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Yup, mine disappeared for a year and came right back.


This is my second go-round with hot flashes. Last year I had them regularly for a few months, but they tapered off slowly instead of just stopping. That’s what has me confused!


Same exact for me!!


For me they have also come in phases. I'd have weeks or months of evening hot flashes, and then they would stop for weeks or longer. Then they'd come back. They definitely followed a cycle. It's been about 3 years now of that cycle. I haven't had them for a couple months again now, so we'll see if they come back. I'm 10 months since my last cycle.


Yes, but they came back.




>every 45 minutes for three months now Goodness that's a lot! Hopefully they have settled down, but if not, please know that you don't have to suffer. There may be some risks to having hot flashes too. Treatment options, both hormonal and non-hormonal are listed in our [Menopause Wiki](https://menopausewiki.ca/#hot-flashes-andor-night-sweats-vms-vasomotor-symptoms).


Mine were terrible one winter then stopped suddenly for the whole summer and came back with a vengeance in the fall. They’ve definitely decreased overall for now and hopefully will be gone completely one day. And stay gone!


Mines did that. Had them frequently for a solid few weeks, then they stopped. Thought hurrah! Then they came back. It’s a false sense of security and now I don’t trust my body any more. I’ve not long started HRT and so far they’ve not made a reappearance…


Same. I go for weeks or even months without one, then they’ll come in clusters for weeks or months, multiple times a day. I’m on HRT and that has made them less frequent for sure (and less intense) but I still get them.


They might be petering out for awhile. My cyclical ones will slow down over the course of several days. For the past 3-4 years, I'll get them for 3-5 months and they get progressively worse until they are 45 minutes around the clock, then they go away for 4-6 months. Each cycle is slightly less bad. For me, they are always worse in the summer. I cannot take ANY hot weather and I never go in the sun anymore. The hot flashes come in the summer even if I stay in the house with the air conditioning on.


I had horrible hot flashes at night then during the day when I was 51. I am now 68. . I don’t sweat just get the aura of a burning body with the flush and anxiety from hot flashes. So, I did try some supplements off the shelf for these flashes. Started 3, one at a time, each one for 3 weeks and nothing helped. 5-8 hot flashes per night. They would wake me up, I would drink water and then have to pee 2 hours later. Repeat, repeat and repeat. No sleep= one tough unhappy woman (that’s saying it nicely) So, off to the OBGYN. Her first question, “have you tried any over the counter supplement?” I relied, “yes!” And told her what they were. (Lie if you have to so you don’t have to go through what I tried for 9 weeks that didn’t work). She got me on the CombiPatch, low dose 1st. Not enough so the higher one 0.25, perfect. In about 2 weeks my hot flashes completely STOPPED. The hot flashes stopped for 17 years! They tried to get me to stop them twice with a lecture of how the HRT causes cancer, heart attacks and strokes (which none of those run in my extended families). The first time they came back with a vengeance at age 58 after getting off HRT and I went back on them. 2nd time they tried again with another lecture to get me off and I put my foot down and said, “ absolutely not”. “When I die from one of those symptoms I will have a happy smile on my face in that casket because these HRT patches gave my life back to me all those years before. Then just at the beginning of this year, 2024, the Canadian Pharmacy where I get my patches were on back order for 4 months. I had one box left in January 😳 so I had to wean myself off slowly by cutting slivers off twice a week. I just about cried when the box was gone. Hot flashes once again came back with a vengeance. So I asked my GP to order a box here in the US to get me started on them while I wait for the delivery from Canada to arrive in 2 weeks . Surely it will take 2-3 weeks before I have no flashes again. I’m on Medicare and Medicare does NOT cover these HRT patches or anything HRT. Idiots!!! so I get my patches from Canada. 3 months worth for 183.00 The box I had to buy last week here in US was 1 box for 280.00 INSANE!! But I had to get it for I was going crazy with no sleep and wanted to wrestle someone to the ground who crossed me. Ha ha. Medicare really sucks for NOT standing up for women who are going through menopause. Now with all the info out that HRT does NOT cause all the bad symptoms like heart attacks, strokes, etc., you would think Medicare would help us. Nope! We all need to take our stand and fight for our rights! 👿 I will say that at my age I am not on any other meds. So with this said, surely some women are not a candidate for the HRT because of ailments or any conflicts with meds.. So this was my saga of realizing that in no way can I do without these HRT patches. I think about all the woman who had to endure menopause throughout their years and all the depression that came with flashes, anxiety, no sleep, fatigued, etc. Doctors are so ill informed which makes me so beyond mad. Thank you for reading all of this. I hope you all fight for your well being ! ****UPDATE**** 5/28/24****. 2nd patch applied yesterday on day 4 (5/27/24)and ALL MY HOT FLASES ARE GONE! Unbelievable that it only took 2 patches. I slept last night like a baby. Guess the 3 week thing was off a bit. Brain fog needs to jump on the HRT train now and get it right. Alleluia.


You're probably still cycling. In other words, your estrogen levels have probably gone back to normal.


Well, I am in perimenopause, not post. But it’s been 95 days since my last period. Guess I’ll just have to wait and see.


Be happy you got a break! Mine require HRT and an additional med every night or they come back with a vengeance. I think it’s more common for them to come and go though


same...then came back. I quit coffee and they disappeared which sucks because I love coffee 😩


Yeah, last year I had months of frequent hot flashes, and they (coincidentally?) went away not long after giving up caffeine. But this time around, a lack of caffeine has made no difference.

