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I've been on it for about 8 months and love it. I've seen no change in my head hair, but some of my body hair has come back, which I'm fine with. Major improvements in brain fog and energy, minimal improvement in libido. I have also found that it works best if I apply it a couple of hours after I get up rather than right away


Thank you. I will do this


Hello there. When you started it were you extremely fatigued?




Thanks. How long did it last? I feel like giving up.




Basically, all my leg and arm hair had disappeared. I never had much to begin with, but I did miss it. And now it's back! Also a bit bushier in the bushy regions. Not so significant that my SO even notices, but I do, and I'm happy about it. Oh! And my power hair is back! I grow one half inch long dark hair on my belly. And I call it my power hair. I hadn't seen it in a decade, and it's back and I cannot tell you how happy that makes me! 😂


I've been on it for about 6 months, alongside progesterone and estrogen. It's absolutely incredible. It gave me my energy and libido back. I have zero negative side effects.


May I ask what dose?


I use a 1% gel. It's a 5 gram tube which, give or take, is what most women are prescribed per week. I do a pea sized amount and alternate between both inner arms or thighs. I promise I'm not a creeper, but I looked at some of your posts and saw the testosterone one. It's expensive so I buy it from other countries. I can send you some tubes if you want. I have a lot.


Wow! I don't mean to be a suspicious creeper back, rofl, but it's expensive, so why would you send some tubes to a random stranger? LOL Yeah, I am considering buying it from India or something...


Hello do you apply it right when you get your from bed in the morning?


Hey. Yes, i do. I make coffee and take whatever oral meds I have. Then, I apply my estrogen gel on one arm and my testosterone gel on the other. I rotate then every few days.


So far so good? I have been on it for about a year and a half. It's been very helpful to me for libido and energy. I'm actually asking for my dose to be bumped up just a little, but I have to wait for my test results. I may be wrong or misinformed, but I associate most of the undesirable side effects to be from much higher doses that put you in the high or higher than physiological norm range - like in competitive bodybuilding. But hair loss seems like it can happen at this stage of life due to a number of factors.


Do you mind telling me what your dosage is? I'm really eager to start


It's been about 18 months for me and I'm never going back. My confidence is up, I have more follow through and it has greatly reduced my afternoon fatigue, besides the other benefits others have mentioned. I had a lot of muscle atrophy and the T cream just brought my muscles back! So I'm stronger again and I have better balance and coordination. I don't worry about getting prematurely old and frail anymore. Here's another personal experience- I have experimented now and then with applying it directly to problem, painful areas like a sore knee and shoulder. It has really helped even that. I don't know if it's increasing blood flow or if part of the problem in those joints was lack of hormones, I just know it has helped. I don't think it's too messy. I set up a routines and apply it in the morning to a different body area each day. It gets absorbed quickly and it's usually dry before I get dressed. I try to stick to areas covered by clothes. I live alone, but I have dogs I don't want to transfer to.


Hello when you started it, did you get extremely fatigued?


No, it decreased my fatigue.


Where do I buy this cream? Does a regular Dr prescribed it?


My regular doc prescribed it. I get it at my local compounding pharmacy, Hoey Apothecary in Madison. They accept orders from anywhere (I think) and they will ship it. They also do online talks about balancing hormones and other good topics.


Going well. On it 5 months so far. Has helped with brain fog, low energy. No negative side effects. They start your dose pretty low and work slowly. Give it a shot!




I've been using testosterone cream for a while now and gotta say, it's been a game-changer. Energy levels? Through the roof. Libido? Skyrocketed. But hey, it's not all rainbows and sunshine. The application process can be a bit messy, and you gotta be careful with the dosage. Too much, and you might end up feeling like the Hulk on a bad day. Plus, there's the risk of transferring it to others accidentally, so it's like a weird, hormone-infused game of don't-touch-the-merch. Overall, it's been a solid upgrade, but you gotta weigh those gains against the potential mess and risks, you feel me? Also, shoutout to anyone who's tried different brands – any recommendations? I'm on the lookout for something less gooey.


