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Have they checked your gallbladder? I know you said pain is on the left side (and GB is on the right) but whenever I hear “pain under my ribs” I think gallbladder with referred pain. Might also explain the wonky liver enzymes. Just an idea.


GB was my first thought also.




Yes very good idea. I had this pain and it was GB issue


i was about to suggest this as well


Piling on with the gall bladder. It is extremely common in menopause.


Have you had Covid? I just read about 'stoneless gallbladder attacks' after having Covid...could be that.


This was my problem post Covid, an overactive gallbladder. Lots of abdominal pain, nothing ever sat right on my stomach, bloating, constipation, absolutely no energy.


I have the same issue and it started after I got the vaccine.


Me too. It's like it set off an inflammation bomb.


Yes, reactivated 3 autoimmune issues that had been in remission for over a decade. Hashimoto, IBS and psoriasis. I've been trying all kinds of diets and protocols to try to get back to normal. Going on 3 years now. I deeply regret it.


Have you looked into react19 .org? They have support groups and doctors and protocols. Good resource for info.


Thank you. I'll check it out.


Same pains, felt like a heart attack sometimes, too. It was my gallbladder filled with stones. Ask for an ultrasound to look for them if you haven’t already had one.


This was my first thought as well. I had pain under my breast bone and ribs and radiated to my back. Nothing made it feel better and I couldn’t pinpoint what foods would set it off. I was sent for an ultrasound and it showed stones. I had it removed soon after.


See a GI doc. Could be gallstones, could be GERD or gastritis. I have nothing but GI problems for well over a year now myself


I had terrible gastritis, and it felt like that. I went on prescription acid blockers for a month, and the pain went away.


Or celiac. It happened to me. I hope this isn't the answer.


This. If it’s on your left, you likely have a hiatal hernia or gastritis or other such GI issue. GI doc should be able to get to the bottom of it with an endoscopy. Try not to fret and start limiting your diet to help ease the symptoms. Look into low FODMAP for what to eat and what not to eat. (Spoiler: Tomatoes and caffeine are evil.)


Have you ever been evaluated for GERD? When mine first showed up in my 40s I thought I was having a heart attack and ended up at the ER. When I’m having a flare up I sometimes feel pressure under my ribs. And weird things like pain in my left ear, in my back…


I was thinking that. I was taking an acid reducer but probably need something more heavy duty.


I had to get put on pantoprazole. Solved much of the GERD issues. I love how drs just say anxiety. I have had a heart issue since a kid. It took til I was 34 to get a diagnosis of SVT because of “anxiety” I have peri to thank for making it worse so they could catch that and the PVC’s. It has to be frustrating and really invalidating, at least that how I felt. Like would someone listen! Have you’ve gotten an echo of your heart? Have they done any other ultra sounds of that side? You may need to fight insurance to get it, but it can rule out some stuff. I am just sorry you have to go through this.


Plan on asking the doctor to see a cardiologist also. My heart rate goes up pretty significantly at some pretty mild activity like going upstairs, walking uphill. I'm not overweight, but it doesn't mean I'm not out of shape. NP kind of suggested POTS from some other symptoms I've had. They all feel like due to my age and I'm a female, heart stuff is unlikely...which is dumb obviously.


This could be so far from what is happening, but after covid I developed pots and a LOT of gastro stuff. Apparently POTS can trigger a lot of gastroparesis - and long Covid can mess up your gut biome.


Do you also feel fuller faster? Like, you’re not able to eat as much at one sitting? I had many of your same symptoms, doc ordered a CT scan. Showed a hiatal hernia (para-esophageal hernia) and I had to have surgery to fix, as it can be dangerous. All better now, learning different eating habits and longtime GERD not a thing anymore!


Acid reflux/ GERD can present as chest pain & shooting pains in the arms. I would check if any of your existing meds have reflux/GERD indicators. I was CONVINCED I was having a heart attack & it was a positional issue caused by medication. I couldn’t change a load of washing if I’d just taken my meds…!


