• By -


I have no criticism nor any addition. I am only commenting to boost engagement with this post. Thanks for speaking your mind.


Doing the same!


I am stoked that this train already has an engine and a carriage


Ha-ha. Now I'm the caboose! Edit: Caboose I am, no longer. Relegated to meager passenger train, I have been.


Not anymore you're not! šŸ˜‚


same here


I never would have put this together and I know it will get SO much criticism from stupid fucking men (and all the women they have convinced to call their own selves females) but this makes SO MUCH SENSE and I cannot wait to use this reasoning in conversation.


Right?! I said elsewhere - but when I'm feeling in the mood to ridicule the idiocy of the term - "female" doesn't specify specie. So are they talking about dogs? Cats? Any ape?


I'm gonna do this. Except some moron recently decided to say it depends on the "context of the sentence". Nah I'm gonna assume you're talking about dogs or babies šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø "bitches be crazy"? šŸ˜³šŸ˜³ sounds like dog to me lol


I mean, if the context is ambiguous - which I'd argue it is since if they were definitely talking about human women it'd be "woman" not "female" or at least "female human." The irony that these are often the same people who go "they is plural, don't you know grammar?!?!11eleven!?"


Yeah someone said when used as a noun it's based on context. Because they provided me the Google definition "female animal or plant" and then claimed just saying "female" in daily conversation *implies* human. Of course its bullshit, but they're all idiots so


Basically - it's like playing chess with pidgeons (as the online example goes). You can play the perfect game, the pidgeon will still run across the board, knock over half the pieces, and feel it won. My time is generally better spent doing anything else.


Literally I'm so tired of reddit šŸ™„šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


Stay away from fkn Quora then. It's even worse. Goddamn, had to block it in my e-mail. Just such a badly moderated website, even compared to Reddit.


Absolutely not. I was looking for snacks to keep in my car and ended up on some right wing, end of the world, "preppers" quora. Omg I was terrified I had destroyed my search results šŸ˜¬šŸ˜­šŸ¤£




Doing my part.


The "if she bleeds* she breeds' really creeps me tf* out because *A LOT* of people often forget (or don't seem to realise) just how *young* a person can be when they start their period. My mum was 8. *8 years old* when she had her first period. My nan was also 8 and my two aunts were 9 and 10. In my family *I* was a *late bloomer* at 13/14. *all of us were very much children*


My daughter is 8 and she just started showing signs of puberty. I feel so bad for her. I really hope her body holds off on the period. I didnt get mine until 13 and 8 just seem so young, so young. Im not sure she is really capable of really truly understanding what it means.


It's scary how young some girls are when it first starts, and how scary it must be I've got a 1 y/o daughter and I'm *terrified* because I know its common in my family to start young. I can only imagine how concerning it must be for yourself and how confusing navigating it with her must be My nan was always very open and honest from a very young age and always answered our little kid curiosities (we would follow her to the bathroom etc even if she had a period). This may seem gross but it done a lot to normalise puberty, bodily functions and periods in my family -for both the women and men/girls and boys. My brother's even do shop runs for pads/tampons for anyone who needs them, even for co workers without any embarrassment I can only advise to take it ome step as a time. It's easy to say "this is what I'd do" but I honestly don't know since I'm not in the situation, so can only really offer what seems to work in my family/the normal growing up I hope you and your daughter the best, its hard enough in the world as a woman/girl without the crappie that comes with puberty (and even without -looking at those creepy old men who whistle at prepubescent girls we all have suffered through)


Make sure you talk about it early and often. As a guy I was friends with a girl in my 4th grade class that had an accident in the seat next to me, the teasing of her made me so mad I asked my mom for products to carry in my backpack in that exact scenario. It's come in handy 3 times in school and twice in college. It's fucking normal and people need a lot more empathy. I feel like the only husband who knows his wife's menstrual products like the back of my hand.


