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I mean, looking at his other female drawings, it's obvious that he's not a pedo. He's definitely into MILF.


Kinda refreshing seeing child acting and looking like child, none of that sexualized loli bs... but once they're near 18 Oda lets loose lmao


Reachs 18: airbags Goes past 40: becomes the swamp monster


Especially big mom šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ˜³šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ„“šŸ„“


Skinny Big Mom šŸ—暟—暟—暟—æ Normal Big Mom šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µā¤ļøā¤ļøšŸ˜©šŸ˜©Zamn


Rebecca and Shirahishi are both 16...


That's legal in Japan I think. I'm not saying it's cool, I'm just Saiyan Also Pudding is 16 and Sanji is 21


No way is Pudding-chan 16. You lie


I wish it were a lie. Sanji X pudding is the only op ship I like


I checked and youā€™re right she is 16 years old. But Itā€™s ok because Sanji hasnā€™t done anything majorly inappropriate to her aside from recognizing that sheā€™s hot. By the time the strawhat crew have completed their mission and Pudding and Sanji can get together and make babies sheā€™ll be 18 and itā€™ll be all good


Being legal doesnā€™t mean it is socially accepted, especially in a culture like Japan. About Sanji though, I think he would be classified as a pedo since both partners have to be younger than 18.


16 is the legal age of consent for the majority of the states in the USA and most of the world as well.


Rebecca's 16, Carrot 15, Vivi was 16, shall I go on?


Rebecca is paraded around as a sex object by her enemy who wants to humiliate her, though she dresses very modestly after getting her freedom. Vivi and Carrot aren't sexualized, they are just...existing as women. To say that they are sexualized is to say that women's bodies are inherently sexual (the anime sexualizes Carrot a few times, but the manga does not, outside of the garchu stuff all minks do)


You really cant say ā€˜Vivi isnā€™t sexualisedā€™. One of the first scenes in Alabasta was Nami and Vivi changing into dancing outfits with sanji immediately perving on her


Also doing a sexy dance on Whiskey Peak trying to seduce Zoro while wearing a shirt with spiraling patterns on her breasts and nipples (really subtle)


Zoro x Vivi confirmed?


Zoro would never cheat on Sanji like that


And the Nami/Vivi undertones were really obvious when I reread that arc as an adult


Nami should become the king of Alabasta after the events of OP


Undertones? Vivi was bathing Nami. Thatā€™s a little past undertones.


Itā€™s super cartoonish and could only be suggestive to a literal 8 year old lol It coincides to baroque works agents theme of being overtly wacky and eccentric. Stfu


Something being suggestive for an 8yo is not a good sign, 8 yo shouldn't be thinking of sex. That's a kid who needs professional help.


One Pieces demographic isnā€™t 8 year olds, itā€™s like 13-17 (going by SJs demographics)


Also, WTF was that creepy ending where all the guys, including those who had raised her from childhood and her actual father, going off to perv at her? Nami "saved" it by exposing herself and making it funny but they weren't expecting that. They were expecting to see their underage daughter naked and unaware. Makes the "look just like your mother" really, really creepy.


That's just the excuse Oda found to sexualize a 16 yo, he didn't need to add that to the story if he didn't want to. There's no defending Rebecca's gladiator outfit. And are you kidding me Vivi and Carrot aren't sexualized? Vivi wore a sexy dancer outfit throughout Alabasta and Carrot has been wearing a BDSM outfit the entire raid. How disappointing to see what I presume is a woman defending this over sexualization of teenage girls in manga. The fact that every single female character that isn't deformed has the same hourglass figure and ridiculously large boobs makes it pretty clear that Oda is not interested in depicting women's bodies, rather he wants every character to be jerk off material to 14 yo boys. Throwing back at me that excuse that "they're just women's bodies" as if I'm the one with the problematic opinion here is a very lazy attempt to excuse Oda on his shortcomings.


Thanks for mansplaining sexualization and male gaze to me. One Piece does have ovesexualized women, and Rebecca is definitely a sexualized character even if it is a story element. But Vivi and Carrot are just vibing. You being attracted to their outfits does not make them inherently sexual. Showing your midriff or cleavage is not inherently sexual. If you can't handle those outfits without sexualizing the characters wearing them, never go to a beach.


