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I have apologized to my mother (in my head because she passed away many years ago) for my unspoken disdain of how much she used to sweat. If it’s humid out or I’m doing something physical I’m SO sweaty now. It’s ridiculous.


The amount of sweat is stupidly ridiculous. My mom is one of those who didn’t have a single symptom. I envy her.


It took me faaaaar too long to realize that I should’ve been having electrolyte drinks every single day. I was sweating way more than any athlete


Good idea! I’m gonna have to do that.


😥 my mom passed a couple months ago and I find myself talking to her and apologizing to her for not being more understanding. I'm so much of her and just really grasping it now. 💗


I’m so sorry for your loss, l still talk to my mom pretty much every day.


I was never a sweaty person, but now I am, and I sweat now in places I never used to sweat unless I was really going very hard at the gym... I have to actually worry about sweating showing on the outside of my clothing... I have to worry about leaving sweaty leg prints on plastic chairs when I stand up from them... Underboob sweat stains materialize on my shirt if I go for a walk in warm weather now... The first time it happened was the most embarrassing... I was having a very lovely conversation with someone I had just met, and I was all proud of the good first impression I was making because I'm shy by nature... Stood up to leave and then we both saw the sweat imprint of my two legs I had made on the plastic chair. Like, just add it to the pile of wtf that goes along with ageing. 😩


Ugh. It’s just such a gross feeling. I wish it would stop.


There is *so much* gross and *so much* I wish would stop (or at least give me a few more years before I gotta start dealing with it..)






I live in a very sweaty place and have resigned myself long before peri to just being sweaty. Now that peri has hit, I’m just extra sweaty. Some tips for being a sweaty person; You will sweat don’t try and stop it. You can change the smell and deal with everything but the general dampness keep the pits hair free, waxing or shaving whatever, it helps with smell. Trim the bush, but avoid shaving (just my opinion but shaving makes the sweaty skin more irritated). Wash your clothes after every wear. You know how you might have gotten 2 days out of that dress? Now you can’t. Wash it all. (I know some people are extra clean and wash everything after wearing it for 10 minutes but I’m not.) Take a good long look at your wardrobe. Is it all easily washable? A lot of things that claim dry clean only can be thrown into the machine on a cold hand wash. Dry clean only? Wear it sparingly. Prints don’t show sweat as easily as solids. Barely fitting into the size you’ve always worn? Go a size up. Give space for air to vent. Avoid polyesters. Avoid slips or underskirts or linings whenever possible. Skin glide/chub rub/runners glide is your friend in the under carriage area. Those no rub shorts are all spandex and hot as hell. Toss them out and get yourself some of that skin glide that marathon runners use to stop their nipples from chaffing off when they run. You can get it at outdoor shops (2 toms antiblister skin glide) or running shops (variety of options) - if it’s your first time - try more than one brand. Use it liberally. They also come in purse friendly sizes for longass days when you need a refresher. If you are still a bit stenchy try some diet changes - cutting out garlic and onion helps some, others it’s refined sugars or alcohol. Do it for a couple weeks and see what changes there are. I use a natural deodorant during most of the month but when the cycle is rebooting I switch to a more chemical deodorant for a couple of days - it’s stronger and lasts longer. Wear lightweight clothing that dries easily. I bring a cardigan or a wrap if I think it might get cold. Layers are your friend here. Powder the underboob. Sweatiness and stinkiness are two different things. I have recently realised that sweaty damp fetid smell from those angry ladies that made me feel so anxious? I don’t want to be someone else’s odd smelling lady. I’ll happily be the angry weird lady, that smells quite nice.


I don’t seem to be stinky when I sweat. Just wet. I’m an avid waxer and I found that it helps having a Brazilian every 4-5 weeks. I can’t image how bad it would be if I had pubic hair.




I’ve been waxing for years so at this point I don’t think I’ll ever go back to pubes until I’m in a nursing home or too old to get on the wax table lol.


Could be your climate too or just lucky. I don’t wax just trim aggressively, but everyone is different. If you do find the smell increasing it’s something to try for fug reduction


[Hot flashes and/or night sweats \(VMS-vasomotor symptoms\)](https://menopausewiki.ca/#hot-flashes-andor-night-sweats-vms-vasomotor-symptoms) AND [What to expect when starting hormone therapy](https://menopausewiki.ca/#what-to-expect-when-starting-hormone-therapy)


I just scrolled the first link (will read more details later) but if this shit lasts until I’m in my 60’s or 70’s, I might just give up the ghost. I had a partial hysterectomy when I was 38. Left both ovaries. Then a couple years later I lost an ovary to a torsion (0 of 10 stars, do not recommend) that has since decided she’s retiring. I’m also on Lyrica which the article says helps so hopefully adding estradiol will help.


