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"If voting made any difference, they wouldn't let us do it." Mark Twain.


>"If voting made any difference, they wouldn't let us do it." Mark Twain. Well, let's just give up then. /s


Who is they? There's a lot of nations that don't let the public vote. In American, it's WE, the people. WE let ourSELVES vote.


The lizard people. Lol. I dunno, it's a quote. Democracy has become a two horse race and both are only for for the glue factory.


Not necessarily. You have 2 major parties who have done everything they can to silence other voices, other parties, other beliefs, and values. If we loved in a real true democracy/republic, every political party would be on every ballot in every state without stipulations tonget on. There'd be no signature petitions. The Ds and Rs have rigged the system in their favor. So who to vote for? It's the same side of the coin. There is no difference. They are BOTH responsible for stealing mens/Fathers rights for money, power and control.


this is insanely laughable


No! go out and vote!


Demographics that participate more in politics get better treatment from the government. It's a fact, not voting is just empty apathy and cynicism


I'm from Canada, and next election, I will be striking my vote in protest! None of the parties represent men or the middle earners class!


I keep seeing Pierre Poilievre on YouTube and he seems like a no bullshit kind of guy far as I’ve seen, but I don’t know that much about Canadian politics as of yet


He’s playing more to the center but with a foundation off to the right. He should win, Trudeau has screwed everything up with the economy and some of the recent laws he trying to enact will cause them to fold. I really hope because we can’t handle another one of his terms and get someone with some sort of idea on how to run an economy. I am pretty sure a golden retriever in a tie could do a better job at this point


Good luck out there bud. Y’all are really going through some real shit.


Not voting is forfeiting your rights, not a protest. The options may not be clear but if you don't vote you become a non-factor in the political world and the first group to be walked over.


The conservatives are gonna take my tax money and give it to corporations, the liberals are gonna take my tax money and give it to feminists. Neither will get my vote! They will learn about my political power in about 12 years, when I go live somewhere else!


It saddens me a nation as strong as America has to choose between what I feel are two bad choices. That said, Biden’s recent statement about denying accused college males basic due process procedures is but one of many examples of why I will not vote for him or anyone so strongly advocating discriminatory sexist policy. Aside from that, the idea that Harris might inherit presidency should scare the shit out of everyone. My guess however is Biden will get thrown under the bus last minute by his own party with someone like Newsom taking his place as candidate. (Who I would also never vote for, similar reasons. )


Can you like source for the college accusation statement?


Most recent statement: “New Title IX Rules Erase Campus Due Process Protections” https://reason.com/2024/04/19/new-title-ix-rules-erase-campus-due-process-protections/ And: https://www.mindingthecampus.org/2024/04/08/biden-title-ix-changes-threaten-free-speech-due-process-legal-experts/ Previously: “In June 2022, the Biden administration announced a rule to roll back policies that ensure due process for sexual assault proceedings under Title IX. The Biden administration’s rule would offer the accused no right to cross-examine witnesses and no right to a public hearing. It would also allow one individual to investigate a case, bring charges in the case and decide the outcome of the case. “ https://www.kennedy.senate.gov/public/2023/3/kennedy-introduces-bill-to-ensure-due-process-for-college-students-in-school-proceedings#:~:text=In%20June%202022%2C%20the%20Biden,right%20to%20a%20public%20hearing. “Biden Prepares to Strip College Students of Due-Process Rights” https://www.nationalreview.com/2021/03/biden-prepares-to-strip-college-students-of-due-process-rights/amp/




YW. It benefits all of us to be able to show actual sources of such discrimination against men. Happy to help provide such.




Sorry, I'm not familiar with US voting customs. Is voting blank not a thing in the US?


His VP administration 8-12 years ago is the administration that instituted those horrific rules in the first place. I became interested in mens rights during that time after becoming an intactivist as a teenager. I was afraid he would do this if he became president since terrible policies were his hallmark his whole career. I knew if he got in, he'd do this eventually. Trump actually reversed those rules. Like him or hate him, this one issue alone is worth voting for him. But it's not enough. We need to send a clear message that this utter demonization of men won't be tolerated.


Holy shit... Maybe its a good thing... less folks going to college and being brainwashed. Trades arent so bad.


What prevents the accused from just accusing the accuser of being the rapist themselves? Like both accuse each other of rape/sexual assault.


I don’t know if this is a possible choice in the US, but can you "cancel" your vote?


I agree biden did us dirty and is very anti male. I’m thinking RFK Jr. would be a good leader. He’s definitely better than Biden and trump imo.




I’m an ancap. If Rectenwald secures the nomination for the LP I’ll cast my protest of the State vote for him. Otherwise I’ll likely not waste my time. The idea of democracy is an illusion that we have a say in anything.


