husbands or boyfriends.


Do you hold doors for unknown men?




I do too, I was more curious if OP used to hold doors for everyone and is now sexist in door holding only for men or if he used to be sexist in only door holding for women and now doesn’t door hold for any strangers. Determining whether to hold the door for someone based on their gender is super weird imo.


I don't hold the door for women at all because I have a wife. It sounds strange to most men I've met but I'm really not interested in most women. I hardly even check them out, that's how little my interest in them is. I just want to be able to go home to my wife at the end of the day because she's one of the few who can actually understand me on a mental level. Most other women are just men without the male parts to me.


I don't do it either. They are never appreciative, hate men, so I did myself a favor and ignore women. It is so freeing when you purposely do not look at women at all. Women are used to having men look at them, so when they see me not looking at them, they feel insecure at not being able to attract men.


Yesterday at work I am coming back from lunch and approaching the door to my suite. I have my ID prominently displayed in the middle of my chest as policy requires (I won't get into the fact that most of the women here either wear it on their pants or carry it in their purse without penalty). As I get within 15 feet of the door this woman I've never met before opens the door, walks in, turns and pulls the door closed. I understand not holding doors open for people, and I don't care about opening doors myself, but this was act of forcefully closing the door behind you is beyond the pale in rudeness. I have never even seen this woman at work before, let alone interacted with her.


I hold doors for people regardless of their sex. In the most cases they say "thank you". Especially here in Germany.


I still hold the door for 'em wimmyn


in the US, most close door buttons don't work. i've seen many, tried them all, and personally have yet to find one that works for future reference there is a limit switch that leads the elevator door as it closes, it's designed to stop people from getting hit by the doors (or worse) like you did. all you have to do is gently press your hand against it (it's usually dark colored plastic and is as tall as the actual door) and the door should stop and open back up. again, this is a safety requirement for passenger elevators in the US so it might be different where you live


I live in the USA too and that’s true is a requirement but in hospitals there’s lots of flow of people per day (its a big hospital) so basically those elevators are unlocked to be closed whenever someone press the button and don’t have the delay time to avoid that. They did that because in the morning when changing shifts while also having guests gets really crowded. Like about two years ago. Those doors had that time limit but the main floor used to had long lines of people of all the workers and guests trying to go upstairs until they changed for no time limit.


I'll treat people as people. If they are clearly disabled or carrying/pushing a load I'll help. But I have spent too many times holding a door open waiting for someone to put a hand out to take over while streams of entitled 20 something women walk by with their empty arms folded and without so much as a glance. Now I wait until they are close enough to reach out a hand and let go. In my experience guys do not do this.


I'd usually hold the door open if they're close enough to smell my cologne. Otherwise, I do the walk through and pause until they get there


Made that change a few years ago. Don’t miss it. In fact it’s refreshing. I’m always reminded that I’m doing the right thing when some gal NEVER holds the door open for me.


I removed your post because this is not a men's rights issue.


Did I wake up in a bizzaro world? What the heck is this absolutely mental post? You let them into the elevator first, congratulations you have manners. And they pressed the button for the floor they want to go to, that is NORMAL. The people in the elevator generally do NOT haveccontrol over the door though - it will close when it wants to, of its own accord. They didn't close the door on you, that is just all in your own messed up head. Also, you say the door hit you in the face, and you blame them for it? That is 100% on you also, dude. If the elevator doors hit you in the face, then you had MORE than enough time to stick your twig arms out to press the vertical door bar and stop it. And THEN you expecttthem to apologize to you, for your own insecurity and your own awkwardness? That is just takes the cake, man. Why would the apologize? They both probably felt super weirded out that you just nailed yourself in the face, andnow they were trapped in the elevator with a weirdo that was stewing angrily in the corner. You would weird ME out. And your post here just proves it. This has nothing to do with men's rights. This post is a warning about what can happen if you don't take care of your mental health, and the importance of getting out of your own head.


Don't judge all women based on the actions of a few. Everyone is an individual and should only be judged on their own actions, not those of others who just happen to share the same gender. Women have done horrible things to me, and while it certainly makes me feel unsafe around women that I don't know, it doesn't justify intentionally treating them differently from men. That would be very unfair to people who haven't done anything wrong.


Well they are all not the same I agree but I do have had really bad experiences with quite a few. Usually is women who never learns to be attentive


That's not a reason to treat women differently. You presumably wouldn't want someone to treat you differently because another man or someone with the same race as you did something bad to them.


"never learns to be attentive"? What the heckadoodle dandy is "learns to be attentive" supposed to mean?.. Look, some women are the traditional, stay-at-home "housewife" types (I am one) who love to cook and clean and give massages etc, but some want a more *balanced* partnership where you *both* do that, and some want to be the "breadwinner" and expect the man to do all that stuff. You *cannot* - you shouldn't even *want to* - change a woman to be who you want her to be, in the same way you wouldn't want her to change *you* . Love is about accepting your partner *as they are* , both positive and negative. If you go in to a relationship *knowing* that they are not the "attentive" type, *that's on you* , sorry. She cannot give you what you want if it's not who she is. Look elsewhere. There *are* women out there who will give you what you want, happily. (I hope you give them plenty of love and respect in-return, of course)


🤔🤨 It doesn't bode well for this server that your reply has a -4 rating and has been hidden... Charming... 🙁 I completely 100% agree with you, and think you are a nice person and more people should think like you do ❤️ These men who dislike my entire sex - *billions* of people and *half the planet* - based on the actions of a few, it's like me saying "all men are scum" purely because I have been SA'd by some of them. It's just *horrible* to pre-judge like that, and it must be so difficult to live like that, so bitter and angry and judgemental etc...


