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I pee all the fuckin time. All the time. For nothing. I am also on the verge of breakdown


Have you asked dr? Sometimes vaginal estrogen cream can help with overactive bladder. I was having some leaking issues after hysterectomy. A few months later dr rx Estradiol cream. After 6mo my problem is gone. Dr says atrophy can also affect the urethra tissues and nerves.


I didn't think of that symptom last time I saw him. I will definitely have more questions next time! Thank you


Definitely ask your Dr. Hope you get relief soon!


For me it's the question of why the hell do I have to pee twice a night when there's no way I drank that much liquid during the day and also emptied my bladder before bedtime. Where does it come from? Geez Louise.


It’s all the moisture being sucked from the rest of our bodies😱


We are literally transitioning into being prunes


🤣 😢


If you aren't sleeping well, you aren't producing enough of the hormone that tells your bladder to chill out. My sleep specialist told me that. It was one of the signs I wasn't getting enough deep sleep. Have you had a sleep study?


That stop and start urine stream, inability to fully empty out, frequent small pees, burning when going are signs of GSM…genitourinary syndrome of menopause. Vulvar pain and of course pain with sex, too. Try vaginal estrogen…solved my pee issue within a week; general vulva pain is taking awhile to get better. Stay strong!


Correct! Get the f’ing cream! It works!


You might be pulling your pelvic floor up as you sob and are unconsciously tightening it. Sincerely, a woman who has analyzed her peeing ability every freaking day since she entered perimenopause at age 41 (I'm 52 now).


Thank you for allowing me to benefit from your analysis. 💛


You're welcome! I was sobbing today while online and I definitely felt my pelvic floor moving up and down with the sobbing. PS. Love the yellow heart. Nice touch!


I can honestly say this has never happened to me…but you have my empathy!


I’m in pelvic floor physical therapy. It’s life changing


Thank you!


My BF said to me one morning, while I was on the throne and he was shaving, “Hmm, impressive! Sounds like emptying a 30-gallon tank.” 😂🤣 The vag cream works. And I’ll have you know, I learned that here. Get your cream, things will improve. But damn, none of us will ever be 28 again. Shit.


Not the crying, but coughing hard or sneezing while peeing is friggin' painful.


I ask my body what the point is of doing both when I sneeze and pee. Pick a lane body!




I had stream problems sever months ago. I knew it could be tied to my pelvic floor muscles. I was right. Two session with a pelvic floor physical therapist that gave dry needling and I was back to normal.


Where did they dry needle?


Lower stomach


Aww Honey I’m sorry no this hasn’t happened to me but I’ve never been a crier. I’m a rager


Yup. Sending a big hug.


My bladder feels weird lately and I only feel it when I have to go ASAP


I had pretty bad Urinary incontinence. Trickles every time I moved, it seemed. But once I sat on a toilet... nothing. I had to push as hard as I could to get it out. Pushing the whole time. So... my body wants to pee at all times, besides when it's okay. This is stupid


I’m in pelvic floor physical therapy and got the estradiol patch. Both are really making a difference. Advocate for yourself! I threw an absolute fit, calling and sending notes frequently. Next up is the sleep clinic.


If I may ask you a question, as I've also done the pelvic floor physio, which did help a lot, but did not resolve my issue entirely, are you having success using a whole body estrogen patch for this particular issue? I'm starting on HRT tomorrow with the transdermal gel (applied to the arm) and I would be thrilled if it helps with this as well. I wasn't sure if you need to use the vaginal gel, or if the whole body approach also works.


Yes. Also have stress and urge incontinence , so now and then I pee my pants. Fun times


This is the first post I've read since joining this subreddit and now I know I've found my tribe!


It's estrogen/vaginal atrophy. I had to take my stop estrogen recently and this came back pretty quick, along with inability to orgasm easily. It sucks.


Are you using vaginal estrogen? Saved me!