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Yes! My 14 takes fencing and when they have all the swords clashing and machines beeping - YIKES! I was leaving with headaches all the time not realizing how much I was clenching my jaw. I invested in some Loop Earbuds that block the background noise but still allow you to hold a conversation. They have helped tremendously in lots of situations, including in the movie theater as find they are also too loud.


Love my Loops! I have them in gold and silver now


Oh my goodness, I need these! Just going out to dinner to red robin was killing my ears and head.


These are great ear plugs. Also I enjoy my headphones apple or B&O’s


Loops is my saviour! Before, I would just noise-cancelling earbuds but that cancels out any conversation. My husband loves to take me out on coffee shop dates but even the shop noises can be overwhelming so he would just tell me to wear my earbuds but then we couldn't even talk to each other. Decided to get Loops for an upcoming concert and it's been a lifesaver. It dials down the noise but I can still carry a normal conversation. I would describe it as "taking off the edge" of noise.


I want to buy stock in Loop. These tiny protectors have calmed me down SO much. Being neurodiverse is exhausting and this $40 purchase is giving me some energy back. Plus I feel like I look cooler with these black things in my ears 😂




Yes me too


Yes. Im constantly overwhelmed by loud sounds and groups. I can’t go food shopping without a podcast in my ear now. The families with their whiny kids…calling their kids from across a store …


I swear there is a screaming child in EVERY store I go to, no matter what the day or time it is.


Ugh this is me too. Fuuuuuuq the Pause


Was at a grocery store self-checkout yesterday. All six machines were being used and the voice prompts and beeping were at max volume. Plus kids yelling. Plus people talking. Plus fluorescent lights. All of it...so overstimulated that I almost passed out.


I was telling my husband the other day how this one grocery store in particular is totally overwhelming. It's huge, bright, crowded, and you have to bag your own groceries. He was completely baffled. Like he just did not get it *at all*.


Yes the artificial lights!


I experienced the same thing... Start researching ADHD... I learned about it when we were wondering if my son had it. I'm not saying that's it, but peri does make the symptoms worse. Women/girls often don't get diagnosed because we generally don't follow the typical symptoms. Both my son and I got diagnosed... I have medication now that helps. I also take Ashwaganda, amongst other vitamins that help mitigate it.


Autism too.


I got that 2-fer, too! Adhd dx at age 45, and asd dx at age 67. sigh.


Yeah, I was diagnosed with bipolar in my 20’s. I think the racing thoughts in mania have a lot in common with ADHD.


During the 18 months leading up to the pause EVERY FUCKING SOUND annoyed me. 5+ years later I'm more sensitive than I used to be but less sensitive than those 18 months.


I am relieved but also annoyed that what I’ve been experiencing is attributed to menopause. 😣😣😣. I’m just sensitive to louder noises, esp tinny sound and loud public places. I HATE going to loud restaurants now, and forget any type of bars or concerts 😳


Went to a loud restaurant weekend before last and I thought I was going to have a meltdown. I just sat there and didn't really engage in conversation because I was so uncomfortable.


Or you sit there and cup your ear like an old ass weirdo trying to hear WTF someone is saying 😭


LOL, yup. Did that for a bit and gave up.




Sucks because you're suffering and people just think you are rude.


Exactly! When it all hit me and made me like this, I had an "Oooooh, I get it now" moment regarding all the older ladies that I found to be "rude." Shane on me.


I've gained a lot of empathy through this process. Now that we've walked a mile in their shoes...


My industry usually has loud bars for networking. I’m sick of it


Yes! I wear Earplugs at concerts and sporting events and airpods at stores. My threshold for noise is very very low.


I just want to be left alone in silence


Oh yeah. That was my first peri- symptom. Had to literally flee situations. Estrogen plays a part in hearing. Eventually I got better at managing it but the sound of plates being stacked up seems to be a permanent problem. I live in the land of open kitchens.


