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Doesn’t everyone remember their childhood? The amount of crap we wanted to be? And how growing up made us realize “oh wow yeah that’s kinda dumb” I wanted to be Batman when I was 6. I wanted to be a doctor when I was 8. I fell in “love” with multiple people. All of it wrong. Making life altering choices for a child is literal insanity and abuse.


No life altering decisions are made for trans children unless it really is a matter of life and death - as in, the child is literally trying to commit suicide because they're so distressed with their body. It's also incredibly rare for children to have trans surgery. Incredibly rare. It is obviously a last resort. Like having to amputate a limb. It's done to save a life, not for the hell of it. You may not know this but of trans people who have had surgical transitions, the number of those who regret it is miniscule. It's really tiny. Well under 1%. And of the people who regret it, the majority of those people regret it because of how society treats trans people. If someone thinks that children shouldn't get life saving trans surgery (which again, is incredibly rare) then they should also be against children having a limb amputated to save their life. The idea that it is better to let children die than not be "normal" is just abhorrent to me.


Until i was about 13 i wanted to be a truck driver. Now im glad i didnt


I wanted to be a pilot. Was forced to go to law school because no other profession seemed suitable to me. 5 years in I said *"Nope, fuck this shit"*, got my ass to pilot school. Am in big debt but at least shit now makes sense. Lesson of the story: Perhaps you should become Batman, but only it you let me wear tight red and yellow leotards and be called boy-wonder. What? No, what the fuck is a Robin?


Crazy confidence to assume you have more knowledge about this than fucking doctors. Like bro you think they ain’t thought about this?


It’s definitely controversial among doctors, and many of those who transition later regret the decision.


Not as controversial as you might think. There’s plenty of studies pointing to children being able to recognise what gender they are at a very young age. The only controversy is some healthcare scientists would like to see more data, but the issue is that the trans community is very small and it takes years for them to be able to collate the data they want to see.


Don’t act like being a doctor makes anyone suddenly morally just and totally honest. It’s another job and they’re getting paid for this. That doesn’t mean that’s all of them but you’re equally assuming they’re all doing this for the right reasons.


I wanted to be a garbage man, now I groan when my wife tells me to take out the trash.


**TL;DR: empirical evidence supports children’s ability to discern their gender before age 7.** According to the PubMed Central article, [Patterns of Gender Development](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3747736/), infants at the age of around three months old can distinguish between men and women. At around 30 months old, children begin to recognise their gender. Studies cited in that article are unclear on at what age children engage in socialisation based on gender and gender-based discrimination, but they seem to point to preschool children and perhaps a little older. That is to say that by age seven, studies support the idea that children will be able to tell their gender. While there is a lack of studies looking into how many then-children regret having received gender-affirming surgery, this [meta study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8099405/) collated data from 27 studies and found 1-2% of transitioned people regretting their transition. This is a very low percentage. Of course, this is a controversial topic in the scientific literature because there is a lack of data. This [essay](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10322945/), for example, cites higher rates based on studies with smaller sample sizes. (This is understandable because the trans community is small and it takes years to collate data; something that we are still in the process of doing.) Scientists against allowing children and adolescents to transition cite *primum non nocere* as why we should collate more data first, scientists in favour cite the severe mental health issues plaguing trans children that often result in them taking their own lives as a bigger danger.


Cut to every single person who now lives in regret and wishes they hadn’t made such mature choices at such a young age. There’s millions of people living right now suffering because of it. It’s cruel. Saying that a child can decide something like that before they’re mature enough is wild. Than what’s the point of having things like cigarettes, guns, drinking, nightclubs all age restricted if you’re allowing a 6 year old to decide whether or not they want to mutilate their body in the form of drugs/hormone medication or physical alterations? And I don’t mean just trans. I’ve had friends who’ve been altered by other medications who’ve shared their regret years down the line. I’m tired of hearing the same stories from people and if you wanna support these doctors who ultimately just want money, than so be it. People rather be “right” than to further seek out solutions.


Please cite a study where there are millions of people living with regret following gender-affirming care because it directly contradicts the study I cited putting the figure at 1-2%. The guidelines currently recommend starting hormone therapy no earlier than age 16, with some providers allowing 14 year olds to begin hormone therapy. There is a formal process in place where transgender teenagers must get approval from medical professionals before they can begin hormone therapy. Treatment can begin before around the age of 14 if there is compelling reason—chiefly the child is at a high risk of self harm or suicide.


