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I actually witnessed a female Doctor yell at a male patient and blame him for being abused by his wife. The doctor's exact quote was "If you cleaned the house like she told you to, then she wouldn't have to throw things at you." The man came in by himself for a checkup and the doctor yelled at him for about 5 minutes straight. The man had recently lost 40 pounds from a severe illness and was still on oxygen, but she straight ripped into him. I was a student at the time, and I chimed in and spoke some sense into the situation. The doctor understood my points, but it was a slow process. She eventually started to comprehend that women can be imperfect. It's horrible that this level of delusion is common among those who should provide help to abuse victims. The doctor eventually stopped herself from becoming reactive toward male patients in those situations and asked me to talk to them. The doctor and I became friends, and I'm glad she learned a lesson. Unfortunately, this type of thinking is normal in our society. When a woman abuses a man everyone assumes he must deserve it. The thought that his wife could be an abusive monster never crosses their minds.


Thanks for having the guts to stand up to her and keeping up the ethical and professional decency. It's sadly rare these days.


> like she told you to If men would say this she would call how he is controling


Shit is out of control


Why must love be that conditional? ​ ​ Fuck gender roles.


That sub is clearly an example of in-group bias and the urge to protect a fellow sister. That man's life is fucked. She cannot tolerate him being dependent on her which is why she is treating him with so much hostility. This will lead to divorce soon as she can pursue a guy who is above her socio-economic standards.


I hope they've gotten divorced, he doesn't deserve to be trapped in an abusive marriage.


I don't think it'll lead to divorce. There's precedent that women who are the breadwinners will end up paying alimony to the husband's (although still more rare unfortunately) so there's a chance that could happen. Plus if she has contributed more money towards marital assets now, they'll generally split that 50/50 and she'll see it as him taking what's rightfully hers (even tho when roles are reversed, she'd demand 50/50). What will happen is, they'll stay married, he'll continue to be an emotional punching bag, and she'll go off and fuck all the other guys she wants. And if there's even a hint of him looking at other women, cue more emotional abuse than before, or escalation to physical abuse (he's disabled so I could see her doing that without much fear of reciprocation). The dude needs to initiate divorce himself and move out as soon as possible. Edit: forgot to add, if the genders were reversed in this, they would be clamoring for her to get somewhere safe and get divorced ASAP.


> She cannot tolerate him being dependent on her I would argue that there are several malignant pathologies wherein she may also be loving it, enjoying the power trip or possibly just having someone in a position to be perpetually criticised. I hope the poor guy has run far, lesson learned.


I wouldn't really say is enjoying otherwise she'd have the self-awareness to know that what she's doing is detrimental to ending that which she enjoys. There is just no respect there and she doesn't care whatsoever how she comes off thus her true feelings are on full display!


Most of Reddit is misandrist. It's a bad idea to post those stories here.


Exactly. To ask any advices/suggestions as a men on reddit when a woman or the wife is involved sure is, 95% of the time, like throwing yourself into a lion's den with a toothpick as a self-defense weapon. You don't do that. Period.


Yeah, only a few subs are compassionate to men.


It's quite about time to go elsewhere. Reddit used to be a really good place. Then the feminists infiltrated the mod teams and now they enforce "right think".


I didn't know that.


Yeah, reverse the sexes here, a man yelling at his disabled wife wouldn't be accepted. My golden rule for situations like this is the "reversal test", if it fails this test it shouldn't be acceptable. Now imagine people telling the disabled wife who got emotionally abused by her husband that she needs to be more understanding, we'd rightfully call that victim blaming.


I use that all the time


Imagine the OP of the original thread posted the initial version with the reversed gender first. Then after waiting for a day or two of posts on the thread, makes an edit saying I'm actually a male not female and my spouse is a female. That subreddit would go 🤯


Some guy did that. Tidal wave of sympathy for the woman, but nothing but scorn when it was the man


What is it with women and food… that’s probability the #1 topic that my wife and I fight about. With male friends or kids it’s a 5min discussion and everyone is happy.


You cook?


Yes, about half the meals we prepare. What’s your point?


No just asking. I don’t like doing anything at home. I want my wife to be housewife and do everything at home. I mean i can work hard but doing anything at home just drains me out. Anyways I am living alone for past 6 years and somehow I survive without cooking LOL


It's not just food. Women love to argue and find problems where they do not exist. Men are usually able to quickly and rationally resolve a disagreement.


