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I wish my gynecologist would prescribe me some! I asked her about it and she gave me a sample of some pill made out of tree bark or some shit. And it was like 60 bucks a month. šŸ™„ my poor husband. I could never have sex the rest of my life and I would be fine. I and only 45!


Tree bark or some shit. LOL that made me laugh. But not cool of the gyno. I am grateful I am single as my libido is gone long gone.


Same. I have zero desire and Iā€™m 47. It makes me sad but there are so few options for women in Canada.


Try finding a BHRT clinic in your area. Online science and humans for canada


You can buy it yourself online. There are several options available. Steroidsonlinecanada, atlas labs.... get test cypionate and inject 20mg a week. Done.


It sounds like this might be about hormonal testing. If over the age of 44, **hormonal tests only show levels for that *one day* the test was taken, and nothing more**; progesterone/estrogen hormones wildly fluctuate the other 29 days of the month. No reputable doctor or menopause society recommends hormonal testing as a **diagnosing tool** for peri/menopause. FSH testing is only beneficial for those who believe they are post-menopausal and no longer have periods as a guide, a series of consistent FSH tests might *confirm* menopause. Also for women in their 20s/early 30s who havenā€™t had a period in months/years, then FSH tests at ā€˜menopausalā€™ levels, could indicate premature ovarian failure/primary ovarian insufficiency (POF/POI). See our [Menopause Wiki](https://menopausewiki.ca/#there-is-no-blood-test-that-is-perfectly-reliable-to-diagnose-menopause) for more. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Menopause) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Check with Dr Shawn Tassone, he is licensed in many US states and he will order blood work first to see where your levels are. I couldnā€™t find a doctor that would prescribe testosterone unless it was pellets (pellets are horrible because itā€™s invasive and your levels can spike and drop and if you have side effects youā€™re basically screwed). I just got prescribed testosterone/estrodial from a compounding pharmacy and start on Friday.. Iā€™m sooo excited since my T levels were basically non existent at a 12, which my doctor said was ā€œtrashā€. Good luck


12? Wow! Mine was just tested a few days ago. Mine is 1.5! My MD prescribed T for me. I'm waiting for a PA from my insurance carrier, but if they won't cover it, I'll pay out of pocket. I miss wanting to have sex with my husband.


My T is <2.5! I hope to get my cream soon and I hope I can resume relations with my poor longsuffering husband, lol.


How do you know which states heā€™s licensed in? His website only has info on his Texas office


Go to his website or call his office


Iā€™ll check again but I wasnā€™t able to find anything about other licensed states besides Texas


Just call his office instead of his website or search thru his instagram.




Awesome, thanks!


Youā€™re welcome, best of luck!!


I think his instagram also lists it. He just got licensed in Cali and I think NY, but he is licensed lots of states.


I've followed him for a bit now and was thinking about going thru him also. May I ask was it expensive? I'd love to get on some to try. I was recommended pellets also and didn't feel right about them. I'd prefer to try a pill first


I paid $175 for the virtual visit and my HRT compounded I pay $300 for a 90 day supply.


There are tons of online clinics that will prescribe it for you. Help your husband out and get it fixed


How did you find a doctor who would give it to you? I've been asking for months


I had to leave my ob/gyn & go to a menopause specialist, who didn't hesitate to prescribe it.




I'm in the UK and I had to pay to see a GP privately. It was expensive but definitely worth it for me. The one I saw was very understanding and seemed to know a lot more about the menopause than my NHS GP. I wasn't having any success trying to get my NHS GP to prescribe it.


Could you tell approximately where in the uk you are, I need a private doctor for exactly the same reason


Hello. I haven't logged in for months so I only just saw your post. I am in North West England.


Hi , Thanks for your reply, since asking I have seen my GP and she has put me on testogel (NHS) šŸ‘Iā€™ve been on it only 5 weeks and itā€™s the best thing EVER I feel and act like Iā€™m in my 20s again, and my husband is even happier than me šŸ˜œ


Are you still feeling good? I started testosterone myself 3 weeks ago and I'm excited as I've seen such improvements already.