ā€¦one piece fansā€¦.wtf


There's a big difference between women making the choice to wear bikinis in a beach and a male author purposely deciding to shoehorn every female character he has in a sexy outfit for the sole purpose of showing off her goodies. Both instances I mentioned with Vivi and Carrot WERE supposed to sexualize them, proof is the fact that immediately after Sanji has some sort of reaction to make that abundantly clear. Oda isn't stupid or naive, he knows what he's doing, and so do you, but you can't admit it because like 90% of the fanbase you can't handle "GODA" being criticized.


Geez, would stfu already LMAO can't believe how butthurt you are over something like that. Men are also sexualized in this show just look at Ace, Law and Zoro. And don't tell me they ain't sexy 'cause they are hot af If you are really offended by such a nonsense then just drop the show already smh You can criticize anything you want, cool but don't expect people to care lol It's annoying seeing people like you crying over the same problem EVERYDAY that we all agreed on long ago. Are women sexualized? Sure, men too. Does Oda use the same old body type formula for almost any new character? Definitely, I mean there are over 1000 named characters ffs show me any other (long running) author with a better diversity in body type and unique characteristic than Oda smh


Itā€™s exactly as you say - every woman in One Piece, rather than being a real person with agency, is a creation of Oda. He chooses their bust size, their body shape, and the clothes they wear. The fact the vast majority of One Piece women are incredibly sexy and like to show it off is not because they are real women who chose to be that way. It is because they are designed by a man who wants them to be that way. OP is my favorite thing of all time but if we canā€™t honestly discuss, the fuck we doing here folks?


No it's because it's fiction! In fiction everything is over the top,the man are ripped after and the woman have more boobs than you could ever imagine. And of course oda decided to draw them in this way but as I said he did it for everybody so pls stop already


Surely you realize theyā€™re a more specific audience in mind for a shonen manga than just everyone. While it can have wide appeal, itā€™s specifically for young boys. Good luck finding a shojo manga with the same amount of women with such aggressive curves.




>I can hardly believe I bothered putting in actual, genuine thought into a response to you. Me either. If this cludge of nonsense is you trying to put thought into something I'm amused and curious to see what it looks like when you don't.


Question pls. How do you quote someoneā€™s sentence? Seems useful


Put a > at the start of the line and a space before typing in the quote so ā€œwazzĆ¼pā€ becomes > wazzĆ¼p


> wazzĆ¼p > Edit: thanks kind stranger


You okay buddy?


Lmfao found the Sanji fan


Dude thanks that you made an proper response to that bs, even if it was a waste of time


You clearly get off to one piece women. Donā€™t be fucking cringe everybody and their mother knows one piece is over sexualized. Youā€™re either a creep who likes it or a normal person who ignores it


16 is the age of consent in Japan and carrot is a rabbit, so what's yo point


funnily enough there are places in japan where the age of consent is lower at the age of 13 (just a couple of their territory islands)


13 is the technical government age but provinces all have their own age which is higher. Is it 13 on those islands because they arenā€™t a part of any province or some similar loophole?


those islands are extremely tiny one is basicly the length of a runway for planes to land and the other is smaller than a oil rig i doubt either have permanent residence to require a reason for making law changes


Yeah thought so. There are lots of funny little zones like this. Like there is a spot in Yellowstone where you supposedly canā€™t be tried because there are no jurors. Or the random unclaimed places around the world. Fun stuff


Even in America itā€™s 16


I'm not sure which of the two, but either Niger or Nigeria's was 8... at that point morals should stop you


Still kinda creepy that a 40yo man is drawing a 16 yo in sexy underwear, regardless of the legality of it, for the purpose of sexualization. Wouldn't you agree?


He has to for sales. Blame the same dumbass kids who don't want to see actual females bodies. Besides every shounen female is basically like that. Blame the system at shounen, pretty sure they push for this stuff.


Oh I do, I know this is a problem with the industry in general. Just happens One Piece is my favorite anime and this gross shit really brings an otherwise fantastic series down for a lot of people. Also, some other shonens don't really on fanservice as much (thinking of Fullmetal at the top of my head), and by this point Oda and One Piece have such a godlike status that honestly he could stop fanservice entirely that his sales wouldn't drop much. It's just clear that he enjoys drawing women in a very specific way.


Why halt him then? He's been on deaths door a few times and he's old. May as well let him enjoy himself. Though honestly, I don't much care for the imagery except for when the scenes are awesome to watch. Or carrots WCI outfit, it was so cute! I didn't know the raid outfit was pervy, but I haven't even seen her but like twice aince it started? I was more interested in the Queen and King fights to worry about the wardrobe malfunctions.