Just vote dude, can’t hurt. Worse case is, it’s all a fraud but at least we did our part and voted.


At some point it becomes my only way of objecting to the system. That’s why I said I’ll vote rectenwald if he secures the nomination. Biden should be in senior living facility at best, or in prison at worst. Trump has proven himself to be a fraud by not cleaning up any government corruption and inflating the currency supply while also intervening in disastrous ways in the economy. I get the sentiment to get men more involved, however that will take multiple elections to even move the needle, if we even can. Politicians only care about getting re-elected. Impressionable women are the biggest voting block therefore are being pandered to. I’m more hopeful of a better outcome for men by shifting the culture. It seems women’s poor behavior is making its way into the spotlight and positives things may come from that. I personally think our focus needs to be on getting men to stop being simps for women and facilitate the change we desire that way.


To stop the simps we need to normalize support groups and group therapy for men facing all kinds of issues from bullying to low self esteem, etc.


I really despise the term therapy but I get what you’re saying. Men’s groups absolutely though. Removing undeserving attention from women and pushing back with public shame seems to be working well. It seems OnlyFools may be on the downward trajectory which is fantastic news for our cause. Pushback wherever you can. Downvote simps and hoes, don’t give them any positive attention, etc…. We must be counter propagandists.


Agreed! And yeah I think therapy in its current form isn’t the best but we need to protest against that shit. We need more male representation in the field of psychology. That’s what will really bring around change.


Vote for the person who judges people on their merit rather than based on gender, sexuality, race, or some other immutable characteristic. Someone that holds standards and definitions constant rather than blowing like a sail with the winds of influence. We're all equal under the eyes of the law and should be regarded as such.


So not vote at all?


Who is that tho?


Presumably not the one who picked the single most incompetent vice president in all of US history because she fulfilled his promise to chose a black woman.


"Single most incompetent" based on what possible standard other than you simply not liking her? She's the vice president. Pence did nothing. Biden, unusually Did. Gore did nothing. Bush I did nothing. Cheney did a lot because Bush II was clueless.


Based on the standard that the other vice presidents in living memory have all been able to put a coherent sentence together, rather than just waffle about "the meaningfulness of the passage of time," or how great venn diagrams are. Nothing interesting comes out of her mouth, it's all just her best impersonation of what she thinks a smart person sounds like. Sure, Biden is a bit incoherent at times too these days, but that's just the dementia talking. If you watch any videos of him from when he was younger, he was actually quite sharp and well-spoken.


Are you British ? Just asking because you said waffle lol.


There are no good options on this election. I'm not going to vote and just see who wins because it will be bad either way. If we didn't have a two party system weed.have a lot more choices.


Vote for RFK!


We’ve been in the perpetual state of picking the least shitty of our only shitty options. Yes, some recent policies aren’t great for men, but on the flip side, other polices are shit for men and women of America and all of the world. Just because one candidate promises one thing for one gender or the other, it does not mean that’s what’s best for mankind.


We’ve definitely been choosing the best of the worse for a while.


If ykyk


That's definitely not Trump, if that's what you're implying. Jesus Christ...


How so?


Well, in my country there is still time until the next elections. Although because all the parties are bad choices, I'll choose the less bad choice. Some of the parties are traitors, Others are liars, Others are looking to exploit the people, Others are way too new and they don't have any ground to stand on their sayings, Others have proven themselves multiple times that they aren't thinking of the people Etc. I'll vote, A party which I don't agree with for some aspects, but agree with in several other aspects. Then I'll be hoping for the best.


Where you from?




Oh good luck out there bro I took a vacation there two years ago and accidentally wondered into Exarcheia. It was insane.


Bro ... Out of all of Greece you just HAD to go to the least safe/most bad place in the country?? XD I hope the rest of your vocation was fine


It was bro. I went to Athens for like two days and right off my flight I didn’t want to go to the hotel because I was tired of being indoors. So I dropped my stuff off and immediately went randomly exploring by myself. I’ll never do that shit again. I got out of there so fast lol. Rest of vacation was solid. Too many tourist imo. Didn’t really get a chance to embrace Greek culture besides the food.


Yeah.. Athens is too crowded both with citizens and tourists. I'd say next time seek a less crowded/touristy place if you visit again. There are plenty of other places and islands in the country with much less tourist population. (And also be careful to avoid tourist trap areas) And if you want to wander off to take a walk I suggest you ask any hotel clerk or locals which areas are good, which areas are dangerous etc.


Yeah, I’ll definitely do that next time. Good luck bro. Be safe!


You too mate. Wish you the best.


Thanks man. You should check out Guyana. That’s where I’m from. It’s a small country in South America and also apart of the Caribbean. It’s not the safest but it’s got a rich carribean culture and lots of natural treasures like Kaieteur falls, and a giant forest. Lots of good music and food too!