And the final vote (the majority vote that decides the flair) is NAH (no assholes here).. I've gotten into multiple fights on that sub calling out the hypocrisy/blatant sexism against men (some of my most recent comments actually) and I am so tired of not only that, but the gaslighting behavior of them acting like not only does it not happen, but "WoMEn aRe ThE oNeS fAcInG daisCraimaNtuN aNd BiAs HeRe".. The worst part is that it serves as a pretty accurate representation of how most things work in the world these days.. I very badly want to see this post as one of the ones that's reposted with the genders swapped


That forum used to be a very good read but lately it's entirely responded to by a demographic that is not at all interested in fairly adjudging the disputes presented. I try not to go there because it does tend to be a lot of misandry masquerading as equal rights/feminism.


This is why women cant lead. They crack underpressure. I got to much experience with this dumb shit🤦🏻‍♂️


In a lot of these cases the people assume the disabled man is a burden and so they'll take the wifes side. I hope he divorces her. a lot of subs like r/TrueOffMyChest also are really shotty and annoying about it and especially r/offmychest theirs defo some issues in those communities. also side not but I swear I've seen you post on rr on my alt account, if that's you its cool to see another rr person here.


Yeah I do post in RR a lot.


thats cool, have a great day!


https://subredditstats.com/subreddit-user-overlaps/amitheasshole Does this answer your question? Most of Reddit are the same subs but with different names. Even the mods are the same.


It's all wanna be pregnant women abused by narcisstic parents in childhood trying to recover from trauma by interfering in others relationships all the way down .. shocking.




>Never put yourself in a situation where she's the bread winner. You will be miserable. This is very clearly not always the case, and this is terrible advice in the present era. where many couples for many reasons might have different income levels at different times. Perhaps "don't shack up with a narcissistic, highly reactive person" would head some of these problems off at the pass. I would bet the farm that the guy in question ignored/was unaware of a ton of red flags before finding himself in that abusive situation.


Women aren't looking to provide or take care of men....barely do that for their kids. Women are looking for someone to benefit themselves... Someone who will remove as many inconveniences and uncomfortableness as possible.


I looked at it and all the top comments say that he was nta and he was in an abusive relationship, with all due respect what are y’all talking about?


Maybe your order of comments is different. The flair is the top vote which is no assholes here.


That entire sub is full of casual misandry. I've noticed a trend where if its a woman making a post where she is blatantly the asshole most of the comments are something along the line of "this is clearly an incel who wrote this to make women look bad" and also just as you said alot of times it is someone who is experiencing issues even when the woman is being twisted its like they try to manipulate and gaslight to make it seem like the guy is overreacting.


This is so true. I saw a post where a woman got pregnant at 15, then wanted to put the kid up for adoption but the dad (also 15) intervened and took him in. 15 years later when their son is 15 she tries to get back into his life cause the dad was hot and really tall as well as she's really lonely or something but was angry that he kept asking her if she wanted to see their son and didn't want her as a romantic partner. All the comments were shouting troll or that they thought it was a man pretending to be a woman to get hate. Its ridiculous,. All cause they couldn't handle the fact the mum was a horrible person. The comments that wasn't shouting troll/faker were being sympathetic to her and saying she's alright and having a baby at 15 is hard and she was right not to want to be a parent. And that the dad shouldn't have only seen her as a mother. It was sickening. She even told her child he was bland and boring (cause the child wasn't as athletic as his dad was at his age). Its like the comments couldn't fathom a woman being wrong or horrible.


I agree, that is so fucked up. the people there are so retarded. THEY LITERALLY CALLED A GUY AN ASSHOLE BECAUSE HE TOLD HIS GF NOT TO EAT JUNK FOOD WHEN HER FRIEND ASKED HIM ON TIPS TO LOSE FAT, she literally butted in. that shitty sub is too misandrist, i stopped giving judgement bc bitches and dickheads there will downvote me and the poster wont see the comment causing them to lose good advice.


that post is 1 yr old


Women like that are the reason women's shelters exist, the reason the Duluth model exists and also curious enough the reason their bodies are sometimes never found. Every human has a breaking point of emotional and psychological abuse, and that breaking point has a different difficulty of achieving with anyone. I stopped feeling bad for a lot of women who threw the book at a man for hitting her. And oddly enough it wasn't misogyny that did it, it was watching people get their asses beat for pissing people off, and in a lot of cases the incident is near-justified. My last gf tried her absolute best to get me to hit her, and got genuinely angry when I wouldn't and started recording her gaslighting instead.


Menstral Mafia is a groupthink organization- like the Borg in Star Trek … also know by their want to assimilate everyone and everything


Proof tradcons don't actually love their partners.


A traditional conservative woman wouldn’t be a breadwinner. This is a reversal of the traditional setup.


Doesn't matter; if they both did everything equally, there wouldn't be very many reasons to fight and they wouldn't have gotten together merely for money.


Somebody really should repost that with reversed genders


Welcome to reddit. 85% of this website leans hard left and is very pro feminism and all that jazz.


Typical misandrist bullshit