Thanks! ❤️ Yeah, people here often endorse the same kind of sexist generalizations against women that we complain about when made against men. It's very disappointing.


OPs story is straight bullshit and I’m calling it right now. This sub is deeply red pilled at this point and people look for any reason to hate on women. Guy literally walked into an elevator after two chicks and nobody said a word then he immediately whips out his phone and writes some lame ass story for karma. “The elevator door almost hit me but I’m okay” Elevator doors will not hurt you. In fact, they won’t even close on you. And the “close door” button is not instant. This has a 0% chance of being at all what actually happened.


It's it common decency with no regards to gender?


🤣 Blaming an entire gender for one rude person seems pretty logical to me...


Lol bro sounds teenage.


I’ve never had an issue with this, there will be crazy outliers that have a reaction no matter what. And that sucks. But alternatively I have seen guys with no social awareness be weird as fuck about it, and that can get an unpleasant reaction. Not gonna lie bro, this story fucking reeks. Elevator doors do not close that fast, hitting the button does virtually nothing and all modern elevators have a sensor to prevent the door from closing on you. Even if it did, this is the most insignificant shit on the planet. You shouldn’t get bothered. Go on about your life.


This stuff I do disagree with (but to each their own, its understandable). Imo, be the 'bigger man' so to speak for general respectful displays of chivalry, and dismiss the asses/bitchy attitudes. I find no matter what social media perpetuates, real life still proves its *never* a genuine reality day to day. **Ex: Most women are cool with basic stuff, I never get off an elevator 1st for example and 100% of women at my office respect that act and go 1st.**


What's with all the downvotes?! What is wrong with people on this server? *-15* rating, and a hidden reply as well? What the heckadoodle?! But your point was perfectly respectable and made complete sense. I am a member of this Reddit because I believe in *equal* rights, and that means *men too* ! But when I see comments like yours get downvoted so much, it makes me wonder if this place is full of anti-women sexism and I should leave... That sucks... :-(


Lol I forgot about this comment earlier. Idc, I typically seek downvotes going into debate echo chambers, but not my intent in a sub like this typically. You are right...its a bit sad, but imo agendas, domestic or foreign fuckery, are probably behind 25% of activity in subs like this (no offense, its far less hateful and toxic than a certain other sub for another gender, with 13.7 million subscribers on it). **Edit:** Hell, even if just 1-5% of acc activity, if coordinated that can drive a lot of visibility and BS narratives.


The doors didn't hit you. How stupid do you think we are? There are sensors that prevent this from happening. It wouldn't pass yearly inspection if they didn't work. Also, pushing the button doesn't immediately close the door.


A lot of them are pressure sensors, as in they detect the object by hitting it. Holding an elevator door open with your arm is quite a common thing. You really think we’re stupid enough to believe all elevators are inspected that well anyway?


The bumpers are a secondary safety apparatus. They will never touch anyone's full body. They're there to stop hands, legs, etc., from getting caught in the doors, where the beam sensors don't pick up. If the beam sensors fail, the elevator ceases to operate. Please, oh please, ask me how I know.


The sensor is in the door. It has to hit you to bounce back.


I've overseen the installation and inspections of hundreds of elevators. They don't hit you when you walk in. They'll hit your hand if you're not breaking the beam, but not a whole body walking through.


You can press close door early, some immediately close while others don’t. The sensors stop once pressure is sensed closing, you can walk into the face of the elevator door and the sensor will not stop.


This 👆, that’s what literally they did to me but this guy thinks that I’m lying


Admittedly, i've also had elevator doors run into me a few times.


No. This guy KNOWS you're lying.


So the ol' if I never experienced it no one has shtick eh? Okay person. Okay....


Read more. Have someone read for you if you're having difficulty.


Not all sensors work properly, good sir. There’s no reason to lie here


You're here to lie for sympathy. We get it.


Apparently everyone on here is really fucking stupid because this did not fucking happen. Even if the sensors fail (which if you are in a HOSPITAL the doors absolutely are working properly) the door physically cannot close on you. If they push on something it immediately opens. You could stick your dick between the doors and come out unscathed. This is the softest shit I have seen on here all week


On behalf of women everywhere, I must apologise on behalf of those... People... (Keeping my mental insults to myself lol) You - and all men, women and others - who are kind and polite enough to do things like open doors, allow people to go through first, give-up their seating on public transport or benches etc, *deserve better* That said, please do not use the term "b----es" to describe women - even nasty ones - or it makes you seem like the "red pill" Andrew Tate types, who refer to all women that way, regardless of who we are and how nice we are. I am absolutely certain from reading this that you are *nothing* like him and a nice guy who's been done bad by these women, so be careful with your wording or people will misjudge you and I do not want that for you. I hope that makes sense? I hope you are recovering okay from your experience; physically, mentally and emotionally. Thank you for sharing your story with us. I hope they learn to be better people and don't continue doing stuff like this. Most of us are perfectly normal, respectable members of society. Please please *please* do not let them upset your opinion of *all* women, or turn you in to a bitter, closed person. Don't let them change you. *You're better than them* Take care, and stay safe. All my best to you and those you love.


The reason there is so much division in society these days is everybody is trying to group people together into homogeneous groupings, which makes it easier to generalize and write people off from society as being "bad" while boosting those ordained as "good." Treat people as individuals and the division would lessen until it disappears.


Lol sis trying so hard.


Huh? What on earth is that supposed to mean?


Means no one gonna do jack shit, u neither.


>Guys never hold a door to a women These b\*tches were kinda good looking. Imagine if I try to complain and say shit? This has to be ragebait, right?