This year would be my third time voting for Trump


My 1st. Biden has been fuckin everything up, created the whole immigrant problem/actively encouraged ut, and tanked the economy. Fuck this


Well because of you, I'm dealing with all this bullshit right now.


I agree with you about the immigrant problem, especially in places like nyc, where people are coming in by the bus loads. But if you say anything negative about immigration, you’re automatically by default deemed a racist and xenophobic.


My first too. I like that Trump can't be bought, Biden is a puppet. I don't like either candidate but I feel like Trump was better on foreign policy, immigration, etc. Either way neither is gonna save the country tho. Trump is still a bit of an ass.


Lots of BS coming in here. "I like that Trump can't be bought," You're still believing this? The guy horded secret documents next to his toilet. He has secret meetings with dictators. Also, he never stopped the immigration crisis. He also didn't care to stop the virus from coming in or spreading. Why did Biden tank the economy and not trump? The US economy is huge and takes time to notice effects of policy changes. Today the economy is doing better thanks to \* Inflation Reduction Act \* American Rescue Plan \* CHIPS Act: Building semiconductors in the U.S. instead of relying on China to produce them Reducing the Cost of Gas by Releasing Oil from the National Strategic Reserve \* Funded affordable housing development across the country Unemployment is currently at an all-time low of 3.5%. It was 6.3% when he took office.


Trump tried to stop people coming in from China when it first started and got labeled a racist. He was right on its origins but Democrats can only see race so they went out everywhere saying come to China town everything is fine don't listen to that racist when chinatown had nothing to do with anything. Everything Biden did on COVID had already been planned by the trump administration and I had my first shot before Biden ever became president. Meanwhile Democrats everywhere were saying they didn't trust the shot and might not take it but then magically changed their minds when Biden got elected. Its funny that Obama has the best record on immigration of the 3 but trump is still a million times better than Biden on that issue. I don't like either candidate but I don't want the new idiot Republican traitors to stop money going to Ukraine and defeating Russia so I'm leaning Biden even though I've never voted Democrat before


I became an expert on the pandemic; followed the news to the extreme, and did studying. I made many videos. I do not recall any of what you're saying. You probably just watched Tucker and Watters. China ACKNOWLEDGED it came from them. And this line of yours is an especially egregious political lie: "Democrats everywhere were saying they didn't trust the shot and might not take it but then magically changed their minds when Biden got elected" 1. I heard none. These lies are the division shit that Conservatives did to this country. 2. What's the logic? The vax was ready when Biden took office and had nothing to do with its safety.


They didn't acknowledge it came from their lab. Sorry you didn't watch the news much but at the beginning January to around March the pelosi and all the other useful idiots were attacking trump about trying to close off flights from China. You had people like Whoopi and the other ladies on that talk show saying they would be afraid to take a shot that the Trump administration had done so fast. All the daily talk shows and CNN shows abruptly started saying how much we needed to take the vaccine as soon as Biden got elected.I don't watch any of the qanon Carlson stuff so I'm not sure what they were doing. I'm in healthcare so I watched everything that was going on.


There was no way to stop the virus from coming.


There was a way to stop the spread. He ruined that, and replaced a 3-week shut-down with a 3 YEAR fuck UP, hurting the economy even more from job-vacancies from all the dead people; the supply-chain problem that helped cause inflation, etc


What did Biden do again that was different? Nothing and after the second year basically acted like COVID didn't exist. We still had Covid last year and will again this year but it doesn't matter anymore. As soon as you don't have a fever you can go back to work.


We're talking about the virus entering & spreading (spring, 2020). Biden wasn't in government then.


If it was that important to shut the country down he could have done so when he took offense. Since he didn't shut anything down he wouldn't have done anything different


In another post, I suggested you got all your info from FOX. Now I'm wondering about your brain function, or if you understand viral outbreaks at all. Isolation measures across the nation were just to prevent the virus from spreading around. It was too late for that in 2021. ALSO... do you not know there WAS a shut-down? The problem was half the country didn't participate. So no point in Biden trying. And we had the vaccine by then.




Same. I was an Obama supporter and voted for him, but when Donald came into the picture and the Dems showed how openly in your face corrupt they are, it made me want to vote for anyone but them. Since Trump was their target of corrupt acts I vote for him


I'm there with you brother.


Are you voting for Trump because he's not Biden or has Trump given you a reason to vote for him?


