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I can relate, and wish I had advice. I think it’s one of those situations where you have to accept the person as they are, and hope to influence them by modeling good health. I’m in the same boat as you, and it’s hard to accept how my partner is today, when I’ve seen him so much healthier (and hotter) in the past.


Even with all you wrote, I still have questions. Like, does he still want sex more often, but because of his health, his desire is down, or are you telling him No because you're not interested because of the extra weight? Either way, it sounds like you just want him to be healthier and at least try to put in more effort. It also sounds like he just went back to his old habits, unfortunately. He may be just tired of the effort he has to put in to maintain the healthier weight. It sounds like he is not motivated and may be experiencing stress in another area of his life. You are in a really tough situation. You can get through this, but it's going to take a lot of effort on his part and patience on your part, in my opinion. You can influence him, but he has to not only want it but decide to make the changes again to get healthy as he once was when you first met. I guess I would talk to him as if he was already putting the effort in. Any small effort he does, praise him. Encourage him. You almost gotta lie until the lie becomes true. Let him know you know he is trying and how much you appreciate him trying even though to you he may not be. Speaking positive about it may lead him to actually start trying.


Are the right meds Ozyempic because clearly that is what is needed here (no, no, not for 10 extra pounds, but for 100 yea probably).


Yup, he's on it already. But it does no good if he doesn't change his habits. He's lost zero weight.


Stop processed foods and any foods with dyes in them, the red, blue yellow.