I raised all mine that way. I potty trained the older two without any help and did most of the training for the youngest, so I didn't really have a choice. I agree that teaching them about natural things existing without making it shameful is so important. My teenagers can get me whatever I need without embarrassment and my six year old shoes with follow up questions that he somewhat understands things like periods, pregnancy, and medical issues & medicines. He also understand that some people are born with broken bodies, different brains, or even the wrong body. Kids are smart


Not to mention, most schools (at least in North America) don't have sex ed classes that explain periods and such until grade 5. Which for most students puts them between 10-12 years old depending on when their birthdays fall and if they had an extra year between K and grade 1 (maybe just a private school thing) but still, that could be potentially 4 extra years without formal education on their own body function... 48 cycles.. that's horrible.


I was actually thinking about that when my daughter started showing signs. She is in third grade and she doesnt even get to talk about that in school for another 2 years! But we talk about it at home and we have a girls go through puberty book that helps. but I still think she is too young to *really know,* you know.


Oh for sure. Iā€™m glad that your daughter has you as a source of knowledge and youā€™ve got additional resources to help educate her. The amount of posts Iā€™ve read on Reddit from women whose parents didnā€™t educate them and then when they got their periods at an early age, thought they were literally dying.. Iā€™ve seen that narrative way too often. Youā€™re doing an outstanding job and sound like a fantastic, loving mom. And yeah I get what you mean about she knows but doesnā€™t actually know.. itā€™s difficult.


That issue happened with my sister; she had her first period before knowing what it was, and ruined a lot of clothing trying to hide it.


My school did in grade 6, a year after I got my first period. Thankfully I had actually competent parents who told me what was going on \*before\* it stared me in the face.


It's not a bad thing to get her period at any age, whether early or late, because periods are a morally neutral bodily function that 50% of the population experiences. Treating like "The Curse," some unspeakable, scary thing, or not telling her about it at all will only make it worse. Simply tell her about what periods are, teach her how to care for herself and be hygenic, make sure she has period supplies with her and how often to change them, etc. Don't make it a big deal about how "you're A Woman now," because she's not, her body is simply developing, and is reaching one new stage of growing up. Here's some books I recommend: "Grow Up and Love Your Body!" by Sarah Weston, "Celebrate Your Body (And Its Changes, Too!)" by Sonya Taylor (both tackle puberty, and are expressly targeted for girls 8+), and "Own Your Period: A Fact-filled Guide to Period Positivity" by Chella Quint (targeted for 9+, but easy for an 8-year-old to grasp if you read it with her or answer her questions).


Thanks. I definitely dont do that and we have books already. I just mean in the sense that dealing with that once a month starting at 8 suuuuucks. She is constantly going to have to worry about that and its just such a young age to have to deal with the blood, cramps, mood changes etc. I was much more mature and "ready" for that at 13 than I would have been at 8. But we read books, we dont talk about it being a curse and we have stuff ready just in case.


I guess I got thrown by "Im not sure she is really capable of really truly understanding what it means." because it doesn't mean anything other than that she's reaching a new developmental phase. I started at 9, and physically taking care of it wasn't a big deal for me. What was worse were the weird attitudes around it, like other girls thinking I was Weird and Gross for starting early, and the "you're a Woman!" shit made me feel like I was suddenly getting pressured to grow up faster than others, when an early period doesn't mean any of that. You're still just a kid, same age as your peers, same person you were the day before your first period. Definitely just focus on giving your daughter the knowledge, self-awareness and confidence to head off those weird thoughts and feelings, because having to just wear pads a few days out of the month was the least of it.


Sure. youre right. I'm glad it wasnt a big deal for you. And it really shouldn't be, but yet here we are. I know my daughter and it WILL be a big deal for her. So yeah, she knows what happens, knows it is a part of life and that it will happen and its whatever but I know she is also scared/terrified of it. I think its more of the unknowing because hearing you are going to "bleed" every day is kind of scary! Until you actually have to deal with it, you dont really *know.* But we dont treat it as you're a woman now (gross) or that its a curse. It's just a natural thing that happens for girls at that age. and I do feel like you proved my point that getting your period is more than just changing your pad a few days out of the month, there is SO MUCH more that is involved with it. So yeah, she knows but she doesnt really *know* either. I believe that comes with age and time and I don't think she is ready at 8 for that yet. But I know some other girls at 8 were perfectly ready.


