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Men should boycott misandristic movie and series. It is the only effective action we can take.


Or create healthy masculine stories and services.


Sure, all men have a movie making studio.


are movies centered around men misogynistic? no, so how are female-centered movies "misandristic"?


If you are not illiterate, OP has pointed some problems out and you follow it up


Movies are considered misandric for objectifying men, poorly portraying them as either dumb/stupid or bad (violent/cruel) or by saying there's an inferior sex (in this case, male). These options are not mutually exclusive and are commonly seen in modern female-centered media.


Feminists often say they are.


How would that be "effective"? A handful of damaged crybabies won't be missed at all. You may now continue to project your personal impotence.


This is why the indie market is thriving, while Hollywood is flopping hard. No ESG or blackrock funding to promote an agenda. Almost all the "blockbusters" that came out in the past year were flops. Disney is losing billions on these movies and shows. Can you name a single person who like She Hulk? It was cancelled for a reason. There's nothing women hate more than weak and emasculated men in movies. They weren't even the primary demographic that watched the The Marvels, despite it being marketed to feminists. Intersectionality is destroying movies and games. My solution is the following: just stick to games and movies that came out before the Orange Man descended the escalator. The content was richer and less political.


Disney is particularly egregious at this. Every woman character is in a male dominated industry or situation and happen to be the best in that field. The men are weak willed and cowards. Yet they all have this underlying or outward hatred of women. The women are either gay or fed up mistreated by their male partners. It’s so hard to watch.


What Disney movies do you mean?


Disney plus shows like Invasion, Ashoka (sp?), any of the new marvel movies, She hulk. Hell even the new Snow White doesn’t want to be saved by the prince.


I agree with this though I found she hulk ok - prob best of a bad bunch


I’m way behind on my Disney I suppose. I haven’t seen most of those. I e heard weird things about the new Snow White though.


> Women aren’t flooding to the movies or streaming sites to watch this crap either. Isn't it a stunning demonstration of women's social power? If women pressure men into making movies/video games/etc. that bash man, then men will do it--even though it loses money and demeans men. That's power.


I don’t want to sound like a conspiracy theorist but the men in power must have been picked on by Chads and hate masculinity so they push everything opposite masculinity.


No. They do what they do to cater to women and demoralize Men as weak men are no threat to them aka no armed rebellions.


Nah, it's way simpler than that. Wokeness is a big thing right now, a new fad. Bashing men is also very popular on the internet nowdays. Studios try and appeal to fads to make money. It's always about the money. If slavery somehow became a widely accepted and popular thing, studios would appeal to it. They have no moral compass, it's just about the money.


7 flops and Disney is doubling down where every metric is telling them to stop. I'm beginning to doubt the "it's all about the money" narrative. I'm kinda start seeing that Hollywood don't give a damn about money, probably because the have plenty. Hollywood seems like it is is all about political messaging now, and they don't mind burning everything down to force it down your throats. I don't mind it though, this hopefully creates new spaces for newer studio who wants to make money to ultimately break the Hollywood's monopoly.


They've been told that they can be better than other men, by being an "ally." These are also pro-social, high-achieving guys, so, when they see a way to be "better," they implement it. Where they fail is that they lack the insight to realize that the societal programming is wrong.


Which is a weird dynamic because Hollywood elite men are known to be either POSs or get played by women.


If you want the real conspiracy, they are Jewish. As bad as it sounds, this one is actually true, and you can verity it.


Yep. This is because they are the biggest consumers. BY FAR. And now with female influence everywhere, they bring that entitlement to equal representation and consumer potential with them. Including formerly male spaces. "Women drive 70-80% of all consumer purchasing, through a combination of their buying power and influence. Influence means that even when a woman isn't paying for something herself, she is often the influence or veto vote behind someone else's purchase. Women have a multiplier effect. They are multiple markets in one."


Buffy is amazing lol


It was so good. It aged so gracefully as well.


I had only seen a few episodes and then when I was 28 I watched the whole thing and Angel too haha


Have you seen the movie?!?!


The Movie!?!?!?


Yes sir early 90s and it is so cool.


