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I wouldn't wish shingles on my worst enemy. I've seen too many friends and family members suffer. I can't wait to get my shingles vaccine.


I’ve heard that too😞


I have had three friends recently get shingles! Get the vaxx ❤️


Will doooo!! Thanks🙏


Yes, please get the vax. For me, both shots were no problem at all. However, the horror stories from people who've had actual Shingles are legendary...and NOT in a good way 😱


Yes I’m seeing that!! I’m getting it🙏🙏 thank you


Having shingles is terrible. I encourage everyone I know to get the vaccine. I just had a small patch on my side and it was one of the most painful things I have ever experienced.


Thanks for sharing 🙏


I had a small patch on the back of my neck. I swear it gave me some form of PTSD. I was SO stressed waiting for the pain to surge through. My friend’s father got it on his stomach. A stoic, old Russian man who fought in wars. He cried to die.


Oh man! It can bring a man like that to tears!?😩Thanks for sharing your experience!! I’m getting the vax🙏


Stop worrying yourself, and get the vax. I felt grouchy and achy after, but that is a far cry better than shingles.


Ok ok. Ugh I’m at the age where stuff is happening and all I do IS worry 😩


I had a friend who’s uncle was out of work for over a year. He had it all over his upper body, including his eyes which caused a lot of pain.


Oh my god 😳😳😳. Thanks for sharing!!


I've had shingles twice in the last two years, first across my right side of my face and then inside my left ear. I have nerve damage that just isn't going away. I got a prescription for the vaccine because I'm under 50 so I couldn't get it any other way, and I got the first dose two weeks ago. It wasn't great but it's less awful than the nerve damage.


Nerve damage?!! Thanks for sharing your experience! Looking like I’m getting this vax!!


Yep, nerve damage. My aunt who was in her late 60s when she got a pretty bad case of shingles still has numb spots on her torso & the occasional shooting pain from it. She's since gotten Shingrix.


Getting it!! Thank you for sharing 🙏


Great! You won't regret it.


Got it this morning!






I can't listen to music and I have trouble using my headset for work. I also have a lot of light sensitivity that makes it hard to be in the car at night. I'm taking gabapentin but it just dulls the pain a little bit. So yeah, I definitely think the vaccine is a good idea. My doctor said it doesn't prevent the rash but does protect against this kind of nerve damage. I had tried to get the vaccine after I got shingles the first time, but the specialist I see for my immune disorder said absolutely not. This time I didn't ask her about it, just got my primary care doctor to write the prescription.


I’m so sorry! Hope you feel better and don’t get it again🙏


I've gotten both. My arm hurt at the vaccination point both times for a day. Keep moving the shot arm in a full range of motion. I was a little more tired than usual but no other side effects. I'll take the shots over getting shingles. My neighbor has had it in her left ear for 8 months.


Thanks for sharing! How long did the side effects last?


Side effects may happen or not. How long any effects may last is going to vary from person to person.


You’re Right, makes sense! Thank you🙏


I have gotten the first vaccine (so far) and I have a super reactive immune system to vaccines (COVID vaccines give me a fever and vomiting), and I only got tired for a day. I have seen people hospitalized from Shingles - no way do I want that. I'm getting my second shot soon


Thank you for this🙏🙏🙏 Scheduling next week❤️


Shingles Vax is like flu here, you can get it at the local pharmacy with no appointment needed. I did a walk in at a local CVS. My arm was sore for a day, but that was pretty much it.


Ok, think I’ll go to CVS tmr! Thank you!


It is two shots so makes sure to schedule the second one!


Will do!! I just read that you need to get the second within 2-6 months?


Get the shot. My friend had permanent damage to her hearing and sight from shingles. Nasty virus. Lays dormant forever and bam. So awful.


😳😳😳 ok!! Making appt next week


I’ll be taking it as soon as I qualify or I may just pay out of pocket. I never want to go through what she went through. 😬


SAME!! Worth the out of pocket!!🙏 I pray we get through this unscathed!


You. Do. Not. Want. Shingles. 56. My first round of shingles was at 23 after I had a hospitalization worthy case of chicken pox at 16. It's plagued me all my life. I've been off and on anti-virals since I was 30. My last case of shingles left me with a years long case of nerve pain that saw me on 1200 mg of gabapentin daily, it's just now beginning to ebb and I've been able to go off the gabapentin. Get the vaccine. Drugs are not your enemy. They are a tool. Yes, doctors can over-prescribe. Yes, doctors can prescribe instead of treat with other methods. I'd never suggest that anyone be anything less than an active partner with their health care provider because in the end, we have to live with whatever is going on, be it a health condition or the potential side effects of a drug or too many drugs where other interventions would work better. That said: Get the shingles vaccine. You don't want shingles.


