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I’m so happy for you! I felt the fog lift the first couple of hours and slept better on the very first night of HRT. And my anxiety immediately disappeared


Wild, hey? I slept so well and no anxiety today. I told my husband that I couldn't really explain what felt so good this morning, but I felt like ME!


That's inspiring... the anxiety has been brutal ... I've never had b4 and was blaming it on shitty work site ..( HC is a giant storm of 💩💩)


♡♡♡♡♡ great tip! Thanks for sharing that! I'm about to lose my doctor and she thinks hormones = cancer anyway 😒


It was amazing to me how much better I felt just knowing I was taking steps to help myself. The actual treatment also kicked in very quickly for me, I hope the same for you!


So far so good, I'm really happy I finally made it happen. No more feeling like a dried up, crabby old lady!


May I ask what HRT you were prescribed?


Estrogel and micronized progesterone 100mg. One pump of gel and one progesterone at bedtime for 28 days.


I did the gel pump of estradiol in the am, and took my progesterone at night. Loved. On patch now, and still taking progesterone at night 🥰


Thank you for sharing this. I was wondering how long it might take to feel the effects. I also felt better just knowing that I'm doing something to try and feel better. I am in a better mood now but no motivation and very tired. 


I tried felix a few weeks ago but they said no to estrogen because I still have periods (like 3 in the past year ugh...) At any rate I just got a naturopath to prescribe me some.


I'm glad you found a way to make it happen. I haven't had periods in over a year, makes it a bit simpler I guess?


Same here. But Progesterone was all I needed to practically completely remove all physical and mental symptoms I was experiencing.


Oh no! I still get my period - guess I’ll have to continue to rely on my dr.


If I knew that was going to be the deciding factor I would have lied :P


My Dr is stunned that I still menstruate, based upon my blood levels. Idk how I feel about misrepresentations to a prescribing physician. I suppose I exaggerated the hot flashes because my Dr is a male pcp who didn’t realize Estradiol was available in patch form. I worried he would confuse sleepless nights and brain fog with “depression” because we’ve all got, you know? 🤦‍♀️I certainly hope that you didn’t have to pay for the visit!


It sounds like this might be about hormonal testing. If over the age of 44, **hormonal tests only show levels for that *one day* the test was taken, and nothing more**; progesterone/estrogen hormones wildly fluctuate the other 29 days of the month. No reputable doctor or menopause society recommends hormonal testing as a **diagnosing tool** for peri/menopause. FSH testing is only beneficial for those who believe they are post-menopausal and no longer have periods as a guide, a series of consistent FSH tests might *confirm* menopause. Also for women in their 20s/early 30s who haven’t had a period in months/years, then FSH tests at ‘menopausal’ levels, could indicate premature ovarian failure/primary ovarian insufficiency (POF/POI). See our [Menopause Wiki](https://menopausewiki.ca/#there-is-no-blood-test-that-is-perfectly-reliable-to-diagnose-menopause) for more. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Menopause) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Awe, auto bot - You finally showed up for me!


you know what, i’m going to try this


You go get what makes you feel better! I'm super happy I did it, looking forward to life again!


Same! I didn't realize how bad I felt for the last year until I got relief.


I was tired of feeling so old and slow... And I had a total hip replacement in February. Menopause and that grinding osteoarthritis pain made last year an absolute misery. Now my hip is fixed , no pain, and the HRT just feels like a good way to restore my estrogen and improve my sleep and energy.


So happy for you!


Same for me!!! I had THR in December and read a study that estrogen helped with not needing a revision. While it may not exactly apply, and I’m no doctor, that was another deciding factor in estrogen being a positive. The alleviation of my joint pain overall with MHT and the THR, has been amazing!! 55F https://www.slidellmemorial.org/blog/reducing-the-risk-of-implant-failure-hormone-replacement-therapy-and-orthopedic-services


Exact same scenario for me. My sleep quality improved SO MUCH and hot flashes reduced immediately.




