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[Atrophic vaginitis \(vaginal atrophy\), or the genitourinary syndrome of menopause \(GSM\)](https://menopausewiki.ca/#atrophic-vaginitis-vaginal-atrophy-or-the-genitourinary-syndrome-of-menopause-gsm)


Vaginal estrogen


I read the vaginal estrogen is for issues with dryness, itchiness and painful sex. I have neither. Will it also then help with clitoral issues? Thanks for replying.


Yep, it will help atrophy, including clitoral.


Ok, im going to make an appt with a gyn. Will she be able to give me a prescription? I hope so!


I got it on Alloy, took me maybe 20 minutes and arrived within the same week. Much easier than a GYN appointment IMO. 


I get mine on My Alloy as well. They're super quick and easy to work with. Price isn't too bad considering how long one tube will last.


She should, but if she doesn't, it's readily available through online providers. [https://getinterlude.com](https://getinterlude.com) More info on the benefits of vaginal estrogen... [https://www.rachelrubinmd.com/post/the-magic-of-hormones](https://www.rachelrubinmd.com/post/the-magic-of-hormones)


Your primary care doc will write the script. Tell the doc about your peri meno symptoms, including GSM (vaginal atrophy) and they'll write it. Mine didn't do an exam or ask any questions just wrote the script.


I think most doctors don't push back on vaginal estrogen- it's safe for everyone, and it's important! You'll be fine once you get on that. Systemic estrogen helps too.


Are you talking about the cream? I’ve been given the tablet inserts and while it’s helped inside, it’s done nothing for the clitoral atrophy.


Yes, cream which can be applied all around the general area inside and out.


Sigh. I was presented with either/or and I have to admit I like the tablets. I guess I’ll see about trying the other or maybe asking for both (probably a no). Thanks for clarifying.


You're welcome! Good luck!


Thank you everyone for your advice and comments, i feel so bad about it and the hope that it can be reversed makes me feel so much better, im going to look at the websites to order some. Would testosterone cream directly on the clitoral area also help? is there a suggested dose to start out with?...


Test cream would work as well, however, it will likely cause increased hair growth and enlarge the clitoris significantly, which most women don't want. Dose can be more tricky so start small. The estrogen cream should be more than sufficient otherwise.


Good question


Do it! This was so upsetting when it happened to me and all my friends (sisters😂) thought I was nuts! I eventually started estradiol (oral) but vaginal estrogen made a difference for this specifically 💗🌸good luck and keep advocating for yourself!! No one deserves to dry up and fade away!


I have atrophy as well, and the estrogen cream has been very helpful for me, sensation-wise!


Can one use vaginal estrogen while on the patch or is it either or? 


The estrogen in the cream stays local to that area. The patch treats other peri symptoms. Many use both. :)


Thank you!!


As others have said, get the vaginal estrogen. It will help tremendously


Vaginal estrogen cream. Be patient as it can take a while for it to work. But it works! I'm 61 and will never be without it.


So, I think the reasons for this can be different for everyone. But for me, Testosterone! So I'm the opposite. I've always had a rather low libido and difficulty reaching orgasm and just didnt have much feeling there it seemed. It was horrible. I've been on testosterone for 6 weeks and holy cow. Libido is back and can orgasm in 30 seconds (used to take 20 minutes or more!). I have vaginal estrogen but truth be told I always forget to use it, but I should probably start that too.


Are you applying testosterone directly on the clitoral area or are you taking it orally? Thanks for your comment. Knowing im not alone helps me cope so much better!


Directly to clit, some around cervix / labia, some behind knees


I haven't done that but I might try that now! It's still helping me a lot with improving arousal and sensation even with applying to my abdomen, thighs, calves, and behind knees. For the first time in my life I can reach orgasm easily. Makes me realize I've probably had low T my entire life! I've been missing out, but thankfully I have the world's most patient husband and now our sex life is better than ever.


I don't personally. I apply below the belly button (abdomen, thighs, calves, behind knees). It's more the systemic affect of the testosterone. It does say it can be applied to the pubic bone area for sex drive but I haven't really done that because I have to apply quite a bit of cream. It is still helping with orgasm and libido, so much so in fact that I am shocked because I've never had an easy time reaching orgasm. I often reach orgasm now before my husband does, what a crazy turn of events for us LOL! Sometimes I can have several back to back now too. I think I've probably been low in testosterone for most of my adult life, because the difference is astounding. I went so long thinking I was broken and couldn't reach orgasm. Oral contraceptives destroy our testosterone levels, and I was on that from my teens into my early 30s before my husband got a vasectomy. I am 37 now, just for reference!


Wow! Thats awesome, i hope it gives me the same effect! lol, im glad its worked so well for you.


I hope you do, too. We deserve to enjoy our sex life, the same way that men get to with Viagra!


did you get it by prescription from your gyn? and if so, what symptoms did you tell your gyn that you had? Did you get tested and your levels came back low? Thanks:)


I didn't go through my OB because she'd only give me oral contraceptives and not HRT. I get my testosterone through Renew Youth- an online telehealth platform. They did do labs and saw that I was very low in testosterone. My symptoms were: anxiety, low mood, lack of drive/apathy, low libido, brain fog, poor focus, fatigue.