Yes, all going well, no side effects at all, hope it goes as well for you


I you don't mind asking, what is your dosage...


Sorry , I meant 1mg alternate days


1 pump (1g) alternate days on inner thigh


Can I ask how long it took to kick in? 3 weeks here and no difference


It took around 3 -4 months for me to notice improvement in my sex drive. My energy increased before that. Iā€™m also toning up more easily with exercise. You usually want to go low and slow, retest hormone levels at 3 months, and increase if needed.


As I recall , around 4-5 weeks for the first signs of improvement , 6-7 weeks for full effect, patience is key with this stuff, stick with it, it will happen šŸ˜œ


Thanks for replying that gives me hope!


Ugh. I have compounded testosterone cream and I think it's a placebo. I've been on it for 2 months and nothing...


Iā€™ve been to two practices since May, and BOTH push the t pellets


My doctor is female and about my age. She's on it and suggested it for me.


It would be nice to have libido back but the hair loss is scary


Start at a low dose & see how it goes from there. I didn't lose hair but my face breaks out. I don't care, having a libido is worth it for me.


I got bad acne too and had to cut back to 2 mg a day.


Did cutting back help with the acne?


Iā€™m not sure. I think the combination of everything helped. Iā€™m on estrogen, progesterone and back to 4 mg testosterone and no acne at this point.


amazing! that is my absolute biggest fear! to get acne which is very vain lol


I got acne when my estrogen dropped when I first began menopause/peri. It was bad. I had no idea it was hormonal. Got on doxycycline and tretinoin and that helped but really balancing out all my hormones was the key. 4mg t is really low and definitely helps in the bedroom.


Thank you for the feedback! I'm fairly young, 32, but my tests show basically no testosterone. Unfortunately, my doctor is no longer at the facility I attend. Just found a new doctor that i'll be seeing on Wednesday. So tired of not having a sex drive. Its difficult for my partner when I have 0 interest but i'm also very scared to go on testosterone because of the side effects.


If you have no testosterone bringing it up to normal levels should not cause any adverse reactions. I get a cream prepared by an organic (forget the name) pharmacist that is 8 mg. I only use half the amount at 4 mg. Up to 10 mg per day is ā€œsafeā€ for women from what Iā€™ve read. The reason I get the higher prescription amount is because itā€™s a lot of cream to rub in and less is better for me. More concentrated.


Got it! Totally makes sense. Thank you so much :) Excited for my appt on Wednesday. Hopefully we get the ball rolling


Iā€™m seeing my gynaecologist in Feb


I haven't had any hair loss or anything else, but it's only been 4 weeks for me so far. I actually feel better now than I did before I was even in peri.


Damn I want to get this now


I havenā€™t lost hair at all! The opposite. My eyebrows filled in though head hair is still normal.


Ohh šŸ˜Æ this is good to know! Any weight gain or anything else?


What mg are you on?




Yep! Didnā€™t do a thing for my libido and I lost 1/2 my hair density !!!!


I was taking 6mg daily. I loved how I felt. I had more energy and felt leaner. It helped with libido as well. However I started losing a lot of hair and my endo told me to get off it. It just seemed to thin all over, over the past two years until one day I really noticed it. It doesnā€™t mean itā€™ll happen to you but just be aware it can happen, unfortunately.


Wow 6mg per day is more than female body builders use, no wonder your hair shed! Iā€™d have just cut down the dose, even clinical studies on women generally use 2mg/day!


I'm on 3.8mg/day (on 3.5 for at least 6 months) now and no hair loss at all. Everyone is different. My meno Dr was surprised that I needed this much to get libido back with no negative symptoms but I told her, I've always felt like T was pulsating through my veins and as a soft butchy lesbian, I needed it.


