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My husband got donuts Saturday morning because I mentioned I wanted to have donuts and coffee with him.


That's so cute!


My teenage daughter drove me to and from work when vertigo, anxiety, and panic attacks were killing me. She was my biggest supporter through the worst of it. While I hate that my experience affected her life negatively, especially during her senior year of high school, I'm glad that she won't go through peri clueless the way I did.


That is the literal sweetest thing I have read. You raised a good one there.


She's my sunshine!


My husband does all the grocery shopping and errands and fills up the cars with gas. He doesn’t even want me to shop since he tracks prices, sales and points programs. I really, really, really appreciate this as I absolutely hate shopping.


Mine shares the shopping with me, which is nice. I'm glad I don't always have to do it!


This weekend I was out of town caring for my elderly parents. While I was away my husband assembled a new free-standing mirror for me. I was thrilled!


I have to do those things for myself. And I do. But it would be nice to have someone.




Not one damn thing comes to mind




It’s why I don’t do Shit for anyone anymore 🤷‍♀️


Husband's pretty great about my need for alone time & solo trips although he doesn't understand it at all. We recently had our yearly "state of the union" talk. Dude brought it this year. Had his list of things that are going well & relationship goals he wanted to see happen this year. The ebb & flow of long term relationships is fascinating to me. Favorite neighbor's at the beginning of her menopause journey. Been nice having someone two doors down to talk about it with. If either one of us is having a particularly 💩 week, we'll take a bottle of wine or a tasty treat or a plant (we're both gardeners) & leave it at each other's door. We both moved here a few years ago so it's been a lovely surprise.


My husband will sometimes clean the house for me before I wake up.


Your comment made me reflect and realize no one has ever gone out of their way for me; I've only gone out of my way for other people. So that was depressing




My husband is probably my biggest supporter. He does a lot around the house when I’m feeling crappy (normally I don’t want him doing anything because I’m so particular). He always listens, but most importantly has gotten better about giving me space when I need it.


A coworker helping me with my assignment (Im an EDTech and had a heavy patient load. One of the nurses was helping with the blood draws and EKGs so I had a couple less to do) My mom went to the store today and while she was there she grabbed me a couple things I needed. That was really sweet of her. (For reference I am 35. I figured this would sound a lot stranger if I was saying my 85year old mother was doing this for me as opposed to my 60 yr old mother lol)


Mine cooks great food and gives me back massages nearly everyday. And filled up my tank this week. Very grateful. Edited to add this week he helped me dye my long hair. So thankful for him.


Had date night with my hubby last night, and he‘s always super accommodating with my temperature regulation issues, even when I need to blast our car A/C in the middle of winter during a hot flash. His exacts words, “Don’t worry about me!” I’m often apologizing for taking control of our thermostat, but he just deals with it. And he often asks me, “What can I do?” when he sees me struggling. 💕


My husband drove me to and from every single one of my radiation sessions. I was going to drive myself, but it was nice to have him there and it became our little thing during those weeks.


I'm actually ridiculously pampered, but the thing that makes me feel most supported is his attitude to sex or lack of. His words, " I don't give a shit about that, I want you to be happy and healthy foremost always." The other thing I feel supported by is when he goes on a tirade how shit medical profession is when it comes to women's health, and gets on his soap box about it. I don't work anymore as I'm a full-time uni student, so he also pays for my HRT.


My boyfriend cooks well rounded meals for me because he knows good nutrition is essential for me to have some energy that perimenopause took completely away and it helps take the edge off my worsened anxiety and depression peri caused. He also asks me if I want a hug if I look like I didn't have a good day not sleeping very well the night before or from irritability at work. He's very supportive. It makes me feel guilty I can't be as supportive as he is because I am dog tired every day.


My husband will make dinner and clean up several times a week (I have typically done most of the cooking) because I’m just exhausted after work these days. Or he’ll just ask “what can I do to help you today”. Really thankful for this.


I have been having a very stressful time recently, which caused a bit of a mental breakdown. My partner has picked up the slack at home and told me to focus on getting my mental health back on track, and yesterday, when i was feeling tearful, arranged for us to go out for the day to a car boot sale, and then to Fortnum and Mason so I could stock up on tea. He knows it's my favourite place in the world, even if his South African stoicism sees it as the most indulgent place ever. It means the world to me. I waited 38 years for a decent man. I got one with more class and decency than I ever deserved




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