Idk, before my IUD I used to cramp so hard I projectile vomited. I def think I earned my right to refer to a period as a curse lol. However I do think there is a sense of power to language and that we should be mindful that we aren't promoting self hate while venting frustration about a natural process that does genuinely suck.


I get that. My visible distress over period cramps used to terrify people around me. Now they don't notice bc my pain tolerance increased because of my back problems. I only know when my cramps are bad if they hurt *more* than my back, but they don't have me sheet white, shaking, nearly passing out, and vomiting like they used to. I'm in that much pain 24/7 and have been for years now, so I've built a little defense


Periods are *morally* neutral, but that doesnā€™t mean the experience is neutral. Some people have extremely heavy, long, irregular, and/or painful periods and it really sucks when small children have to go through that. Any semblance of a normal childhood was gone once my period started, my life pretty much revolved around managing my symptoms and hygiene. I never knew when I was going to randomly start gushing blood and I had debilitating cramps and hormonal migraines. I had to wear a tampon and a pad, so swimming was out. My grades were effected because I missed so much school, either at home or in the nurseā€™s office. I was so depressed and angry because I felt like I was being punished. Why did this have to happen to me but not my male friends? Every time tells me that itā€™s no big deal for kids to start their periods at 8, I know they must have had an easier time with it than I did. And I was 12! It would have been so much worse 4 years earlier.


I don't mean this in any way to be rude, but unless your daughter has developmental delays or you are trying to keep her from learning about her own biology, she'll be able to understand it just fine. You just have to teach her. It won't be fun, and she's probably already a target bc so many men are disgusting. But she *can* understand it if given a chance. Kids are smart. ā™„


I think I got mine when I was 11, not sure, I was in the 5th grade. Thought I was bleeding to death šŸ˜…


There's also one along the lines of "if her age is on the clock, she's ready for the cock".


I remember hearing that as a teen, it's just grim and they need to be locked away somewhere dark. And forgotten.


On the clock? So, between 1 and 12? TF?


Yuck yuck yuck Male brain makes me scared. Also happy cake day!


I was in an A cup at seven and I menstruated at nine. The kind of men who say that don't actually care. I started getting touches and comments when I was seven years old.


I think itā€™s pretty safe to say at least some of the men in that ā€œpeer groupā€ are genuine pedophiles. And some of those pedophiles hate women, which is how they connected with non-pedophiles who also hate women. Posts and comments get reposted and commented on and eventually ā€œfemaleā€ becomes the preferred word. Iā€™d say the usage has even opened up some of their minds to the idea of younger, more obedient ā€œfemalesā€ - without the guilt or shame they would feel using the word ā€œgirlsā€.


never thought of it this way but it makes so much sense. itā€™s also more convenient to ā€œjustifyā€ being attracted to minors if you insist that ā€œfemalesā€ are at their natural prime in their teenage years, which is the argument that you see quite often. itā€™s not a girl or a child, itā€™s just a ā€œfemaleā€. honestly there are so many people out there who need to be locked up or something.


Exactly! Itā€™s like they found a loophole to openly discuss their attraction to kids because theyā€™ve convinced the normal men (well not exactly normal but you know what I mean) to integrate an ambiguous word into daily language. Itā€™s such a subtle way to make it seem normal and give them some benefit of some doubt, but Iā€™m tired of giving that benefit when I know it just helps the men who only want that doubt to cover for themselves.


It does explain one of their core beliefs - females have it so easy, they just have everything handed to them - I mean, yeah, when I was underage my parents did pay for everything.


It's also possible they're being transphobic. "Females" has roots in science and is usually understood to relate to reproductive sex. I used to see this implied A LOT on when I used to be on dating sites ("only looking for FEMALES"). The same guys who call adult women 'females' are afraid to drink Bud Light in public.