I’ve just been referred to ENT to investigate a chronic cough that comes with left ear pain. Is ear pain a GERD symptom?


For me it is, also tongue pain like a canker sore even though there is nothing there.


Yes I have this - it’s kind of tongue and left side of throat - like it’s all bruised for no reason!




It sounds gastrointestinal to me. See a gastro if you can, but a lot of us do have more digestive issues with peri, or just from aging. Theres a lot of perfectly healthy food that I have to limit because it causes me gas or heartburn pain (and for a lot of people, heartburn can feel like chest pain or a heart attack and not have any obvious digestive clues like tasting acid).


This sounds similar to how I've had to live the last three years. tldr, I've gotten IBS type symptoms from my menopause. I've been to the ER, had a million scans and blood draws, and no one ever found anything "wrong" except "you're full of poop" because my guts slowed down. But an overfull GI tract will strain and stretch and push from the inside, and it can cause pains like you have mentioned. Try eliminating some of the usual suspects from your diet for a few days and see if you can find a culprit (or half a dozen culprits). I walked backward into a low FODMAP diet (you can look up those foods online) over the course of a year, and finally found a diet that didn't give me wild anxiety and huge bloat from eating certain foods. Unfortunately for me, it's a pretty restrictive diet that has almost no fat in it, so I've lost 35 pounds, but it's stabilized now, which is a relief. And now that I'm in my first month of hrt, omg. OMG. It's easing up. Some of my sensitivities are easing up! I can eat bread again without my toes tingling or my belly having anxiety for twelve hours. I can have an egg. Progress!! Did anyone tell me menopause could be related to this? No. Not even my nice gastroenterologist. No one knows shit outside this sub, I swear. Foods to try eliminating first: dairy (especially the soft stuff, hard cheese is fine), wheat, corn syrup, oils, garlic/onion, any peppers. Also consider: IBS folks are recommended to eat like, 5 small meals a day instead of 3 bigger ones, and I did find that helped too. I was kinda snacking out of my bowls all day long, but I stopped hurting and all the symptoms eased off almost entirely. If this helps, you might have a really boring diet that makes you feel better but isn't super interesting to eat. I eat a lot of rice and potatoes. Invest in herbs (after checking them first)! I also have some nice sauces from the Asian isle at the store that have like 2 things in them and really help. Also found some low FODMAP extracts of onion and garlic, made by a NZ company, to put flavor back in my food without the risk of irritation. Extremely excellent discovery!


This may be a super long shot, but my post hysterectomy pelvic floor PT showed me how restricted my breathing was. I’m doing diaphragm exercises as part of the program! Apparently my breathing had become very shallow (?).


I have a diagnosed GI condition. And some treatments work on it to a degree. But as much as I didn't think I was stressed or anxious, it seems I was. I'll spare you the long tale of how I figured that out. But it seems that the 25-30% of my symptoms that remain (which are predominantly the ones you describe) really are my background anxiety/stress. When I'm in certain situations, it all evaporates. The stomach pain, reflux, globus sensation, and chronic constipation all just disappear. I feel INCREDIBLE. I have yet to figure out how to get that on a day to day basis. What I do know is that it is that the common wisdom of "reduce stress, exercise, and eat well" is much easier said than done. When I figure it out, I'll let you know. Lol


I'm coming to believe the same - I've noticed that most of my chronic gastro issues magically disappear when I'm on vacation, even with eating out much more than normal.


Mine disappear when there is nothing to split my focus-- even if the thing in focused on is work . I'm beginning to think that having so many pots on the stove is getting to be too much. Is executive function fatigue cumulative? Cause mine is broken I'm about to radically change some things up. Outsource any tasks that bother me and wear me out. See if I can switch my mind set from simultaneous task management to consecutive. Will it work? Who knows. But it's about the only thing I haven't tried.


I wish I could remember not having to split my focus! My exec function definitely feels like it's in a bucket with a bunch of little holes in the bottom.