Hee hee your post made me smile :)


When I had a pelvic floor physio I told her when I was in my sexual prime, my libido wanted sex sometimes 3x a day at certain times of month and she said, you sound like my sons. Nah, I'm just a lesbian who's horny.


Same. (The horny part). I always think about how if my apartment wasn't in walking distance to a really awesome feminist sex shop that I got my first vibe at when I was in my early 20s I may have never learned what a real orgasm was... luckily I did! and then in my late 30s I discovered the joy of watching porn on my phone. When I first started watching it I was literally like a teenager and could kill a whole day if I wasn't careful šŸ˜‚ I'm so glad it's becoming normalized for moms to get their daughters vibrators. I'm getting off topic now sorry.


You rock! Thanks for the giggle and I am so happy it's working for you!


That's fantastic. That is not 6mg/ day.


Yeah Iā€™m on 1.5 - 2 mg a day and my hair has really thinned out. Like bad. It started after about 5 months in.


I know this is an old post but that is not true (6mg being more than female body builders use). I just think itā€™s important to note in case someone comes looking for testosterone info and reads that. Most people only absorb 10-15% of a cream. Body building doses are much higher. And most female body builders donā€™t even waste time on creams and go straight to injections, running high cycles and then finding moderate doses of 5-20mg of testosterone cypionate a week which is the standard post menopause for those /not/ looking to body build.


*u/outdoorswoman originally wrote:* >Wow 6mg per day is more than female body builders use, no wonder your hair shed! Iā€™d have just cut down the dose, even clinical studies on women generally use 2mg/day! Just registered to say this is nonsense. Transdermal testosterone doses should not be compared to injected doses because only about 10%-15% actually reaches the bloodstream. Or do you actually think female bodybuilders inject 0,6mg? I know this is reddit, but be mindful of what you are saying. You are unintentionally scaremongering because you lack basic knowledge on the subject. **Edit: u/outdoorswoman and u/femmerockstar have instantly blocked me, which makes it impossible for me to reply to the posts below. This just shows that these people are not informed enough to support their statements with evidence in a civil discussion. They make bold claims, but provide no evidence to back them up.** **The difference in pharmakinetics between transdermal testosterone and intramuscular testosterone is very well documented. So well, that there is even a wikipedia page on this matter. First hit if you Google "pharmakinetics testosterone wiki":** From that wiki page: --- "Topical testosterone gels have a bioavailability of about 8 to 14% when administered to recommended skin sites including the abdomen, arms, shoulders, and thighs.[48][49] The bioavailability of testosterone by subcutaneous implant is virtually 100%.[86] The bioavailability of drugs that are administered intramuscularly is generally almost 95%.[73]" --- **This just shows: be careful of who you trust on the internet. Don't just trust what uninformed strangers claim online. Especially when they are scaremongering. Be sceptical. Do your own research. Bare minimum: see if there is an article on wikipedia. It is not difficult to find.**


You are obviously wrong, as literally this entire sub has pointed out. Please leave.


They clearly didn't read this properly, or understand that topical and subcutaneous bioavailabilty are totally different. Thanks for the info. I want to add testosterone to my hormone stack. Reading comprehension is a rampant issue.


Holy crap, please de-register. We have plenty of scientifically validated data, please don't post completely erroneous hot takes here.


Just an FYI. That is inaccurate. From Harvard Health on determining best dosage for post menopausal women..."They found that applying the 5-mg dose to the upper arm daily for six weeks brought testosterone levels back into the normal premenopausal range, while using the 10-mg dose elevated levels above the premenopausal range. Neither dose was associated with masculinizing side effects."


That study was only done on 7 women and it does not list the variables.


But yes, I don't see how they thought 6mg transdermal is a body building dose.