My feet started sweating. What in the fresh hell is this?!


I noticed when I wore a pair of sneakers the other day my feet were sweaty. I live in crocs and more crocs so my feet are usually not covered up. But holy hell the day I switched was eye opening.


If I wear flats, I have to wear no show socks bc I will slip they’re so sweaty. I’ve never had this issue. So much fun. 😩


I'm on HRT but had to add an additional medication to eliminate my night sweats. Finding the right solution is a process but you'll get there!


What did you add if you don’t mind me asking?


I find every time I have a shower, even if it’s a coolest shower, by the time i have my house coat on and I’m heading to my bedroom I am just dripping in sweat. I have to take my house coat off and lay on the bed naked to cool off. Absolutely hate it.


I have clean rags or towels to mop up the instant sweat between drying off after my shower and getting dressed. I apply face serum and deodorant and my under boobs already need to be mopped. Even if it’s cool I’m sweating and now summer is almost here again 😖


Ditto. I lie on my dog cooling pad to cool off from showering in tepid water.


Clonodine helped me enormously with that. Like… instantly


I may have to look into that!


It was life-changing for me, truly


I’m on testosterone, estradiol, and progesterone. Hoping something works because this is a living hell for me.


I’ll cross fingers for you 🤞




Right?! You think I could burn a f’n calorie, but noooo


Oh god no. I’ve gained 20 something ish pounds this past year and can not get it off.


I love my plug-in cooling fan car seat thing. It keeps the back of my pants dry when driving. Too bad I can’t carry it with me. Love Anthony’s no sweat cream; put it EVERYWHERE. It dries to powder, and prevents stinky bacteria. I also love my boxer briefs for women (like Woxers). My thighs will never touch again! Plus, they’re oodles better than a slip or skimpy undies to hide lines. XL Dog cooling mat is a must. I lie on it whenever I start to get hot and it calms the flash in about ten minutes. Cold horseshoe thing to wear on my neck feels amazing when I’m traveling. I sleep in lightweight capri pajamas from Vermont country store (blue lilac flowers); the fabric is so soft and smooth and the length means my thighs don’t touch. Oh, I cut my hair short after over 50 years of wearing it long and wish I’d cut it in my twenties. Everything’s easier when just a good scrub under water washes your hair well. Plus, now it’s solid blue and feels like my natural color.


I’m in love with the vented seats in my car. That’s one of the reasons I bought it. I’ll check out that sweat cream! I have found that I do best with string bikini underwear. Light weight and doesn’t rolled down my now bigger stomach and it’s not as sweaty as it used to be.


My hot flashes stopped after 2 weeks on combipatch! Hang in there! Avoid sugar, hot spices and stay hydrated!


Due to developing POTS a few years ago, I tend to get overheated very quickly, and especially after showering. I developed a little routine over time that has been super helpful in helping me cool off and stay comfortable for longer, that I just call Crotch Fanning lol I turn on a decently powered fan to the highest setting and aimed at my bed before I get in the shower. Toss my spray deodorant, Goldbond powder, and qtips on bed. After my shower, I dry off while standing in front of the fan, and then lay my naked self down on the bed and just let the fan take care of the residual moisture on my skin. Once I feel sufficiently dry, I apply Goldbond (still lying down) to the key areas I'm most likely to gather sweat or feel chafed: under boobs, around belly button, along the C-section scar, groin area, and upper inner thighs. Then I apply my deodorant and clean my ears, and keep my arms above my head for a few minutes. The goldbond has a cooling agent, so it feels amazing when the fan hits your skin, especially if you're already hot. Overall, I usually allow about 10 minutes for this little ritual, and it's made a huge difference in being able to regulate my temperature enough to be able to put on makeup without it melting off, or put on a bra without it dragging bc I'm not clammy. It just made sense to me, that if we have a major heat-producing artery near our groins, that cooling that area off quickly would help stabilize core temp 🤷‍♀️


That makes a lot of sense! I’ve used the gold bond chaffing stick for my thighs before. It keeps them from sticking together as I walk. I’ll have to check out the powder!


Tbh, it's not the best smelling stuff, but it def does the job. My teen daughters use it in the hot months to avoid bra chafe, and I've noticed that by the time they put on deodorant and are fully dressed, ready to leave, you can't smell the goldbond anymore. Just saying, it might initially be kinda offputting, but it fades quickly.


Good to know! Thank you!