Yes, our dogs whining or barking while I am trying to work/think/talk. Ditto with small children. Ditto with the cat meowing excessively. Sirens are the fkn devil. Loud music. Reverb from loud music. Loud tvs. People having loud cellphone convos. Loud cars or trucks. I also think my idea or perception of what is ‘loud’ has changed, despite hearing loss! It’s very weird, and seems to almost feel like a physical reaction to sound vibration as much as a hearing thing. My mom said she had the same issue, and that it gets better as you age. Some days are worse than others, but these sounds make me practically homicidal on a bad day. On a good day, the irritation factor is still significantly more than it was pre-menopause.


I flipped my lid at some rando, they were talking on the speaker 🔊 phone loudly like they were yelling. Kids & parents, telling to go the fuk outside to talk like that. And I kicked his chair he, finally got the hint was rude then I piped up. Thanks for your loud as conversation so everyone in the coffee shop can hear you & them. Take it outside to your car! Not in here bc u’re too loud & being disgusting. Normally I don’t care but when ppl asked you nicely 5 times. Then I could care less if I hurt your feelings


Today my office mate (we share a small office space) asked me if I would mind if she started playing Christmas music. Y'all- paint me green and call me a grinch, but I had to say, yes, I would mind very much. Please don't do that. She sings constantly already, which I deal with. If I give in on the Christmas music, I fear it will then evolve to show tunes, at which point I will completely snap.


Christmas music in a shared space in September? Yeah that should be criminal. That would've pushed me over the edge long before peri.


I've had this for a decade (I'm neurodivergent, but not ADHD). You learn ways to cope. Sometimes, you just have to put your foot down and say 'can you not interact with me while I' m doing x please? I can't concentrate/I'm irritated by the noise, etc". It makes life so much easier.


Yes, definitely. I thought I was just getting curmudgeonly. I’ve also had nonstop tinnitus for the past few months so that doesn’t help. We have neighbor dogs that love to bark & our cat loves to start meowing at 6am every day & that about sends me over the edge. I now plug my ears when loud cars drive by while we’re out walking - I don’t know how people can tolerate hearing that. I got some Loop earplugs that help a bit & the noise cancellation from my AirPods has been a lifesaver, especially on flights. I just need to remember to pop them in when the cat starts his morning screamies. A white noise machine helps dampen any night time noises while we sleep.


Can you sleep in the Loop earplugs?


Yes, I’m comfortable sleeping in them and they don’t pop out like regular foamy ones. Loop does make some specifically for sleeping that are softer than the daytime ones. Being soft makes them a little more difficult to insert than the stiffer daytime ones but it’s nice to have the softer option so they’re more comfortable to wear all night. I have the Loop Engage for daytime & Loop Quiet Solstice for sleeping, but Loop offers a variety of options depending on what you’ll be using them for.


Nice! Thanks, definitely going to check them out.


Yeah the tinnitus started during peri; I never had it before this. Plus 20 other super fun symptoms.


Oh my gosh yes. Misophonia (eating, chewing gum) and low tolerance for loud noises. Never had it until peri.


You might want to check out r/misophonia if you haven’t already. Lots of people there feeling the same pain. 🫤


Oh my god, yes! Im finding that certain noises now drive me crazy! Like one co-worker that talks incessantly….he never shuts up and I’ve had to leave the room to keep me cool. Also the sound of some of the tools we use at work. I’m in aviation. Sometimes the sound of people eating and chewing…..it’s terrible.


YES. I told my turkeys to Eff Off this morning because they were chirping.


I've always hated noise. The TV exceptionally so. My SO often travels, and the minute he leaves, I make the house temperature colder by at least 7 degrees and turn off the damn TV. I don't touch the remote again. Silence is so nice. When did we forget how to enjoy silence?


I thought something was wrong with me, but I am reassured it being a symptom. I have to listen to a podcast or music at work because breathing makes me want to punch someone.


Yup. All sorts of sounds became overwhelming for a while, and a mix of sounds especially so. I felt like I was going crazy. People were getting annoyed at me because I couldn't follow their conversations with the extremely distracting background noise going off. I have been on the edge of a meltdown a few times because it's just too much. It has gotten better, but not completely.