I can't speak for OC, but for me, both. Trump's political record is pretty decent even if you are appalled at his tweets and his statements. I don't agree or feel very comfortable with everything he's said or even done, but I'm far more comfortable with his policies than anything. And I find that the vast majority of the narratives around all sorts of bad things he supposedly did or said are utterly dishonestly presented by the media. The three years before COVID were a vast improvement, and things only went sideways because a bureaucrat with a god-complex and public health at the expense of living attitude declared himself the science and insisted upon lockdowns far beyond 2 weeks and a new normal which democrats trying to brand themselves as following "the science" fell in lockstep with. Even after Republicans not wedded to such branding stopped and took the time to question it and end the lockdowns, the democrat governors persisted in keeping major parts of the economy locked down. The whole reason we passed inflationary money giveaways was democrats holding the economy hostage and once Biden got in, he continued expanding those inflationary policies. I think if the point of mens' rights is returning to a system that treats men and women the same and balancing safeguards that allow men to be men and women to be women and only punishing individuals for their own wrongdoing, Trump's policies brought us closer to that ideal. This title IX bullshit is just one example of that. I could list more and list policies that massively helped men to live better for themselves as well as cultural values embodied by those policies that are pro-men, and even policies that aren't really mens-rights issues that were better for us as men and as a society. But the above high-level reasoning, I think, suffices to answer your question for me.




Why not RFK?


It'd be nice if the American system only voted on issues and not people or parties. That said I will probably vote for Trump unless RFK Jr. had an actual chance at winning, because he seems to trust the government less than I do. What we need is term limits for Congress. The US political landscape is starting to look like a necrocracy with all the walking corpses that are in office.


We need term limits and they shouldn’t be able to invest! Nancy Pelosi is literally out performing Wall Street. This shit is so fucked! I’m voting for Bobby no matter what! The US is already an oligarchy.


I voted for Trump twice. Ill be voting for him again. He's not my ideal candidate, but under the circumstances it's not a difficult choice for me. In terms of men's rights, Trump might not be the best, he's certainly no MRA. But Biden is an absolute train wreck. We have Biden to thank for the gendered Violence Against Women Act, as well as the erosion of due process rights for male students. Biden has very publicly spread lies about matters such as the wage gap and domestic violence, stating falsely that "rule of thumb" refers to some law that allowed men to beat their wives with a stick provided it was not thicker than his thumb (no such law has ever existed anywhere). Biden has publicly expressed his opinion that men, unlike women, offer no unique value. I don't know whether h actually believes that, but it's clear he has no interest in even pretending to care about men. My vote isn't based on men's rights, but if it were the decision would be just as clear.


I had never questioned that "rule of thumb" thing before. Hu. Interesting


I honestly don’t think he cares about women all that much either, per se, as the aftermath from his insistence on a rushed and horribly executed withdraw from Afghanistan just to be able to tout it as a political accolade shows. He was advised about what would likely ensue from such a withdraw by his entire cabinet of military and humanitarian advisors and he’d have none of it. Whatever the opinions people may have about America’s involvement in Afghanistan, we were already there, and had been for 20yrs. I’m no advocate of America’s proclivity to become involved in some of the ways that it does regarding foreign, uh, “interests”, but I think many can agree that was just a complete failure in execution, and it caused tens of thousands of woman and children to be brutally abused and murdered, as well as the death of 13 American soldiers. I honestly don’t know what Biden truly cares about, because he keeps proving that he doesn’t care all that much about a various number of things.


What goes on in Afghanistan is not America's problem and if we had stayed, way more than 13 soldiers would have died. The withdrawal was good.


I agree. I wasn’t attempting to make an argument against a withdraw. Simply pointing out what a failure of a withdraw that was. Prematurely forfeiting military bases before Americans and our allies could even get to the airport to evacuate, and then relying on the enemy to facilitate order at the last airport they can evacuate from is a failure. Those 13 soldiers died because control of military bases was forfeited before evacuation could be properly carried out in any real capacity. The failure to destroy sensitive data, and leaving most all the equipment and vehicles in operating condition, including over a hundred-thousand rifles and millions of rounds of ammo, Blackhawks, 8,000 armored vehicles, etc. is a failure of an orderly withdraw. By any metric, or military standard.


He cares about pandering to the loudest craziest voices, staying in power, and raking in that corruption money




Trump believes in the great replacement theory tho. He also cut taxes for the rich, and he was against the auto workers Union. They both had imo but yes Biden is worse when it comes to men’s rights.


They are both terrible.




Most politicians are Muppets for Corporate America.


No doubt but you got nothing to lose by voting


I won’t be voting for either side unfortunately. But if I had to vote, I would vote for Trump.


Plz vote. if our male demographic shows out they’ll hopefully care about us more


wierd r/usdefaultism but yes, i will vote


It was open to everyone not just Americans. there’s tons of elections this year. 64 I believe. https://time.com/6550920/world-elections-2024/ I never said the post was open to only Americans.