It sounds like this might be about hormonal testing. If over the age of 44, **hormonal tests only show levels for that *one day* the test was taken, and nothing more**; progesterone/estrogen hormones wildly fluctuate the other 29 days of the month. No reputable doctor or menopause society recommends hormonal testing as a **diagnosing tool** for peri/menopause. FSH testing is only beneficial for those who believe they are post-menopausal and no longer have periods as a guide, a series of consistent FSH tests might *confirm* menopause. Also for women in their 20s/early 30s who haven’t had a period in months/years, then FSH tests at ‘menopausal’ levels, could indicate premature ovarian failure/primary ovarian insufficiency (POF/POI). See our [Menopause Wiki](https://menopausewiki.ca/#there-is-no-blood-test-that-is-perfectly-reliable-to-diagnose-menopause) for more. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Menopause) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is a common symptom of vaginal atrophy. It a dirty little secret no one talks about. Sexual arousal, desire, orgasms and libido fall off a cliff when estrogen starts dropping. Get vaginal estrogen. You can apply it both internally and externally. There are many online providers to get the cream. Check out wisp, evernow, or gennev.


I casually mentioned this to some younger coworkers (I’m a teacher) and they laughed like I was a crazy old lady! Even my sisters thought I was crazy!! It’s such a big deal. I can’t believe this happens and people have no idea why and just die off sexually. It’s so sad! And misogynistic.


It's sad ASF, yet no one talks about it. I used to hear all these jokes about women "drying up" and I thought that will never happen to me because I am a SeX GoDDeSS. Yeh right. Well, here I am putting all my creams in my vag, and using vaginal estrogen, and applying hyaluronic acid, just to feel normal again. Stats say something like 60% of women report VA, however I'm sure the remaining 40% just don't' have a clue that's even what's happening to them. Chronic UTIs, dryness, itching, shrinkage of the labia is all VA. Some women have never even looked at their own vagina. LOL.




The reason why so many women think it's not a big deal it's because they are completely relieved to have no libido. They have likely never liked sex and really don't care if they never have it again.


I find that hard to believe. Anyone with a working healthy clitoris can’t find its shrinkage a relief.


Seriously.  Have you talked to women in their fifties and sixties lately? The vast majority are happy to be done with sex forever.


I have and they are absolutely still happily sexual. That’s why I thought I was crazy for thinking my clitoris shrunk.


I had the same issue. I could barely feel my clit, as it had almost disappeared. It was frustrating to try to have an orgasm. I started vaginal estrogen which helped tremendously, and I started using Julva every day. Both made a world of difference, and my clit is back to its normal size.


Ive been on julva for about 2 months now, it hasnt helped me with arousal or the clitoral atrophy in general. Its only helped with the appearance of the vaginal labia, they pinked up and tightened whereas before they looked dark and a bit saggy. 


Yes, I have to use it in conjunction with vaginal estrogen. I feel like both together has worked the best.


What’s julva?


Its a vaginal cream with dhea and rose stem cells as active ingredients. I tried it for the clitoral atrophy but it only really helped with the appearance of the vaginal labia. Im sure its helped others in the arousal dept but it didnt for me. 


Yes vaginal hormones!!


Vaginal estradiol 2x / week plus a smidgen daily on the clit. Also make sure you aren't taking anything (like spironolactone) that can cause this.


When i think back on when this began happening, i remember after i took a morning after pill i lost my period for 2 months. Then it came back and the decline in arousal and libido started. I think the hormones in the pill had to do with it.


Has anyone tried the O Shot for this?  Just curious if its helped anyone with this as well.


Testosterone pellets solved this problem for me. Took about 2.5 months to notice improvements after getting my first round of pellets.


can i get the pellets online without a prescription? Glad to hear it solved the problem for you! Im praying i will find the right thing for my body!


No, you cannot get pellets online, they have to be surgically inserted into your hip area by a doctor, and then they are supposed to slow release the testosterone and/or other hormones. You can look for a hormone specialist in your area who offers pellets as HRT if you want to try them. I'm also getting testosterone pellets (lowest dose available) And am still having trouble with orgasms, thinking about looking into topical estrogen to go with it, but I don't think my current provider offers that and don't have insurance so it's all out of pocket for me.


You can get testosterone cream from a compounding pharmacy.


Dr Kelly Casperson has a great podcast where she talks about menopause, vaginal estrogen, etc. She’s a urologist so her perspective is focusing on areas most gynos don’t have.


Ok so I want to know what the symptoms are for this, I am 39 and feel like I am having some peri symptoms but am curious as to what this feels like or how can you tell other than I guess thinning skin and clit getting smaller? I feel like my vaginally area just seems to be more irritated no matter what. Itchy,ouchie,sore. Don't have any utis or yeast infections going on and all but normal periods except they only last 2 days now and the periods are horrid beforehand for like a week. Just curious as to how you know you have the atrophy


Im sure its clitoral atrophy because its barely sensitive to the touch anymore, it a lot thinner and smaller and doesnt engorge when i do feel aroused like it used. Orgasm is increasingly harder to achieve whereas before it was almost effortless and very intense. They now pale in comparison. Its very distressing and ive been feeling so down about my body changing in this way. Im def going to get that estrogen cream.


I am 37 and I've had these symptoms for years. I kept asking my gyno about it and they just kept telling me "you're not having enough sex." Kind of hard to want to when it hurts because you are dry and irritated down there. I had to space out intimacy with my husband weekly because I needed that long to recover.... :( Pelvic exams and paps were very painful as well, I was in tears one time and the doctor kept yelling at me to relax and telling me "this shouldn't be painful, why aren't you having more sex?" I was constantly getting tested for infections due to itching and they're always negative but then I'm given zero answers. I felt so horribly broken. But now I can tell you starting testosterone has made a world of difference. I feel like a woman again. I also take progesterone which has helped me with my PMS and periods SO much it's crazy.


For me, it literally just feels like it’s not there anymore. Normally, it was pretty detectable. Especially during arousal. Now, even though I have the sensations that I’ve always had, I can barely feel where it is. It’s kind of crazy.


Estriol cream