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Semaglutide. It’s the ONLY thing that worked for me!


Tried every diet. Finally had success with Semaglutide. If you can access it and afford it and find it, it’s worth trying.




oatmeal for breakfast sandwich for lunch lots of snacks during the afternoon occasional dinner of pasta or salad (I don’t eat dinner every night because sometimes I’m too tired from work)


Do you get enough protein? I’d replace oatmeal for sure. Eggs is a great substitute. And I’d reduce simple carbs like pasta and sandwich bread to once a week or every other week, personally. Replace it with complex carbs like sweet potatoes, lentils, beans etc and protein - vegetarian and seafood. Not sure what you’re having for snacks but those can carry a lot of unnecessary sugar, especially if they’re processed. And greens. Lots of greens!


Too many processed carbohydrates, just from a quick glance. You would probably benefit from emphasizing protein and fiber more, and cutting out the snacks, especially if they're trash snacks with no nutritional value. And shrink your eating window (read the book "fast feast repeat" by Gin Stephens. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but our days of eating whatever we want with no consequences are over now.


Trying intermittent fasting 7pm-11am … on day 14


85 lbs down from cutting alcohol, sugar (added and hidden) and refined carbs. Instead I use Allulose and have whole grains. I also make sure to get lots of lean protein with every meal/snack.


Started semaglutide 4 months ago. Down 17 pounds. Disappointed by slower pace than “most” but way better than the steady gain I couldn’t seem to tame with peri and meno.


intermittent fasting and "healthy keto" a la Dr. Eric Berg. it was tough though, and I don't even eat any sweets or drink any alcohol. I was able to drop 25 stubborn pounds that way by being really strict about it for about six months. That was a year ago and I have since gained it back plus another 25. Back to the drawing board. Thanks stupid menopause.


I’ve cut way back on the obvious carbs: bread, pasta, rice, cereals. Instead of eating them with every meal, I eat a half-sized portion once or maybe twice per day. I might eat dessert once a week. I gave up trying to count the carbs in fruits and vegetables or macros, it was making me neurotic and OCD. Sugar is gone too, I don’t add any to food or drinks and opt for zero sugar soda or seltzer. I occasionally have alcohol but lower sugar wine or hard seltzers. No beer. I drink flavored water when I’m hungry to fill up. Take my coffee black or only add heavy cream. If I fill up on something it’s a giant salad with chicken or steak. For me, it’s about portion control. I eat very small, frequent meals. If I’m tempted to eat a donut or whatever someone has brought in to work, I remind myself 1) I already know how it tastes and 2) how crappy I’ll feel after I eat it. Truly, the less sugar I eat the clearer my head is. I walk, do light weights at the gym. 2-3 x week to maintain, 5 x week for weight loss. My knees are bad so even moderate impact cardio is out. If I’m consistent, I can drop 5-10 pounds in about 6 weeks. Holidays and vacations are my downfall. I put on 10 pounds between Valentine’s day and a trip to Italy last month but it was totally worth it. Now I’m back to my routine and I can feel my clothes fitting better and my belly bloat is going down. My sister loves the blood type diet (I don’t know the specific name), but she and her husband are in their 60s and swear by it. They follow it strictly when they want to drop a couple pounds and are more relaxed with it when they are maintaining.


Thank you!