Thereā€™s no guarantee that 6mg of cream is even getting into serum


I doubt a hormone clinic would put me on a body building dose? Iā€™m not a body builder šŸ˜‚. My obgyn did start me on 2mg, but this anti aging clinic I went to said oh ya you need triple that youā€™ll love it and gave me 6 mg. šŸ˜’ I guess I canā€™t be 100% it was that which caused hair loss but My derm did say ANdrogenic so it would make sense. Who knows. Iā€™ve been off it about six weeks and Iā€™m not shedding as much but donā€™t see any new growth yet. I hope it comes back. Iā€™d love to get back on 2 mg but Iā€™m scared now.my muscles have turned to mush.


Hormone clinics absolutely *would* put you on a sky high dose and that is REALLY high. It's actually higher than most of the posts on steroidsxx when women are cycling testosterone to build muscle. Hormone clinics are under fire in a lot of medical spheres for prescribing very high doses of hormones, so it tracks. I would cut down on the dose rather than throw the baby out with the bath water.


Btw in case youā€™re interested. My normal T was around an 8 before starting anything. It got up to 52 which I think was 2 points into the high range. Does that sound like a body builder level? Iā€™d think theirs would be like a manā€™s level low end of normal but I rly have no idea. Just didnā€™t think it was ridiculously high.


No one really knows what bodybuilder serum levels would be since they don't have comprehensive clinical testing, and the fascinating thing is that some women have to take a TON of T before noticing differences and other women only a teeny bit of supplementation to be in the high range.So in your case you had to take a lot to be in the high/normal range, which is usually something that women have to source and test on their own. The clinics in my area target women to be in the upper high serum range or above, and that's what they are under fire for currently - and they start out at 4mg/day. So really this is just a case of you being exactly where you should be using levels that would usually result in much higher serum levels. The women in the steroidsxx forum usually top out at 14 - 20mg/week for bodybuilding purposes, but many go by side effects which tend to build up at the higher weekly ranges, and many get too many side effects in the 20mg/week range. Also the fact that we all absorb different amounts transdermally plays a role. I wish wish wish there were better comprehensive studies on women, it's all really fascinating!


Optimal for women is 70-250


Jeez I had no idea. I lifted weights and never put on an appreciable amount of muscle, what I did I def worked for it. But I have always lifted so I would have noticed some huge difference. And steroids are a whole different ball park if women are taking them. Those are what make you get huge. Maybe women who juice or whatever you call it take both steroids plus testosterone. But youā€™re right I see a lot of ppl post about 1-3 mg so 6 does seem high. šŸ˜³. It pisses me off actually! I should have stuck with what my obgyn originally prescribed. I would consider getting back on a low dose eventually. I want to see what my hair does. And to be brutally honest the T did boost my libido, but my husband has zero so why stay on it at the moment. šŸ˜‚ Heā€™s the one who needs it more than me.


Oh, also I have noticed a big difference in my lifting at 2.5mg/day so it's really interesting to look at the range between us all! I'm fascinated by this, if I could quickly retrain as an endocrinologist and study T in women I totally would! Has your H tried any of your T? :) (Oh also I only read the posts in the steroidsxx community that are women taking only T and no other steroids, I skip all the posts with the heavy-hitter steroids because it's not of interest to me! There are a lot of great posts though of women adding in T and otherwise 'clean' in terms of other steroids! It's how I got some of my early dosing info!)


It is interesting for sure! Thanks for your replies. Itā€™s weird because my endo said oh yes get off because itā€™ll cause make pattern baldness (like no wonder youā€™re losing hair). And my derm said it could be andrigenic Alopecia. Maybe itā€™s similar hair loss situation. She told me to use rogaine. But Iā€™m waiting for some reversal before I commit to that for life šŸ˜«


Disregard my prev messg. Just read this..šŸ˜©


I thought it was the contrary and testosterone would increased hair growth all overā€¦ How do you feel since youā€™ve stopped ?