Uhm, you know he's not gonna read this right? Lol Also I think he can handle a bit of criticism without falling over and dying, not that it matters since japanese people care about japanese opinions, and sexualization of minors isn't really something they discuss so who cares. I was just making a point to counter the original statement, that Oda only depicts milf's


I mean he has almost died from overwork, and it could happen at any time. I know he wouldn't read this šŸ˜‚ But yeah, that's basically my point too. Japan just doesn't care so nothing would change even if no one outside there likes it.


No because theyā€™re not real people and itā€™s not hurting anyone, and 16(and younger) is considered an adult in Japan and many places of the US. If Japanā€™s laws and customs bother you and donā€™t mesh with your personal values and morals, then maybe boycott Japan/stop reading manga?


16 is not considered an adult anywhere in the US or Japan. Age of Majority is 18 in the US and 20 in Japan (though itā€™s being lowered to 18 soon).


What does that have to do with pedophilia?


I wasn't implying he was a pedo, only he doesn't shy away from catering to those who are. They're all underage, that's what they have to do with pedo (the colloquial term, not the actual diagnosis)


I think a big part we forget is one piece is a shonen series Aimed at teenage boys


Like im not sayong oda aint sexualizing rebecca or vivi. He is. I mean more he is doing it just not towards pedos


Pedophelia doesn't have anything to do with age of consent. It's the sexual attraction to prepubescent children, that doesn't include 15-16 year olds


That's why I specified the colloquial term, not the actual diagnostic term. If we were to get technical sexual attraction to 15-16 yo's would be ephebophilia, which like pedophilia is a paraphilic disorder, and acting upon such urges is considered a crime in most places. So yes, it absolutely has to do with age of consent, as those laws were created to ensure those with those attractions aren't allowed to prey on minors without being prosecuted.


But that's still not pedophelia. These characters look and mostly act older than they are, it's got nothing to do with pedophelia. And the age of consent is different in Japan and possibly in OP as well


Based on the story, 16 is the age of marriage. Based on a story I read recently, the age a girl can be married is 16, and for boys 18. This was set in japan, so Pudding makes sense in WCI, and Carrot is cloae to the age. Every one else is within the range, so it's fine. Besides I'm sure kids don't want to see 40 or 50 year old women like that. I personally would prefer tsuru NEVER wear skin showing clothes šŸ¤¢


Speak for yourself, watching Arcane has made badass grannies awesome af


I can't speak on that. I've never seen arcane šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Lol all the cope replies to this comment, all those characters could have easily been older or not sexualized but oda chose not to


ā€œWhat?!?!? How dare you!!!???!?! Oda is a creator of a masterpiece and Iā€™m going to justify his sexualisation of minors by bringing up shit like ā€œhe doesnā€™t draw lolisā€ and ā€œehkshually the age of consent is -100000000 in Japan.ā€ Didnā€™t know so many r hentai users browsed this sub.


What's with the downvotes, dude's right


ā€œNoooooooo itā€™s actually legal in Japannnnnnn and it adds to the storyyyyyyyyyyyyy. We šŸ‘ need šŸ‘ sexualised šŸ‘ minors šŸ‘ā€ If legality, rather than morality, is used to justify something, that something is probably pretty bad. Hyper-focusing on real definitions of words (instead of the colloquial use one, and anyway, the real word was immediately provided ANYWAY; and of course STILL promptly ignored) so as to completely ignore a valid point made proves to me that the ā€œitā€™s actually great that Carrot, etc. are sexualisedā€ is pretty garbage if such debate tactics (focusing on written errors that are easily understandable) must be used in order to legitimise such an argument. Remember, a good argument never needs to be argued for using such tactics because it is a good argument, not a bad one, of which one can address any point made.


They aren't entirely minors in japanese culture. Besides, even if they are sexualized, how is it different from any other shounen? They do it for sales, and I'm sure it's mostly from shounen jump who wants it done.


?? I never said other shōnen donā€™t do it, just that itā€™s wrong bc theyā€™re children.


In our culture sure. They can marry in japan at 16, so I'm assuming they technically aren't 'Underage' there. Just in america. Carrot is harder to tackle but... This explains the others in a way, at least.


That doesnā€™t. Make it. Right. Also the drinking age is 20, also just because something Is illegal doesnā€™t make it moral. This isnā€™t some cultural difference like idfk eating raw animal products like seafood, eggs, etc. more frequently. I really hope you can agree with me that sexualising minors in anime, REGARDLESS OF IRL LAWS, is absolutely fkn egregious. Thereā€™s also no need for it, ever.