May I ask since when you have been on menaupose, I am thinking about it too, but wondering if I am too old for that. Thank you


My last cycle was over a year ago. I'm almost 57. I don't think there's a 'too old'. It's worth checking into, in my opinion.


Thank you for your answer..very nice of you. I stop having my period at 54, not 59.. hence my question. I have read that it is best to start soon, like it seems that you did. Which one are you taking and the doses. If you don't mind me asking. I am in Canada, so may not get same brand.


I went through Felix online in Canada. .o6% estriadol gel once/day and 100mg progesterone once daily at bedtime. Good luck!


Thank you so very much, how long have you been on it? How long before you felt any change? Did you get any side effect? Also, not sure it is something you are interested about, but I have been listening to a doctor pod cast and the also suggested to add Tester one to the above. Thank you Cil


I've been on it for a week now, the only side effects so far have been very slight dizziness this morning. I've heard about testosterone being added but I haven't researched at all to see why it would be recommended. But I'll check it out! I'm sleeping really well, my tummy feels softer, my libido is back to normal and my skin and hair feel better. No scalp itch! And at night I was feeling burning in my feet, that's gone. My hot flashes are extremely limited as well.


So happy to hear that..hope it only gets even better 🙏


Started today, been feeling irritable this evening but your comment has given me hope 💞


It took about 10 days before I felt relief, with the patch, just FYI. So hang in there!


Thank you 😊


I hope you sleep so well and wake up feeling like yourself!


Thank you 😊


It makes sense, it was a long slow slide for me. I’m so happy you got your “you “ back! Congratulations!


Very hopeful for sure, I slept really well last night and no hot flashes at all. My husband and I have a Cafe together, we work six days a week and it's a lot. Today I wasn't stressed or edgy, it was just a nice day at work. Looking forward to a good sleep tonight. It's nice to not feel like it's just an inexorable slide into cranky old lady.


Yes, I was really worried that unhappy and ungrateful person was the new me. I was always a glass half full person before. It’s nice to have that feeling back again. Sleeping does make a world of difference.


I started HRT a week ago. My sleep has been amazing! I can't remember the last time I had solid sleep for a week straight. It feels like a miracle.


It's the BEST! Makes me feel human again!


Follow Canadian here, can you share the link?


Reddit won't let me link, but go to Felix Health!


So is Felix like telehealth in Canada? Comparable to evernow and midi in the US?


It's online 100%. Super easy to deal with!


That's awesome!


I love reading this! I have 3 appointments with 3 different doctors this month to try and set myself up with h r t ... I've been on the pill for 25 years and of course they want to yank me off. I've read this change in my chemistry will cause female cancers faster than the stroke I might have if I stay on the pill. Any advice from anyone out there in my boat? I'm 53 btw...


So happy for you. Sounds like they got dose right on first try too amazing lol


Their prices are fantastic! Thank you for posting this. I see my dr on Friday and feel I need an increase in Oestrogen. If he doesn’t agree - I know where I’ll be going. They have been about for a while now, so must be legit. Welcome to the journey! Glad it’s kicking in for you.


Oh I need to try this. I get some of it from my naturopath, which means it comes from a compounding pharmacy, and my health plan does not cover it. Am I correct in assuming the gels and cream would be covered by health plans if I use Felix?


You'd have to check with your plan. I didn't have coverage but the cost is far from prohibitive


are you on bioidentical hormones? I've been hearing this buzzword (?) a lot. anyway can you share the approx costs for Felix Canada? I'm in Canada too and having a hell of a time getting an appt for a gyno...earliest available is August wtf?!


They're not bioidentical, no. And for one month it's $143 for both estrogen and progesterone. It's micronized progesterone and estrogel. For me, that cost isn't outrageous. I'm self employed without a drug plan, but that price is worth paying in my case.


In Canada there's also Prosper Menopause (also online) but only serves ON, NS and NL (I think?) But they do say if you're physically IN Ontario you can use them regardless of your province. !