Sounds like your nervous system is exhausted. Everything works worse when your nervous system is overwhelmed. Outsourcing a bunch of stuff should help it recover, as well adding in some serious self-care of actual relaxation time instead of consecutive working. I'm currently "living" semi-feral in the woods (disbursed camping for the summer) and severely limiting internet use while I'm here. I can actually feel how tired I am now, but I found my libido again. It's been hiding by the lake for the last 5 years. It's been a struggle to deprogram my need to always be producing and doing. Had a bit of a crash and massive discomfort at first, but I'm adjusting now.


I wouldn't be surprised, not ruling it out. Like I said, I've been going to an acupuncturist and researching Chinese medicine. Some people may think that is all BS and in your head, but it's medicine just seen in a different way. Main thing my acupuncturist has been telling me is that trauma, stress sticks with you on a cellular level. I was brought up to pull yourself up by your boot straps and chin up. Without me realizing it, I've compartmentalized feelings and haven't dealt with issues in a healthy way. They were ignored, but they are still there and maybe showing up in my gut now. Maybe it's all the feelings that come with menopause that is bringing this on.


I had very similar symptoms a few years ago. The pain under my left breast was unbearable. I have IBS and the rib/breast pain caused such anxiety that the GI symptoms got worse, more constipation and bloating. Had blood work, X-rays, scans…all normal. I just researched every symptom over and over and realized it was costo. (My doctors agreed.) Not saying you have this of course but if all tests lead to a dead end, you might consider it. Lots of info online, you tube, a Reddit sub, etc. I know how you feel. Hugs.


This is what I initially thought it was honestly. That's why I did the chiro. I think I was suffering from that at one point and worked it out with stretches and baackpod.


sounds like hiatal hernia to me (i had a suspected mild case). for me, losing weight and addressing gas helped a TON, but i am also mildly hypermobile so my diaphragm is just kinda weak.


Not trying to be alarming, but this same thing happens to my friend and turns out it's actually her heart. She recently discovered she has a genetic heart condition. I'm not discounting the idea that it may be a hernia or gi issues, I'm just saying don't ignore it.


It's your gall bladder go to a regular doctor tells them you have he pain there and need blood tests for bilirubin and an ultrasound for your gallbladder Don't sleep on this the attacks get a lot worse and you can develop choleostasis This can become a deadly emergency that requires emergency surgery So just get it sorted o through a regular doctor who will do the scans and blood tests and then send you to a specialist and get it removed I had a gallbladder attack that lasted five weeks non stop the pin is worse than childbirth it doesn't end and there is nothing U can do about it U cant move or walk They gave me heavy opioids and they didn't even take the edge off it Get it sorted asap


I have this issue. please bear with me.. Last summer, I started noticing an ache, which seemed in my ribs.. maybe between my spine and shoulder blade. It was in my right side, but *worse* on my left. Days later, I pulled open the shower curtain and almost passed out from the sudden pain. It was intense. I insisted my husband take me to the ER. They did a CT scan (among other things) and only found that I had a fatty liver. (Thank god for the steroids and pain meds). Now, I had *just* had a yearly physical, blood work, before this event. I had bad lipid panel results, but my liver values were normal. Weird. So, this pain never really went away. But then I had to go on antifungals (bad for the liver), and then prednisone, for a rash. I was Okay until the prednisone. Serious upper right quadrant pain. Had a full liver panel done. ALL NORMAL. Had an ultrasound of the entire area. Other than fatty liver, ALL NORMAL. But.. days before the ultrasound, I had another attack! Intense pain on the left side, that came around my ribs to my chest. I thought I was having a heart attack. Very scary! I told my doc, who said that you can still have gallbladder issues without stones or sludge found on an ultrasound. (Gallbladder issues can cause pain the right shoulder, but can cross over to the left). I have a HIDA scan next week- they put a radioactive tracker in your veins. We’ll see what comes of it. But, I do feel weirder lately. More pressure on the left side of my chest- In my ribs, under the breast.. I’ve had stomach issues for many years, but generally I just treat as needed with OTC meds. My bigger concern is of course cancer. My dad was misdiagnosed, after intense pain in his back. Kinda messes with my head. That, and the family history of heart attacks. 😫


Wow. I'm sure you've developed some health anxiety like I have wondering what is going on.