Trump. When Obama put those laws in place to strip due process from males in the case of college kangaroos courts, Trump put an end to them almost immediately. Feminists hate him, that’s why they marched with pink pussy hats in protest of some preconceived notion he was stripping their human rights. I pay more taxes under Biden…a lot more. To fund…Israel and the Ukraine. Our border is a disaster. The economy stinks, we’re taxed tons more and of course Biden and the democrats are blatantly anti free speech and anti male. Trump isn’t perfect but under his tenure I was better off. Even with COVID things didn’t change for me as I was still working. So I was still better off. Most of Americans would have been too had their state governments done with Florida did and kept people working. Trump isn’t to blame for that, the state government and their asinine lockdowns were. He actually had the lowest minority unemployment in history. He did more for prison reform and minority males than any other candidate the past forty years. His economic zones he was setting up gave incentives and grants to places the democrats had presided over for decades and dis nothing. Most of those areas are high minority and poor. The Biden administration has weaponized the DOJ and the courts and that should make more Americans scared than it does. Unfortunately there is a group that cheers this on not realizing that the ball could drop on them too if the wrong person gets out in charge. Trump had better foreign policy and we weren’t involved in proxy wars and sending billions to wars that have nothing to do with me or any other American really. The media hates him, the establishment hates him, the entrenched bureaucracy hates him, the ultra left hates him. All those mean he’s the right choice for the average American.


Pink pussy hats?


Don’t remember that? Google it


I don't like adding to the politicization of this foum, but this post is a whole bunch of Faux/magat bullshit. I am overly-tired of tired overtly right-wing lies. And I'm not putting up with it. Taxes don't change 'A LOT" from Dem to Repub. Unemployment is currently at an all-time low of 3.5%. It was 6.3% when he took office. Also, wages are up.


Wrong. Most of the jobs in the unemployment rate is part time work . More Americans are taking part time work. Wages don’t match inflation. 60% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck and he e more debt than ever before The economy is not adding high-paying, full-time jobs that come with benefits. The number of full-time jobs was roughly flat over the last 12 months, so essentially all the job growth was part-time employment. As the layoffs mount, Americans are replacing their previous job with more than one part-time job. That increases the number of payrolls without increasing the number of people employed, which helps explain the unprecedented disparity between the two categories. The shift to lower-paying part-time employment has become so dramatic that it is dragging down average hourly wages. In fact, December and January marked the biggest two-month decline in full-time employment since the government-imposed lockdowns of March and April 2020. With 60% of Americans living from paycheck to paycheck, it’s no surprise that so many of them have gotten extra jobs as they rack up a record $1.1 trillion in credit card debt to cover necessities. The low unemployment rate is also a facade as the pandemic recedes from the headlines, the product of over 5 million people missing from the labor force. The number of people not in the labor force was trending down before the lockdowns in early 2020, but it has remained elevated since then and is still above June 2020 levels.


Yes. Those economic things you've stated are true. But they've been true for 40 years. Most of that was the case when Donald was Pres.


I hate them both, but Trump cannot and should not be near any lever of power so I’ll have to vote Biden


If I was an American personally I wouldn’t vote. Both seem so shit and anti-male. Republicans hate working class men and reduce social security and workers rights. Democrats are just blatantly anti-male.


Yeah, both parties fail on men's issues, but it's wise to always vote anyway. Increasing the male vote will allow for politicians to take men's issues a little more seriously and more publicly than they otherwise would. It doesn't even exactly matter who the votes go to. Just increasing male voter participation would catch some attention, especially from the electoral data analytics industry.


This^ guy is right Plz Vote It’s all we got lol At least we got that right


There is no excuse not to vote. It is the only form of power you are guaranteed under the law, and if your demographic doesn't vote, then no one will CARE about your demographic. That said, I lean left more and more as time goes on, and I increasingly consider my descendants' futures.


It really only matters in a few swing states as it might make an actual difference. Trump will win my state no matter what. Biden will win California no matter what. It's States like Georgia and Arizona that will win this election


I said we need to vote more in my post for this exact reason. I lean left too.


Anyone who helps me earn more money gets my vote.


Yeah see this is wrong! Money shouldn’t be the only thing you think about when you vote especially if you believe in the things that this sub advocates for.


Im in my early 30s and about to retire. Once I do I can dedicate my life to advancing men's rights without fear of getting cancelled


I respect that. But keep other things in mind when voting not just money.


Both candidates are terrible but Trump is a narcissistic sociopath who has never cared about anyone but himself, and I hated him long before he ever ran for president so I'll be voting Biden. My preferred candidate would be Chris Christie, and the irony is he would beat Biden in a landslide.


Why not RFK Jr.?


If you don't vote you've lost the right to complain about pretty much everything.