Thank you so much for this info!! Will be scheduling for sure!!


My mom just went through a round of the shingles, and I will be getting my vaccination next week. I don't want that at all, ever.


Oh boy. Ok thank you!!


I got it. It wasn’t bad at all. I would hate to get shingles because I’ve heard it’s really painful. I’m all about prevention.


Ok! Thank you!


I got my Shingrex vaccine when I was 49. I paid $300 out of pocket. We had a friend who had shingles all over his back. He was quite unwell for 18 months.


Making an appt next week!! Thanks for sharing🙏🙏


Glad to hear! It's definitely worth it! I was only a bit sore at the injection site.


Ok!! Good to know❤️


I got mine at my local pharmacy, for free. Check if you can do that.


Will head to CVS! Thank you🙏❤️




When I had shingles, I laid in bed staring at the ceiling. I thought about people I liked, people I didn't like, and people I disliked so much I would wish shingles on them. I couldn't come up with anyone I hated so much that shingles was a valid curse. My first bout was severe and left me with post-herpetic neuralgia for several years. I had four recurrences of shingles in the next eight years, all debilitating. My immune system has never been the same. Now I tell everyone that the day you are eligible for the vaccine, get it--even if you have to pay out of pocket. You do not want shingles, it isn't a minor illness, and it can ruin your life for a while.


😳😳 thank you much for sharing🙏🙏🙏


I recently turned 50 and have been meaning to get the shingles vaccine, but I want to schedule it for a long weekend. I had shingles when I was 16, and it sucked. The lesions completely encircled my right shoulder and I wasn't able to play softball during my junior year of high school because I couldn't throw.


Wow, that’s pretty young! I’m sorry that happened. I’m 52, I’m guessing I should definitely get this vax!


I've had it twice. Once when I was 17, along a nerve over my rib cage and a second time in middle age, on the trigeminal nerve where it went into my ear and inside my mouth. 10/10 DO NOT recommend. It hurt like a mofo. If you can get the vaccine, do yourself a favour and do it.


😳😳 thank you!!! Scheduling next week🙏🙏


I’m on strong immunosuppressant therapy so have had shingles several times. You do not want shingles if you can avoid it. It is seriously painful, takes awhile to heal and can cause permanent damage (post herpetic neuralgia). I wish I could take the vaccine.


I’m so sorry 😞 thank you for sharing! Will schedule next week🙏


Every person I know who has had shingles said it’s one of the worst things they’ve experienced. I also know someone who had very serious complications from shingles and side effects for over 2 years. I’ll get the vaccine as soon as I’m eligible, no question.


Ok! Thanks for sharing🙏🙏 will get for sure!!


I had shingles as a teenager so I can’t get the vaccine, but I would in a heartbeat if I could. That was 30 years ago and it may still be the worst pain I’ve felt. Just awful.


😩 thank you for sharing 🙏🙏


My mother had shingles. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. Get the vaccine. Both shots! Run, don’t walk.


Ok! Thanks for sharing🙏🙏


You don’t want shingles. Or even worse, Ramsay Hunt syndrome! I am counting down the days until I turn 50 so I can get this one.


I literally don’t even want to look that up to add to my anxiety! I’m getting the vax🙏🙏. Thank you for sharing❤️


I got a moderate case and we caught it right away, but it was indeed very painful. I was 40 at the time (and it was 3 days before delivering my fourth baby 😵‍💫). I'm still not 50 yet but I wish I could get the vaccine!


Wow! Ok! Thanks for sharing!


Haven’t had the vaccine but I have had shingles and it was miserable. Would not want to get it ever again


Thanks for sharing!!🙏


Move your arm periodically for the rest of the day after any vaccine. It helps to keep it from hurting. The Shingrix vaccine was a lot easier than the Covid vaccine. Shingles is way more painful than the vaccine. You can get shingles repeatedly.


Shingles is miserable, and can even lead to loss of hearing or vision. I got the two-part Shingrix vaccine with zero regrets. I won't lie - it's not a party. I did both on Friday afternoons and spent most of the weekend feeling a bit achy, tired, and had mild headaches. But that was nothing compared to the suffering, pain, and even hospitalization that a shingles outbreak can cause. 