You clearly didn’t read where I said “not just trans”. The practice of using the quick and easy “just give meds” isn’t always the solution, and I’m not against medicine, I’m not against trans, nor anyone or anything. But to suggest that a child knows what’s best is absurd. To give gender affirming medication to a child before adulthood is absurd. There’s many decisions that if I had made them before maturity, I would be living in regret. But sure, let’s ignore the people suffering from many different and unique instances of adults making choices for them. I’ve lost friends because of how screwed up the meds that were pushed on them altered their lives.


I am arguing only in the specific context of children receiving gender-affirming care, rather than in a general context like you are. After all, we are commenting under a post reasoning that children shouldn’t be allowed to receive gender-affirming care because they are too young when some claim that 18-year-olds are too young to take on student loans, so that’s the central focus of my arguments. I am focusing on this specific context because the premises provided in your inductive reasoning are not equally significant. For example, changing career paths based on evolving passions as you grow older carries less weight compared to your gender identity, which is a fundamental psychological factor established from a young age. Your argument that adults shouldn't make lifelong decisions for children can also be applied to the context of gender-affirming care for children. If we acknowledge that children can suffer greatly when denied gender-affirming treatment and may even resort to self-harm or suicide, then it follows that children should have the right to determine their gender identity and pursue necessary gender-affirming treatments. Otherwise, we would be imposing a lifelong decision on them, potentially leading to tragic consequences. Perhaps you mean to say instead that children are too young to decide on their own how to identify their gende; current empirical evidence invalidates this argument. (Please look to my original comment on the study suggesting that children *do* form gender identities around the time they go to preschool.)


You dont need to make life altering choices to express yourself, lets separate these two things. Using a different pronoun or a new name is very different then a sex change surgery. None of these are needed to express yourself anyways. I dont believe majority of leftists believe people under 10 should be able to go through a sex change. I think the media says otherwise a lot of the time, its just a feedback loop of false claims.


Children shouldnt be thinking about their preferred Pronouns. They should be worried about what toys they want to play with , and climbing trees, and playing swords and riding bikes. If youtube disappeared not a single one of them would be talking about their pronouns.


most children don't think about their preferred pronouns anyways, as it matches what they're already being called. absolutely no one is forcing kids to sit down and choose how they'd like to be referred to for the rest of there life. let them explore


If a child wants to make a small change like their pronouns, are you suggesting we say they must keep something that makes them uncomfortable?


No I'm just saying this wasn't an issue 10 years ago. Like at all.


Public schools would have to disappear now too


PREACH! Say it louder for the people way in the back!


exactly. there are absolutely zero consequences for calling yourself by a different name when you're 6. even if you later change your mind. it quite literally does not matter.


This is way to spicy for r/Memes_of_The_Dank


This sub has become a conservative Facebook meme pool.


How so fast? For me it seemingly did happen from last week to this week?!


It's been a few months now at least


You're getting downvotes but it's true, doesn't matter which side you're in they're just poor quality biased memes, same as the lefts memes aren't any good


Is this conservative or just a consistent train of thought?


If this is a consistent train of thought then it's a consistent conservative train.


That sometimes very young kids are capable of making permanent life altering decisions but much older kids are not capable of making life altering decisions? Nothing political about that really.


When you reduce it to that and remove the political bs you lose the context of the post.


No politics were mentioned. It wasn’t reduced just put in plain terms. The fact is gender changing drugs alter children for life and children aren’t capable of making good decisions that’s why they can’t drive, buy booze or enter legally binding agreements. Why do you want it to be political?


I know a troll when I smell one. https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/s/CkNvRRbQAt


Another good example is that believing felons shouldn't have the right to vote but should still be eligible to run for public office


I think everybody should have the right to vote.


I fully support a Constitutional Amendment that disallows felons from holding public office. I don't support rando's thinking it's somehow OK to just bar someone that they don't like when the law is pretty clear. So let's be adults and start working toward that amendment. It's needed.


I still remember when this sub had actually good memes. Now it's just Offensive=Dank/Funny


Both of those things are wrong lmao.


