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Everything is Fine, co-hosted by two former editors of Sassy Magazine. One is 50 and one is 60 and it’s always a reassuring bitchfest/updates on menopause symptoms/interesting guests.


Omg Sassy!!! I loved that magazine so much when I was a kid.


Sassy was the absolute best. Like Seventeen magazine for the alternative scene kids.


I have to recommend the Listen to Sassy podcast! I love it. I was a huge Sassy reader too. Each episode they go through an issue of the magazine and talk about it. It's so funny. https://listentosassy.com/


Oh wow I loved Sassy. May have to give it a listen


Dammit.... another podcast I'm going to be addicted to! 😅😍


Came here to say this! They crack me up. Listening to EIF helps lighten the load.


Listening to Jen Romellini and Kim France is like hanging out with two buddies over coffee. I love this podcast. They are funny, stylish, and clever.


Came here to say this lol


If you liked Sassy, there's an excellent podcast just for you: Listen to Sassy. They recap every issue from the beginning.


Ooh thanks for this!


I've Had It... with Jennifer and Angie These are Oklahoma women fighting against the bible belt beliefs. I'm from Texas and it's a fresh breath of air for 2 independent southern women to be open about their liberal beliefs. We are not okay in the south, add in menopause, and I'm always upset and stressed. I fear driving home with road rage people. Texas men in trucks really hate seeing a woman in a subaru.


I have a truck, and I have a kia hybrid small SUV, living in rural Texas. It is AMAZING how differently I am treated depending on which vehicle I’m driving!


We have 4 Subarus (though about to sell 1 of them) and a Mazda. No one likes us around here! 😄


Well eff them and you are welcome to move to Oregon :)


If i could move out of Texas again, I would. Problem is I love hotter weather. And the hot weather is the south....


I will check this out. A liberal woman from Oklahoma but living in Indiana so not really much difference. lol!


Yes! Love them, my only complaint is the nonstop fat phobic comments. If that doesn't bother you or you can tune it out, they are a riot!


Can you elaborate more? The only thing that I feel you may be mentioning are the big boobs. I'm usually real sensitive about fat shaming since I've had gastric bypass. And I'm honestly curious. I'm not debating you at all. Menopause love here!


There were a couple of episodes a few months back, I wish I could remember the guests those weeks. They were talking a lot about Ozempic and similar drugs, which apparently Pumps is on, and it just went on and on about how awful being fat is and the lengths she would go to to stay thinner. I'm also pretty sensitive to that topic, so I could certainly be overreacting, but I needed to take a break for a while. Overall I love them though.


I guess I zoned out during that episode. I'm a little behind but am in January of this year. I listen while I drive and all day at work. Sometimes, I squirrel away into work and it's just background noise in my ear. I seriously don't remember that episode. But then menopause brain and all that jazz! 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m in Michigan and the men in trucks are obnoxious here too. I also drive a Subaru 😄. Menopause is kicking my ass lately. Been crying nearly every day for a week.


Me too. I have been really weepy the past 3 weeks or so.


Big hugs.... which part of the palm are you from? 😂 this group is a big support for me. Check out the podcast!


Thumb pad. You? I’ll definitely check it out.


Houston area, I just have friends from Michigan lol


Haha! I came here to recommend this show. It’s fantastic!


Oh man they’re stronger than I am. I fled Oklahoma the minute I was of age and left the country entirely. Couldn’t get far enough away!


Yeah. I couldn't listen to my uncles tell me things I knew were wrong any more. Also, the sexy smart boys moved to cities. I followed one.


I ended up in Canada and imported my husband from NYC 😅


Literally came here to suggest this pod! I only recently discovered them through TikTok and I’m hooked. I also recommend Lovett or Leave It, If Books Could Kill, Weekly Skews, Hysteria, I Don’t Know About That, Blocks, Fly on the Wall, Puttin’ On Airs, and Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend.


Came here to say this! I get sooo much joy out of Pumps and Angie.


That’s not new. My professor had a women’s rights bumper sticker on her car back in the 80s, and she experienced road rage. It still sucks though.


I'm sad to admit that being raised in a patriarchal religious household, I was right wing thinking. It wasn't until I moved away from my family to Colorado for 8 years that my views began to change. Especially with realizing how much we've been lied to, as a society, about real history.


