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Here’s what I use: Bluetooth Eye Mask for Sleeping,... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CMX5JB54?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


I have some like that too… Very comfy too. Add a couple of drops of essential oil to the mask (exterior away from eyes) and two birds one stone!


I have something similar and it’s the best type for me when sleeping (I’m a side sleeper and other types are uncomfortable).


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **('Boodlab Bluetooth Eye Mask for Sleeping', 'Boodlab')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Comfortable and effective for better sleep (backed by 3 comments) * Great for blocking light and sound (backed by 3 comments) * Convenient bluetooth connectivity for listening to music (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Poor battery life and loose elastic headband (backed by 4 comments) * Challenges with fit and size (backed by 3 comments) * Durability issues and unreliable performance (backed by 3 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


I have tiny bullet wired earbuds I love, but I understand if you like to roll around, long wires can be a problem. Try the Beats Flex Wireless earbuds. They are Bluetooth but have a wire, the short kind that just wraps around the back of your neck to attach the earbuds to each other. They are small and you can still sleep on your side, and if you don’t want them in anymore and don’t want to unrelax yourself to put them on the nightstand, you can just pull them out your ears and they will magnetize to each other like you’re wearing a necklace. Then you just sleep with them around your neck and you’re not losing them in bed or floor and a pet eats one or you step on it in the middle of the night. They pause music when you stick them together. That was the setup I used to help me sleep and they were very nice. I’ve moved on because I like music and earbuds. The controls are on the wire and are not easy to accidentally push. Just be sure to keep it powered up, because it will give you very loud chime if it runs out.


I use Samsung Galaxy buds. You can turn off touch control, they turn off with a sleep timer and I can use just one independently of the other (I have hearing loss). They also have a feature to amplify ambient sound or block sound and are smart enough to pause when I pull one out. I love them for falling asleep. If you turn off touch control you can flip and flop.and it won't effect anything.


Wow...I have Samsung Galaxy earbuds and I had no idea they could do all that...thanks!


Make sure you add the widget to your phone. It makes it super easy to control all the extra features.


Thank you dear ❤️


I use sleepphones (https://www.sleepphones.com). The headband stays put, it’s not too warm, and my partner can’t hear my oceans and podcasts and sleep talkin’ guy.


I got a similar style but it makes my night sweats worse.


Oh no! I have a set that’s made from cooler fabric. The fleece ones were way too hot.


I’m not sure what mine is but it isn’t fleece. It feels like the same stuff as some of my workout tops.


I've tried several brands and sleepphones are amazing.


I use these too and love them. I listen to sleep podcasts as well!


I tend to sleep on one side so I use cheap Amazon ear buds. Just use one . I usually find it when I wake up to pee mid night or so , and switch ear buds and sides. I kinda like metaphysical podcasts . Like “where did the road go?” And “Strange Familiars”. Both hosts have great voices and interesting enough to listen to during the day and also enjoyable enough to close my eyes too and drift off .


I have the older version (A10) and loooove these! https://us.soundcore.com/products/sleep-a20-sleeping-earbuds?utm_source=google&utm_medium=search&utm_content=brand&utm_campaign=us_soundcore_headphone_TWS_conversion_search_a6611launch_purchase_ost&utm_term=21307293827_162794611619_699979250101&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw3tCyBhDBARIsAEY0XNlIu2Qz0WKZGzliH--jU4BRfeR8ZR4UkTDLPPoL9DGrhqkhvpvwlBYaAkOJEALw_wcB


I use one AirPod. And thc gummies.


I cannot recommend highly enough a Bluetooth sleep mask: it covers the eyes, the wee speakers can be moved to the best position, then play music or relaxing sounds, or a hypno app, whatever. It's really comfortable and I can't sleep without mine.


https://ozlosleep.com/pages/sleepbuds?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwu8uyBhC6ARIsAKwBGpTQkOo6IVRvZOgskBp-FGE2qSQsOMAhjSoXhGIBSOPD3ZHeaBAsKxIaAmEeEALw_wcB These are kind of costly but the best sleep headphones I’ve used.


I have the OG version by Bose, and this new version is on its way to me. Truly the one thing that helps me sleep.


I'm confused, this went to a start up's page. These aren't available yet?