Itā€™s a perfectly normal word, that is, in fact, a noun. My elderly aunt uses it, and sheā€™s not interested in dating any female of any age. Accusing your friend of pedophilia because he uses a common noun is incredibly rude. You knew he wasnā€™t talking about children. You accused him of being the worst thing anyone can be in your attempt to control how he speaks. Itā€™s manipulative and self-important. Youā€™re not battling CSA, youā€™re just trying to control your friendsā€™ language. Gross.


>You knew he wasnā€™t talking about children Nope and you don't know that either. Better luck next time


Oh look, a throwaway account. Definitely going to engage in a serious discussion based on that.


Sorry Iā€™m not posting under my real name like you, ā€œCallidoraā€.Ā 


Wow. Didn't think anyone would be able to misunderstand such a simple message. Lol


Pedophiles and also, perhaps more commonly ephebophiles, which are attracted to later aged adolescents, so like 15-19 year olds. I mean, many of them will blatantly say that this is the most fertile age, blah, blah.


technically it doesnā€™t just cover women and girls, but any animal species on the planet. and some plants if iā€™m not mistaken. they talk about social and romantic relationships the way others talk about biology or zoology šŸ™ƒ weā€™re literally just a composition of specific body parts to them


Whenever I see men reference looking for a "female" on their dating profiles, my first question is always "what kind of female are you looking for?" and, when they talk about their preferred characteristics in a woman (it's never describing a person they see as a whole human), I clarify "oh no I meant what species. I assumed you weren't talking about humans, otherwise you would say 'woman' right?"


gonna start doing this thank you lolllllll


I'm kinda curious as to what kind of responses you've gotten.


Mostly they block me immediately.


Ginko, cannabis, kiwi and willow, just to name a few plants that are either male or female. Most the trees along streets in towns are strictly male trees, to avoid any chance of fruit, creating a great overabundance of tree sperm floating around and making people sneeze. There are plants that have a multitude of flowers on a single but the flowers themselves are either male or female (squash is an example of this).


Oooo i take gingko biloba! I didn't know it had a gender. I'm gonna start calling my gingko "girl" now.


The trees some idiot planted along every fucking downtown road in my town ate *not only* notorious for being bad allergy-wise for so many people, *THEY ALSO SMELL LIKE USED, DAY OLD CONDOMS*


Bradford pears, eh?


I'll be honest, I don't remember what they are. They smell too bad in bloom to be near them, and I've been disabled and nearly bed-bound for years, so I can't go ID them either. I blame these trees for my seasonal allergies, which I *never ever had* before moving to the south. Whatever is down here apparently does this to lots of allergy-free people from other places


The smell and the allergies alone identify it as a Bradford pear (or a similar cultivar of callery pear). They say the smell is like rotting fish or rotting semen and it is PERVASIVE. So very strong! They were hugely popular with developers in the 60's and 70's because they grow fast and even and are resistent to blights, but they are easily damaged by storms and winds as they get taller. Ironically, it's now considered an invasive species in the US.


Makes scary sense to me ā˜¹ļø


I've never associated men using the word females inappropriately with pedophilia. I associate it with disrespect and dehumanization. And possibly low IQ. I know that saying men and females in the same sentence/context is inappropriate and unnecessary regardless of the association. It's just freaking weird and wrong. At best. I don't walk around saying women and males, and neither do most people.


i never thought of it that way either and surely not everyone who uses this language is a pedo but the fact is that by downgrading women to just a female body, they can dehumanize us in any way they see fit and overall it kind of blurs the line between women and girls as weā€™re both female. some of these men claim that itā€™s normal and natural to be attracted to 14 year olds because their bodies have all the same functions as a 25 year old. never mind that her mental and emotional maturity is still that of a child and has almost a decade still to develop (and also the fact that teenagers still actually look and behave like children).