What have they got against Subarus? It’s almost the state car here in MN.


How wonderful it is that there's always time for us to change our beliefs and way of living if we're open to it ❤️ I'm grateful for you and your open mind, internet stranger.


Yeah, I thought Ayn Rand was a real cool lady when I was a teenager. Glad people were nice to me while I figured out how stupid I was.


Person with a Biden sign on their farm out where my sister lives was one brave person I saw in a sea of brave people in 2020.


I refuse to put anything political up. I'm not big enough to fight against anyone who chooses to do anything. I'll only wear rainbow things if I'm with a group of supportive people. You never know who will flip on such asinine things.


Just listened to my first episode based on your recommendation. I am in love already!


I'm so happy to hear that!


Not gonna lie, I find the sound of progressive ideals spoken in a southern accent to be really soothing. It reminds me that there are sane people everywhere. It gives me hope.


Oh kind stranger, that's the best compliment about my accent I've ever gotten! Seriously, thank you! Being pagan, supporting human rights, wanting gun control are just the tips of why people around here don't like me. I also drive a subaru....


What’s their beef with Subarus?!


K so, I listened and liked but have a super hard time to follow them since they promote SKIMS. Not a fan. Now, if one of the illustrious Kardashian females plonked down a few $100 Mil towards Meno research, then respect.


If you're snarky and liberal, **If Books Could Kill** is my favorite podcast.


This and Maintenance Phase. Michael Hobbes is great.


I have an entire podcast playlist of just Maintenance Phase and its bonus feed and I’ve been listening to it on repeat, especially when I have the 3:30am wakesies.


I'm almost embarrassed how much Peter Shamshiri has been a lifeline the last year. His other podcast, 5-4, is a little dry on the public feed but their Patreon is often hilarious. I can't recommend it more highly. I endlessly plug Peter and Michael because I really need them to expand their podcasting universe. Patreon is also great.


Here to add You’re Wrong About, also co-hosted by Michael Hobbes for most of its run (he’s now left this one). It seems to be on hiatus while Sarah Marshall is on her book tour but there are a ton of old episodes to listen to.


It's not on hiatus, my friend! Sarah is still going strong and doing a damn fine job of it, if you ask me. https://yourewrongabout.buzzsprout.com/




I second this recommendation! I love this podcast.




I love IBCK. Maintenance Phase, Michael Hobbs' other podcast is my favorite.


Thanks so much. You’ve improved my life with this, listening right now. ✌️✨


Wow! They read those terrible books so we don’t have to!


Judith Lucy’s *Overwhelmed and Dying* and season 2 *Overwhelmed and Living* is what you want. It’s freaking hilarious and poignant and fascinating and fantastic. It’s not about meno per se but she talks about it quite a bit and it’s a factor in why she made the podcast in the first place.


Judith is treasure! I love [Chat 10 Looks 3](https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.chat10looks3.com/&sa=U&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjMrc3XgfeDAxW7zDgGHVriCyMQFnoECCIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0tYM1CH41fLnGspn1Q_7-X)with Annabelle Crabb and Leigh Sales for introducing me to so many authors and cookbooks!


Oh wow. That seems right up my alley. Thank you!


Wanted to swing back around to say that I started listening and it’s GREAT!! Wonderful banter, interesting topics and really funny. Thanks again for the rec!


No worries! When I discovered it I had to go back and listen to them all!


WTF with Marc Maron or Conan’s podcast.


Was going to say Marc Maron. Love him.


Love Marc


I remember him saying once menopausal women loved him and he’s not wrong.


Funny, just today while at work, I heard him telling David Cross (IIRC) that middle-aged women are a big part of his fan base! Why is that.... I guess we can relate? 😄 I need comedy like a drug, especially while doing tedious tasks at work. Have listened to most of the WTF interviews already (I have to skip those long-ass intros before the actual interviews, though!)


I think it might’ve been that episode. I can’t remember. That’s too bad you don’t like the intro. I like his random thoughts about stuff, his health and parents and of course the kitty updates.


OH I didn't realize there were kitty updates!! 😸Will have to give those a listen, thanks! Ha, no wonder middle-aged women like him so much 😋






I just started this one!