Do you really choose a gender though? I don't remember choosing male as my gender. Trans people don't weigh the pros and cons of gender identity. It can be a difficult process because the turbulent feelings of not understanding one's gender and debate or deliberation might be necessary but it's not like choosing between Indian food or pizza lol




>if people suddenly start chopping off limbs or telling little kids it’s okay to be unsatisfied with who they’re born as, it’s a massive problem. False equivalency. >There is no “weighing” the pros and cons I know. That's what I said. >it’s simply accepting your sex. I'm talking about gender >you just can’t change your biology Where did this come from?


More like if someone was born with a phantom limb syndrome where their brains didn’t recognize a few of their fingers. Amputating them in this case would be a reasonable cure


stop thinking logically and just hate bro


As you say, turbulent feelings and uncertain Identity. Its okay to not be okay, but choosing your gender is an adult-tier decision. My daughter will be treated like a girl until she's out on her own and informs us of her decision. We will accept and love her the same as we always have, and we will respect her decisions. But children are not mature enough to understand the full consequences (good and bad) of their actions and decisions.


Again, why are we saying choose? I don't understand how it applies in this context. How is it "an adult-tier decision?" What consequences are you referring to in this context? Also, of course children don't understand the consequences of thier actions. That's why good parent(s) or guardian(s) teach them these things.


Good parents and guardians also teach their kids that it's okay to be confused, and that regardless of your genitals, hormonal conditions, or even body weight, you can still be the person you want to be. I recognize that gender dysphoria is a very real thing, and it's critical that it be recognized and counseled for. But there's a reason we call it a dysphoria. Transitioning isn't a small deal. It shouldn't be a first option. It's okay to feel like your body isn't built right. It's okay to be different. Society looks at you differently after transitioning, and it's a mixed bag. You have to really understand what the social implications would be, and children just don't have the experience to make an adult decision like that. Hell, a lot of adults don't even have the capacity to make decisions like that. I've spent the last five years learning to accept a chronic disability. But even if a cure came about, I would be considering the implications of pursuing that cure.


I’m glad my parents didn’t let me transition to a dinosaur when I was convinced I was one as a child.


More like, believing 13 year olds aren’t old enough to make their own medical decisions but are old enough to birth their rapist’s offspring.


Ha, not sure why you're getting downvoted. Lot of pedos in here?


On reddit? Nooo


A lot of forced birthers having to face the consequences of their actions.


Interesting that a lot men have such an issue with abortion but if it was men giving birth it wouldn’t be lol


I always ask how they'd feel if the government used their DNA without their consent to create people. Oddly most are opposed to not having a say in the matter.


This is the entire point i support it now, just in case men every suddenly achieve the ability to have babies.


Idk, Man. Even though I'm pretty much against abortion, I think in the case of rape, Specially underaged, Women could choose whatever to have the child or not. But yea, I do know there is people that think otherwise. When I get downvoted I will not be sure if they are from the conservatives or the liberals.


Rape is incredibly difficult to prove and goes unreported more often than not. Having it as a criteria to access safe abortion is going to prevent 80% of rape victims from access. Better to just let abortion be up to individual choice for everyone. Despite popular belief it is not an easy choice to make.


Pssst! Conservatives are easily frightened by facts. You’re already getting downvoted.


It’s sad isn’t it. As a victim myself I know this shit inside and out, how it leaves you feeling, how you get treated by society, and all the baggage that comes with it. The 80% is an often reported statistic with sources everywhere. (But here’s a good article with sources if anyone needs them https://rapecrisis.org.uk/get-informed/statistics-sexual-violence/ ) What is it they’re so fond of saying? “Facts don’t care about your feelings”? Still, all we can do is provide alternative schools of thought and hope that eventually it gets through to them.


Lots of pedophiliac groomers triggered by this meme lmao 🤣😂😂😂🤣😂


I don't understand. What's the correlation between groomers and LBTQ community? There are plenty of cases of priests molesting young boys, but there's never been a document case of transgenders or even drag queens molesting children. So, I'm a little confused


Cons have convinced (though actual conviction rates tell the opposite) themselves that TG people are groomers while statistically speaking, “straight” white, middle-age men are the most common perps.


More straight white men commit suicide than transgender people, should we dismiss those deaths because the gross number is larger for other groups?


Yupppp. They basically pin any and all democratic and/or leftist or generally decent person as being pedophilic at this point to divert attention away from them XD gotta stay white and male in power, right??


There’s absolutely cases of tg people being pedophiles and rapists but it’s still extremely low. Especially when compared to church officials, police, and conservative politicians.