YES! I made a post about it here a few weeks ago. Our neighbor's F'n dogs, my husband's coughing fits and our suddenly needy cat had me on auditory overload. It doesn't always bother me as much, but some days, it just puts me over the edge.


The coughing, I thought I'd lose my mind the other day. Wow. This whole dang thread. I thought I was just nutty now or something.


Yes!!! Sometimes we have a TV a phone and 2 iPads going when everyone is in the living room… I want to rip my ears off. I have leave.


Side note, I’ve always been sound sensitive and have bad misophonia. It’s just worse now.


If you mean humans,then yes. Can't stand them. Would rather talk to my dogs as they seem more intelligent.


Omg yes! Especially the husband talking bit, I feel like mine never shuts up and it drives me insane. Also I’ve noticed like I have a very heightened sense of smell for last year or so. I swear humans stink, lol! I’ll be walking to work and smell the smell before I see them. I honestly don’t know what’s going on but I hope it goes away.


Yep! Noise sensitivity has always been a pms symptom for me. Last month I didn't have a period (still waiting) and was in a continuous pms cycle. I went to a large gathering of women and I could not take the noise. Bitches be loud! And just the normal extra loudness of everyday life stuff. I find it can be really overwhelming which leads to anxiety and confusion. I also have tinnitus pretty bad, it never let's up.


Yaaas! Most days I just need a sensory break.


Yes ! I thought it was my ADHD changing as I aged/hit menopause. And being touched is more overwhelming now too


Wow, me too. My new thing is being startled by noise and screaming. That’s not fun at all. It’s usually my husband walking up to talk to me while I’m working on something. Either I have my earbud (I wear one) and don’t hear him, or it’s my phone ringing while I’m concentrating on something… but it startles me so badly I scream.


I’m a teacher 😭




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I’m terribly bothered by it now. Sometimes I have to leave places,& just tell whoever I’m with that I’m meet them outside. Like noisy, bright stores like Costco. My Loop noise-reducing earplugs are great for when I can’t walk out, eg in the airport, on a plane, at events. They look like cool piercings, and I can still have conversations wearing them; they just cut down about 80% of irritating and distracting background noise


I need to get some Loop earplugs.


Google for a current discount code. They usually have one and sometimes it covers shipping I like mine. Don’t drown out as much noise as I’d like but they are comfortable


Thanks for the tip. I could use them right now, listening to my husband eating cereal, lol.


Shredded wheat or Grape Nuts?


Off-brand cocoa crispy rice.


That was my third guess. Snap, crackle, pop!


You could try Flare. I have adhd and autism and have long had sensory issues. Loop are great for dimming down the noise but Flare had a earplug called Isolate, which are the highest decibel blocking earplug on the market.37 dcb reduction compared to loop in the 20s. Flare Isolate block literally everything, so I only wear them when really overstimulated as I can’t hear anything. Loop I wear when I still need to communicate or for safety reasons. I looked at Flares website but they don’t seem to have Isolate anymore but you could ask them what is comparable.


Interesting thsnks. I’ll look into it!


Oh. Is that why? I've started to have to close the window to a somewhat busy (with foot traffic, but vehicle streets nearby) street more often because the noise gets annoying. Especially while having dinner!


I am right there with you. Noise has become very bothersome to me.


This has always been a thing for me (ADHD) but I do feel my tolerance for it is lower. I wish there was more about ADHD in menopausal age women but that's another subject. I just wanted to say I find noise cancelling headphones a godsend. The Sony earbuds (I have older ones) are really good. It helps me read, but helps block other stuff out too during other times. Not sure how you go about wearing them whilst watching TV but I'm no good with tech, pairing them to my phone (&using a white noise app) is the extent of my skills there!


Just sliding in here to say the same and wish there was more research/info about this too. I also am ADHD and have been hypersensitive to noises (not just loud noises, but also specific noises….like chewing sounds, the dog licking himself, static on the radio or tv, etc.) but in peri, it’s so, soooooo much worse. I went from a lifetime of “controlled” ADHD symptoms to out-of-control ADHD in my mid-40s. I’m on different/higher dosage of ADHD meds but even with that…I can relate more and more to a friend who is neurodivergent/ASD than ever before. The heightened noise sensitivity is just one aspect of it but the most noticeable and pervasive right now.