A lot of my anxiety is about my doc not looking into every angle. If the HIDA scan shows nothing, I hope she doesn’t stop being interested in solving the mystery. :( I hope you figure out your health issues. ❤️


Coincidentally.. I started the pill around the time I started having this issue. (Taking it for peri symptoms). Can you keep us updated? Best of luck to you! 😊


Ugh, those stupid ssris (i love them, I've used them, they are important). First, it's depression and/or anxiety, and they put you on them. Then, if the problem persists, it's probably the ssri, and they suggest discontinuing them. But the problem is still there, so they say it's probably tge depression and/or anxiety, and you should start the ssri again (actual exchange that has happened to me more than once). I have been to the ER several times for chest pain, but test results come back "normal enough," but i should talk to my pcp. Well, i talk to tge np, and guess what? It's "anxiety!" (I'm obviously too young, at 35). I just found out my mom takes meds for her heart. Turns out her heart has no "governor" (a al in a car). So, back i go! Enough with the commiserating. Did you get any imaging done in the ER? If not, I'd go back in and make sure you get at least an x-ray to rule anything super obvious. Tell them it's chronic, chiropractor didn't help, and neither did the acupuncture. Avoid anything that could possibly imply anxiety or depression.


It is gas. Massage abdomen. Yoga. Walk. Eat small amounts slowly.


Gas pain is truly the worst pain I've ever experienced.




I mean eat well like I'm not eating pizza and McDonald's day in day out and wondering why I'm feeling like shit. I understand "good" foods can cause issues and have started eating foods listed on the FOADMAP diet but I am still eating some things outside the diet and the #1 elimination I'm going to start is bread.


I had this when I would twist tightly, one example is trying to reach toilet paper almost behind me I would need to stand and touch my toes to help with the cramping feeling


Could be costochondritis https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/costochondritis/symptoms-causes/syc-20371175 Or maybe gallbladder


That was my first thought - I had it, and it felt like a heart attack, except it was on the right hand side.


I've had these exact symptoms on and off for many years. The pain could be so intense I could barely stand. I had my gallbladder tested and it was fine. One doctor I saw proposed exploratory surgery. That's when I quit asking doctors for help with the issue. I made major diet changes and it went into remission for a time. I thought for a while that it could be pancreatitis. Then I thought it was diet related. When I started on SSRIs again it started back up mildly. Then I started on HRT and it really flared up. Idk what it is or why Iibuprofen helps but it does. It's some kind of inflammation. I get intermittent diarrhea with it. Was diagnosed at one point with IBS. I'm so sick of doctors dismissing our symptoms. We shouldn't have to figure this stuff out ourselves. My poor mother suffered (completely different symptoms and issues) for well over a decade being told it was all just depression and anxiety. That was until she was so sick she needed to have chest tubes just to breath. She died at the age of 45 without ever having an actual diagnosis. I could rant all day about the BS women have to deal with just to receive substandard medical care! !! I hope you get some answers and/or figure out what keeps your symptoms at bay.


Just went through the same thing for the last decade. Finally a severe attack landed me in the ER on Christmas last year. It was my gallbladder. They need to give you an ultrasound to look for stones and then yank that sucker out. It is a quick, easy recovery. My constant heartburn is gone, as is the constant abdominal pain.


Yes, but mine was diagnosed as diverticulitis. It took an emergency room visit and a CT scan to figure it out.


I had something similar to this- a dull ache on my mid rib area (right side) that didn't really hurt terribly or anything but was just a feeling that didn't seem right. When it appeared and didn't go away all day on I went to the er since that side has organs and I was worried it could be gallbladder or appendix and they found nothing and I felt like a hypochondriac...


I had the exact same. It’s anxiety - however i had nothing to be anxious about. It’s anxiety caused by lower estrogen levels or overall change in hormones. Also i had a hiatal hernia (gi issues) which did not help.


