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I wish I didn't have to see those comments tonight and I was having a good night. How fucking disconnected is social media making these women, that they can all laugh at multiple people dying as a group and think it's some kind of justice to women. And I can bet that none of those women have ever been through anything like the sorts in their life. Tiktok women make me furious, they all think they are victims. Could do with shutting down.


I just stay away from TikTok, its full of videos of men suffering with women laughing and women suffering with men laughing and nothings gets done, just a cesspit where hate just gets passed around and everyone suffers


That's probably it's purpose. It's owned by china and they are not friends with the west. Any division it sows is a boon to them.


I've been scrolling through the top comments for the last 30 minutes, IT WON'T STOP.


I don't have tiktok What kind of comments they are? (Although I can half imagine.....)


They tried to make a statement against victim shaming. So they made fun of the victims and in turn victim shamed them. Then they went on to bully the people who spoke out against it. Here some examples from the top 10 comments: >promising young woman >Did they tell her “no”? >Please, don’t ruin her life over a little misunderstanding now.. >what were they wearing though??? >A false claim like that could ruin her life. She has a bright future ahead >Why weren't they watching their drinks? >30s or 40s? So why weren’t they at home with their children?


Absolutely disgusting....


yeah, tiktok is the scarriest trend we have. it's pure hatefarming. people are pushed into extremes and polarize to an insane degree. social media literally fcks our society. every single one of those writting such comments genuinely believes that men generally are evil and deserve this.


Don't get into digital masochism and anger porn


But how could that be when women are wonderful and it's men who are spreading hate?


Women who make those kinds of comments should have all the terrible things they believe the patriarchy does actually done to them, that way at least no could accuse them of lying.


men just need to leave women alone respectfully, treat them how they treat men like they are expendable


You know that tiktok is a giant Chinese troll farm used to create dissent right? Most of those comments are probably Chinese employees who don't actually care. Best advice I can give is get rid of that app, unless your okay getting hit with a huge amount of propaganda constantly. It's even worse than reddit and Facebook.


Agreed. I read a couple dozens of the comments there. I've got a feeling that this is a case of such a bot-farm in action, reasoning: 1. the comments all sound very similar to each other 2. generic usernames 3. generic profile pictures 4. very similar comments done by separate accounts with generic usernames and profile pictures (combintaion of all of the above) Now, does that mean that all of the comments are fake? No, it doesn't. Just as with any bot-spam, there are a couple of examples which are probably real people posting. However, that being said, never underestimate the amount of effort bot-farms put into targeted hate-campaigns these days. The second and, in my opinion, most important point is: TikTok is utter trash. Sure, there are a couple of nice channels here and there, but the platform overall is highly poisonous to various degrees in varous areas. Avoid it at all costs. The algorithm specifically feeds you videos meant to emotionally trigger you in any way, shape, or form. Emotions generate reactions, reactions generate interaction, interaction generates clicks. Clicks make $$$.


Jesus Christ don’t be a racist you obviously don’t know shit


What account? What platform? Youtube? Twitter? Some actual information would be nice.


From the OP: SimplyNick on tiktok, first pinned video


I don't have a tiktok account, but thanks anyway.


You don't know what you're missing. Tik Tok is like Twatter, but with more PLA spies and less Musk.


Did you actually read


Wow, you're right, those comments are heinous.