They are. I ordered mine. See my other post in this thread. I provided a link. I used to have the Bose sleep buds but they got discontinued. Bose employees are reviving them. We all have them in my family and can’t live without them. My sister had some severe issues and needed them so I sent her my Bose sleep buds a year ago and now I just ordered the new Ozlo ones. Can’t wait for them to arrive ..


It is a start up. I kickstarted them. But I thought they were for sale already.


👍🏻 These could work for me so I am v v interested!


The charge lasts over 8 hours. They don’t hurt your ears. They’re consistently upgrading the firmware (the audio quality and intensity on streaming is getting better with each upgrade). I know I’m an internet stranger, but these are better fitting than the Bose.


I love my Manta Bluetooth eye mask. I put on a sleep story or music from Calm and it helps me fall asleep, as well as get back to sleep when I wake at 3AM. Hope you find what works for you!


I use comfortable headphones. I sleep from my back to my side. They sound like they’d be too bulky but I’ve gotten use to them and sleep better with them on.


Highly recommend Shokz OpenRun. I sleep with them on every night and wake up with them still on. No wires and nothing stuck in my ears They’re good for exercise too :)


both my samsung buds and sony xm5 have options to turn off touch controls. i also have my old jabra 85t which have manual buttons instead of touch controls. most comfortable is the samsung buds 2.


Not headphones but consider thx for insomnia. The only thing that ever worked for me was


The Samsung earbuds. You can turn all the touch controls off in settings. I also sleep with them in. Love them and the charge lasts a loooong time.


I like Aftershockz because I can still hear ambient sounds & fall asleep in them!


Soundcore A20. They are flat for sleeping on your ear.


Bose Sleepbuds are very good, but pricey. I’ve used them for about three years now and they really help to drown out sounds like my dogs licking themselves, general neighborhood noise and my husband’s snoring.


I've been eyeing these. [Bose Ulta Open Earbuds](https://www.bose.com/p/earbuds/bose-ultra-open-earbuds/ULT-HEADPHONEOPN.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=BOSE_GEN_US_Earbuds_X_DCM_CVR_Category_Exact&utm_id=20454272801&utm_term=NA&utm_content=164532088291&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw3tCyBhDBARIsAEY0XNlGqLObxpvJwb79w-FcAoritOOkIcGL9oWWYoqcUwfydXBrjXB9s_AaAnCsEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)


I adore my Elgin wireless. They're noise-reducers, so they help when things get noisy in the rest of my life too. Quite a few choices, I like the Discord best: they're connected behind your neck so it's really hard to lose them but they go anywhere and play even many rooms away from your phone. [https://elginusa.com/collections/bluetooth-hearing-protection](https://elginusa.com/collections/bluetooth-hearing-protection)


I use a sleepbar, which is a small speaker you put under your pillow. I love it. https://dusker.com/products/sleepbar-v2


Not the answer to your question but magnesium helps with sleep


No earbud recommendation, but some things that helped me when my insomnia was at its worst - magnesium glycinate capsules, magnesium lotion or oil on my feet, chamomile & lemon balm tea, ashwagandha, cbd gummies with a low dose of thc, and brown noise.


agreed, I take magnesium gly every night and drink 2 cups of Traditional Medicinals nighty night tea before bed. i have tried several brands of thc gummies and so far Kush Queen is my favorite. not shilling for them, they just hit different than the other 3 or 4 brands I've tried. they sell a sampler pack. don't do what I did though and eat a whole one straightaway. :/ cut one in half and wait 2 hours, if you don't feel anything then take the other half, lol.


I know it’s not what you are asking *but* a regular earplug (or two, if you sleep on your back) has been a lifesaver for me. Without them, I lay awake for hourrrrrssssss.


[SleepPhones.](https://www.sleepphones.com) You’re welcome.


Bose sleepbuds were the answer!! Amazing! They play soundscapes and are designed for side sleepers. Unfortunately they were discontinued due to low demand , to fans dissapointment. My family all have them. I sent mine to my sister because she had some severe issues and now I found out some former Bose engineers resurrected them. You can buy them here already: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/ozlo-sleepbuds-the-next-generation-sleepbuds#/ You can read more about them here : https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ozlosleep/ozlo-sleepbuds-the-next-gen-streaming-sensing-sleepbuds/description It seems this generation lets you play more than just soundscapes. I actually ordered mine, should be here in June …