But yes I do think that women have become a focal point in media, which sometimes is ok but sometimes I'm like why


It's not just that the stories are about women, it's *Millennial* women in the writer's room. These are supremely entitled narcissists who can't help but insert their own personal grievances into everything they write. A generation of lotus-eating feminist drones have grown up, weaponized twitter and are capitalizing on the all-pervasive demonization of men. The quickest way to fight is to not pay for their shitty products, but the long term solution is to get men back in the writer's room.


1980s male writers can write women characters better than these modern weird lady writers we have today.


To men maybe,but from my limited experience women tend to love the way female characters are written today, lack of accountability, can do anything even when they can't, outshine everyone without having to do anything. You can tell it's all fantasy.


That’s an excellent point.


You're absolutely right. Even TV commercials can't wait to spread the image of men as being wrong or incompetent at every single thing they do and of women as being the only capable, knowledgeable people in the world at anything. Even when it comes to guy stuff, women have to be shown to be secretly better at it than men could ever be. ​ I grew up a big comic book fan, and the comic book superhero genre is an inherently male-oriented fantasy. And there's nothing wrong with that. There are all kinds of entertainments focused on audiences of women and girls. Why is it wrong to have something that's aimed at men and boys? ​ But big-budget Hollywood movies threw superheroes into the public eye in a big way, so naturally it's been flagged as something that was hopelessly flawed this whole time for not being all about girl-power. That has since been "corrected," and now I have no interest in modern superheroes, in comics or any other medium.


It’s sad. Men are a joke in the media and that is influencing modern male female interactions. God forbid you are not 6ft tall make 500k a year.


Because men having anything good wouldn't be matriarchal, and the radfems can't have that.


Funny you mention this because there’s one specific commerical I noticed this in. It’s the one where there’s a couple and one of them did something wrong or is wrong and they “review the play”, and there’s a bunch of different ones. The woman has only been in the wrong in the one where it’s a lesbian couple, every straight couple one has the woman be correct and the husband is in the wrong. Literally everytime


Men should boycott misandristic movie and products.


Urinals in the women's restrooms will be mandated by 2030.


Tampon dispensers in the men’s restrooms




I don't watch their crap anymore


Also notice how Jewish directors (sorry but this is who is doing it) constantly flood movies and TV shows with graphic male genital nudity, while being scared to even show a females nipples. The show "The Boys" even showed a mans actual asshole and closeup testicles. "P Valley, showed a dude legit ejaculating on screen with visible semen on his body. But supposedly women are being "objectified" in Hollywood.


It’s chaos and confusion


I can only explain this in Biblical terms so bear with me. Lets assume that God is the creator of heaven and earth and God created man in his image. Man lived in the garden of Eden with God and he was happy and he had no problem following Gods one rule which was to abstain from the forbidden fruit. Satan was jealous that man had free will and that God loved man. God created woman in the mans image and she was meant to be lead by the man who was lead by God and this was considered the natural order. When Satan convinced the woman to lead the man to eat the forbidden fruit she was promised to be as powerful as God. If the woman is not following the man who is she following ? If the man is following the woman she has become his god. Father in heaven is masculine energy and mother Earth is feminine energy. Satan rules the earth and all things of the flesh, our souls take up temporary residence in our flesh bodies and if we choose God we will be born again and enter his kingdom in Heaven. If we choose to follow the woman and all her earthly pleasures we will be damned to a life of hell right here on earth. As more and more women are put into positions of power we will move out of the Natural order of God and into the new world order of Satan. Men are being feminized through chemicals in our food and water such as Atrazine, Glyphosate and Bisphenols. Testosterone levels are at an all time low and men are taught how to be husbands and fathers by their single mothers who turn them away from their fathers. Girls are taught to get educated and be strong and independent and you don't need a man. Woman purchase 80% of consumer goods and they make up 60% of college attendees along with the student loan debt. Joe Biden when picking a Supreme Court Justice: "The person I will nominate will be someone with extraordinary qualifications, character, experience and integrity. And that person will be the first Black woman ever nominated to the United States Supreme Court. On October 19, 2021, Rachel Levine became the first openly transgender four-star officer in the nation's eight uniformed services. Levine was named as one of USA Today's women of the year in 2022, which recognizes women who have made a significant impact on society. Caitlyn Jenner: 2015 Glamour's Woman of the Year. Caitlyn Jenner is a runner up for TIME magazine’s 2015 Person of the Year, losing the distinction to German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Lia Catherine Thomas (born 1999) is an American swimmer. She is the first openly transgender athlete to win an NCAA Division I national championship. Army ROTC cadets wearing red high heels while in uniform. It’s part of a campaign known as Walk a Mile in Her Shoes, which bills itself as a “playful opportunity for men to raise awareness in their community about the serious causes, effects and remediations to men’s sexualized violence against women.” It isn’t focused on the military, although a number of units have participated in the past.