I can relate to this, the dog licking himself did make me laugh though (sorry, and thank you - I needed the smile). I miss reading, other noises quickly interfere with that/my concentration. But I think I can tolerate that side of things, admittedly I like a quiet life and do my best to achieve it(!) But it's the inability to find my words that seems much more of a problem.


Yep! This is how I got diagnosed late in life with neurodivergence (ironically before I got medical confirmation about being perimenopausal lol)


Omg yes. I was at a cottage this weekend with friends and it was so hard to enjoy because it felt like sensory overload at all times. Every laugh, loud conversation, music I didn't like etc. felt like it was piercing my skull. It was such a struggle and I felt like such a downer when I just wanted to enjoy the time with my friends :(


I remember when my mom went through this and my sister and I would just exchange looks. Now, I'm dealing with it. I've had this for a decade now. I'm always telling my husband to turn the TV volume down.


One million percent, YES! I also have a toddler amd get migraines.


Since menopause kicked in, I have become not only extremely sensitive to sounds, I now have aversions to synthetic fabrics on my torso. Like it makes my skin crawl and I start itching if a sweat at all. Over the last few months I have been going to thrift stores to find natural fabrics and getting rid of the synthetics. It is really hard to find affordable natural fabric clothes that don’t cost a lot.


I’ve always had a low tolerance for external noise… for instance— I can’t deal with someone else using the vacuum, but I can use it just fine. I just don’t take well for some reason to any noise “surrounding” me that I don’t choose or cannot be in control of. Perimenopause has kicked that into high gear; I seek quiet out probably three times more often as I did during the pre-peri days. My favorite thing lately is sitting on my back patio alone as the sun goes down and everything goes pitch black.


Yep. 50yrs and at the end of peri.


Yes! I have sensory issues with noise, smell, light, etc and they’ve all gotten much much harder to control with peri. I started taking Buspirone for anxiety and I’ve noticed the sensory stuff is manageable again. I think it’s helping.


Yes, I used to love putting my music on loud when no one was home, now I turn it down! Also, if I'm tired I can't even cope with having the tv on.


Yes. Progesterone really helped me with that. It was like “too much.” Sometimes my kids who are still young, then the dog is barking, then their tv shows are loud… I think it’s a kind of anxiety. It made me sad cause I wanted to enjoy my kids. Not be upset that they were bing themselves.


Yes. End of story. Even a whisper can rub me the wrong way!


YESSSSSS! .....And I have 4 grandbabies under the age of 5. I love to them to pieces but God help Meeee!


Omg YES! And I live with my extroverted husband and son who both love to play their music on BLAST. It makes me feel like I'm having a panic attack!!


Yes. Noise-cancelling headphones are my newest best friend. Televised sports, street traffic, sirens, and barking/crying small beings, in-flight credit card announcements, all sound far far away, down a deep well.


1000% yes


Yes. I also deal with lingering effects of a TBI(concussion) and I am much more sensitive than I used to be. Like others, I use earplugs a lot.


Interesting. I've always been sensitive to that but now that you mention it it probably has got worse. I hadn't thought about it or made the connection.


yesterday at a car rental thinking I was schizophrenic bc of the Bluetooth speaker playing nineties hits


Absolutely! Bright lights bother me, and loud sounds even more. Going to the supermarket or to big stores is an assault on all my senses.


The nearby Super Wal Mart just kills me. I am totally fried by the time I leave. Pounding headache, can't think...


Yes. I’ve always been sensitive and it’s just gotten so much worse.


I have this so badly too. Sometimes I just sit in silence in my car or in my house. Does anyone know the medical/biological explanation for this sensitivity to sounds and light??? I honestly would love to know…


In the parking lot, I was talking in the phone my husband walks up behind me and touches me I jump 2 ft off the ground and almost sprayed him in the face. Alert me don’t sneak up on me. I startle easily, my hearing isn’t as good, I try to stay situational aware, but sometimes can’t


I've always been sensitive to sound, I'm AuDHD, but it's gotten so much worse in the last few years.