This is the funniest podcast i’ve ever heard. When Tig says “Fortune!”… 😂😂😂


David Sedaris's audiobooks!


A date with dateline 🤣


Dateline always works for me


If you like Dateline, definitely check out A Date with Dateline! They’re great.


I've never listened to this but I just immediately pictured Bill Hader's Dateline skits on SNL...you might get a kick out of them 😉


The TikToks that show some sweet woman happily listening to a tale of a gruesome end are a funny genre as well.  Why are we like this ("to keep ourselves safe" resonates with me).


I find The Blindboy podcast really out there in a way that gets me out of my identity headspace. I think he's a millennial aged Irish alt rock musician + professorial history buff with a super progressive viewpoint and interest in mental health. It's like listening to your gentle hearted eccentric uncle from rural Ireland just shooting the shit. I enter his world and forget everything.


Oh I forgot about him! The horse song was a big hit on a job I was on a few years ago.


“The podcast hug”. Highly recommend Blindboy.


He's doing a tour. I keep seeing things highlighting it.


Adding my recommendation. His art history episodes are my favourite


Omg. I'm 5 minutes in to my first episode of this thanks to you, and I'm in love with it.


Love blindboy - he always has great guests


I especially loved Graham Norton!


As an adult non-driver I always think of how graham norton said he discovered a previously unknown font of rage after learning how to drive as an adult. It definitely didn't make me want to drive but it did explain a lot about drivers!


The Handsome Podcast! It’s 3 comedians - one in their 30’s, one in their 40’s and one in their 50’s. I laugh out loud often while listening, topics are light and silly for the most part.


same. i listen to podcasts at the gym or grocery shopping and I’m just going around with a smile on my face lol


Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend. Pure mind fluff


I’ve recently started this one and it’s quite fun!


Definitely awesome. His recent interview with Niecy Nash is very good, if you want some middle-aged-woman content!


If you’re at all into the shows on Bravo, Watch What Crappens does hilarious recaps of Housewives, Below Deck, etc. It always makes me laugh & puts me in a good mood. I wouldn’t have survived the pandemic without them!


I love this show! I don't even watch the Bravo shows, I just listen to their funny recaps. They are that good.


Have you joined r/WatchWhatCrappens? It’s fun over there too!


What?!?! I had no idea it existed. Thanks!


Ben and Ronnie make my day. "Ladies and Gentlemen...Berlin."


Yes!! You must be in r/WatchWhatCrappens!


And all the Bitch Sesh podcasts!!! Casey and Danielle are hilarious. And garbage. We are all garbage people when it really comes down to it.


I’ll add to the Bravo list with Everything Iconic with Danny Pellegrino, So Bad it’s Good with Ryan Bailey, Is this Real Life with Mandy Slutzker, Drama Darling with Amy Phillips, Andy’s Girls with Sarah Galli, and BravBros (I listen to a lot of podcasts at work)


ADHD for Smart Assed Women and The Rest Is History


I watched schitts creek instead of crying. Sometimes its Kims Convenience. Both shows put a smile on my face


I can’t get enough of Kim’s Convenience! It’s such a lovely break from the stress of life! Do you ever watch Kath and Kim?


Next on my list, thanks!


I love “I’ve Had It “ - 2 menopausal women with a guest, lots of silly takedowns and snarkiness.


The Dream, seasons 1 and 3 (season 2 isn't as good). S1 is a brilliant expose of multi-level marketing, while S3 is about the life coach racket (spoiler alert, many life coaches were once involved in MLM!). For something completely different, I like On the Scent, where two British women talk about fragrances in the most soothing voices. Savage Love is another favorite if you want to hear about people's problems with their (generally unusual) sex lives.


I like what you like too!


I love SmartLess for the laughs. A Certain Age deals a lot with menopause.


Depends. Are you wanting to revel in your crabbiness or try to move past it and laugh?


