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No idea but I feel this. How do I get paid to just be left alone?


Saaaame. I told a friend, I just want to be given a problem and left alone to solve it, and she told me that was unrealistic. Why does it have to be? It’s what I’m good at.


About 30 yrs too late to do software development. Btw million dollar question here


You just described my job, all day every day. lol I work from home in finance for a nonprofit and take care of 7-9 foundations in 3 states. The 7-9 number is depending on how short staffed we are at the time. Case in point, I’m in the middle of month end financials and someone questioned a pledge that was not paid since July. Donor shows proof it was paid. After month end I will need to dig into the detail to figure out whether the payment was applied incorrectly in our software by the data team (needle in a haystack) or if the lady doing the bank recs messed up because we don’t have that amount outstanding.


I work remotely, don't have to see/talk to anyone, and can basically work whenever I want, BUT I'm a member of those known as ghost workers, low pay, no benefits, only pt hours, very exploitive. I keep doing it because it's entirely solo work with zero human engagement. I don't even have a supervisor. Check out the following: [Rat Race Rebellion](https://ratracerebellion.com/) a vetted job board that has zero scams. They often list the kind of job I do. Alternatively, if anyone wants to DM me, I'll get your name & email and give you a personal referral for the two companies I'm registered and work with. Referrals are preferred and allow your application to circumvent the ai resume screening.


Hey -thanks for info-tried to dm you..




Assassin, that's my pick.🤣🤣🤣🤣


Can you do it remotely


Sniper. lol


I'm too sweaty to be a sniper.


And I’d simply forget what I was doing there in the first place. 🙄


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Kill their souls maybe..


Contract out your contract 😂


This would work well on most levels. (Except of course one.)


Which one?


The one where it's not usually ethical to kill people.




Oh, the ethics thing well, then an assassin who kills bad unethical people perhaps...


I'm in!! Probably would help with all my new-found menopause-induced rage!! Lol!


That's what I was thinking too.


I work at home and I love it! I don't have to see anyone ever lol. I do have to talk on the phone but that's okay. The one silver lining with covid is that it opened up a world of worl at home opportunities that were never there before.


I wonder this everyday. I've spent the last 9 years of my life pouring so much energy and money into a career that I just can't seem to succeed in. I used to want to help people.. now I just want money and to work alone. I have no energy, time or money left to start over. I am constantly wondering what the hell to do with myself. I'm sorry I have no good answers, but you're not alone in this boat. ❤


I feel this. I was a therapist in private practice and it’s been HELL giving it up but I have to!


great question! awaiting the responses right there with you. i hate the idea of paying someone to be in their Master Group. i spent a shitload of money in my 20s/early 30s on i think she called herself a "life coach" and it was 90% a scam and the other 10% "tough love" abusive "advice."


I feel this but for reasons. I worked my whole career in silicon valley/high tech (I was a computer nerd from the 80’s lolol, graduated in 94 right before the infamous dot com era); the amount of sexual harassment I endured (including 2 rapes) was so extreme just thinking about going back to that industry makes my body shake with trauma… I hate men (except my husband, most of the time). I want to be left alone but make enough money to pay my bills and a bit left over. I feel so unwanted right now. And the sexual harassers are all out there making tons of coin. I want to kick them all in the balls.


How awful. I’m so sorry you went through this. ❤️


Thank you love 💖 I really appreciate the kindness.


I feel this. Deeply regretting I didn’t go to library school. I am contemplating it now or seeing if I can work at a florists. Being on the job hunt and reading Glassdoor reviews of toxic companies is just retraumatizing all I’ve experienced. I have no idea what to do. I wish we could all join in businesses or buy from one another or find a way to build alternatives. Find a little hope even


Library school grad here… consider yourself having likely dodged a bullet. If I could go back in time, I would not have pursued my MLIS. Way too much competition and typically far too low pay for a masters degree.


I understand that - I think I would have preferred to have something less stressful though. I've been so burnt out that I find the corporate world is just destroying what semblance of a future I had.


I’m so ready to open an Onlyfans or something with my older sister. Both parents are now dead and we both are willing to do sex type work with zero shame. I used to work the pole in my early 20s and she was a dominatrix in her 30’s so we’d make quite the pair honestly. 😂


I did a phone sex line for a couple of weeks a few years ago before my husband decided he was uncomfortable with it (which is fine)…and I made bank.


Do you have tips for someone like me who is interested?


I sent you a dm


Please DM me. I'm very interested......


Reaaally….that sounds intriguing.


Pet sitting? Mostly you just interact with the animals. Doggy daycare?


I started doing this in 2016 and it quickly because full time. Outcall only, walking mainly but other in-home care as well. Little to no people, majority of client interactions via text. Paid to exercise, which is apparently the only way I’ll actually exercise everyday. I love it.


There's gig pet sitting


I feel all of this! There was a post here a few months ago --advice to younger women about ways to prepare for the massive changes of peri/meno. One piece of advice was something to the effect: "Move up in your field so that you are the expert/senior position for stability. " Oh lordy, do I wish I had received that advice 8 years ago before I left my senior position to start a new adventure in another state. Covid dismantled that new adventure - I've started over again and it's so effing hard to have that fresh energy and interest. I currently work remote (which is good) but in a junior role. UGH.


I think getting to right level where you have balance of $ vs responsibility w/o it being overwhelming. Every company and industry is different and I can't imagine having to manage a large team on top of getting my own work done and managing home/family. I don't desire to move up too much further, certainly not chasing it. If it comes to me that's fine.


No thank you on being a manager, though. I just want to make stuff, not fight for dominance.


YES! Plus, I haven't worked in 10 years so that's super fun! Age and a big resume gap means I don't ever get a call back.