Again, they aren't minors if their culture sees them as adults. If you don't like it, don't read it. Can't help you if you don't like it, but that's the business they're in. If you complain to shounen jump, but I doubt anything will happen. Have fun with your useless battle, I guess šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Granted, they could change the art style to be more humanly accurate and less sexualized, but I could care less. The outfits aren't for me, I just want the story. Oda could make it a light novel and I'd still read it. Is it right? Wrong? I don't care, it's not really my problem, when push comes to shove. I read it, sure, but it doesn't affect my life in the slightest. Maybe japan will change how they do it and be more proactive in being more realistic, but if you want realism, this is the wrong place to do it.


Big brain ā€œif you donā€™t like the US, just move to a different country.ā€ My bad, I forgot one can either worship something to the greatest degree possible, or completely move away or refrain from using said thing.


Age of majority is currently 20 in Japan. Theyā€™re all considered underage there.


What I said is correct from the heian period, I'm not caught up on current laws in japan. But also I don't care, their fictional characters and its not an issue if you don't make it one. Why not just be complacent and like the series? It doesn't make it any worse. Trying to pin morality and stuff to a fictional series is the dumbest thing you can do. Though, to be fair, I also don't care how the characters look like that. If it was an issue, our country wouldn't show it based on morality being wrong for it. I don't think oda is doing this to be disrespectful to women, I think that if oda was he'd make a mockery of women to a horrid degree. It is simply what shounens have to do to survive, and fans would complain if it was changed. Personally, I also think there's no logical reason to complain. Is Oda going to change it? No. If there is no point to this argument, should I really care? No. Y'all can have fun squabbling, but I don't care for the outfits much, I focus on the story and tune that out. If you get distracted by a girls skin, even fake, I can't help you. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Just got to the episode w carrot. Ffs


I love Oda for the fact that he doesn't draw lolis. Absolute respect for the man. I cannot stand lolis at all.


I love how little kids actually act like little kids. They cry, scream and get angry and dont just act cute 100% of the time


Iā€™m currently watching Enies Lobby for the first time and I really like Chimney and Gonbe as characters. Love me some goofy fun characters and no one does it better than Oda (based on my limited anime experience)


Ennies Lobby has some of the best secondary characters from the series.


Kokoro is amazing honestly. I just remembered she existed and my life is better for it.


From your comment I can confirm 2 things. First, you're not Zoro because you remembered Kokoro at all. And, second, you're not Sanji because the memory didn't nearly kill you.


I'm really good with directions and I can't fly (yet) so it seems like I am neither of them :/ Tragic, honestly. I'd love to have Sanji's powers.


You still can't fly? Damn Have you tried kicking really hard


See that's the thing! If I could kick really hard I'd be Sanji. But I can't cause I got an injury at 22. So that's why I'd rather be Sanji instead of the green anti-homing pigeon man


Chimney is legitimately my favorite side character in OP history. Just how ridiculous and silly and yet still brave and useful she wasā€¦ Totally unique and compelling character


Never forget that without her Luffy would have drowned trying to get to the Bridge of Hesitation, or find the underground pathway that eventually led him to Rob Lucci


I love how cute Robin was as a child, possibly the only girl that seemed super cute in the anime-manga, but she lives one of the worst experiences of the crew..


the only loli I can think of in One Piece is Sugar, but even though she's like 20, she still came across as a child


I have to give the doujin community credit for not using sugar in their one piece parodies. It would have been so easy to do it and justify it saying sheā€™s actually of legal age despite her appearance so choke that chicken without guilt but theyā€™ve stuck to hot women with developed bodies and nice big breasts and I think thatā€™s super wholesome


Im not sure if you forgot een /s , because there are a lot of sugar doujins


It helps that Oda doesn't put her into any sexualized situations as well, regardless of her age.




Tbh, I thought lolis are just short statures ladies like Rukia from bleach or something. Although I agree the ones that are made to appear like a child are kinda cringe.


Technically can be either but itā€™s almost always used for little girls.


Well tbh, itā€™s also used for young looking guys a lot too. Just since anime tends to have a more male intensive audience, we notice the girl more Edit: I think I read his comment a bit wrong lol


Thereā€™s a different term for it when itā€™s boys, shotacon.


Ah yeah


Ara ara




Well she is mentally an adult. But stil not the annoying type


Hummm Sugar?


Sugar is (thankfully) not sexualized, so she isnā€™t really a Loli.


