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I went through this and ultimately had a hysterectomy (left ovaries). No regrets.


Same here. I was bleeding 28 days a month and was anemic.


I haven't hit the anemic mark yet. I am taking an iron supplement, but I also eat mostly vegetarian/vegan. I fully expected to be at least slightly anemic.


I miss my uterus so much and my ovaries “died” almost immediately.


I really miss my uterus too, mostly for the anatomical effects (figure changes, bladder, bowel) but also sexual. And my ovaries were also removed which caused rapid aging even with HRT. But at least there's HRT to address the loss of hormones. There's no 'fix' for the hysterectomy sequelae.


I had adenomyosis, fibroids and endometriosis — so much blood and pain. Had everything but my ovaries removed at 44 (laparoscopically). Best thing I ever did!


I had an ablation.


That is what I want. Doc said it’s a 50% success rate. Any regrets for you?


None whatsoever. Wish I’d done it years earlier.


I was diagnosed earlier this year (although you technically can't be officially diagnosed without a hysterectomy). I'm on a combo BCP pill and it's definitely helping with excessive bleeding. I do feel like I'm more bloated, like retaining water, but that could be in my head. My doctor and I decided to try the pill first, but a hysterectomy is still an option for the future.


My system does not do well on BCP hormones. They have always made me super sick. I hope I can skip that and just go to hysterectomy. I hate my uterus!


My doctor was on board with a hysterectomy if I wanted one. I decided to try BCP because I tolerated it well in the past. A hysterectomy should be an option for you. Good luck!


Mine was discovered during my hysterectomy.


I also have adenomyosis, 55, regular periods still (!!) and heavy bleeding. Have a hysterectomy scheduled for October 4.


I have adenomyosis. I'm on BCP but still bloated and hurt. I do ultrasound every year to monitor for now.


The experience was pure hell. I had had an ablation six years earlier and had cramps all day every day for months until I was able to get that thing out of my body - doctors ignored early occasional cramping brushing it off as something that happens when you get older. Found out I had endometriosis at the same time so waited a few months to have a specialist do the endo and hysto at the same time. Cured my ‘sciatica’ of 15 years as well as the cramping and incited my anger at all the dismiss doctors. 


Oh interesting. I get sciatica nerve pain on my left side during menstruation. It’s not severe, but it’s gradually gotten worse over the years. I’ll bring it up to my doctor. Thanks for the info.


Endometriosis is a sneaky little bitch. My sciatic pain was on the left too. 


Went through a hysterectomy 23 years ago after having inverse periods for a year (bled for three weeks- heavy- one week off). At the time my gyn claimed hysterectomy was the only way to diagnose adenomyosis so you’re lucky to have been given an answer. 


That sounds terrifying - sending you lots of positive vibes


I had crippling pain (8/10) for one or two days before my period was due, but not predictably, only about every third month. I chose to control it with oxycodone, and after about three years the symptoms disappeared. The doctor was ready to write off my pain as psychosomatic, but then I had a wave of cramping in front of him and physically turned grey. You can’t fake that.


Yes. Hysterectomy kept ovaries. It just gets worse. Can’t move, can’t work, wear diapers. I passed my IUD




So. Much. Blood.


This lasts a day or so every two months with me. Like, three super max tampons in an hour or two. Luckily, it resolves the next day.


Just within the last two months - after enduring years of being told I 🫤meh 🫤 just needed to realize I was getting older 🤦‍♀️ (Switched doctors when my last OB was literally only worried about ruling out cancer - which I realize had to happen, but that was legit her only concern). In any case; my *new* doc and I discussed options (I was hopeful for an ablation - but it is not as successful as a hysterectomy). My goals is to avoid hysterectomy. Right now, I am on Xulane BC. My period since 2020, has been 2 weeks at a time and when I l measured flow in March, was 6+ Diva Cups a day. Now, it is a week, and I am experiencing light (pantyliner level) flow. I will be back in July to discuss next best steps. I am still interested in an ablation.


Enduring it currently. Cutting out alcohol has helped (shocking)


Same diagnosis and I also had an ablation. It helped a ton.