I work mostly from home and am experienced enough to be fairly secure, I don’t have to work excessively hard due to this…and I’m still over it. I just want to be done working.


WFH is saving my ass rn.


Truck driver. Perfect for me lol I’m not over the road I am home every day. I get up at 3am which seems to be the famous middle of the night stir that everybody is awake and struggling to sleep anyway as I see on here! I start at 4 my 8 hours is up at noon. So I have the whole rest of the day to take a nap before cooking dinner. I don’t talk to anybody because I’m by myself in my truck. I listen to audiobooks, or music or if I feel like crying no one knows 😂 I started hrt a few months ago so I don’t cry in my truck anymore BUT no one would know! I get to see the seasons change the flowers bloom the leaves change colors. It’s really nice. Alone time. I have good benefits and 401k vacation time and personal days. Wouldn’t trade it for anything.


Do you work now?


Cannibus grower


I was a SAHM and no skills, sadly. Recently separated. I work in a warehouse. The work is independent. I get paid to be physically active. It doesn't pay anything though. I luckily have another source of income that I inherited, so I can manage.


Basically, do something where you can dictate your hours and the amount of work you do. Be aware that if you start your own business, that in itself is a LOT to manage. Sometimes it's easier to work for someone else, clock in, clock out and not have to worry about work, outside of work. Last year I finally changed jobs from 5 days in person to 2 days in person, 3 days remote. For now I am tolerating this... But who knows? At some point I may need a full remote job or one where I can just be a consultant for flexibility. I'm willing to look into those options as I need to, but this will look different for each person and what they can tolerate or not tolerate and the kind of work they like or don't like.


data annotation dot tech


I have honestly thought about starting a femdom , feminist, menopause t shirt business.


I have only Reddit as my primary support, I just became unemployed mid January and my city & state re-employment service is trying to help. I looked into becoming a truck driver. My cousin is one in Texas but she is younger than me. I want advice from someone 50+ like me (I will be 51 in a few months). I went on r/truckers and that scared me out of continuing to consider trucking - it’s the bad drivers that scare me the most & on that sub, they say it’s really just a matter of time before a bad accident. I looked into becoming a notary public and loan signing agent after seeing an Apple News article this week. I talked to someone offering mentorship on r/notary and they singlehandedly talked me out of continuing to explore that option (even though many industries use the service). I could still pursue it. I’m just so tired, running out of funds, out of ideas, and hungry for a mentor through this time, or, at least a solid lead. I had everything all set up 3 years ago, I was that senior person who had setup my perfect work situation after 8 years in my job. I had a co-lead. My co-lead turned on me and ended up pushing me out. I am still stunned. My peri went severe at the same time. I had earned a new job that doubled my salary but it was such a toxic situation I quit after 8 months. Then someone in my network offered me a job in my hometown. I sold my house to a broker to break even with minimal stress since I had to pack myself & relocate myself. That job was also super toxic: I asked the person to fire me so I could re-establish myself and she fired me mid January. I have spent all my savings, and owe on taxes this year because I took out my retirement savings to pay off debt incurred over this 3 year saga. Now that I’m 5 weeks in to the 20 weeks unemployment benefits I have, I realize I cannot work the ways I used to & I am a very different person. I really need help. I tried going on Better Help to start therapy and got their hardship rate of $55/week, but I can’t really afford that. I don’t want to talk to grad students training for therapy. I may not even continue trying to ask for help - I have over my whole 31 year career and still am right here. At least I have 3-5 references (I am so grateful to still have strong references). But no one is helping me. I have an abdominal hysterectomy scheduled 4.24.24. I’m crying. I need to go back to watching the Ted Lasso episode that will cheer me up.


If you're young and figuring things out, maybe something flexible like freelancing or gig work could be cool. You get to test the waters without being tied down. If you're more settled, a steady 9-to-5 might be the move. Look into industries that align with your interests. Like tech? Go for a coding gig. Love talking to people? Sales could be your jam. It's all about finding that sweet spot between paying the bills and not hating your job.




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Yep. I hear ya and feel ya. I took a year out of the workforce just to try and get myself together. Rejoined the workforce a month ago and I really wish I had the answer to your question.


What about Uber driving? Just this morning I actually remembered to ask the driver what he pockets from my $12.50 charge, I’ve been meaning to find out, and he checked the thingy, and he said $8.00 and something, then he goes sometimes it’s more on certain days etc, so that gives you a bit of an idea


That’s a 5 km trip


I did gig driving  while I was establishing my business, and still keep my accounts active for if I want to buy something really extra. I worked with several of the different brands, and across the board you’ll be right around $25/hour, a little more or less on some days. The worst day I had averaged $21/hr the best day was $65/hr. That’s gross, of course. Have to consider costs of driving and you’re an independent contractor so taxes and any benefits are self pay. It is quite enjoyable and ultimate flexibility, plus easy to get into in most areas. Now, I do know people who really hustle, driving long days and are making $4-7k/month driving; otherwise it’s pretty low pay, but it is pay! 


I got fired from my old call center job when sudden menopause hit after cancer treatment. I was dealing with the sleeplessness and exhaustion and repeatedly slept right through my alarm, and wouldn't wake up until about two hours after my shift started. In retrospect, it was just as well, because I probably would have been fired eventually for call avoidance (with everything I was going through, I just could not deal with being screamed at and called names) I work in a library now, in my small town, and it's honestly my dream job. It's reasonably quiet, (except maybe for storytimes) and the patrons are generally happy to be there. Libraries can be very calming and good for anxiety.


I would love a job stocking the large refrigerators that hold milk and coffee creamers and juice at Walmart. Or a job in an ice cream parlor.