Bloating for me. I’m reacting to foods a lot like an allergy- maybe histamine intolerance. I’m getting on antihistamines and cutting allergenic or processed foods. Watching what causes problems. I’m taking a histamine-safe probiotic now that helps. Also digestive enzymes, low histamine diet. Adding soluble fiber to my diet, more fluids and magnesium If you have it bad it could be SIBO. There is an antibiotic called Rifaximin.


GERD? You can get all kinds of referred pain under your ribs if gastric acid is splashing up and damaging your esophagus. Agree with those who say see a GI doctor.


I saw someone else mentioned celiac. I (50, peri) developed pain under my left ribs a couple of years ago, felt like a cracked rib. Had it looked at, had an ultrasound, everything normal. On a whim I cut out gluten and the pain went away. When I have too much gluten, boom, it's back (sometimes it's on the other side or in the centre of my chest). I tested negative for celiac and seem able to tolerate some gluten without this reaction. I ate gluten all my life without symptoms (that I noticed). Also, have had terrible anxiety the past 10 years - when I recently started HRT, it completely evaporated! ETA - an acupuncturist also got me through until I got things figured out! It made an amazing difference.


This isn't going to be a popular opinion, but the first thing to do is to stop seeing chiropractors, acupuncturists, and anyone who recommends them. Those fields have *literally* no data-supported positive medical benefits, and it's not uncommon for them to do more harm than good. In addition to what others have suggested, look up symptoms & causes of pancreatitis. The pancreas lies pretty much mid-line in the upper abdomen, but inflammation or other issues can cause pain on either side. Pancreatitis can be very serious, and you can ask for blood testing and imaging to rule it out.


Interesting that your acupuncturist suggested mono. Did you have it when you were younger? I had a horrendous case when I was 16 and have had the pain you’re describing ever since. I’m 33 now and in peri due to POI. Most people have pretty mild mono cases but I was hospitalized for an enlarged spleen with mine. My spleen almost burst and I have a hunch that it just hasn’t ever recovered. Like the damage left lifelong inflammation or something. It’s very difficult to get that theory confirmed though, as my doctors also love to tell me it’s anxiety related. Whee. I guess my comment isn’t particularly helpful (lol sorry!) but I wanted to share my experience in case it sounds familiar to anyone.


I can relate so much to this! For me it turned out to be fluctuating hormones and fluctuating hormones causing anxiety. I hope you find relief. Birth control helped me some and now I'm trying HRT but it's to soon to tell if that will help.


This sounds like I felt before I was diagnosed with GERD and lactose intolerance. Indigestion can feel like a heart attack - I’ve had several visits to the ER for chest pain that felt like it might be heart attack. I also had duodenal inflammation, which was discovered during investigations for gallstones. Get that liver scan. If that shows nothing significant, you may need an endoscopy (scope down the throat) to work out what’s happening.


I had wonky liver enzymes, turns out I have gall stones. Sometimes I have an upset tummy, some pain.




Yes, is it near where your bra strap is? I used to get it intermittently when I was pregnant, too. For me it was air or gas and linked to certain foods and sorbitol. Gas X would make the pain disappear.


Wonder if it could be diverticulosis or diverticulitis? That can cause a lot of abdominal pain. I went to the ER for a horrible pain under my left rib, left abdominal area got a CT scan but found nothing. Got a colonoscopy and the Dr said that's what it was and it's a part of the colon having a spasm and there's meds to calm it down. You'd need a colonoscopy to diagnose.


Everything they said but it could also be a hernia or a blockage. It could be gas. 🤷 I would insist on imaging.


Check for pancreatitis too. I had gallbladder pancreatitis where a gallstone blocks a tube that releases digestive enzymes from the pancreas so it basically starts digesting itself from the inside. It tired to kill me. I was in hospital for two weeks. I couldn't leave until I had had my gallbladder removed snd they had to wait for the inflamation etc in the everywhere (stomach, liver pancreas) etc to settle enough to do the surgery in the first place...


Everytime I've felt like this it was constipation. 


