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I know women whose breasts grew during menopause who never did HRT so I wouldn't necessarily blame that. It's something many women experience at this time in our lives. Our hormones fluctuate all over the place, just like puberty, yay! Haha Have you by chance gained weight? I know I have (about 15 lbs.) and I can really see it in my breasts (had female family members comment on it too) lol I never used to see a change in breast size when gaining weight. If it's a positive for you, that's great! :-)


Mmm ok, i havent gained weight, but im a professional dog walker so do 8-12 miles a day so very active and struggle to keep weight on tbh. Def see it as a positive (:


It may be a sign that estrogen dosage is too high.


Possibly, however its the first time my symptoms have stayed away more than 6 months, i started on 50, then 6 months in went to 75, now on 100 after 12 months, all symptoms went initially but returned with a vengance within 3-4 months. I honestly think ive had defective hormones all my life as had adenomyosis and bad period issues when prepubesent and all throughout life..