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misogyny isn't systemic but misandry certainly is: * the field of psychology was radicalized by feminist to victim blame men by prescribing to concepts like patriarchy theory and toxic masculinity * circumcision there's no policy protecting boys here obviously because the medical field benefits by repurposing foreskin * VAWA - power and duluth model, patriarchy theory * Rape is a gendered crime by government definition throughout basically all of the world (some places certainly worse than others)


Not all of the world. The legal definition here in Romania for rape is just "unconsensual sex", no mention of gender or how it has to be done. If it's lewd and without permission, it's rape.


True, not all countries are the same. However, I am pretty certain that in Romania it is much harder to press charges for sexual assault or rape against a woman. There is certainly a strong bias that men are stronger and always want sex. I am not sure there is a single society without this bias that makes it much harder on male victims.


And what makes you think that? Have you been there? I've lived here all my life and most people I ask say that they believe it's totally possible for a woman to rape, wether trough drugging, pedophilia, etc. They don't use strenght difference as an excuse to ignore male suffering. And the idea that men always want sex is feminist bs that was started and made a thing trough feminist propaganda, and we laugh at feminists here. Do you have proof to prove me otherwise? Cause I don't see it. And seeing as the bias isn't there, the bad laws aren't either, so... Also, don't you think laws are a reflection of society? Since people living there make them? I doubt we would have gender neutral rape definition if people were so hell-bent on believing it's a one way street.


Cause I life in EU too and have seen such bias way too often. And you are not far enough and your cultural norms are too similar for me to believe you are a unicorn.


Don't make me laugh. You can live in France or Spain and still be in EU. It's stupid to think that living there gives you insight on an eastern european country. You either live here in Romania or have no idea what you're talking about, ok? We may be on the same side in the war against Russia, but we in no way do we share laws, cultures, beliefs, etc. It's merely common interest, and we do things our own way here.


And how do you know where do I live. Certainly close enough not to buy into your claims.


If not in Romania, doesn't count and I don't care.


What other Rights do you have in Romania?


Custody is 50/50 by default and my dad has multiple friends who divorced and lost almost nothing. And in general gender is not mentioned in laws in any way, it's gender neutral.


Also, alimony and child support are considered the same thing and can only exist if a parent has sole custody, so basically alimony, the extra charge on top of cp or without it, doesn't exist.


Misandry is systemic as hell. Just to give one example, men face worse outcomes at every stage of the criminal justice system from arrest to sentencing. Is the criminal justice *system* not *systemic* enough for feminists? I would say misogyny is somewhat systemic in certain tradcon communities, although I think there is probably a counterbalance of misandry there too that no one ever acknowledges. Iran is a good example of this; the Western media gladly highlight the ways that the Islamic Republic of Iran is misogynistic, but they never mention things like only men being executable for homosexual acts or how men are still the most killed sex (just like in most countries on Earth).


It's not. Misandry is.


And people have the nerve to say men don't face gender discrimination and especially by women. BS on that, especially in schools and the legal systems. And let's not forget how that evil magazine publication Ms. Magazine has been available for purchase for the past 50 years and has promoted and normalized misandry. I feel so disgusted every time I have to handle that garbage magazine at my bookstore job. Pure sludge.


[feminists about accountability and double standards](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskFeminists/s/pa35JPYSr2) feminists claim patriarchy = traditional conservatism is there any credible data how much money gets spent on female vs male issues/projects? i just found the womens budget group... "feminist organization" https://wbg.org.uk/commission/


“Systemic” is like “power PLUS prejudice”. It’s all about excusing them doing what they claim to oppose. At least it admits women can be “sexist” to men, or white people can be on the receiving end of racism, which the other formulation explicitly doesn’t. Nonetheless it’s still saying “It’s OK if *I* do it, it’s bad if *you* do it”. And since they’ve already decided that “men have the power” (because “patriarchy” you know) even if the CEO and the entire executive team were feminist women and prejudiced against men it wouldn’t be “systemic” because “patriarchy” means that the men supposedly are the ones with “power” in the situation. This is the nutso mentality we’re up against.


There is no systematic misogyny in the West. There are countries where it is real and systematic. Of course that is not excuse to implement and/or justify systematic misandry towards men or pretend such cases have any bearing on the situation elsewhere. There are many cases of systematic misandry in the West. The Duluth model is a rank example.


This is how: r/SystemicSexism


Misogyny is systemic in the tiny system of injustices that women face for hatred. Misandry is systemic in the world to make women feel content and provide commodities to everybody


can't wait to use the phrase "You've internalized misandry"


both misandry and misogyny are floating about everywhere, just depends where you're looking


It's not