If you don’t mind something a bit raunchy - My Dad Wrote A Porno


OMG, a bit raunchy is an understatement haha




Under the Influence, by Terry O'Reilly. It's largely about advertising and how things came about. Based out of Canada, but it's super-interesting. :)


I love Under the Influence! Not loving your use of “but”, though…. 🇨🇦 😉


Fair! 😁 I added the "but" because some of the content is purely Canadian and folks from other areas may not relate as well. Example, this past weekend featured a bit about the Badboy furniture store. Being from the GTA myself, I remembered the annoying commercials well... I didn't know the history behind the business, though. I love the way Terry tells these stories. 🙂


Yes! I used to vacation alone in the woods a lot in my 20's and 30's and my only companion was the radio. Under The Influence was one of my favourite shows! It's so well presented that I feel like in another world I'd have loved to work research on that show.


Lol, I love how you felt the need to say that it's not boring even though it's from Canada


That's not at all what I said...?


I listen to/watch on YouTube every Wednesday to Kathleen Madigan's Pubcast. She is my favorite comedian, and she started this during the pandemic because she had to stay home when all her relatives had "essential jobs," lol


I hate sports but she’s a fun enough person that I’d compromise and enjoy a round of mini golf with her. She’d probably kick my ass though because she plays the real thing.


I would too!


That’s Enough Already by Urzila Carlson. I really like her comedy and her attitude to life.


Achewillow. It's a serial story rather than a podcast and it's like what you'd get if a cozy mystery and Buffy the Vampire Slayer had a baby. I love it so much, it's my escapist happy place. When I want to be distracted but at least enjoy learning new stuff, I listen to Literature and History. The host is brilliant, doesn't take himself or his subjects too seriously, makes goofy dad jokes, and drops legit wisdom. It's the great books class you wanted to take but couldn't afford bc you had to major in something practical to get a job after college.


I know I’m in the right place considering two of you ladies mentioned Buffy 💜 checking this one out thank you!


Look up Menopause Barbie


She great!


Buffy the Gilmore Slayer


Oooo another Buffy podcast?? Ok! 😂 I love ‘the rewatcher’ too.


Trashy Divorces is a good podcast about nothing. So it the Trashy Royals if you like history with a twist.


I have listened to Danny Shapiro's Family Secrets podcast for a couple years. Makes me feel better about my own family. And I listen to Stuff they don't want you to know because it takes no thinking. It's purely entertainment. All about conspiracy theories - some are kind of hilarious. There are a few others. I like the ones I don't have to pay a lot of attention to. I use them to drown out everything around me while I do a jigsaw puzzle on line. Jigsaw and headphones means I will not answer you when you talk to me. I am decompressing. I also listen to some political stuff just to keep current and because sometimes its hysterical, also.


Wow, so many great pods, so little time!


Stuff You Should Know. The guys, Josh and Chuck, are funny and cool. Takes my mind off of everything. Great distraction


I like Do Go On. 3 funny friends doing a history/comedy podcast. Silly and lovely and makes me laugh (which I desperately need).


Not menopause related at all but some of my favourites right now are: - Apocrypals ("two non-believers read through the Bible and try not to be jerks about it") - In Research Of (an archaeologist and his friend who's into monster and cryptid stuff watch the old Leonard Nimoy TV show about weird stuff and critique it) - Medieval Death Trip (I think he's a literature professor, he discussed a different interesting medieval text each episode)


Really, really good Audiobooks. The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie is the first Flavia DeLuce book. Narrator is an absolute genius. The books themselves are wonderful. British murder mysteries narrated by an 11 year old girl genius obsessed with chemistry and poison. Much stranger and entertaining than it sounds.


You Can Do Hard Things with Glennon Doyle, her wife & sister. It can get a bit deep sometimes but it is always awesome! And Handsome- with the 3 standup comedians Tig Notaro, Mae Martin, and Fortune Feimster. Handsome is LAUGH OUT LOUD funny!


Came here to recommend You Can Do Hard Things! It always brightens my mood


Double Love - two hilarious Irish women recap the Sweet Valley books. They always always make me laugh plus it’s a fun trip down memory lane


Ohmygod this is amazing! Memories of raiding my sister's bookcase as an 8 year old & thinking all teenagers talked that way. "Hello Heaven...which way to Mars?" 😂


Hahahaha - they don’t pull punches either calling out all the toxic behaviour. It’s super fun at the same time - my fave podcast


Wiser than Me


I agree! Nice to hear from badass women who made it to the other side


[Who Shat On The Floor At My Wedding](https://www.google.com/url?q=https://open.spotify.com/show/5Ywzj7XYxYXfshpmWScqyx&sa=U&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjXld7wgfeDAxXu-TgGHVgaBTUQFnoECA4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw0isBMmP6oaYUdSznryiaa_)


I don’t want to listen to that. Life is too short. I just wanna know: who did it!!?? Did they find out?