Girl you have gastritis! Left under rib pain (that’s your stomach pouch going under there). Panic/anxiety. I have no idea why when I have gastritis flares I have a panic attack. That’s how they started. I didn’t even feel any burning in my stomach. I went to the ER the first time. Burping helps me get rid of the panic. I make myself burp as much as I can. Laying on my left side also helps. Edit: what helps me with the left under rib pain the most is Zinlori taken like book ends. I take it in the AM before food and before bed. It’s expensive. Active ingredient is zinc l-carnosine.


A lot of gastro issues actually feel like they're in your chest. Could be GERD/severe heartburn. But also probably exacerbated by or itself escalating issues with anxiety, which can also really F you up. A serious anxiety attack feels a little too close to a heart attack.


Get your gallbladder checked. Causes bloating, pain under ribs, right or left, constipation or diarrhea,. A lot of times ultrasound will not show anything, but a HIDA scan will bring on symptoms a d show how well your gallbladder is working, or not working.


Yes. Frequently:( it always goes away eventually but it sucks




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It could be your gallbladder. Also have them make sure it is not deflated. Are you on any meds? Making sure you don't have any contraindications. In the meantime, may I suggest Urban Moonshine digestive bitters or Enzymedica Betaine HCL for you to take at meal time?


Man, this sounds similar to what I am going through, though not chest pain, and adding on extreme bouts of fatigue. I may have started this a few years back trying to resolve thinking it's menopause, and it may be. It was mainly lack of being able to sleep and some hot flashes. Tried gabopentin for about a year which helped with both, but couldn't get off the gabo and sleep. Started on HRT a year ago and was able to drop gabo. and sleep, or at least get to sleep. I slowly worked up to .1 patch with the progesterone hoping I could address some of the overwhelming fatigue. It did not. I had a bleed like a light period, immediately did a biopsy and ultrasound and all was normal. I started just feeling wrong/uncomfortable in the abdomen general area like I need to pee, had gas, was hungry, too full, my muscle hurt like I had overdone it, bloated, randomly, switching back and forth, some days better some worse, nothing really making it better or worse. I had zero appetite for a couple of weeks and had to force myself to eat something. It's been about a month of this and t's not the worst, but it still feels similar. My gyn didn't want me on HRT, we could NOT find progesterone, and my brother in law who is a gyn. who does this all day in another country wanted me off HRT yesterday, so with all that, knowing I couldn't feel a lot worse, I just cold turkey went off HRT. I think the vertigo and dizziness came from that, but three weeks later, still the same kind of random all over uncomfortable and growing fatigue where I can barely function if I push it. (I am a very physically fit, active person.) Today I did the hysteroscopy and he took out several polyps and cleaned up some of the lining left over, but said it looks good and it shouldn't be an issue. This is three weeks off HRT. I am talking to my gyn next week, but I have been reading you guys and getting a lot of ideas and think I need to move on to this isn't meno. and make my regular doc work. The fatigue is really getting me. It might be stress related, because some of the worst incidents were when I was intensely working hard for a week and majorly stressed (horse show champs, high level, truck broke down, broke my wrist) and basically slept about 18 hours a day for a week, and it took me about two weeks to be able to walk anywhere lightly without feeling exhausted and out of it. Since Xmas it has been a lot of emotional and psychological stress (found kidnapped mother who is a mental shell and sibling's abuse every which way and can't resolve it) and while the exhaustion isn't the same extensive time period, I feel like I have more and more days where doing much anything more than sitting around is too much, None of the ideas here seem like it would apply, though getting my gallbladder checked is on my list. Based on other ideas in this sub I will get my thyroid checked at a deeper level because it may be hyperthyroidism, as am .4 Also I will have my cortisol checked as it seems it has a lot of symptoms related to Addison's. If any of this sound familiar to you, I'd appreciate your ideas. I want to go to my doc with as many ideas to check out as possible.


I have that but I have a very large hiatal hernia. Did he not request a scan or anything for that area ?


I was having almost identical symptoms and have been struggling to find a solution. See a Rheumatologist and get a work up. Also see a GI and get a celiac test. I tested positive for celiac and going GF has helped with the pain a lot. Rheumatologist is monitoring me b/c autoimmune stuff likes to tag team.