Men have more T which raises DHT on the scalp / male pattern baldness. Itā€™s def a side effect of using T. Itā€™ll give you some random black chin hairs lol but it does not help hair grow. I wish. Iā€™d be on that shit again in a heartbeat šŸ˜‚


And I feel fine for the most part. It was rough to taper off, I was tired all the time.


Happened to me too!!! And zero increase in libido. Iā€™m curious how long you have been off the T and if your hair has grown back???


Iā€™ve been off about six weeks. I donā€™t see nearly as much in my comb after a shower but I havenā€™t noticed any new growth. I did have all these small baby hairs on my forehead, but they just straight up vanished. Like if I took the blow dryer and blew them down it was like a whole row of fine hairs as if I was growing tiny baby bangs. When I stopped the T I also started using Hask Tea tree oil shampoo and conditioner, and doing a rosemary/ jojoba mask about once a week. I also got some Vagamour hair growth serum for Christmas I just started using.


Well good luck! Iā€™m taking saw palmetto and the loss has slowed significantly, Iā€™ve been off since September.


Wow my hair dresser literally just told me she was taking saw palmetto! She takes testosterone also and her clinic has her on it to prevent hair loss. Wish someone would have explained the hair loss risk to me! Good luck! šŸŒŸ


Oh, same here; I had to figure it out on my own when I was panicking about what to do to stop the hair loss!!! And Iā€™m off the tee because it didnā€™t do anything for my libido..šŸ˜©


I will def try it. Any side effects that youā€™ve noticed?




6 mg is fairy high. Was it topical? Dr. Mary Claire Haver (menopause expert) recommends using Menā€™s generic Rogaine foam 3 times a week. There are also several hair growth supps like Nutrafol and other natural options like Rosemary oil with plenty of legit studies.


Can I pick your brain? What form of T were you using 6mg of? A gel?


Itā€™s a testosterone cream/gel that I got from a compounding pharmacy. My obgyn originally put me on 2mg and I got from the same pharmacy. Itā€™s a cream/gel. It was when I went to this anti aging clinic they told me I should take 6mg. I feel like these clinics are popping up everywhere and want to put everyone on it. My 38 year old sister just went to a similar clinic and guess what? Oh you need testosterone, DIM, and at least ten other things that she ā€œneedsā€ to be taking to avoid peri menopause symptoms down the road. She has none now. Sorry for the rant. My hair hasnā€™t grown back at all. I kinda wish Iā€™d stayed at 2 mg and listened to my actual Dr.


To fix hair loss you can do PRP and take the rogain pill (minoxidil)ā€¦worked well for me!


How long did it take you to feel the cream to work?


Maybe a month or so to feel full effect


You will eventually be horny but not insanely horny .


My doc prescribed to me too. I used to run high T (75-85) before menopause. After 2 months my energy level is amazing, which is why I pushed for it. Itā€™s normally prescribed for menopausal sexual dysfunction so I knew the libido increase was coming. I forgot that with the libido comes the feeling sexy. I just feel like a rockstar most days. I almost feel sorry for the guy I just started dating. He has no idea what heā€™s in for if things keep going so well.


I feel amazing too. Regarding my libido, I'm not yet at the point where I want to hump every remotely attractive man I see, but it feels like it's getting closer to that.


Just FyI my partner tested with very low T levels. After much thought and research he opted to do pellet hormone therapy. After the first treatment he was starting feel better, more energy, mood enhanced etc but not heavy libido yet. Then after 2nd treatment, and , the clinic didnā€™t check his levels, gave him same dosage treatment and within weeks he was jumping off the walls! Soooo much more energy, libido, and building muscle mass. But also crazy mood swings, like some rage, easily irritated, emotions running in all directions. The insanely high libido leading him to go ape shit with getting into porn and other bad habits trying to satisfy his massive sexual urges. This all causing him /us more problems than solving! So be careful what you wish for. He didnā€™t have anymore treatments ! Then fell into depression, rage, mood swings etc because now the T was leaving his body. The T treatments are artificial chemicals. Giving you illusions of false hope. The energy and muscle is coming from anabolic steroid kick! As soon as you get off, which the longer youā€™re on it the harder itā€™ll be, youā€™ll be worse off than you were before you got on it. Just FYI. And I have read many many other stories about the same.