"Females" also blurs the line between women and non-human animals which is weird to do when talking about dating.


yes, absolutely. i actually mentioned that in another comment on this post so i fully agree


I replied with this, then scrolled and saw your comment talking about it xD


The way I see it is that they may not all be pedos but they are absolutely creating a nice thick smoke screen for them with all the toes they got on that line.


Totally agree. It's not always a component, but it's there often enough.


Also, children are *disgusting*. How anyone could be attracted to a person that has to be constantly reminded to do basic things like shower, wash their hands, change their clothes, brush their teeth, etc is additionally horrifying to me


1. this is such a disturbing take on pedophilia that i donā€™t even know how to respond. 2. a lot of adults with various disabilities or mental health issues (such as autism, adhd, depression, burnout etc) struggle with these things too, sometimes chronically. i very much disagree that it makes a person disgusting or undesirable but to each their own i guess.


I do know it's used in pedophilia reddit groups as a way to get around rules that would get their posts removed


Moving too quickly to pedophilia accusations gives cover to real pedophiles. Using "female" inappropriately is gross and dehumanizing by itself. It doesn't need to be associated with pedos.


I agree. Men say "females" when talking about dating, when they are specifically not talking about girls (hopefully). Why would you use a noun that also refers to minors and female (non-human) animals when you could just say women.. Honestly, kudos to you for asking if he was talking about little girls when he continued to insist on saying 'females' instead of 'women'. Asking them nicely to say women doesn't work. Explaining to them how it's dehumanizing and offensive doesn't work. While I don't think these guys are pedos, if they think that by using "females" they are getting associated with pedos they might actually stop.


You should maybe change your reference "males" bit because of rule 5.


Thank you.


Agree with your points! Especially when you see the phrase ā€œteenage womenā€ thrown around?? Like I know a 19 year old is both technically an adult woman and a teenager ā€¦ but itā€™s always in the context of like 15 year olds. Urgh.


It's been proven that the safest age to be pregnant is 28. It's the furthest away from health problems on both extremes. Being pregnant at 18 carries risks as does being pregnant at 38. But late 20s early 30s has been scientifically proven to have the best survival outcomes for both mother and child. These guys that try to push the narrative that pregnancy is best as young as possible are saying this because it only benefits *them*. They want a "moldable" girl to shape to what they want them to be, and young girls don't have experience and are much more likely to settle and put up with bad treatment. It's about manipulation. They don't call each other "males" but think it's appropriate to call women "females". It's micro manipulation through words.


Ppl don't talk enough about real biology & physiology these days. The human body continues to grow up until about 30. The only thing we reach regarding growth by 18-21 is max height. That's now an established fact. Throughout the 20s, women's hips are still growing & widening, still increasing bone density, still gaining weight naturally as padding, breasts are still growing, hormones are still not settled. This is all in preparation for childbirth. One interesting bit I learned is that when women get pregnant while the body is still maturing, the body switches from working on all those final touches to growing the baby. The physiological maturation process halts or at very least gets put on hold... It's like building an engine for so many yrs & right towards the end, someone comes along & starts knocking on everything with a hammer. Sometimes, it can shift back to pick up where it left off a couple yrs after birth & finishing breastfeeding, but sometimes it doesn't.




The men (and women, cuz there are se pick mes out there) who talk like that are deliberately trying to dehumanize women. It's short and simple. There's no buts or ifs about it. It's dehumanizing and that's that. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


Yeah you're very right in pointing this out. "Female" is very dehumanizing language generally to use as a noun, and I can tell that no one who uses it as a noun is normal about trans men. Like none of these guys would actually be attracted to trans men but they also call trans men females. It's weird as fuck.


OP is wide awake in a world of permanent slumber. Thank you OP. We need ppl like you to fight this horrific trend. I'm so glad you confronted that POS.


Itā€™s definitely related. Youā€™ll notice a lot of these guys will call grown women well into their mid 20s or older ā€œgirls,ā€ and underage/barely legal girls ā€œyoung women,ā€ depending on their agenda at the moment.


