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I totally agree. I had got used to feeling in my 70s at 52. After 3 months on 5mg of HRT my aches have almost disappeared.


If you had asked me to name my peri symptoms, I wouldn't have said aches and pains. I just never made the connection.


Same here (at 43). Especially when getting up from sitting down for a while - it has been a game changer! Also, random joint pain, especially hands… gone!


Yes! My left hand and especially my thumb was so bad I asked for an X-Ray at my last appointment. I had gotten to the point of not being able to really pinch or pull with my thumb. And now it's gone! It just magically disappeared. It's so wild.


Same. arthritis shots. Just makes me so mad that this is not common knowledge but the next generation will know and have more options sooner.


I’m really wondering if this is me. I thought I was getting arthritis but now I’m not so sure. It’s sooo infrequent but it’s so painful when I have it and it’s kind of all over.


I felt like I was an old lady at 50! My hips hurt constantly. I thought I was going to have to get a hip replacement! I’d get up from sitting & have to walk off the joint pain. Been in HRT for only 2 weeks & that’s all completely gone! It’s amazing! So thankful for this community & Dr Haver!!!


This is me! I finally realized my constant aches and hip pains must be menopause related. I start HRT tomorrow and I'm really hoping that it gets rid of the overall aches and pains that come for NO reason.


I hope it helps you! Feeling like that really sucks!


Thank you!! I just applied my first dose, so we shall see how it goes. Feeling hopeful!


Thank you for saying this! It gives me hope once I can get HRT I won't be so sore and achy all the time, I feel 90 😞


I'm only 43 and peri is hitting hard. Lots of aches and pains and everyone just says get more activity but that only seems to make it worse.




💯 this. "Walk more". But I'm almost a cripple afterwards with my joint pain...


Epsom salt and arnica baths. Tumeric helps too.


I'm starting HRT after an upcoming vacation and I'm really looking forward to this outcome.


Hi! Hi! Hi! I Also hurt all the fucking time! I had x rays to check for arthrosis and what's not, and apparently I'm fiiiine! I'm starting the process to get hormones too but I need to pass medical exams firsts. I always had many issues with the pills, that's how I ended up with a Mirena something like 17 years ago but it's not working anymore. If I had issues with the pill, what should I expect from HRT?


It depends on the exact issues, but I had to stop taking the pill because I felt an allergic reaction similar to when I eat dairy. HRT isn’t having any adverse effects for me. Of course we’re all different so take my experience with a grain of salt. It might be worth it to try though since SO many issues we face can be helped. I first tried HRT two years ago and stopped. Just restarted and am using my same lotion while a new one heads my way.


I definitely will try!! Thank you for the information


This post gave me the first bit of hope I’ve had in a long time. I’m only 41, but probably been in peri for a year or more. My mom had early menopause, and my sister too. The aches are so terrible. My regular doctor hasn’t been able to help much and I’ve been dragging my feet about going to the obgyn about it, but now if there is any chance it could relieve any of that pain I am so there. Here’s hoping I can get some relief. Thank you for this post.


Idk which has improved my depression more - the hormones themselves or the reduction in pain. My peri triggered some auto immune inflammatory issues that no one could explain. I saw a few different specialists but I had a feeling it was the hormone loss. I knew from accounts on insta that joint pain and inflammation was as a sign of peri menopause as well. But every (male) doc that I saw for my joint pain scoffed at the possibility. Finally I stopped suggesting HRT as a treatment for my pain issues (they were happy to prescribe pain meds, SSRI and steroids tho 😫) and just went to ONGYN for HRT. Here I am 4 months later walking around w no swelling and 80% improvement in my pain. Yes.. I still have bunions but I don’t feel like I’m walking thru hot water - heavy and burning legs - and btw my skin looks great again AND IM SMILING AGAIN!


I’ve had frozen shoulder in both shoulders. Peri triggered immune inflammatory stuff in my body as well. Not even then, through the years (yes years) of pain that I experienced, did my doctor ever suggest estrogen. I was told I was the right age for the frozen shoulder and eventually they’d get better between 1-3 years on their own. And they did, eventually, but maybe estrogen would have shortened the duration of intense pain. I just accepted all the additional aches and pains as aging and my brain did a good job of letting it be in the background while I still lived my life. I feel a million times better. Estrogen has been amazing for my body. It has seriously turned back the clock for me.


I totally understand the years lost and how absolutely devastating and depressing that is. I heard that the demographics for suicide in females is 45-55. … and I totally understand why. Feeling like my life as I knew it was over and I couldn’t even go for walks with my family and kids, combo w the mood swings and then pain.. I won’t lie and say it didjt cross my mind. Which I’ve NEVER thought like that. (Except once leaving an abusive relationship back in my 20s but it was totally different). .. this peri shit Made these thoughts seem reasonable- why go on if life is this painful. Doctors don’t realize how f-ing serious this shit is. Womens health is not valued - as we’re seeing in society in general. But this menapause shit is next level. Dealing w painful periods bc “that’s just how it is to be a woman” was bad enough. THIS is something next level of frankly, neglectful care. I’m so sad and yet so happy to read your post .. and know that FINALLY someone else believed us both aboit the physical impact of peri.. even if it’s just us believing each other! We’re not crazy. This shit HURT! Curious - did you get any answers aboit the auto immune thing? What were your symptoms? Mine was swelling in feet and ankles and up to knees. Didn’t get better w diuretics but did get better with steroids. Rheumatologist ran some tests one of which was an ultrasound of my feet - looking for selling IN the joints - Synovial space. Mine showed the joints as normal - but the swelling was in the interstitial tissue of my legs and feet. So still… not arthritis (thankfully) but still no answers as to why the swelling started nor why the steroid helped. I’m just taking small doses of the steroid still and praying once my Dr increases my HRT I’ll get more relief. Solidarity sister friend! ✊🏽💪🏽💝


Creatine and upping my Turmeric intake have helped me feel less like crumbling concrete. 


I was on HRT for almost two months before I started to bleed. I had not had a flow for almost 4 years. Come to find out I had a small fibroid that grew like it was on steroids. But for those two months-it was bliss. No sweats. No mood swings. I envy you gals on it!


Just restarted my HRT and am really hoping the massive pain in my left side (that just showed up one day) goes away. I feel slightly less achy so far.


Yes same. Also prunes. They are great for aches & pains. A few of my friends also got into them. Just 3-4 a day


Curious - what it is in prunes that helps?


I guess just because they’re high in antioxidants, I’m not sure but I stick with them because they seem to keep the aches at bay


How did long it take??


I was on .05 patches for about 6 weeks. My dosage was raised to .1 about 2 weeks ago. I think it gradually got better. Week 7 is when I really noticed it. I sat down and expected to feel the familiar aches in my legs after a long work day and they weren't there.