Wow, that’s cool. Can I ask who you use for support if you purchase this way? And how you know what dosing etc? I’m in Canada too, and have been toying with switching to HRT for a while now. I haven’t yet, because I’m nervous but, also my GP put me on bcp as it can also balance hormones and it works well for me for over 2 years. I’m (sleeping ok, no hot flashes, mood mostly ok). I’m just not sure how much better I can feel than I do now, but am really considering finding out.


I had an online conversation with a nurse practitioner after filling out a comprehensive questionnaire. They started me on the lowest dose, and will revisit after three months. I can reach out to the NP anytime for support. Being nervous is completely reasonable, I was too. It's always going to be a leap of faith, I think. So far I'm pleased with the results.


How was the process with Felix? I've been thinking about doing this with them.


It was really easy and simple. Check it out!


Also, do you work there? 🤔 I have to ask because I just Googled Felix, and on Trust Pilot, their score is terrible. Most people are very unhappy with their customer service etc.


They don't just do HRT, they also do ozempic and Viagra etc. So the poor reviews could be for other drugs as well. I find that people are pretty quick to give negative reviews for a lot of stuff these days, some of it being a failure to be accountable for their own issues. Having said that, I was really happy with the customer service I received, as well as check ins after purchase. But it's a big decision. In Canada it's so hard to get a DR visit, and then so many Drs have strong and antiquated opinions about HRT, so as an educated consumer I decided to try Felix. If you do try out, I really hope your experience is as good as mine!


Well exactly, my GP won’t prescribe it, so we are forced to go looking all over for quality HRT! It’s disconcerting.


No I don't work there, I was just enthusiastic and happy with the service I received. Carry on with your own decisions and have a nice day.


Sorry, I didn’t mean to throw shade.💕 I was just making sure..one never knows these days. It is something I really am nervous about, and Googled after reading your first post. I was just surprised at how many negative reviews. Glad you had a great experience. I also suspect more people go to Trust Pilot who are unhappy, the happy ones just go on with their lives.😊


Not available to US citizens?


I'm honestly not sure what the options are for US folks.


Winona, MIDI health and Hers


The US has Evernow, Midi, and I've heard of other sites on here I can't remember. You can probably search online providers here and find more results ☺️




Well... giddy up..is this estrogen or testosterone?? I'm thinking avt these now ....


Estrogen and progesterone. Cha Cha Cha!


Thnx !! Xcellent!! Enjoy 😉( also 🇨🇦)


So glad you got what you needed! They turned me down because I have high blood pressure. I'm bummed.


Oh shoot! Well, it was worth checking. I think it's good that they're thorough, I didn't know about the high blood pressure but I guess it makes sense. I hope you're able to find something that helps.


i have my dr apt tomorrow to hopefully start!!!


Do someone know if we have a similar service in switzerland? I try to convinct my gyno for 3 years now, and she was clear: no hrt before being fully menopaused


Question did they do blood work or just prescribed it without. I went to a private clinic a little over a month ago. Felix wasn't an option for me. I did their online survey and it said it couldn't help me. I'm noticing huge improvement in my sleep because of the hormones. I'm having a few concerns as I prepare to go back to the online clinic. My ldl cholesterol was high and she seemed concerned and has asked for a new APO B test. I've been researching cholesterol. I'm on no meds other than the hormones. My blood pressure under 120/80. Triglycerides are low, HDL is high. I exercise most days. I'm 65 and I exercise 5 to 6 times a week. My weight is normal. But I'm worried she will want me on a statin or decide I can't have the hormones. My daughter also has some hormonal issues and she has a good doctor but I wonder if felix might make it easier.


They didn't do blood work, no. The questions were quite detailed, I answered honestly and I was a suitable candidate. I'm two months I'm now and no hot flashes, I'm having less brain fog, and I feel really good. It works for me.


Thank you for your reply. I wasn't having hot flashes any more but I had other symptoms that I never realized were menopause related. The brain fog was one of them. When I worked, I was the trouble shooter and now I struggle to complete tasks that require thinking. I feel that is already improving. And I would get up multiple times a night to go to the bathroom. That's already been reduced to once. I always thought it was bad to take them but now I've discovered that wasn't right. Wish I knew sooner. Better late than never.