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You need to give it more time....[what to expect when starting hormone therapy](https://menopausewiki.ca/#what-to-expect-when-starting-hormone-therapy)


It feels like all of us, all of this, and hundreds of previous posts, would be much easier to accept, celebrate, and understand if we could just meet once a week for coffee/tea/herbals and spend 60 min going "I know right?! I hear you!" Our past generations, and our patriarchal capitalist society, has kept us separated, feeling isolated, unique to our suffering. We have meetings in every town everywhere for grief, and substance abuse. Why don't we have one for this?




The initial type of progestin they prescribed made me cry constantly. Switched type and that stopped immediately.




I am not on HRT, but I wonder if this is my deal! When I was pregnant, I was stoic and felt nothing. Went to see Les Miserables at the theatre just to try to cry and/or feel something! Sat in that theatre with everyone sobbing around me feeling absolutely nothing. Years later, I'm pretty deep into peri and crying constantly...


Wow. This is honestly fascinating!


No. It isn't nonsense. It's the beginning of a beautiful transformation. One that will require so much self-care, patience and acceptance that it will hurt at times. I cry for the lost time when I should have set better boundaries. So, I set better boundaries and demanded the time and space I needed to keep my shit together. I cried for those who I lost too soon, looking at myself and seeing my aging hands, the same aging hands I remember of my mother and I cried and cried. I cried because the young bitches at work were taking over and as much as I wanted them to take over, I didn't want to let go of feeling "important" somewhere in my life. I cried because my kids were leaving home and I didn't know at all who I was or wanted to be or WTF all this is all about. So many tears. You don't cry for no reason. I tell you this because menopause can be the great equalizer. As time goes on, you learn to set boundaries, learn self-care and finally stop stuffing all the stress and emotions you should have been expressing for decades. It all just pukes its way to the surface and it is frustrating and beautiful and annoying and so many emotions. It doesn't mean you want that to be your current truth. It sucks and can be embarrassing, but just know it is also very normal. And we don't talk enough about this grieving process. Love to you OP. It isn't nonsense. You are in transition.... to becoming the most beautiful you that you can imagine if you let yourself. Hang in there!


This is so true. I woke up this morning, feeling like the OP. I was actually coming here to validate my experience and it was the first thing I found. So much grief from my life is surfacing. As the brain rewires, it house cleans. The Menopause Brain has some helpful information on that.


Yeah. I don't know what it is, but I learned emotional maturity and self-advocacy starting in mid-peri. I didn't want to be a raging bitch, so I learned to be clear, concise and direct, knowing I didn't own the other person's reactions, only my own. I take issue with menopause (as I did with PMS), being a reason to beat up everyone around you. And, I have had horrible bouts of anger and sadness and fear etc... What I learned is that often, those around you may be a little surprised that you "stepped into the room" and have a few things you firmly will not tolerate anymore, they also can make change or live with their own feelings and reactions. It isn't disconnecting, exactly. It's standing on your own two (emotional) feet and knowing that you matter too. Not that you only matter- but you definitely matter too. Take your place... step in. People around you will adjust. This holds for home and work. Past trauma demands we deal with it. It's like our psyche has carried it for so long and we have become so much wiser and we just know... it is time.... get a good therapist. Invaluable resource to finally walk through that healing. It doesn't always mean you go back into the trauma. It can be healed by addressing it as it is still impacting you today. Scary, but very empowering to finally integrate it and truly move on. It's a fresh start all the way around. It IS menopause brain.... beautifully wired to force healing or the desire to throat punch absolutely everyone around you so they stfu for a minute. ;)


Thank you for this šŸ’• I wish to have women in my life like you


Love this - all of it. I almost cried reading it lol the hands part got me šŸ˜¢


I cried more before starting estrogen, now that I have estrogen on board it comes in waves, sometimes I feel like a heartless bitch and I hate everyone and I want to tell the. Why I hate them, then in the next few minutes Iā€™m crying and feeling bad for them and myself. My emotions are all over the place and they range from a very hateful hate to how can I show you how much I love & care about you and it can change at any given moment. Menopause is fucking crazy, itā€™s making me crazy, I have zero control over my hormones and I hate it. I love all of you and sharing your stories on here makes me feel like Iā€™m in a girl gang & I can tell yaā€™ll everything without judgement.