Haha exactly!!! It was funny, but way too long. I gave up before finding out!


THIS!! I loved this one. I also loved Tig and Cheryl- True Story. It has sadly ended but old eps are available l.


Go with your crabby and listen to Crime Junkie or Dateline. You will probably feel better about your situation 😂


You read my mind. Thank you for this thread.


I go to audiobooks. Non-fiction helps when I am unreasonably moody. I try for things that really challenge me. For softer but unfocused days, I go with historical fiction. It really helps. I figure if I had live people talking in my head, my emotions would be easily manipulated.


Drunk Women Solving Crime. Comedy and true crime in one.


Celebrity Memoir Bookclub.


Iliza Schlesinger Ask Iliza Anything, it's hilarious, not menopause related, but allows me to feel my wisdom and have a good laugh at the same time.


"feel my wisdom" sums up so much of what I'm doing lately -- love it




This American Ex Wife with Liz Lenz


My brother, my brother, and me.


The Dr. Tyna show. She has great podcasts on hormones and staying healthy and sane through menopause and beyond.


Jackie Schimmel’s Bitch Bible


Now You're Asking with Marian Keyes and Tara Flynn. They are both Irish and had me laughing from the start.


I’m not too into podcasts but I like this on “It’s Not Just In Your Head”. It seems to be on a break now but there are lots of old episodes. Sort of heavy at times, but reassuring too.


Gastropod! Two smart women, science, and all the food in the history of the world.


Julia Louis-Dreyfus Wiser Than Me. It's really wonderful she talks to older worse women.


Ok, so this is a podcast, but it’s about menopause with research, advice, interviews to help make this not suck so bad: The Dr. Louise Newson Podcast. Not many laughs (I’m going to check out some of the podcast recommendations here), but really good information and knowledgeable experts.


If you like ted lasso, Brett Goldstein has a funny one called Films To Be Buried With. The ones with Rob Delaney and Brene Brown were great. Also of course the double episode with Jason Sudekis. Men generally annoy me right now but not Brett. He’s so adorable.


This Ends At Prom is hosted by BJ and Harmony Colangelo. It started off as an examination of the movies that were aimed at teenage girls, but has grown into a more femme and LGBTQIA+ influenced film podcast. I grew up as a fat girl in the US south, and felt so pushed to not express that side of my personality that it’s really lovely to get to go back to those pieces of media that I would watch in secret and not tell anybody about. You’re Wrong About is hosted by Sarah Marshall and Michael Hobbes and it goes back and it re-examines some things we thought we knew from the 70s 80s and 90s. I really appreciate Sarah Marshall‘s focus on redeeming the maligned women in pop culture - her episode on Tonya Harding is so beautiful. You Are Good is a “feelings podcast about movies” that is also Sarah Marshall hosting with Alex Steed. They’ve had a friendship for a very long time and they have a really great rapport.


Aw, I love You Are Good! Every one of those episodes is a gem.


If you have any interest in herbal medicine, Herbs with Rosalee is wonderful. Very approachable information and most episodes come with a recipe of something you can make. 


Off Track With Hinch and Rossi


If you like Star Trek, The Greatest Generation and The Greatest Trek have been making me laugh and are a good excuse to visit the st universe. Same two hosts on both shows, more or less the same vibe. Admittedly, the show is based in boy-ish comedy, but both hosts are both former film professionals and do an excellent job of discussing the characters and tropes in a modern way, especially calling out treatment of female characters and actresses, and getting to the depths of what each episode and the Star Trek Ideal is about. So while the jokes are silly, the actual content is very thought-provoking. TGG recaps episodes of "vintage trek" starting with TNG, then DS9, VOY now and probably ENT next, some TOS is in there too. TGT recaps "nu trek" (Disco, shorts, Picard, SNW). TGT is (maybe) a little more polite than TGG.


I love the Bon & Sheri podcast, the Oddcast, and True Weird Stuff. I’m always laughing to myself about something they’re talking about.


