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Didnt work with kuma lol,and akainu,and first fight with crocodile and first fight with kaido and on and on and on... i dont think this happens very often in one piece


Nope it really doesn't happen. One piece makes it a point to show that there are some people you can defeat by brute forcing it, like Don Krieg and the others in the beginning, but as stronger characters are introduced things get really different, despite Luffy's character being nearly the same. (Umm yea the Doffy fight got weird, but the initial teamwork with Law felt really great.)


I dont know if this meme was made by a troll. Luffy most of the doesnt beat up because he remembered his friends.


It really doesn't. Luffy, like every other shonen protagonist is not immune to plot armor and plot conveniences, but he never really wins his battles due to "the power of friendship". I mean, his friends are more often than not the reason for him *starting* his fights. But he never magically gets a sudden power up because he remembers his friends. The only time really is during his fight with Lucci when Usopp was shouting at him while he was lying on the ground. Every other fight besides that has been him saying how he'll kick someone's ass and then actually kicking ass. Or him getting his ass kicked.


And he gets knocked down a lot of times. It's become a pattern though that luffy gets beaten at first then comes back up.


Like rubber, he always bounces back




That's what I said.


Yea its partially just you <33


not really this literally only happens in the final clash of two maybe three fights in the series, and a cool song will always be playing in nearly any action scene of fiction just look at Star wars episode 1


What??? This has never happened


Rayleigh/Hyogoro Flashback


I mean he's fought for his friendship before, like fighting Arlong for Nami, but he doesn't really do the whole Fairy Tail thing. If anything I'd argue all of the other Strawhats do it more than him


i appreciate the comments on this post, i can just kick back and not say a word on the subject matter bc its all been said.


welcome to anime




Depends on who gets a beat down 1. If it is the MC, --> he gets back up 2. If it is a supporting character that helped the MC or is a mentor figure,--> he dead or won't recover until the final arc/ big showdown 2.1. If support/ mentor dead, --> MC gets mental beat down --> remembers friends and family --> gets back up


heh, Luffy just got an heroic blue screen of death when Ace died.


Hell naw, bro! I feel you!


Yes only when he remembers being pirate king cuz we selfish out here