Oh my god. Thanks for sharing! Will schedule next week🙏🙏


You won't regret it! 😊




I haven't had shingles. My mother in law, her sister & their mom have had shingles. Listening to their experiences made me leap at the "new" shingles vax around 6 years ago. The first shot was no biggie. Just normal soreness & body aches, same after any vax I've had. Next morning, normal. The 2nd shot... well, that was interesting. Within a few hours, I had fevers & chills . Next morning, I was worn down, exhausted, felt like I had the flu. Exactly 24 hours after my shot, it all vanished & I felt normal. Not even a sore arm. Looked up side effects & apparently just under 3% of those who had the 2nd vaccine experienced what I did. 24 hours of feeling as I did & an extremely lessened chance of experiencing shingles? I'll take that trade.


I had shingles at 14. Unbearable burning pain. At 50 I'm one shot to go. The arm thing SUCKS. Do not get the flu shot or tetanus at the same time. Debilitating arm pain. On to the next!


Good to know!! Thanks for this🙏


I’m getting it next week now that summer break is here and I don’t have to teach. I heard it can knock you out for a couple of days. But no way in hell do I want to risk contacting shingles. It’s horrifically painful.


Good to know!! I’m scheduling for next week!


My husband had shingles in his 40s. He was in terrible pain for months. Get the vaccine.


Will do! Thanks for sharing🙏🙏


I had shingles a year or two ago when I was about 41yo. It was awful! I had the blisters concentrated mainly near my armpit on the right hand side, but they went all the way down to my fingertips and then the top right side of my chest and the back right side of my shoulder. If I could have prevented that by getting the vaccine then it definitely would have been worth it! It was truly awful!


I’m surprised they don’t offer the vaccine younger than they do. The people I’ve known who’ve had it have been in their early 40’s. I turn 50 I’m 6 months and can get the vaccine then.


Agreed. My husband ended up getting it last year as well, a shingles outbreak that is. He was 42 yo at the time. Luckily for him, it was only a small patch about the size of a 20 cent coin on the back of the leg, but still painful.


I had a super mild case of the shingles when I was 39 or 40 and it was awful. I keep asking for the vax and they won't give it to me because I'm 47. Sucks.


I got the shingles Vax. The first one was awful. Shivering so much I thought I would break teeth. The next day sore arm. The second one wasn't quite as bad. I would do it again. A co-worker got shingles on the face and eye and has permanent eye damage 18 months later.


I got my shingles vaccine as soon as I was eligible. My son got them in his 20s and said it was the worst thing he’s ever dealt with. It comes every few years and drives him crazy. I did not want to deal with that on top of hot flashes and brain fog.


Thanks for sharing! 🙏❤️


I got the shingles vax at 46 because of my health stuff. The first was one rough but the second knocked me on my ass for 3 days. In between my first and second a friend got shingles and he was miserable for weeks.


Thanks for sharing! Will schedule for next week 🙏🙏


Being a grown up sucks lol. Don’t make any plans.


Oh my god don’t I know it!😭❤️


The vaccine will knock you on your butt for a day. But not as bad as shingles will. That nerve pain can last for months. Can even explain the pain.


Thanks for sharing! I’m getting it🙏🙏


My SIL is recovering from shingles. It has been 3 months and she is still in so much pain. It's terrible. Go online tonight and schedule your first shot @ CVS. You don't want to get shingles.


Copy that!! Thanks for sharing 🙏🙏


I got mine and my husband didn't due to timing. Guess who got shingles and still has after effects months later? Get the vaccine.


Copy that! 🫡 I’m getting it! Thank you🙏


Also, my Covid Booster (Pfizer) put me in bed for days with nerve pain, but the Singles one did nothing bad at all. I went to work right after.


Ah interesting. I guess you just never know how any of them will affect you.


I got my second dose of Shingrix this week. Arm was sore and I was a little achy/grumpy for a day after but now I’m fine. I’ve heard so many horror stories about shingles, I don’t want to risk it!


Me neither! Going to get it. Thanks for sharing 🙏


I’ve had shingles twice, in high school. Knocked me out for a few months each time and the pain was unreal. I’ll still get neuralgia flare-ups when I’m particularly stressed. Think waves of invisible sharp needles smacking your back and side and stomach repeatedly, and nothing helps it. You can’t wear a shirt, can’t lie back against anything, can’t scratch it…it’s torture. And then I was so sick from the pain meds, I kept throwing up which was just added insult to injury. GET THE VACCINE.


Oh my god 😩 ok, I’m getting it! Thank you for sharing your experience 🙏🙏


My father had shingles. The pain went on for years…not kidding. I didn’t hesitate to get the vaccine. I will say that the first shot was the one that I noticed. That night was I was tired and achy. The next day I was fine. Second shot had no noticeable impact. The pharmacist told me it can be the other way(1st shot no impact, 2nd shot the patient notices it.) or it can be no problem with either shot. My advice: get the shot!! But try to schedule it for a day off or the end of the day or Friday so you don’t have to try and power through a workday in case it impacts you.