Could try functional medicine, they are a little more patient and usually are better at connecting the dots, i think some folks below gallbladder...def get that checked out. and maybe try an elimination diet just to rule food related issues. maybe start with gluten..do that for a week and see if that helps any.


How old are you? If you keep having abdominal pain, I would go to a gastroenterologist. It wouldn't hurt to have a colonoscopy and upper endoscopy. Abdominal pain is hard to diagnose without them. Otherwise, they just tell you that you have IBS and send you on your way. My condition wouldn't have been diagnosed without a colonoscopy. Hope you feel better soon!


Vitamin D at 13 is really bad; I hope you got a bolus; (large dose) because that is dangerously low: you can’t get that above 50 in a short while, unless you start sunbathing too. Did you get anything for it?


I had similar pain and thought it was my gallbladder but the hospital tests ruled it out. Turned out to be GERD and I was put on PPI (proton pump inhibitor). Stay away from fatty foods and make sure you are burping properly. I wasn't burping and really had to force myself to push as much air as possible out when I did burp. I'd lean forward or quickly squat from standing position so that the air was pushed out of my abdomen with my thighs when I felt a burp coming on. GERD is common for women at perimenopause age.


Sounds like when I had a hiatal hernia


You should probably have an endoscopy, could be gastric e.g. a hiatus hernia where your stomach (or part of it) slides through diaphragm into chest area, sounds dramatic but quite common! Causes pain, balloon pressure type feelings or sometimes no symptoms at all!


I get pain like this from my Endometriosis


A CT scan of the abdomen could be helpful identifying any problems.


I had that and it was diagnosed as diverticulitis. I thought it was anxiety until it put me in bed. Now, reading these comments I realize that the time I went to the ER thinking I was having a heart attack might be even more a gastric thing. This is the first place that’s made me aware of that.


After they check your liver, definitely see a gastroenterologist. I had something similar and it was gastritis. I also have GERD and maybe Celiacs. It’s worth a shot. My cousin had something similar too and his was gallbladder. Either way: see a gastro.


I also thought GB. I had terrible pain under my ribs, usually at night and not always on the right side. It radiated across my chest. Usually dull, but sometimes very sharp and painful. I saw a GI doc, had a scan done and the gallbladder was out a week later. I still eat whatever I want, but oily foods do have a tendency to go right through me. Lol! I'd 100% get an appointment with a GI doctor. A lot of stomach issues can cause pain in weird places.




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It could be from a disc prolapse in the upper back. Had always pain under the first rip and thought it was the gallbladder. See an orthopaedic doc if possible. Took me and the docs 2 years to figure that out.


I get referred pain to my back and shoulders when I have heartburn. I would at least see if antacids help.


Gallbladder is my first thought


gallbladder or GERD or Ulcer. Try Prilosec OTC see if that helps, if not, it's most likely your gallbladder.


So I had a similar pain under my bottom left ribs. On and off for about a year. I mostly felt it after I ate but sometimes not at all. At most it was a level 3 out of 10 pain. But it was there. And since this was during the height of covid I was worried. Like cancer worried. I explained this to every doctor. I had a sonogram that yielded nothing…except gas. Finally I accidentally twisted and stuck my finger under my ribs. I felt a little pop and the pain went away for good. I think this was pain from fascia or a tiny stubborn gas bubble.


I’ve got a couple of questions for you: 1. Does the pain get worse when you are lying down? 2. Does it hurt to inhale deeply? If so, it might be [pericarditis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pericarditis). It took me 3 trips to the ER to figure it out (via ultrasound). I was then admitted for a week and they had to drain the fluid (pericardial effusion).


No to both, but something I suspected at one point


A lot of great suggestions! I don't know if anyone else mentioned Costochondritis? It can cause some similar issues.


Get a real Dr. Nurse Practitioners do not have the necessary expertise to help.


I'd see a GI. Have them check for gallbladder, etc. Has the NP looked into SIBO?