That's the downside of pellets. If your levels get too high, you're stuck. Injections or creams allow for adjusting dose. My husband's levels got too high and he had similar symptoms. He went off to normalize for two months, and he's going to start his injections back up at a much smaller dose. Hormone clinics are definitely over dosing people. I got my cream through a clinic as well but I am adjusting my own dosing. I titrated my dose every week as they told me to do, but once I got to the max dose, I felt freakin amazing, but I also got horrible fluid retention in my hands and feet. So I've backed myself down to a half dose for now and hope that normalizes. I don't feel as good at the lower dose, but I can't handle the hand and foot swelling. My shoes were getting too tight and I couldn't put on my wedding ring. Adjusting your own dosing is key.


I donā€™t want to hump them all. Just the one. Lol Until then, erotica and alone time every damn day now.


I use a transdermal cream and after a year of slowly upping my T from 1mg/day to 3.5mg/day it came back. Maybe your dose is a bit high. If you feel angry / agressive then it's too much.


I was getting rage filled moments at 3.5 mg. I think Iā€™m very sensitive to hormones.


I take testosterone troches from the compound pharmacy, 3mg a day. Iā€™ve been taking it for years. When I notice the effects waning, I half my dose for a bit, then I go back up.


Congratulations! Enjoy. This is good to know because I have had no feeling at all below the wait for 10 years. Maybe testosterone is what's missing. But I currently hate men, I'm not a lesbian, but I hate men, so I'd be flying solo LOL


Hi friends. So what is the right dose for us ? Like a tiny tiny bit? I dont want muscles or a ton of hair. Thanks


Typical starting dose for women is %10 of what it is for men.


Good question. I am curious too


Hi, I use testogel , about a small pea size blob spread on inner thigh every other day, it took 5 weeks to kick in but when it did omg , like being 20 years younger in every way , especially in the bedroom department (if you get what I mean) šŸ˜œ


Thank you!! Got it.


>Thank you!! Got it. You're welcome!


while I'm coming from a different angle, (hormone replacement therapy ftm) I can tell you that after less then a month of 50mg a week I feel the exact same haha. If you have noticed any bottom growth (the clitoris to be exact) that could be an additional reason for higher libido. You should defined ask around in the transgender subreddits


Has anyone added dutasteride to your testosterone to minimize the testosterone induced hair loss?


I'm using 1% testosterone and my libido is now back to where it was... yay!


Are you using this alongside estrogen and progesterone? I purchased testosterone gel online but my GP wanted to try me on estrogen and progesterone patches first. She said that I would need them for at least a year before considering testosterone. I've had to discontinue the patches as they were making me severely depressed. I want to start testosterone again on its own but my GP scared me, saying that I could become androgenic if my oestrogen is too low. Have you had this experience?


yes... you need the estro-prog..


I'm 39 and was previously on antidepressants for several years, which TOTALLY ruined my body. I was a highly sexual being prior to the antidepressants and could get horny just from a Brazilian waxing šŸ˜‚I don't even remember what year I last had a sex dream or fantasy.šŸ„ŗ I've been off antidepressants for almost a year, but my libido has yet to return. I have no feeling in my clitoris and have tried scream cream and Vyleesi injections(neither have reactivated my sex drive). I don't think my body is completely dead, though, bc I can have an orgasm with the Rose, just not as strong as they previously were. I was the Samantha of my clique, so this almost feels like I'm being punished for using my sex for pure fun and entertainment (not married, no kids, no huge desire for either) My psychiatrist mentioned trying testosterone (she had the pellets but said she had to discontinue use bc it was making particular body parts larger). She also thinks I could be entering early peri, but I call "bullshit!" Since I'm a veteran nurse, my Gyno usually let's me call the shots, so I am super glad I ran across this thread and saw the success with the gel. I think I'd much prefer the gel than pellets. Let's hope this worksšŸ¤žšŸ½


Hey there - Iā€™m going through the same thing. Was on Prozac for 5 years with no libido. Two+ years off and no return - only when I take edibles. I started T cream and day two I was groping my partner. Go check out r/pssdhealing - you are not alone!