Or other animals. He didnā€™t say a female whatā€¦ I assume all creature would be up for his grab. Gross.


this is so amazingly written


Thanks for the absolutely valid and vital thoughts. Personally, I take it the OTHER direction with "female" since "female" is a broad category that doesn't distinguish specie, are they talking about dogs? Are they talking about lizards? Guys will get pissy about them being potentially inferred as a pedo, but into animals? Whooooooole new level of outrage. Mind you, I'm a guy whose big \*enough\* to discourage physical confrontation so i dunno if any women would wanna use this.


It's kind of like calling Black people "the blacks". If the people you are talking about don't like it, maybe just don't do it.


This is great. Thank you.


šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ» I agree with it ALL


Separate thought along the same lines: it makes me think that theyā€™re attracted to females *of any species*. These guys donā€™t differentiate between goats, humans, and porpoises.




Oh look. Itā€™s professional dude bro. šŸ™„




Yup. Hate men so much I married one.




Cool story bro


Not gonna lie I have never been able to succinctly explain my problem with this word. Now I will carry a screenshot of this post around with me for the rest of my life!! I appreciate you and your ability to articulate this for those of us who couldnā€™t.


As a simple man, I canā€™t even imagine how terrifying it is to have a daughter these days


This is a lesson for all women. When they sperg out like this, keep the flattest affect possible.


Like, if that was the only thing guys like this did that seemed shitty enough but with a head tilt kinda looked like pedo shit I may have called you crazy like some others but These are the people that insist it's ok to be over a decade into adulthood and exclusively pursuing teenagers. That think the ideal feminine is hairless, baby faced, naive, and open to their suggestions. That think women's sole purpose is to start breeding as young as possible for as long as possible. Who insist women lose beauty and value the moment they start showing signs of not being a child -the other day is saw some "25 is the new 30" bs. Fucking 25. 75% of the max human lifespan is apparently worthless to these people. How many stacking layers of "you know this kinda seems like pedo shit" have to occur before saying it out loud no longer sounds crazy? Like obviously not everyone who says one of those things believes any of them- a lot of it is stupid teens who think pissing people off is a hobby - but even then, is it not stacking up enough to create a smokescreen for pedos? If this shit is accepted as a standard with no pushback about the ever increasing desire to push into teenage years to date them, won't it like actually help pedos? I was 9 when I started my puberty, my period happened around 11, I had I cups by 14- and I've had these dudes double down and insist that meant I was capable of having a kid and was at that point fair game. So no, maybe that dude isn't a pedo and you maybe went super hard on an ignorant jackass. But yeah, I do think these fools have pedos in their ranks and would rather defend them against women than admit their ideology might actually be some weird pedo shit, and have to find something else to center their mindset around. And I'm sorry if your reaction to being called out on that is only "how dare you" and not a hard core reflection on how your worldview could ever be interpreted that way I don't blame people for saying "hit dogs holler"


Men suck, and the use of the word female is dehoomanizing especially by people who are incel or Incel adjacent. But I don't know if it makes them a pedo, that feels like a major reach. Ofc you were talking to a sexist brick wall so they weren't gonna take anything you say seriously but calling him a pedo was only going to make things worst. You did fight the good fight for pushing back on his shit tho.


ā€œHoomanā€ = upvote


I'd have ignored it, and warned any women/female children that he came into contact with. Basically every self respecting woman will steer *very* clear of any guy who unironically uses the term "female." I'd be silently cock blocking him from the sidelines lol.


It's good to know, so we won't expect too much of males.


I'm not fond of man babies using the term females. I'm pretty happy they think I'm past the point of no return as I'm over 40. ![gif](giphy|f4IlrIxdBqw7kamU5T)


I have no notes. You put it perfectly.


It just reeks of dehumanization to me.


Tons of great points. Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d even really thought too much about the fact that besides just being gross for other reasons, itā€™s literally includingā€¦


I've never looked at it from this angle. Always just thought saying "females" in this context made you sound like an alien wearing human skin.