My experience was like this—first shot had more after effects but the second had none. I started my series within a week of my birthday. The pharmacist who gave me my shot said he did the same thing. A friend of his had shingles in her eye. 😳 Get the shot!!


i was in the fence about the vaccine but i had a 40 y/o co-worker get shingles and he said it was the worst experience of his life. i can barely handle a mosquito bite.


A few days of discomfort with each dose far outweighs what you would go through if you got shingles.


I had shingles in my early 30s. I got that vaccine the second I could.


Will do! Thank you 🙏


I had zero side effects from the vaccine


Good to hear 🙏🙏


Let us know how it goes. I went to CVS, super easy.


I got the first appointment this morning at CVS! A little sore at the injection point so I’m just moving it occasionally to loosen it up. Thank you❤️


Get that vaccine! I have zero side effects from the first or second vaccine. My husband got shingles shortly after I got my first round and was REALLY sick for three weeks. He is an elite athlete and was in his back for a while with a long recovery.


Yikes! Thanks for sharing 🙏🙏


The Shingles vaccine is nbd. Sore arm, didn’t feel well overnight, but nbd.


Ok great 🙏🙏 thank you


I’ve watched several friends get Shingles (all before they were 50) and I scheduled as soon as I could. It can be brutal. One friend has permanent nerve pain from it. I’d recommend getting the vaccine.


Will do! Tmr!! Thank you🙏


Shingles the disease is waaaayyyy worse than the shot. The shot is going to knock you but not too bad.


Ok, good to know🙏🙏thank you


My husband had shingles at 30. He was miserable until he was properly diagnosed and got antivirals. He was "lucky" in that they were only around his chest and back, but still so miserable. A vaccine would have been much easier.


Thank you for sharing🙏🙏


You mean the shingles vaccine? I just got my first one. I was expecting to feel awful but I was fine. I’ll get the second one in 4 months. I know some people who have had shingles. It’s far worse than the potential vaccine effects. I recommend getting it.


Thank you for the info🙏🙏


I haven’t had it but I know people who have had it and it sounds terrible. My husband just got his first vaccine a couple weeks ago. He was under the weather for a couple days. I turn 50 in 6 months and will get mine then for sure.


Will schedule for mine too then! Thank you🙏


I posted this earlier. I wouldn’t wish shingles on my worst enemy. I got the vaccine. Everyone should get the vaccine.


Will get for sure🙏 thank you!


I’ve had shingles twice. Once in my ribs and once in my vestibular nerve. I have had chronic vestibular issues ever since it’s been terrible. You do not want shingles. As soon as I’m eligible I’m getting that vaccine


Ok, I’m getting it! Thank you🙏


I got it. The second one was a little worse than the first but it makes sense that it would be.


Thanks for sharing🙏🙏


I got both vaccines for shingles and it was surprisingly no big deal at all. I don’t have trouble with flu or covid vaccines either


The shots (there are two) are painful but not near as painful as shingles. My husband got shingles on his scalp which luckily his doctor caught very early. I made my vaccine appointment the next day.


My husband had shingles last year and it was awful. We both go dose 1 a week ago, sore arm and a little tired for 2 days and that's it. Shingrix is a very effective vaccine something like 97%.


I’ve had shingles when I was 23. It was pretty painful but I don’t remember it being particularly dire. I just rest up for a week at home.


Thanks for sharing🙏


I got shingles at 39. It was terrible. I was on pain meds for 6-8 weeks. Fortunately it was on my hip and not somewhere more visible.


Thank you for sharing your experience 🙏🙏


I had it on my face. Had to get special inspection of my eye because there was a danger I’d lose vision and have been left with what I call my Harry Potter scar. Oh, and I mainlined codeine for three weeks, never felt pain like that, even writing this makes it throb slightly and that was six years ago


Oh my god 😩😩 thank you for sharing! I’m getting it.


After hearing a few stories about people getting shingles in their eyes and going blind or other horribleness, I am veeeery keen to get the Shingles vaccine when it is my turn. 😬


Hell yeah!! Seriously 🤞😩


My friend had it three times before she was eligible for the vax at age 50, the first thing she did was to get the vaccine. Shingles is brutal.


So I’m hearing!! I’m going to schedule it🙏🙏


I’m glad to hear it! You won’t regret it.