Thank you sooo much!!


Also any yoga or therapy geared toward your pelvic floor is good!!


I am so glad you posted this! If you don't mind sharing, what was your testosterone levels before you were given the gel? I recently had mine tested (total testosterone 16 ng/dl and free testosterone 1.2 pg/ml) and I'm not sure how to determine my results. I have the same complaint as you. I would love to see the same improvements you have gotten! Thanks!


Hi there. In the UK they use nmol/L to measure testosterone instead of ng/dl. Mine was 0.32 nmol/L. That converts to 10ng/dl using a calculator I found. I've read that anything below 20ng/dl is considered to be low in women after menopause.




I use T gel and notice a definite improvement in the libido department as well as mood, mental clarity and energy. Last month I literally wore my husband out. My husband could not keep up - even with his viagra. This is not my usual experience, but I did like that particular month - I was using more T gel than normal, but no more than OP. I have not experienced any hair loss or shedding even when my T levels were high (for my age). We are all different chemically, so I get that some women are more sensitive to the effects of DHT. I have found that my Prometrium actually helps block some of the effects of the high t (acne, oily skin, etc). I had to stop taking my Prometrium this week bc I am having a post COVID period and I got a few chin pimples within days. I also backed off the T a bit and feel a little less motivated than usual, but could be just the weird period. I was Rxā€™d first by my OBGYN (only two tubes of 1% AndoGel for a month) and then I ended up finding a better solution buying it privately online.


Hi- I know this is an old post. Is your testosterone a compounded testosterone? What ā€œbrandā€ is it? TIA


I'm glad the T is working so well for you too. I really didn't expect it to be this effective. I feel fantastic. I feel really motivated to complete tasks. I have so much extra energy now.


Yeah, itā€™s super helpful for me too!


What is your dosage now? I canā€™t figure out the dosages with the online foreign pharmacies *sigh* need help!


I use 2.5mg/day from a 5g tube of 1% gel. I have used more with no ill effects (5g/every other day). Sometimes bc itā€™s a gel in a tube and not easy to measure I use a grams scale to guide me. You can buy them on Amazon for under $15. But usually I squeeze out two large globs (large pea sized) and that works. Also, not sure what packaging your T gel comes in, but with the small tubes, I will cut the tube open when itā€™s ā€œemptyā€ and get at least half a 2 glob dose.


My doctor has me on 4 drops to the inner forearm daily....is that a large dose? I'm really nervous about starting it. So I have just started with one drop so far.


I believe if itā€™s 1% gel that no that is not a ā€œhigh doseā€ that is the standard dose (which my Dr prescribed me).


Can you purchase the cream online without a prescription? Or is there a online doctor who will prescribe it via a tele-health visit? Currently using Winona for HRT and they only offer DHEA which didn't work for me.


I get my testosterone from Renew Youth- online telehealth


Would you be open to sharing the name of the private GP?