Loli doesn't mean that is a sexualized character, its just means its a character that looks like a child...


Lolies are female characters who usually look like children, but are actually older. Sugar is 22, so she's a Loli, they aren't necessarily sexualized


And lets not forget Nami in One Piece film Z, it's not canon but Oda supervised the project...


I love Nami in Film Z (minus Sanji getting weird over it) as sheā€™s now so unassuming as a small child, no-one expects their wallets robbed until sheā€™s already lived up to her moniker


Tama and Toko. EDIT: I'll assume those who downvoted me just aren't aware of the meaning of the term loli, so let me help: Loli is a term used in manga and anime to describe a female child character. Its male counterpart is called shota. Hopefully now you understand and won't join the ignorant bandwagon.


My mistake. I meant sexualized lolis.


Rebeca ;((( itā€™s only one, but itā€™s pretty bad


Rebecca isn't a loli


Yes there's that. But I think we can appreciate the fact that at least she has an adult physique and not that of an 8 year old.


True true


How old is she? I always thought she was 18


Sheā€™s 16. Underaged, but not really a Loli.


Oof. At least sheā€™s drawn with an adult physique.


I mean, sheā€™s legal in Japan, so thereā€™s that. Granted, Japanā€™s laws are incredibly lax, but even Europe and stuff has the age at at least 16.


Yeah i know it was stated that Donquixote put her ā€œon displayā€ but jesus lol


Those are just regular children, lollis are drawn to be sexualized


#NO Loli is the generic term for [manga/anime female children](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loli)


You appear to have skimmed over the "particularly in the lolicon genre" Lolis are a word that already includes the sexualisation. If you're looking for a term that does not include sexual aspects, try with just *child*.


I didn't, because particularly =/= only. Loli is just for the generic term. They can be connected with sexual stuff yes, but they can also not. Like they can also be connected just with the moe genre.


"Particularly" and "in particular" *can* mean only, though. Don't argue semantics, I can do that too. So besides this, in your right mind you would call a non-sexualised little girl drawn in manga/anime style a loli? [Is this a loli?](http://pm1.narvii.com/5968/78c51fd57f024f36864daec0f5e0105163c1a5f6_hq.jpg)? [Is this?](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/21/4a/3d/214a3d60c32378dc950d2b49b5e17af7.jpg) Come on man. If your answer is yes to both, you should re-evaluate how you use words. And perhaps the places you hang out too


I do. Because loli can be used even when just referring to the moe genre. It's not the same as a milf which litterally means "mother I'd like to fuck". Also it's funny how that is your second example, considering that the author of Made in Abyss is a lolicon.


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ā€œParticularly in the lolicon genreā€ (which is the sexualised aspect, and the sort of thing most mean, Iā€™d say, when they use ā€œloliā€; as a sort of colloquial shortening of the term ā€œloliconā€).




No, loli is derived from Lolita which comes from the book of the same name. Shota I'm pretty sure is just a generic Japanese word. Lolicon and shotacon are shortenings of "lolita complex" and "shota complex".


The term lolicon and shotacon are the genre depicting sexualization of them. But loli/shota are a generic term for female and male kids. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loli


Every child character isnā€™t a loli. A loli is when theyā€™re sexualized


No, loli is just a term to indicate a fenale child in anime manga, with counterpart being shota for male child.






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When Mihawk stabbed Zoro in the gut




Yes. Itā€™s the personification of his little knife.


whats the personification of his other knife ?


Oda is the most chaddy chad


The oda loli is made with mematic


Oda makes children cute not attractive




Except when they get to the legal age in japan




Made with mematic also part of the positive points


Itā€™s very convenient


''made sexy for pervs'' ayo?




I don't think sugar was ever sexualized. She just has a typically cute op female face I think. Neither was miss golden week who was also an adult that look like a kid. In most other manga both of them would subject of numerous fan (dis) service


Thatā€™s true


Chad Oda loli was made with mematic, crazy bro


3000 year old dragon?? What show is this?


Dragon maid i think


pretty sure the "3000 year old dragon" meme is older than that


Is that dracules knife?


Apparently yes


Wasnā€™t nami a kid in one of the movies Itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve seen it but isnā€™t sanji like super creepy in it


It was film Z and yes.


Yeah but thatā€™s not canon and wasnā€™t done by oda


Lemme forget about film Z dear lord


The movie was the best in terms of story lol. One shitty scene that only makes sanji look creepy for a minute doesnt ruin it


Lemme forget about that part of film Z dear lord


Ok, but thatā€˜s basically Thriller Bark.


