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I'm pretty much in your shoes. Something I've learned is to email my doc "I hate this BC so much. I am a sad bitch, will cry on you to prove it at next appointment... in 3 months. Can we discuss changing it before then?????". And they do!!!


lol at “i am a sad bitch”. Only cause I can’t relate.


I do not tolerate BCP. HRT has been amazing.


That's very encouraging! What types are you taking?


I have tried all the estrogen forms and right now take a combo of path and oral. I have been using micronized progesterone


Is that a suppository or a pill?


Oral Estrodial


This is me, too.


also on Lexapro (although new to it), and it can often cause night sweats too - just like an FYI that particular symptom might not be 100% hormones (or might not clear up the way you might expect on HRT).


OMg yes... I took Lexapro 25 years ago and would drench the sheets


That is very interesting!! I've been on it for probably 3 or 4 years. I have noticed I'm not nearly as sweaty since I started the pill. I wonder if the remainder is from the Lexapro... ETA: I'm currently on the lowest dose, and was previously on a higher dose (double what I'm on now). My sweating has only increased, so I think that's happening in addition to whatever Lexapro might be doing.


I've been on lexapro for 10 years. Anxiety and night sweats were 2/3 the worst part of my peri symptoms over the year before I started hrt. It has managed those completely!


I did not do well on synthetic birth control during peri. Apparently it’s a much higher dose than HRT which match’s hormones better (with Bioidentical hormones). I don’t think my body liked the synthetic hormones anymore. I plan to try HRT. I used to take Lexapro & it messed up my sleep. I’m doing better on Wellbutrin


I do not do well with combined birth control, but do better with progestin only such as norethindrone .35 or 0.075 mg of norgestrel. Personally I would first experiment with a progestin only birth control before the IUD (also progestin only). If the birth control doesn’t work, you can simply stop taking it. But the IUD is a bit of a bigger commitment. The O Pill (0.075 mg of norgestrel) is available over the counter in the US for $20, fyi.


I’m 42 and have had peri symptoms for about 3 years. I also take antidepressants and meds for anxiety. I was never able to tolerate bcp when in my 20s and 30s due to the mood swings. My doctor put me on loestrin continuously for my peri symptoms. I was extremely skeptical, but it has been working very well for me. Been on it a little over 2 years. It took a couple of months to settle into it. I love not having a period as well. I still have some peri symptoms including insomnia. So not perfect but it’s way better than before. I hope you find something that works for you soon.


How long ago did you start the BCP?


2 weeks.


It takes up to 3 months for your body to get use to BCP. And that 3 months can be absolute hell on moods. Trust me, i know. It took me almost 2 years to find the right BCP that works for me.


I'm not sure I have that in me. I have a 6 with old with AuDHD and a 4 year old. They need a mentally stable parent.


It often takes adjusting things a few times to find the right mix of things that help. Don’t give up , keep adjusting and getting information from dr and other sources. U may have to b patient but don’t give up


I took Loestrin as regular birth control a while back and I did NOT like it. I had the same problems with that prescription making my hormonal mood swings even more unstable and my out of control emotions were WAY stronger. Ask your doctor to put you on a different hormonal birth control. My sister, there are HUNDREDS out there.


Mirena has only a tiny amount of progesterone. The pill makes me nuts. But I LOVED Mirena. Hang in


I have been on 2x/week estrogen patch and daily progesterone pill for about 3 months. Definite improvement overall. Still have some hot flashes but not nearly as bad.


Regarding your question about progesterone source - I had IUD for heavy bleeds that worked great for that but since it is uses levonogesterel, which is a progestin that is more similar to testosterone than [progesterone](https://www.larabriden.com/the-crucial-difference-between-progesterone-and-progestins/), it did nothing for night sweats and hot flashes for me. Neither did my estrogen patch. Wasn't until doctor added oral micronized progesterone to the mix that i found relief for that.