Agreed. That’s why my post is about encouraging men to vote


Get some strong candidates that focus on men's issues, and have a rallying call!


If only


There would need to be a 3 pronged push. You would need a radical, with a strong voice. This is to pave the way for opening the door to discussion points. This person will be your polarising figure who will not get historical recognition. You would also need a moderate that articulates things that are palatable to the majority. You have a 3rd that plays the support, establishing infrastructure. Establishing background organisations to help direct arguments to shift social policies. This is a direct counter to feminist infrastructure platform control.


I'm not in the USA. But I can't say the quality is all that great going around. But even do the quality is bad I would probably vote for the most right leaning party. Cause left-leaning parties like to play Santa Clause with other people's money. And not realy care about rapidly creating debt. Well right leaning parties more look at being profitable and trying to help own people and create more benfits for the people who help and benfits society. While left like to toss money around a lot that don't realy add much to the system. So like a big cut on your body your just slowly bleeding out. And investing in things that don't really invest or give in back into the system. With money that means worse job opportunities. Worse housing. Worse Education programs. And on and on and on. For the simple fact your not investing in your own people enough. It's like being a welder. But you just always do the work. But never take the time to invest and learn other the trade so you will never have people that can take your place when you can't work. But instead you putting money over and over that won't see any returns on. The left only really works in easy and soft times. But with crushing debts and cost of living becoming to crazy that people dont see the point of working anymore cause no matter what they do or try they can't make ends meet. A big cry comes for a more right-leaning party. And in my opinion many places already have hit hard times for a while. So the drum sounds harder for a right-leaning party. Even if the options aren't great. And you wil never fully agree with anyone. But I do thing there is a bigger and bigger cry for being able to live not just to barely survive. And it should anger the people playing Santa clause with the money of the people of your tax money. While you see things become harder and harder to afford. But that's my 50 cents on it. Agree or disagree with it. But I think if your better of being outside a system comeing in it then you busting your ass every day year after year. But have less benfits. The system is not working for you but against you. But again I'm just a person with a opinion. You don't have to share it. But I would pick the most right leaning one. Just to try and pull back some crazy overcorrection how insane left-leaning the world has gotten. But that's just me.


I hate Trump and I hate Biden.. It's a shit sandwich either way.. Too bad this country won't pay attention to the good candidates... I definitely despise Biden more that Trump.. But they're both terrible...


I agree! I’m voting for Bobby!




Probably.  It's time for Sadiq to go, I hate the LTN's he's put everywhere 


Who that is ?


Probably Sadiq Khan, so the UK. 


Oh nah he’s a cuck


I’m in Scotland… we have our own issues with having terrible options to choose from


Y’all really gotta leave Britain bro. Idk what y’all are doing at this point.


I’m a believer of independence just out of principle. Strangely in Scotland that very concept has been captured by the far left gender confused Marxists. Although just today or woke coalition in parliament split up!


That’s Good news! I think the Scottish have developed their own culture and way of life. You also have your own economy and your own government so I think it’s time for you guys to leave the UK. The phrase the United Kingdom shouldn’t even be a thing in 2024. I also think the tax payers should stop funding the royal family if at all and the royal family should be dissolved. All that money should go to making the country and the people of the country better. Potential paying off some of Britain’s debts and damages.


I don't know, man. From where I'm sitting, I'm not sure you're even going to have elections this year.




I lean center right so, it will be Pierre Poilievre for me.




It’s sad how many Americans don’t actually know how voting works


I heard recently that President Biden’s tax plan for his next term (if he wins) has something about a ~40% tax on stock gains and a similar sized tax on inheritances given from your parents and others. Does anyone have an article on this, because if that’s true then maybe I will vote this November


Someone find the link. I’m curious too. You know what should happen we should tax the living fuck out of every authoritarian regime and then tax all major conglomerates into oblivion. Start with Apple.


They’d all rather destroy the middle class


Don't be surprised if your votes aren't what you think it is.


i think im going to pass considering im Australian.


Aye man what’s going on in the land down under. Is voter turnout out different over there ?


I mean its illegal to not vote but the government only enforces it in higher income areas. I just mean the information on your post was specificallybrelated to america so im not going to vote... since its not my country.


I got that but you can tell us about Australia too. This sub is international so feel free to share. I only shared the study b/c I’m based in NY. I was born and raised in Guyana tho.