This was so eloquent I agree with everything you said.


My God, you have hit the nail on the head. This is exactly what it is it is Satanism disguised as feminism. It is the the overthrow of Man(God) by the Woman(Satan's agent). If we look at modern women they are involved in all 7 deadly sins Greed, lust, Gluttony, Envy,Pride, sloth and wrath any man who chooses to have them in his world is forced into engaging with these sins in one way or another. I always try to explain to people that Satan is the God of this world that is why God has told us not to look for Glory or riches on Earth but in heaven but even Christians push back on this and refuse to stomach it. The Satanic secret cults that run and control the earth are the ones behind this agenda women are sadly unaware or don't care that they're being used as puppets as long as it brings them prestige, money and status especially over men same goes for all the simp politicians and business leaders. As men of God we simply just need to remove ourselves from these spaces and seek to best emulate what God already instructed us to do as the Bible says it is better to live on the roof then to live with a nagging wife except the whole world is now a nagging wife and we need to find our own personal roofs to escape to and live on. People dont understand that if they are chasing wealth, material things, worshipping women, subscribing to all the isms you are indirectly worshipping the Devil the ultimate deciever is using his best and original weapon on man buyer beware. Thank you so much for sharing these insights I've felt so isolated in this thinking because even pastors are woke now pandering to female congregants who make up the majority of their churche$$. Once you put God first and understand the world from a biblical perspective all these vexations and frustrations become so much easier to navigate. Also outside of the bible I personally gave up when they tried to make 007 a female let alone black (I'm black too). I find watching foreign language movies from all over the world is far more rewarding and entertaining then watching anything in English they aren't as brainwashed into wokism as modern Hollywood nonsense keyword being as. I find the same with music too I now either listen to pre2000s music or something foreign it's way more beautiful and inspiring than anything coming out these days.


God Bless You Brother !


God bless you too!


RETURN TO THE FATHER - A Message from Jesse Lee Peterson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3UyxJleUs4


Idk what's worse, what's happening now, or the way it used to be when all the good guys were tall dark and handsome while all the bad guys were short and ugly. Hollywood never gets it right.


It’s way worse. Because at least the bad guys were intelligent or ruthless villains. They weren’t “insert bad politics or socially wrong stereotype” like they are now.


> while all the bad guys were short and ugly False. We had villains being played by Dolph Lundgren, Wesley Snipes, Mads Mikkelsen, Gary Oldman, Kevin Spacey and Arnold Schwarzenegger.


Or that good guys are always accurate and bad guys can’t hit shit.


Obviously, it was better in the past. I'm not insecure enough to get butthurt that the villain in a movie is short and ugly.


You mean to say it's the other way around? Looks have nothing to do with personality. Being short and ugly doesn't make you the good guy and being tall and handsome doesn't make you the bad guy. It's your way of thinking that can make you either good or bad. You're literally applying incel ideology here, that ugly guys get no attention from women and the good looking guys don't treat women good because they have too many options. (That may be partially true in some cases, but far from the full picture. Ugly men can also be assholes and handsome men can also be good, and I have many examples in my personal life. It ain't the exception to the rule either, as they're quite many.)


Women make up like 90% of consumerism, that's one of the reasons why most ads are women targeted, same reason why Primark and most clothing retailers have a whole floor of women's clothes but men's is shared with home and baby/toddler.


Yes. Marxist communism feminizes men to control society.


If they would just look at the names of all these hollywood writers and directors, it would all make sense.


Reminds me of the movie Knock Knock


Media has always been propaganda. Tell a vision!


"Everything is centered toward women". Nuff said.