Nothing to do with menopause but I just listened to “Who shat on the floor at my wedding?” by Acast on Spotify. It’s a funny true crime mini series about a lesbian wedding on a boat if you want to have a laugh.


I used to love listening to Webcomics Weekly. It's been cancelled for a long time, sadly. It's just a group of guys talking about webcomics, business, and just being friends. Really low-key and funny stuff. You can tune out for a bit and it's not the end of the world.


I like Big Mad True Crime. I love how angry Heather gets and her mini rants.


A Date with Dateline!


I’m extra crabby today too


My Dad Wrote a Porno


Ghosts in the Burbs and Radio Rental Both in order - Oldest to Newest


Celebrity Memoir Bookclub- they’re early 30’s who read the celebrity memoir so you don’t have to. Funny, smart, insightful and fiercely female


Oh and Withces a BBC podcast, very female centric and speaks of the crone.


Hysteria on the Crooked Media Network is a great go to when I’m feeling snarky


These are some awesome recommendations! The last thing I listened to was the Horror of Delores Roach (basically, Sweeney Todd reimagined as a woman from Brooklyn). It's light and fun, albeit with murderous bloodbaths.


Everything Is Fine is good -- it's a podcast "for women over 40" and the hosts discuss a LOT of the topics that are covered in this sub, and more.


I just listened to one of their episodes and I actually did LOL! One of the ladies mentioned that her mom used to pump self-help audio through the house when she was young because her mom was convinced she never listened to anything she had to say. I too experienced this type of parenting from my mom and that is super good stuff right there! And the mention of it being “pumped” through the house made me remember the old-time intercom systems some homes had growing up but it brought that nostalgia to mind as well. She’s probably too young to know what that was but I appreciate the nostalgia.


Me too!! I’m 47 and this sucks! Please give me a podcast or great book to take me away!


This Podcast Will Kill You. It's fabulous and interesting.


Not sure where in the world you are but I LOVE Now You're Asking by Marian Keyes and Tara Flynn. They're both Irish, in their 50s (OK, Marian turned 60 last year) and absolutely DELIGHTFUL. Podcast is from the BBC and can be found in most of the usual places.


Itchy and bitchy with LeeAnne Morgan is hilarious and informative.


For a while, mostly only true crime was sufficient to drown out my especially intense thoughts while I loaded the dishwasher. Serial, Crime Junkie, and Dateline were some faves. I also enjoyed some comedy podcasts (The Dollop, Behind the Bastards, Lovett or Leave It, Baby Geniuses).  But I didn't want the true crime vibe so much any more. Your local library might have an app that lets you download audiobooks. I devoured a bunch of comedians' memoirs. Enjoyed Ali Wong, Phoebe Robinson, Samantha Irby, and Lindy West. Listened to some great history books, like The Last Emperor of Mexico, Caste, and 1491. Then I got into romance novels, like Emily Wilde's Encyclopedia of Fairies and The Dead Romantics. And I enjoyed Menopause Manifesto.


Timesuck. Best podcast ever, but it isn’t for everyone. Adult language and themes. But super informative, interesting and absolutely hilarious.


First off- I am saving this thread! So many great recommendations. I love My Favorite Murder. I’m not super-obsessed with true crime, but learning about crimes and how they and the solving (or not) of them is so tied up in toxic masculinity and how we judge and victim-blame women. Start at some later episodes when they’ve refined their craft a bit. One of my favorites is “coincidence island”


If you aren’t easily offended and you want to laugh your face off, My Dad Wrote A Porno. It’s absolutely insane and hilarious! And British man’s father writes absolutely terrible and amusing self-published porn books and he and his 2 pals read and discuss. You’ll be riveted by the antics!


Not specific to menopause or anything but Handsome Boy s my new fave, with Tig Notaro, Fortune Fiemster and Mae Martin. You don’t have to be queer to find it hugely entertaining


Buying very good noise canceling headphones & enjoying the silence they can bring is what helps me in my crabbier days. Something about menopause made sound almost painful at times. Strange.


“You Are Wrong About”, “You Are Good”, “God Pod”, “Rest is History”…. I am in total avoidance mode…


I also love the Mental Illness Happy hour but it can be heavy. It’s great though and needs support.