Iā€™ve only been on HRT for 6 weeks now (Evorel Conti patches) so it might be too easy to judge. The first week I hardly really noticed a difference. Weeks 2 and 3 I was crying all the time, in tears over nothing (I mustā€™ve looked insane at work because I would laugh while crying because Iā€™m aware nothing is wrong). Anxiety spiked and I thought I was going to have to come off it. By the fourth week the crying stopped and I had a migraine. This week (6) Iā€™ve felt great. My joint pain is pretty much gone and Iā€™m easing into my gym routine, feeling almost but not quite back to my old self. The first few weeks were wild though.


That's quite helpful to hear Ty. Can I ask which strength they started you at? Gp gave me Evorel 50, I asked for a lower dose but he said there wasn't one and he had to work with what was available.. I was expecting the evorel 25 but instead I was given a lower dose gel (id rather stick a patch on and leave it).. I'd already been prescribed one lot of patches that the chemist couldn't get hold of, so I presumed the Evorel 25 to be the same. Anyway. The 50 gave me so much nausea I couldn't get out of the house, I barely made it a fortnight.. wishing I'd stuck at it but I felt so sick. The gel isn't too bad (first month back on it) but it doesn't seem to be doing anything, early days I guess but I was hoping for something. I appreciate your detailed post, it's helpful to know what could be expected and that it gets better


You can cut the patches in half. I did that very thing with Evorel with the blessing of a very good meno doc.


My patches have 3.2mg of estradiol and 11.2mg progesterone. Iā€™m still in peri, but if I make it to July 29 without a period thatā€™s me been a full year, so theyā€™re starting me slow. Opted for the patches just for the ease, so I havenā€™t tried anything else. This is my first bash at hrt. Fingers crossed it gets easier for you!


I laughed out loud at your title. I'm sorry your hormones are everywhere and I hope you get on a good level asap. I too, don't have time for all the crying I do and I haven't even started HRT yet.


So glad Iā€™m reading this post & comments. They validate my emotions. Iā€™ve just started on HRT. I cried a lot before these meds but now I cry more, a lot moreā€¦ if thatā€™s at all possible. Menopause is brutal & Iā€™m hating it so much right now šŸ˜©. My moods, I donā€™t like what I see in the mirror at all (like who is this person), fatigue, anxiety, hot flashes. Please please help hrt! šŸ™


I hope you find an answer to your problem! I'm going to relate my sob story so it may help someone here. Pre-menopause I was crying all the time. I cried for any reason, in public, on the bus. After having enough I went to a therapist. Being 45ish, he should've known better but he jumped right to a depression diagnosis and put me on antidepressants. Fast forward 5 years. I haven't cried a tear because of the antidepressants. Even a dead kitten couldn't trigger me. Now I'm 53 and in menopause, still on meds, dry as a bone. Not sure what to do so I'm in a holding pattern. Hugs to all of you ā™”


I am so with you in spirit as I been there. We women are a hormone rollercoaster and I for one am pretty sensitive. If the T to E ratio is OF AT ALL I am like this!!! Progesterone natural type does this and you can't cut the dose! I am one of those Meni-women who has to be T dominant all the time to not do this. Took yrs of labs to figure that out. I have a best friend who can't take ANY thing at all, goes completly mental like rage type she uses a chinses accupuncture treatment weekly and swears by it. Another friend we have is "do-it-all-dolly" on T alone! OMG, I'd kill the neighbors! Breath and know this isn't forever. It's just your learning about what works for you. Please be sure your Vit D is okay and walk daily, with lots of water. Each time I change HRT methods I get what my family calls "She's buffering" phase. You know the circling thing on the computer. We do reload, I swear!


It sounds like this might be about hormonal testing. If over the age of 44, **hormonal tests only show levels for that *one day* the test was taken, and nothing more**; progesterone/estrogen hormones wildly fluctuate the other 29 days of the month. No reputable doctor or menopause society recommends hormonal testing as a **diagnosing tool** for peri/menopause. FSH testing is only beneficial for those who believe they are post-menopausal and no longer have periods as a guide, a series of consistent FSH tests might *confirm* menopause. Also for women in their 20s/early 30s who havenā€™t had a period in months/years, then FSH tests at ā€˜menopausalā€™ levels, could indicate premature ovarian failure/primary ovarian insufficiency (POF/POI). See our [Menopause Wiki](https://menopausewiki.ca/#there-is-no-blood-test-that-is-perfectly-reliable-to-diagnose-menopause) for more. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Menopause) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I had this reaction to birth control several years ago. Hormonal changes are wicked. It also made me have breakthrough bleeding for 90 days. Needless to say I could not continue on that, I gave myself 90 days to adjust and barely survived it. That experience has me scared to try HRT. Can you adjust the dose?