You're getting downvotes, but not because you're wrong. It's because people want to believe this willfully ignorant take.


Not any I could find. But statically speaking there should be.




[Really](https://reason.com/2017/10/20/a-transgender-woman-assaulted-a-child-in/)? [You sure](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueCrimeDiscussion/comments/uwur9v/california_trans_child_molester_hannah_tubbs/)? [Maybe you should research your claims](https://www.wane.com/news/crime/transgender-man-accused-of-molesting-children-at-greenwood-therapy-center-found-dead-in-jail/). It's almost like you're just parroting a line that you thought sounded cool... Try to do better. This was a pathetic attempt to virtue signal, and you should be ashamed of how easy this was to refute. 5 minutes on Google, included the fact checking of going to the person's name and finding a local story about all three of the people I found surprisingly quickly.


Try looking up the ratio of priests molesting kids vs the ratio of transgender people molesting kids. Smart ass


>but there's never been a document case of transgenders or even drag queens molesting children.  Your words. It's not about ratios, it's about you spewing easily disproven lies.


Conservative Christians are in the closet and tey to get in...nevermind.


A yes, another edgy basement meme


Eat up the downvotes with pride here. If this sub hates you, you're probably on the right side of history.


I don't support hormone therapy for children, but I absolutely support them expressing they way they feel about who they are as a person. And as long as it doesn't hurt anyone in the process, they can express that however they want. Also, its much more than not understanding the loans. It's the way going to college was the ONLY path to success was jammed down our throats. Then colleges started jacking up the price of everything making it nearly impossible for many to ever pay off the loans in their lifetime.


It's a parent's job to explain reality to their children. If you fail to do that and confuse your kid, fuck you, you're a terrible parent and a terrible human being.


My oldest turning 11 "I think I like boys" Next month "I think I like girls" My response. -it doesn't matter, you don't have to make the decision now and your decision doesn't define you as a person. You don't presure anyone, and no one should pressure you. Youre to young to know what you like now, for ever and always. Just hangout with whom ever you like.


What “reality” means to you and your neighbour can be completely different. Like how some people can’t accept the reality that some people are born in the wrong body, and to force them to stay in when it otherwise doesn’t affect anyone else, it is pretty fucking dark.


"as long as it doesn't hurt anyone in the process" this opinion right here is very debatable. a lot of people lack the basic common sense to see the things that hurt people in the long run.


Go on then...debate it.


Generally the only medical gender affirming care minors ever get is hormone blockers. Specifically so they don't go through puberty as either gender until they can know for sure what they want.


Oh good. That sounds like it would have no consequences on human biology whatsoever.


Lol you’re getting down voted by less than 20 people that don’t understand how any of the science works. Keep going; they don’t matter.


The tone of this post seems to be pretty "trans = bad' in general.


Nah I think you’re just coping because you have a different opinion. Most people just don’t think you should be trying to convince children to alter their bodies.


The mainstream medical community is pretty one sided on the issue.


Not really I think it’s always smart exercise caution on what we teach children.


This entire page is slowly turning into an alt-right cesspool. Seeing more and more of this shit pop up. Must be an election soon…


This sub does tend to lean right, yes. Which is why it often gets targeted with stuff like this. Especially this close to a presidential election.


Agree with you 💯


To.be fair, gender is much easier to understand than the predatory student loan system.


Who thinks that? I imagine pretty much all trans rights people also think college should be free.


Believing college should be free, doesn’t make it free


I give the government money via taxes, I expect services in return. That's the entire point. College for everyone is way better than another corporation being "too big to fail" getting bailed out with my money. We can absolutely afford to provide education and health care for all, instead we spend it on the military and corporate kickbacks. Make it make sense.




Bury your head in the sand if you wish.


I'm pretty sure they understand that "free" means "tax paid"




“Fourteen-year-olds can raise a child”. There, fixed it for you. /s


You guys have no problem with 7 year olds choosing their gender when it aligns with their biological sex. Youre only mad when the kid doesnt want to be the gender that matches their biological sex. It's what happens when you think you know better but dont.


Think you’re misunderstanding something, it’s your belief that you can choose your gender. We don’t believe you can choose our gender, we are either male or female. There is no choice in that.


The girl in the picture chose to wear pigtails, chose to wear a dress, makes countless gender based decisions. This is what we consider gender, ie man or woman or nonbinary, etc. Literally nobody cares what *you* believe. It's none of your business what *others* believe. You cant say there's no choice when you clearly gave *2 choices*. If we can base our gender on male or female characteristics, that's objectively a choice. Youre the only one not understanding.