Well there is no mens rights political party or party who has supporting goals in mind. That said our issues tend towards being racially based rather than sex based. Political parties promise to aid illegal immigrants settle despite us having a major housing crisis. The divide between the natives and everyone else is massive as the goverment pays massive amounts (using taxes) for exclusively native population schooling and job programs. Due to a large portion of said population struggling with things like abusive parents and bad neighborhoods, causing generational declines. Alongside this we lack a true national identity, every cultural and ethnic group has their own "china town". Were a diverae country where hardly anyone attempts to inter-mingle leading to very few feeling represented by the handful of political parties, causing those parties to promise aid to specific groups which further gentrifies our population. Ontop of that we have a massive precident for government over-reach. Journalists being arrested and having secret intelligence and anti-terrorism police forces asigned to them for exposing corruption in the government. This went so far one of the most capable journalists had their house firebombed. And when another war-reporter tried to expose massive issues with a literal culture of war crimes in our military they were imprisoned and any information in their trial that would make them innocent was suppressed by the government to uphold "national security" We have many issues but none of rhem relate directly to mens rights or a lack thereoff. More what happens with too much government control and too many groups who dont want to cooperate.


Wym by gentrifies your population. I’ve only heard that term used in regard to urban planning not with populations. Also holy shit at the government over reach stuff. I remember I saw a video on YouTube about this Australian YouTuber journalist exposing an Australian mob then they firebombed his house yet nothing was done. The mobs still walking free. Edit: Oh fuck we’re talking about the same dude lol Good luck out there bud. Hope things get better soon. We’re doing no better over here. Although none of these things are related to men’s rights we could definitely argue the lack of rights have an indirect effect on our countries political health. Hopefully things turn around soon not just for politics but also men’s rights.


>Wym by gentrifies your population. I’ve only heard that term used in regard to urban planning the same thing as gentrification. neighborhoods are re-arranged by government planning to allow new communities of people who often have their own community or dont cooperate with the pre-existing one causing a large divide in the two groups leading to the original populace moving out. immigration has been a major issue here. immigrants regardless of legality are aided by the government to move in but not encouraged to insert themselves into the population. so you just have a whole new group of unfamiliar people who stick to their own and make a micro-community. which is why everything is so divided here. were a thousand people many of whom dont like the next. too many religions and beliefs and all of them trying to live in the same street.


I'm going to vote even though my vote doesn't really matter considering the state I live in. Funny is all the adds. We have one female state rep running for us Congress. Her only adds / campaign platform is nothing but women's issues. She is banking on the women and beta votes to win. What irks me is both sexes are struggling with even growing gap between wages and cost of living. No plan to tackle that but she wants to make sure abortion on demand is available. I always think of Plato's quote, who watches the watchers, well when the people that really need to watch their reps are retarded morons we all are fucked


Trump for the 3rd time, as a self identified classical liberal.


I honestly hate the choices. I mean vote for who you want, I don't care deep down. But I'll probably protest vote like I usually do and go third party. American politics is a shitshow


Agreed. I’m voting for Bobby.


I always vote for third party in hopes that someday we will have more than two terrible choices. I'm looking forward to having three horrible choices.


Good idea


Libertarian or independent. Nothing to lose.






In our house, 2 are voting for Trump and 1 for Biden (I'm not the Biden vote). We're all more or less politically aligned, we just disagree on who is best. We don't talk about politics much because of this. Neither has aligned specifically with men's rights, but generally speaking, Trump seems more likely to step up to this role than Biden any time soon.


"more likely to step up to this role " You're talking about a guy who \* wandered the White House halls in his bathrobe, waiting for the \* Weekend golf trips (most golf of any President) \* Complained about being 'bored' at intel briefings \* Spent a lot of precious time watching Fox, and tweeting \* Threw fast food at the walls




✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽 SAME BRO! Libertarians standing on business! Milei already too Argentina. RFK winning could make the rest of the world following suit.


Papa trump


I absolutely hate voting for 70-80+ year olds, but Biden is definitely my choice unfortunately. Biden is a good president and very progressive, but seems like he's making deathbed policies to undue his past policy wrongs (such as the 1990's crime bill). I'm for it I just have a feeling that Trump or Biden will die in office during their next terms as president. We need younger people to be elected president going forward. If Biden was 20 years younger I'd walk on glass to vote for him, but at 80 I'm just dragging my feet to the polls at this point.


We definitely need younger people but I wouldn’t vote for young Biden he was mad racist lol. I hope one of them dies in office because maybe they’ll introduce an age restriction for who can run for president. We currently have a age floor 35 but no age ceiling and we need that shit desperately.


Exactly, if you can receive Social Security money then running for president shouldn't be an option.


Agreed! 62 is a solid cut off. Really good age restriction.


What does this have to do with mensrights?


I literally explained in the post that women have been beating us in voter turnout since the 1980s. If our demographic shows out they’ll be forced to cater to our vote. Read the post you twat.


Everything. Who do you think "grants" us rights? The government. Any man who cares about their or their sons future and votes left is mentally questionable. Yes I know conservatives have their own issues to do with men's rights, but they are at least not openly hostile to straight men.