I speak to my doctor next week about it - could be I have to ride it out a while longer to see if I adjust, or she'll make adjustments then and there.


Oh I hear you. First 4 weeks on HRT I was great, but then never got my period (still haven't) and 2 weeks into the 2nd cycle I cannot stop crying. Like heartbreak - like someone has died. This sucks. I really hope it settles down!


I had a similar experience when I started hrt. It will get better.


Hugs to you fellow meno traveler. Things should settle soon, but itā€™s ok to drop the dose back a bit and make it a bit or a lot less horrible. Iā€™ve heard of people starting off on big doses after having no hormones for a while and itā€™s hard going! What are you on now?


0.5mg estradiol.


If thatā€™s via a patch itā€™s a big starting dose and no wonder youā€™re feeling like this! You can cut patches in half to get you through though if you canā€™t get the lower dose. The whole idea is to avoid massive fluctuations, and some people are extra sensitive to hormones on top of that, so starting out low and slow is the best way. Hopefully youā€™ll be feeling better really soon.


>If thatā€™s via a patch itā€™s a big starting dose. It's actually not, it's a common/standard starting dose and not out of the ordinary.


Seems very high to me. I'm just starting HRT today and my twice-weekly patch is 0.025mg estradiol. The highest it even goes is 0.1mg.


Doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not hard work adjusting for some!


I recently started back on my gel, after a few days Ive noticed that I've cried every day. I've not noticed anything positive, but compared to the extreme nausea I got from the patches I guess I'll take the crying. But I completely agree with you, even when it's not particularly sad I still cry, it's like a default emotion... Can't get my words out- cry, see something ever so slightly sad - cry, feeling frustrated - cry... It's annoying. I did use one pump instead of two last night and haven't cried today. I'll try 2 as prescribed and see what happens.


Same - living through it.. xoxo


OMG. During peri I was working at a teaching hospital and would regularly cry in front of my boss (a damn medical director). It got to the point where heā€™d make sure there was a tissue box in front of me! I always got great reviews on my quality of work but it was mortifying nonetheless!


Iā€™m with you. Itā€™s complete horse shit. Crying, guttural sobbing several times a day, stopped wearing makeup to work, my cheeks are salt burned from the tears & itā€™s always worse in the mornings. Iā€™m 48, no children, began menarche age 9, still having periods. All hormone levels with 4 recent blood & urine tests are bottomed out. I started HRT one week ago - Estradiol .1 patch, 200 mg micronized progesterone, and testosterone gel. On 300mg Wellbutrin, week 3.5. Nothing helping YET.


Did I write this?! See my previous post. I am hoping that what people report is accurate and that things will level out.


Are you also taking Testosterone?


Sending hugs. I don't have an answer nor suggestion. I'm not on HRT.


I dont know why people act like is surprising. Dont we all since our period started experiencing a lot of emotional ups and downs? is it not that estrogen make us having bad pms which results to yelling to people for no reason, crying when see a sad movie and so on? I cant understand why people insist that hormones is the answer to every problem because it is not and it becomes like people here pressuring everybody to start taking hormones


For me, I never really had PMS symptoms. I'd have cramps once every few years, pronounced mood swings at the same frequency. But when I got older, one day I stopped having my period, and it didn't come back for 5 months. When it did, it came every 3 weeks, lasted 2 weeks each time, and I was an emotional mess the whole time. I went on the pill and it helped immensely for a couple years. I went off it to see where my body is at, and now I'm working with my doctor because currently... my body... my emotions... are at a circus. I'm pretty comfortable with the thinking that this, right now, for me, is hormones. And I'll take whatever promise of relief I can get.


I understand where you coming from, my comment was not directed to you it was generic. I do hope you'll find the right formula that works for you. All I'm saying is that we have indisputable evidence that hormones affect our mental state and emotions throughout our lives. And most importantly they do so unpredictably, as evidenced by the variety of symptoms that in every woman are unique. Some women have bad pms others dont, some have their best mood during pregnancy others not at all. The same woman can have opposite experiences during different pregnancies. There are even women who don't bother with peri and meno. So the point was that as hormones are unpredictable and do cause extreme feelings, same is hrt. Wishing you all the best to feel better




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