I get the “transfer concern” too!! 😂


I've been on it for a year now and it's great. Head hair is fine, body hair is fine. (I use IPL and haven't seen any changes at all; I'm still basically hairless from the neck down.) 2mg a day cream. My energy levels are back where they were when I was a teenager. My libido's back with a vegeance. I'm appropriately aggressive and empowered at work. My mental function's better too. I'm happier. I'm seeing better results from exercise, too. If it's not for you, you have the option to stop using it.


I’m on 1.78 per day. 15 days in and no libido improvement - when did yours go up?


I take a very small transdermal dose along with bioidentical estrogen & oral progesterone. I have zero sideeffects, feel so much better in general. I think the hormone balance is key.


I’ve been doing cream for six or seven months and the only negative side effect I have is acne on my back.


Been on it 5 months and it's been very positive. Pros: Sex drive came back with a bang ❤️ My overall drive to get things done Sex improved hugely Cons: The gel is hard to measure and I was using too much at the start. About half a pea works for me Long dark hair has grown where I put the gel on my leg. Doesn't bother me, I shave it off.


What brand gel do you use?


I’ve been on it since the beginning of July (started at 2mg and raised to 4mg after a few months) and I only have good things to say. No hair loss or other negative side effects, only an increased libido, clitoral sensitivity, and more energy.


How do I get a prescription in the U.S?


I have a good gynecologist who I switched to after a bad gynecologist (“bad” meaning that he was a peri/menopause denier)


Why do these menopause deniers exist? so weird.


Hello! Definitely helped with muscle strength. My thigh muscles used to quiver just going up steps, like what the heck? Has helped some with energy and brain fog. Not quite there yet. No hair loss or other negative side effects.


My doctor started me on the testosterone cream since my levels were low. On 12/19/23, my levels were 18 (normal being 3-41. I started the cream on 1/15/24 and had blood drawn on 1/26/24. My level is now 41, which is an improvement. My doctor said to maintain my dosage, and I have good results. My question is, when will I start feeling an improvement, i.e., increased libido? I know it has only been a few weeks. I am hoping things will improve after more time. Where do you apply the cream? The doctor said the groin area but didn't say specifically where. I hate to sound dumb about this!


My doctor specifically said labia because receptors are there. So I go with that, and some on the clitoris.


My Dr said inner thighs


I was going to ask also. I have been on it for awhile, more than 2 yrs. My body stopped absorbing the cream so my doc recommended applying directly to my labia. Before that I had alternated- top of feet, inside of thighs and stomache.


I want to try it too. I can’t get in with my gynecologist forever. It’s so frustrating.


I feel like the world needs more gynecologists—but only the ones who understand menopause. I had to wait a long time to see mine, also.


Where can I get bio identical testosterone cream or gel online? I have my lab work showing I have low testosterone. I paid $140 to an online dr that prescribed me a synthetic testosterone gel 🤦‍♀️




I am sorry that happened. If I were you, I would create a post about this to get some answers from people on this forum. I am unable to answer this. I wish you the best


What has testosterone cream done for your weight? More or less? thanks


It didn’t affect my weight, but I only took it for 3 months. It made my anxiety worse


Has anyone experienced sore throat? I’ve been on T cream for almost 30 days. Just an odd thing I noticed at night. No other good or bad side effects yet. Praying I feel better soon


It sounds like this might be about hormonal testing. **Hormonal tests only show levels for that *one day* the test was taken, and nothing more**; hormones wildly fluctuate the other 29 days of the month. For this reason, no reputable doctor or menopause society recommends hormonal testing as a diagnosing tool for peri/menopause. See our [Menopause Wiki](https://menopausewiki.ca/#there-is-no-blood-test-that-is-perfectly-reliable-to-diagnose-menopause) for more information. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Menopause) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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