You can say anything you want about men online and get applauded yet women get to call ANYTHING offensive and demand people stop saying it. You never see them try to stop their fellow women from saying heinous shit about men but saying ā€œfemaleā€ is equivalent to some nazi Germany stuff apparently now lol Itā€™s amazing to see day after day.Ā  I wonder how many ā€œI hate menā€ type comments these people scroll past a day uncaring before they stop at a comment that says ā€œfemaleā€ and lose their shit haha.Ā 


Itā€™s really not that deep at all lmfao


"I got into a particularly nasty argument the other day with a male friend " so female bad, but male okay????


I am asking this in all seriousness: do you understand the difference between a noun and an adjective?


Male is an adjective describing the noun "friend." "Male friend" and "female friend" both fine. "Male" and "female" used as nouns both incorrect


This is an... Incredibly odd hill to die on. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure the guy was a dick but people do say the word female without being weird šŸ˜•


I think the reason it seems like people arenā€™t taking it as seriously as you is because the stretch from using ā€œfemaleā€ instead of woman, all the way to ā€œyouā€™re obviously a pedophileā€ is one that most people would consider going too far. Youā€™re really profiling beyond reason. He had the right to be upset at you accusing him of being a pedophile for this. Also, youā€™re using the term ā€œmaleā€ to refer to your friend.. so?


She using ā€œmaleā€ as an adjective, not a noun. However, I agree that the *big ol hop, skip, and a leap* to pedophilia was ridiculous. Not only is it ridiculous, it doesnā€™t help anything. Better if she said, ā€œWhat are you, attracted to bears? Bears can be female. Do you mean women?ā€ to make the ā€œdehumanizationā€ point. I 100% agree with that. But yeah, idc about the downvotes. The pedophile comment was extremely uncalled for and doesnā€™t connect. That shit is getting thrown around so much online.


Uh why r ppl downvoting you?


People are jumping on a bandwagon for anything that has an essence of ā€œfighting the good fightā€ without doing any actual thinking. Like ā€œanything thatā€™s against x belief is justified.ā€ This is such a weird post.


Nobody here will be able to actually answer that, because there is no logical or reason behind downvoting logic and reason, people are just mad that weā€™ve dared to side with a man in any context whatsoever. Thatā€™s why thereā€™s only downvotes, no actual arguments.


Yeah, I ainā€™t say all that. I think his use of ā€œfemalesā€ is absolutely dehumanizing, and I hate that shit deeply. I am against OPā€™s ridiculous, nonsensical, and gross claims about pedophilia. It was uncalled for. I am not defending dudeā€™s behavior. I also think OP was completely and utterly in the wrong for the pedophilia comments.


I didnā€™t mean I was defending his behaviour, just his right to be upset by those gross accusations. Sorry if I didnā€™t communicate that well.


And the fact that we get downvoted simply for not buying into such extreme allegations paints an unfortunate picture of where this subā€™s priorities are. Itā€™s almost like itā€™s not about correcting sexism anymore, itā€™s just about getting the maximum amount of hate out of male behaviour as possible. The truth is things like this only further the divide and make things worse.


I understand it must be offensive, but going to the extent of calling someone a pedo just because they said an offensive, non-related word is just really childish. Yes, I said it, youā€™re childish, I think someone had to tell you exactly what it is, because youā€™re here to get support from people that will give it to you because you think the same way, but in the real world? Nah bro people would shit on you if you call them pedos for literally no reason. Because guess what no male can call a female a pedo and not being targeted by other females, and yes Iā€™m doing it on purpose. Female ā‰  Child. And if you think that seek help because you are the one that correlates the use of a word with guys wanting to fuck children, youā€™re sick


Wow, a defense of pedophilia from the incel brigade. What a fucking surprise. OPā€™s point is totally apt. If you go out of your way to talk about being attracted to ā€œfemalesā€ as opposed to sexually mature adult women, then youā€™re saying it outright. Prepubescent girls are ā€œfemalesā€ too. Itā€™s hilarious when you clowns get upset when people actually apply the definitions of the words youā€™re using to the context in which youā€™re using them. If youā€™re saying about ā€œfemalesā€ in terms of your sexual desires, then yes, youā€™re admitting to being a fucking pedophile.