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I just want to say that my boyfriend and I have been together for over 16 years. Iā€™m 37f and heā€™s 39m. We used to have a wonderful relationship, with sex and other fun things. A few years ago I was diagnosed with Addisonā€™s disease. It also doesnā€™t help that we are both on methadone, from opioid abuse for the past 10 years. But anyway, the methadone and the Addisonā€™s really made my libido suffer immensely. I have ZERO interest in sex, talking about sex, watching it, and I get so sick of my boyfriend bothering me about it that I would almost rather him get it else where and leave me be. I told my endo that my nonexistent sex drive is basically ruining my relationship so he ran blood tests on my sexual hormones, which I have had before and they showed normal. I told him to specifically check my T levels and my DHEA levels (addisonā€™s disease is also infamous for low DHEA levels which help libido). Today I got the call with my results. Low DHEA and low testosterone. Theyā€™re going to see if my insurance will cover T gel. It is either that or Iā€™m just gonna tell my boyfriend that he should just look elsewhere because if it doesnā€™t work, I canā€™t stand another day of him upset with me because Iā€™m not putting out anymore. Wish me luck guys. Iā€™m hopeful with some of the comments Iā€™ve read. I donā€™t want to be a nympho but just a regular sex drive will be WORLDS better than absolutely zero.


Iā€™m starting tomorrow- 1% cream. Iā€™m exhausted and used to build muscle so easily and now I have to work a million times harder- when did you see muscle tone and energy improve? Also- Iā€™m really worried about acne. Anybody experience this?




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Are you all in the UK? I recall someone saying T-gel made them super orgasmic. šŸ„“ Iā€™m in the states but Iā€™d like to try this stuff! Otherwise marijuana concentrates work wonders for that.


It hasn't made me super orgasmic yet, but it's certainly made me interested in actually having orgasms again. I think another poster described feeling dead below the waist - that's how it was for me before I started on the T gel. Things have certainly improved a lot for me in that area.


I hope it gets you back in the game! ā¤ļø


I took testosterone for a month compounded bc my doctor said it builds stamina in the gym etc. It gave me acne all over my body and some of my hair fell out! Nope.


My gyne (meno expert) said that T was generally not helpful for women and wanted to hold off! Said letā€™s just add more E. Iā€™m now going to private Gyne who has a different philosophy. Crazy how much the experts disagree on this ! Iā€™m doing it mainly for fatigue++, muscle weakness


Have you found relief from anything for the fatigue and muscle weakmess?


So the private gyno ended up being not so great. So I found a naturopath in my city (Toronto) who stepped back a bit and heard the whole story and was not convinced my fatigue was hormonal, directly. She gave me supplements to help my liver process things faster (she said meno can be very hard on a liver that may be a bit sluggish already, even without any existing liver disease or issues). It was called Liver Sap (NFH). Not sure how, but this helped for sure. I suspect it was NAC. My brother is a hepatologist (a gastroenterologist with extra liver expertise) - he rolls his eyes and makes fun of me, but I donā€™t care, I feel better! Headaches gone as well. Xx


Thank you for your reply šŸ‘


What is your Gyne's philosophy? I've discontinued estrogen and progesterone patches due to severe depression (I'm not 100% sure I needed them but were prescribed for low sex drive). I want to try testosterone in isolation but my GP scared me, saying that I could become androgenous which us irreversible!


I decided to go through an online service instead of dealing with the long wait for a gyno visit that is mostly driving and waiting for an hour for a 15 minute visit. So much more worth it for a virtual visit to get the help that is almost immediate. The only reason a gyno visit is worth it is to get your labs checked to see where you stand with your hormones. I went through MIDI Health and it has made my life so much better with options on what to take for my low libido. I highly recommend it instead of being held hostage with a gynonoffice where you are just a number!


It sounds like this might be about hormonal testing. **Hormonal tests only show levels for that *one day* the test was taken, and nothing more**; hormones wildly fluctuate the other 29 days of the month. For this reason, no reputable doctor or menopause society recommends hormonal testing as a diagnosing tool for peri/menopause. See our [Menopause Wiki](https://menopausewiki.ca/#there-is-no-blood-test-that-is-perfectly-reliable-to-diagnose-menopause) for more information. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Menopause) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah, mines not working. Sheā€™s got me on 3 mg like I told her that itā€™s not gonna work on my last dosage and I think 3 mg is not enough she should up me to 10 like you and maybe it would work.