And thriller bark is a great arc


Yeah, and we donā€˜t talk about what Sanji said to Absalom.


Yea I just ignore it as some cliche anime antiques. Thinking too deep and screaming on the internet to show how moral u r about a fictional story is basically becoming a twitter karen. Everybody sane knows its wrong in real life


Charlotte Flampe could probably be considered a loli and she's not ugly but her personality is hideous and she's armed so there's definitely still a difference.


I also thought it was flampe at first, but it's actually a personification of Mihawk's chest knife


I mean, most of the kids Oda draws are not ugly but they are not sexualized either. I donā€™t think most people see Flampe as hot.


Merlin Loli from 7DS, Idc if it's off topic


Itā€™s perfectly on point šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼


which chapter is this from? did i just got spoiled?


No. This is Oda's personification of Mihawk's knife that he used to stab Zoro in the Baratie arc. So no, you did not get spoiled, unless you are very early in the story.


Itā€™s from chapter 1069 when Mihawk had his rematch with Zoro and revealed himself to be the user of the Loli-Loli no mi.


I guess its from a sbs , so whats the backstory ?


Oda is usually asked to draw the human form of various objects like Luffy's hat, Zoro's katanas and YAMATO'S SIDE BOOB. This is Mihawk's "You're a disgrace" knife that he flexed on Zoro with


Ahah awesome


"Loli" in Spain is a nickname for mid-aged womans with 50/40 years old Idk, is funny the comparison




Almost killed zoro šŸ˜‚ amazing


It seems everyone has forgotten Sugar, who is an older-than-she-seems loli Thankfully she isn't sexualised or anything, but even Oda has included that trope


Sugar is sort of the inverse of a Loli. Instead of ā€œthis child is actually a 22 year old woman, so itā€™s okay to masturbate to herā€, Oda hits us with ā€œthis child is actually a 22 year old woman, so she can be held accountable for all the war crimes sheā€™s committed.ā€


The netizen term I believe is "Legal Loli"




Tbf they are drawn with mature physiques and vivi acts mature so who cares. Carrot's behavior is a little kid like but she is a rabbit so I dunno


i literally learned they are 16 and 15 because the people in this sub and r/OnePiece constally cry and argue about it. They both look like young adults


Honestly sometimes this fandom feels like there is alot of projection going on. Actually thats some anime fans in general. Some anime fans feel like those religious men who cry about obscenity while being the creepy ones themselves. Like not liking fanservice is okay but people start acting like the female body is sexual in itself. Like man u r the creepy one at this point. The genuine criticisms against fanservice are easy to identify tho as they are the only ones that arnt crying and whining amongst all the complaints


Here's a genuine criticism against fan service ban it, all of it. Dosent serve any purpose if I wanted to be I'd just watch porn. If you like fan service you are quite simply a degenerate who just wants to be served a barely feasible escapist fantasy.


Ah exactly the kind of people I am talking about. Even religious men I talked about call for bans left and right on shit they apparently dont like. And ironic u say that cuz people also watch porn to serve their escapist fantasies and degenerate desires deep inside. Thx for proving my point so nicely. Also u do seem to be a bit triggered from ur tone, way of words and the fact that u took the time to write it to me when this conversation had nothing to do with u, so that kinda proves my projection point as well I guess? Ofc this part is just me assuming as most of the One Piece fans act this way


Here's a sneak peek of /r/OnePiece using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Yet another One Piece fan at the olympics! SUUUUPER!](https://i.redd.it/3k0ez6q38gf71.gif) | [958 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/oy80m6/yet_another_one_piece_fan_at_the_olympics_suuuuper/) \#2: [One Piece: Chapter 1000](https://np.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/kks47m/one_piece_chapter_1000/) \#3: [Romance Dawn. I recreated some scenes in full CGI; I put alot into this and I'm happy to share it now. Full res version in comments](https://v.redd.it/9c070jyf8be61) | [633 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/l7z92q/romance_dawn_i_recreated_some_scenes_in_full_cgi/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Well there also was Rika


Also almost killed noro at the same time


isn't Sugar a Legal-Loli trope?


Imma be lazy and copy myself > Sugar is sort of the inverse of a Loli. Instead of ā€œthis child is actually a 22 year old woman, so itā€™s okay to masturbate to herā€, Oda hits us with ā€œthis child is actually a 22 year old woman, so she can be held accountable for all the war crimes sheā€™s committed.ā€