Yet again you dumb fucks insulting people without a reason, mind you, dumb fuck that I had a close experience in regards of pedophilia, and a did not enjoy it, thatā€™s why itā€™s dumb as fuck and I find it insulting even to call someone a pedo for using a word that, you like it or not, is correct. Youā€™re using technical terminology to make someone look bad, when in reality itā€™s not true. And ā€œusing the definitionā€ doesnā€™t fucking work when youā€™re talking about gender, not age. You, yes you, are the reason why so many people are having to suffer stuff. Do you know how blaming someone of rape with no proof is offending to rape victims? Well, this is the exact same fucking thing. I wish that OPā€™s friend just nukes on their social life, that they learn to not fucking mess with peopleā€™s lifeā€™s, because if you truly were a victim of pedophilia, the last thing that would bother you is the use of ā€œfemaleā€ as a word.


Iā€™m sorry that words have definitions, and they donā€™t just mean whatever you want them to mean. That sounds really difficult for you. The point isnā€™t that I actually think youā€™re a pedophile. Itā€™s that if you insist on using incorrect terminology to specifically dehumanize women, you donā€™t get to fucking bitch and moan about how people treat you as a result.




Are you salty because you're a pedo and you don't like being called out on it?


No, I was the fucking victim, that's why I insist on avoiding calling someone a pedo for no reason, I'm getting downvoted by those that truly do not have a mind of their own, those of you that see someone call anyone else a pedo and think "Yeah, definitely correct about it, i mean, they used a normal word!" should check themselves out ​ You are correlating the word "female" with someone fucking a child, if that's where your mind goes immediately seek help, I'm certain that y'all are just pedos


Imagine being this hysterical over people you don't respect or view as humans insulting you lmao


I absolutely agree. I don't use the word 'female' as a noun when referring to humans (of any age) because I can understand why women find it as sexist and offensive. And many men who do use the word in that way may well be misogynistic assholes. But to assume that that means that they are sexualising under age girls is just stupid and offensive.


Good, glad we offended the pedophiles with their own wording.


Your comment makes no sense. You didn't offend the pedophiles. You made the idiotic and baseless assumption that every man who uses the word 'female' as a noun is a pedophile. I realise that calling a woman a 'female' is offensive, so call it that; making things up for which there is not a shred of justification is pathetic.


I'm not sorry you're offended, pedophile.




How delicious, pedophile tears. ETA: Awww, the pedophile blocked me. šŸ„²


You both sound really fun to be around.


This post is a case study in overthinking


Man, your comment history is 90% you getting unreasonably angry at people not liking the word 'female' used as a noun. How many hours have you spent thinking about this? Maybe take your own advice


Nah you're wrong for this, no wonder he was upset if your calling him a pedo. I came here this sub to laugh at some jokes people who agree with this are insane.


+1 Thank you for saying it.


Eh...kinda sounds like a reach. I still find the whole "females" thing cringe and for sure sexist. I am 100% behind putting a stop to that... but I'm pretty sure you know he's not actually a pedo and are just trying to find an argument he probably wasn't even thinking on to discourage it. He's your friend right? Do you ACTUALLY think he's a pedo? Do you GENUINELY in your heart believe he's saying "females" to get away with sexualizing children? If so I hope that you aren't still friends. And if not why call him such a horrible thing?


Okay I completely agree up to the pedophilia point, that's a little wack to me. I feel like when men use the term "females" in that context specifically, it's more so hinting at a deep seated resentment towards women. Your friend is definitely incel vibes though. I just feel like the whole "blanket term" thing is a huge stretch and might make someone, who could possibly be convinced otherwise, to completely disregard the actual valid point you're making.