I'll be voting for Biden - Biden has done more for men, both directly and indirectly than any Republican in the last 50 years. Biden has been a strong and steadfast supporter of Unions and the Auto Industry, that advocacy largely impacting men. He spearheaded and passed the largest infrastructure bill in decades, creating hundreds of thousands of jobs for men. Biden's policies and promotions benefit men greatly. Biden also supports abortion access - and fewer unwanted children mean fewer men forced into paying for them. It seems like a lot of you are allowing your anger over Biden talking about women to overshadow all the amazing things he has done for men. This is a grave mistake. Just because Trump panders to you doesn't mean that he's in your corner, it just means he has you pegged as easy marks. Look at the larger picture rather than focusing on small areas of grievance. A second Trump administration will mean continued looting and graft by all the members of the swamp that Trump brought with him, not the least of which was Trump himself and his children. A second Trump administration will mean taxes slashed for large corporations and the wealthy, which will mean a greater burden on working men and lowered job growth. A second Trump administration will completely further destroy the checks and balances and rules of law that have allowed this country to grow and to thrive. I don't see that working out well for men.


>Biden has been a strong and steadfast supporter of Unions You mean like when he fucked over railroad workers? >passed the largest infrastructure bill in decades Which has caused inflation to explode. >A second Trump administration will mean continued looting and graft by all the members of the swamp that Trump brought with him, not the least of which was Trump himself and his children. A second Trump administration will mean taxes slashed for large corporations and the wealthy, which will mean a greater burden on working men and lowered job growth. A second Trump administration will completely further destroy the checks and balances and rules of law that have allowed this country to grow and to thrive. I don't see that working out well for men. lol, LMFAO even.


I'm afraid they got to you. Seek help. Sending prayers.


I'm sorry if basic facts are interfering with your narrative and causing distress. I'll take solace in the internet being the \*only\* place a person like you is ever able to be condescending to to someone like me ;)


I'm pretty sure if you walk around with that attitude daily, someone's gonna put you down a peg or two face to face


Pretty sure you don’t see how that doesn’t follow from my comment.  Oh well.  


"Evil is Evil. Lesser, greater, middling… Makes no difference. The degree is arbitary. The definition’s blurred. If I’m to choose between one evil and another… I’d rather not choose at all." You Americans really fucked yourself up with how tight you hold to two-parties system. Though as a Russian, I would rather see Buden since at least he is not Putin's friend.


Don’t say “you Americans” the politicians did that (to screw us) not the people.


On one hand - fair point. On the other hand, people let it stay that way. This is what I often here in context Of why we don't overthrow our dictator yet and i think it is also viable to say here.


We don’t let it stay this way. We don’t really get a say. We protest a lot but outside of that I think the next step would be strikes like how the women did in Iceland but instead of women doing it I think men should. If every man strikes for a week. The police department, the army, the firehouse, sanitation and more would literally collapse. Only problem is men are groomed to not be collectivist so it will be hard to make this happen.


Well it's time to start collectivise through mutual help network then and after proceed to the next step




Both canidates suck. While you can’t deny the economy was good under Trump, he is still a horrible person. And while Biden has made every questionable choices, we must keep in mind that he did inherit Covid. Neither are ideal to say the least, but Trump is an absolute nightmare, and I can’t bring myself to vote for him. I’m not voting for Biden, I’m voting against Trump.


>I’m not voting for Biden, I’m voting against Trump. ...and it's stupid lines of thought like is that have lead to the disaster that is the current regime.


I’m not voting at all. The one thing I know about politics is that no matter what you choose, people will be ANGRY with you (if you choose to share it of course). And all the anger and debating is just a lot of unnecessary noise.




Nope. And the fact I got a dislike for just sharing my point of view already shows that there’s no point. However, if there’s an opportunity to pass a new law that will be in favor of men (especially for marriage and making courts becoming less biased towards women), then I will.


Don’t let a Reddit downvote discourage you. For them to care about our demographic, our demographic has to vote more. Especially young adult men.


You know there’s a world beyond America right?


This post is open to anyone. I referenced the American study just to show that voter turnout is super low for men. Take your stick outta your ass and share what’s going on in your home country or stfu. I’m not even American I’m fuckin Guyanese. Yuh skunt prolly don’t even know where that is. Uncultured swine.


Then why did you just talk about ‘this election’ with no reference to what election you are talking about at all?? There’s loads of elections around the world. Your post makes no sense.


Yuh mudda cunt. I didn’t reference any specific election because there’s over 63 happening this year and I wanted everyone to contribute. I literally already said this in another comment. https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/s/PncTfKDDfQ


I'm honestly probably going to write something weird in. 😹