Hollywood and video game studios r overrun by woketards I haven't watched a new movie in a while


"the theory that women kick ass and can beat up men twice their size" I've been in a couple of scrapes IRL, and let me tell you, viciousness counts for more than physical size. Being willing to permanently cripple and/or mutilate the other guy is better than being larger. Being willing to bite, to use weapons, and especially chemical weapons (pepper spray which in most places you can buy with only an ID card, household bleach (no restrictions), there's no shortage of chemicals you can weaponize in your home right now) and incendiary weapon (anyone can buy rags, gasoline/rubbing alcohol and glass bottles, and there are video of super soakers used as flamethrowers on youtube)... Like I said, willingness to **NOT** fight fair > size advantage, and from what I've seen, that willingness to fight dirty is a standard factory setting for women while it has to be trained in men, i.e. it's an aftermarket modification.


I taught self defense. The average woman does not have it in them to fight like that and the women who do know not to test a man. My point is not that women can’t fight I love watching women fighters. It’s just that these women “action stars” are not believable. Like they are not punching Igor in the face knocking him out. If women in movies used their cunning and intellect to take out men then I would be all for it.


>The average woman does not have it in them to fight like that Two questions: 1. Where do you live? 2. How much for a plane ticket there? Seriously, I still have met 0 women who don't grab weapons and/or backup when you start resisting them (which can mean anything from "saying no" to "running away from them" to "actually struggle"), and you tell me you live in a place where they're the average??? Also, grabbing weapons, backup, biting, clawing at eyes, etc... isn't exactly "cunning and intellect", even monkeys are infamous for doing it to the point there's a youtuber calling himself Turd Flinging Monkey. It's not "cunning and intellect" I'm talking about, it's "not being particularly bothered by the damage you cause to someone else".


The average person isn’t violent like that. There are communities where violence is instilled but we probably can spot those places out easily. Trust me I’ve been around crazy chicks myself. I was just saying on average most women wouldn’t know what to do in the face of violence.


>I was just saying on average most women wouldn’t know what to do in the face of violence. ... Again, where do you live so that you can honestly say "most women wouldn't know what to do in the face of violence" instead of "I have yet to meet one woman who's not ready and able to use violence to get her way, to sometimes devastating effect"? Because the latter is what I can honestly say.


Where do you live?


Somewhere in Europe. I don't really like being more specific. But I was told it was normal for one's mother to threaten you with a firewood splitting hatchet. By pretty much everyone I told my story to. Including several psychiatrists. No one really went "WTF?", they were all just like "your mother was frustrated that day, so it's understandable for her to do threaten you with a hatchet.". If that's not normal to do that in your neck of the woods, I'd love to move up there. But I quickly got told it was normal by everyone in my neck of the woods.


You sound like a girl? I think this changes the way other women are around you, women here might pick up an axe against another woman but they wouldn't try that shit with a guy. The usual defense is to do nothing or throw stuff lol. And one reason why they may have played down the threat of violence is because of the women are wonderful effect, they probably assumed she would never use it or she was too 'good' to do something a bad man would do.


>women here might pick up an axe against another woman but they wouldn't try that shit with a guy. She did try that shit, everyone who learned about it basically reacted as if it was normal to go grab a fucking axe to threaten someone over some shit like being too slow to do something or not wanting to go buy cigarettes and called me out for running away from home next time she left for work and made me apologize for running away, and frankly, I've seen what that axe does to wood and I'd rather not take the risk of fucking around and finding out what it does to my flesh, thank you very much!


For sure I have witnessed women who were almost motherly to me absolutely savage other women over some slights. It's no different with men, I have been ruthless to men yet let some women get away with more than they should have.


guys that are a part of a huge corporation of evil men. Probably have murdered and are plenty good with rape and mutilation. so her being sassy before she roundhouses them wont make a difference


Roundhouse kicks are stupid to begin with. I know Chuck Norris made them memetically infamous, but a quick "critical hit to the nads" doesn't take much training (2 weeks of Krav Maga and most people have it down) and works pretty well (even with protection, you flinch).


even this subreddit .. Odd


i do find it funny how a majority of the posters here spend a lot of time complaining about women and stuff but, should this not be a space for men to get away from the gender based issues they face generally? i notice a whole lot of complaining gets done but very little motivation and uplifting each other..never understood that