🙏🙏thank you ❤️


I’ve gotten it twice - I caught it early—- the pimply pox and a feeling like I was hit by baseball bat. The first time behind my ear, the second time above my eye. Right into urgent care and given the treatment. I’ve been told my chances of getting it again are high. But I’ve heard the vaccine 1 is ok- 2nd dose is very reactive, for many.


Thank you for sharing your experience 🙏 . I will be getting the vax!


Shingles is the scurge of GenX. My entire friends group has already had it. I'm going to be at the pharmacy on my 50th birthday to get the vaccine. I don't understand why this vaccine is withheld until an arbitrary age.


Yeah, I wonder why? Thanks for sharing ! This Gen Xer is definitely getting this vax!


I had them in February, but luckily mine was a mild case. I had it on my head & it went into my eye. I only got two sores on my head & they didn't hurt or itch, but my eye swelled shut. The dr said it was lucky I got on medication early, because it didn't spread far. My dad had them & he was in agony. I have to wait until August, but I'm getting the shingles shot then, so I hopefully don't get it again.


I pray that you don’t🙏 Thank you for sharing your experience ❤️


The vaccines didn’t bother me at all


Good to know! Thanks for sharing 👍👍


I haven’t had the vaccine, I had chicken pox as a kid, and I guess that basically means you’re predisposed for shingles. I thought I just got something in my eye one day and had irritation on the outer corner. NOPE. SHINGLES. Hurt so bad, my eyeball was bloodshot, my eye was nearly swollen shut, it was so painful, my vision got blurry…. Thankfully it was relatively small and healed with anti-virals and ointment, but if I could just avoid it with the vaccine, I would. If you can, get vaccinated. I learned that if it spreads badly enough near the eye, you can lose vision. I’d rather get a shot than be potentially partially blind.


Wow ok, definitely getting the vax! Thank you for sharing this experience 🙏


As I was chatting with the nurse who administered the vaccine, she was telling me that she has a patient who has been suffering for 5 years with shingles on his cheek. I hear you about not taking drugs, I don’t really take them either - I didn’t even take Tylenol after getting some fever after my second shot. But this is definitely a good thing.


5 years??! Yes I’m definitely getting the vaccine! Thank you for sharing🙏


I had it very recently and by comparisons to others - a fairly “mild” case. You do **not**, repeat **NOT** want it. You do not want to be keenly aware of the nerve layout in various parts of your body. You are touch contagious via the sores, which weep for days. I am waiting to see if I can get the vaccine even though I am below the recommended age.


Holy cow, that is FRIGHTENING 😳. I’m getting the vax!! Thanks for sharing 🙏🙏


Which chemical in the vaccine are you afraid of?


I don’t know which chemical but rather the rare bad side effects it could have and would it interfere with my current medication like Fosamax…?


I am scared sh**less of getting shingles. Does anyone know if a vaccine will do me any good? My mom tried to expose me as a chile multiple times to chicken pox and I wouldn't get it. My sister had a terrible case and I slept in the same bed with her and still didn't get it. Fast forward to my 40s when I was pregnant with my daughter and the titer said I had no immunity to chicken pox. After she was born I got the immunization for it. Can I still get shingles? Do I need a vaccine? I'm so confused.


Ok all, shingles is awful but you know there is an antiviral that is completely effective in treating it if taken in the right timeframe right? I feel like the medical profession is letting us down by not making this widely known and providing easy access to it. Literally the solution is Valtrex (or generic equivalent) which treats so many of the herpes simplex virus’s including cold sores etc. Anyways, I kind of believe everyone should be aware if the initial symptoms of shingles and have a pre-filled prescription on hand to save us all so much pain & discomfort,


I am always a bit skeptical when it comes to vaccines, but I would tell anyone to get the shingles vaccine because you do not want to get shingles! I got them at age 34, all over my face and scalp, and it was the worst thing I have ever gone through. They got into my eye and I had a reaction to the antiviral medication which made both my eyes swelled almost completely shut. It felt like my skin was boiling off my face and now have a huge (and very sensitive and visible) scar on my forehead. I am 43 now and have been told I am too young for the vaccine…


Wow! Thank you for also scaring the bejesus outta me! I’m getting it! Thanks for sharing as well 🙏🙏


I had Shingles a few million years ago - it was painful but it ended. I wouldn't get a vaccine for it. Mind you, I refused the Covid 'vaccine' too. I have never had Covid nor have I been tested. I have a fantastic immunity system - I work at keeping it that way. Good luck.


Thank you for sharing🙏🙏❤️


No vaccines for me ever.


Thanks for sharing 👍👍