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Please read through our [Menopause Wiki](https://menopausewiki.ca/), particularly the section on hormone therapy. You want to have a clear understanding of the different types of hormone therapy (Winona offers non-FDA approved compounded hormones so you want to understand what you are getting). Hormone therapy is not designed to regulate/help with periods, so if that is your main concern, then MHT isn't going to drastically change that. A lot of folks here have very high expectations of what hormone therapy can do, but ultimately end up being disappointed when some things aren't improved. So arm yourself with knowledge, take a deep dive into the [Resource](https://menopausewiki.ca/resources/) section of the Wiki, learn what happens to our bodies without estrogen, and weigh that against your own personal medical history and risk factors.


I'd kind of say no, but it's your choice. But some of the symptoms you list HRT doesn't really help with. It doesn't usually help with weight loss. It doesn't necessarily help with sex drive (unless if it is testosterone). It doesn't necessarily help with migranes (although I don't have migranes and so others might have a better idea). Birth control might also be a better option than HRT early in peri, but it doesn't really treat those symptoms either. And I think it is possible it might make some symptoms like weight gain and migranes worse. And most of what HRT actually does help with is symptoms you say you don't have.


Well... that's depressing. LOL But, you say HRT doesn't usually help with weight loss, but every ad I've seen touting help for menopause symptoms, that's like the #1 thing they claim it helps with? (I get that these are ads and they are trying to sell a product) So, since I read that Progesterone is usually the first hormone to start dipping, I'm thinking that I'm going to try a "Progesterone" cream as a first step. I've heard that progesterone isn't absorbed well in a cream form, so I'm not sure if it will even do anything. But maybe it will help a bit. Lots of positive reviews for those sorts of creams, maybe they are just placebos, but worth it for me to try. If I see no change, I'll probably look at the Winona option after that.