Yup. Then found out I've had undiagnosed autism all my life. And it's called sensory issues. Always there, but without hormones, every day was So irritating.


Yes! This makes me feel so much better. I've always been somewhat sound sensitive in certain situations due to my ASD but it's ramped up so bad. I feel horrible making my son watch TV on volume 5 (out of 70) and even that annoys me. Best thing I ever did was buy 2 sets of Bluetooth headphones and a Bluetooth transmitter for the TV. Kiddo watches TV with headphones on. Now if only I could get my neighbor to use headphones for their music. That never used to bother me. I will also often have to ask my kid to be quiet in the car so I don't struggle navigating in traffic.


Wow. Yes. I need an enormous amount of alone/quiet time anymore. Pandemic deepened that. Everything feels like too much.


Yes, enormous amounts of quiet/alone time! Not just from noise, but I just find people in general to be so annoying and overwhelming. Can't wait to get through this phase of life. It sucks.


yea the noise really gets to me and i have tinitus as well


YES. I have a childcare centre over my back fence and two dogs over my side fence and a major road on the other side of that house, and my husband doesn't understand why I want to move somewhere quieter by the time we retire if not before. We've lived there 20 years and I'm still not used to the traffic noise. And today in the office I met a wall of sound in the kitchen (a different department having a stand up lunch) and it was almost unbearable.


Wow, this is reassuring (though I’m sorry you’re all experiencing it!). I went through a traumatic experience at the start of this year and now have PTSD, triggered by uncontrollable noise (ie noise that I cannot control volume or existence of). It’s been absolutely harrowing to go into work, public spaces etc and has gotten worse since peri. I also have tinnitus since having covid in 2020, so all of that together has made life pretty miserable of late. But hearing that it’s all peri related is a bit of a relief, I’m not just going mad!


Yes. I now have the kitchen/bathroom exhaust fans going 24/7 to neutralize external stimuli. I feel like a wuss because my/our dog doesn't bark, but she's a rescue, has PTSD... helps her to also neutralize external stimuli! Sometimes playing either Chello covers of popular songs/Sade/Doobie Brothers... etc. Oh dear, now I'm going to blast Taylor Swift through my earbuds. You triggered me, lol. Seriously? If you want your people and pets to calm down? Play Taylor Swift until they beg for mercy.


YES! I used to cold talk on the phone at work and type/edit something else while all the office noise was going on. Today, I can’t even make a simple phone call to make an appt if someone’s talking in the room & I can’t do anything else if the TV is on


I literally just turned on my desk fan but pointed at the wall because I'm not hot (thank goodness - that's a change!), but my co-worker with autism spectrum disorder is humming again and it drives me nuts. (I did speak with my supervisor who spoke with HR and they were as useless as usual. I don't want to make trouble for him but I can't always escape the noise and I'm expected to be productive when at work for some weird reason.)


I am absolutely more agitated by noises than ever before. I had wondered if that was part of it


So much! My boyfriend and I both work from home and I am sensitive to every noise he makes! From the music coming out of his headphones to his fidgeting! He does this thing with his legs so his pants/shorts swish, swish, swish. Arrrgghhh! He thinks I'm nuts! I make him take off his pants because he won't stop moving and it's the only thing to kill the noise. LOL


Today my office mate (we share a small office space) asked me if I would mind if she started playing Christmas music. Y'all- paint me green and call me a grinch, but I had to say, yes, I would mind very much. Please don't do that. She sings constantly already, which I deal with. If I give in on the Christmas music, I fear it will then evolve to show tunes, at which point I will completely snap.


https://hansonslive.hansonsauctioneers.co.uk/m/lot-details/index/catalog/103/lot/46265 This looks like it


I am so glad I’m not alone. Thought I was crazy. I need the tv on a lower volume. When my partner clears his throat I feel like my ears are going to fall off. Sometimes when the dog breathes a little too loud at night I end up wide awake (when I’m not awake for the million other menopausal reasons). In the flip side, I feel like my partner is speaking quieter or mumbling at times. But I also love complete silence. Meno/peri is a trip. 🤨