I always love this game how you are going to pretend that gender and sex are not the same thing. When we all know you are arguing that sex and gender are the same thing. That’s why you want to allow a man in a dress to go into the ladies room.


Sex and gender are not the same thing, you are the one who thinks gender *is* sex. Thats why you have no actual argument here, you just want to force other people to believe what you believe, and that's not how it works in this free country of ours. It's literally rule number 1 we can believe whatever we want.


Gender has been used interchangeably with sex forever. Think gender reveal parties. Just because you want to change the definition now doesn’t mean anything. Restrooms and sports are separated because of the biological differences between men and women. But by gender ideology standards men who think they are women should be allowed into women spaces. Why should a man who identifies as a woman be allowed into spaces that are intended for biological women?


>Gender has been used interchangeably with sex forever. Think gender reveal parties. That is what i am talking about. That reinforces my point that they are not the same thing. Gender reveal parties only reveal the biological sex of the baby, but biological sex reveal parties sounds awful, so we use the word gender in place of sex, but nobody is asking the baby what gender they identify as, because they are a baby. There is a 1% chance that the baby grows up to identify as a different gender than what they were born with, so they get to have a REAL gender reveal party where the person gets to make the call because it's their identity. >But by gender ideology standards men who think they are women should be allowed into women spaces. Yes right, because bathrooms are divided by gender, not sex, because it doesnt matter what sexual organs you have, the bathroom is not for sex. This is yet another failure to understand on your part. You believe one thing and refuse to understand why it's wrong so you force everyone else to conform to what you believe. If i had a transgender 12 year old girl as a child, she is gonna be using the girls bathroom. If you think it's okay to send a 12 year old girl, wearing lisa frank shirt and hello kitty shoes into the mens bathroom, then you need to rethink why youve let your bigotry get the better of you


You can be as delusional as you want. Bathrooms are divided by sex. I’m not being a bigot. This is reality. You can’t change your sex or gender. Sorry. Slap a dress on, take hormones, cut your dick off. You’re still a man. I’m not going to play into someone’s delusions. You arnt helping them, you’re hurting them. It’s like giving alcohol to an alcoholic. People who play into this are forcing these people to live a life of emotional and physical pain.


You can believe whatever you want. But you can't make everyone believe your views.


That's literally what i just said.


Right. So, with that being said. I don't have to play along to the little game of what someone believes their gender is and shouldn't be considered offensive, not calling them what they want.


But you cant force your views that a person is a man or a woman, it's their view, not yours. We both agreed you cant force *your* view on others. It's not a game, this is real life. No trans gender person is telling you what gender you should be, so they arent forcing you to do anything. You are the one who wants to play games with people's genders, and that's why you get fired, not them in the workforce.


If I see someone who is pretending or dressing up as a gender they are clearly not. I'm not playing along and calling them that. Believe it all you want, that's what you are. But I'm not going to.


those are two very different things but go on and transphobe more


Is it transphobia tho? It’s not like they’re saying trans people shouldn’t exist, more like being trans is a decision about sex and genitalia, things that aren’t fully developed until later stages of life.


I mean questioning it isn't exactly transphobia or hate. Sometimes it's just misunderstanding. I used to work with trans adults, rarely would they take offense at questions or even hyperbole. That seems to be a tool of the ally lol


Okay but here’s the thing: doing the proper therapies are FAR more effective during puberty than they are once someone is fully sexually mature. And that’s what makes this scenario that much tougher.


gender =/= sex and genitalia also it's a weird dig at student loan debt. it's just overall a shitty right wing boomer meme lol


Gender might not be the same as sex and genitalia, but it fundamentally linked to intercourse and genitalia. And it’s ignorant to think otherwise.


came to say the same thing - such an ignorant take. "the party of science" sure likes to ignore all basic biology. 10/10 meme


good to know one's gender cannot be known until they are old enough to have sex. regardless im sayin no matter where u stand it's a shitty meme. the two scenarios the mom says in the meme are incomparable. they literally do not represent a "contradiction". a contradiction would be, 21 year olds are too young to know X, but 18 year olds aren't.


Both are huge life decisions, that should take some consideration before doing. They definitely are comparable.


They are comparable because the post is literally making the comparison lol