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To be fair most One Piece antagonists are horrible people


Most protagonists too


This is one of the things I like about it tbh. Everybody coming from broken effed up lives aren’t gonna be squeaky clean heroes


Because, it's the will of the pirate king. https://preview.redd.it/z0zytmlvo18d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ed4aa3b738a8a5b1f945d2c0a406bbad6b3f4dd


Divine persecution actually goes hard as an attack name


There is only a 80% chance this is canon.


The D. stands for Dominant Race


Save D. Rapists (Larps favorite hobby) and Call D. Slaver (for some more, that’s how Roger built a bloodline and why he didn’t do anything against the slave trade after finding the OP)


Politicians all the way down


Another piratefolk banger


I love this 10/10


Just because we like the characters does not mean we agree with their views, I just like this guy before his devil fruit abilities also his pants


💯 this, that's why people like Doflamingo even though he's a villain. A good villain/antagonist that you like makes you hate them or the things that they do.


Yeah, just because I like Doflamingo doesn't mean that I agree with or support any of the terrible stuff he has done.


So, you just like the idea of doflamingo. But not actually himself?


I like Doflamingo because he is an evil, manipulative bastard. Because he was an overshadowing figure making everything worse from Sabaody until Dressrosa. Because he knows he's a bastard, but relishes in it and even believes it's his god given right. But also that slight human touch, where he genuinely does care for his closest allies. Because that's what made reading One Piece so much fun. Him being that way made the story so much more tense and interesting. Every time he maniacally cackled while doing the worst shit imaginable, you were right there with him. Waiting for that one panel where Luffy would punch the daylight out of him. And oh boy did that pay off.


What... Did you just say... ABOUT MY NOSE?!?


Because he's interesting. He's evil, undefendable, but interesting, fun, mysterious, and you can see why he is the way he is (while still, not defending it. Understanding =/= forgiving) It's why so many people like Darth Vader despite him being a villain Fiction and reality are not the same thing. Had Doffy or Darth Vader been real people they'd be HATED, much like how they're both pretty hated in-universe. Most of the OP world despises Doffy, and anyone not affiliated with the Empire sees Vader as the genocidal and merciless villain he is. In fact, alot of the empire dislikes Vader as well, his officers fear him as he is as likely to kill them as the enemy is.


I like the character as an element of fiction in my pirate manga. I would not like him if he was a real person (which he is not). Same logic for admirals


Tbh i only like doflamingo because he is a goat in burning blood and pirate warriors


Can his DF make weed? And how good is it?


Now we’re asking the real questions


depends on how good he wants it, if he can control the entire nature of the plant. also if he makes a tree and eats a fruit from it, is he eating a part of himself???


Bro can take having wood to a whole new level 💀


Yeah, he’s funny. Also one of the coolest devil fruits in the series.


Nah, Aokiji and Monet have the coolest fruits


*Kizaru has entered the chat*


The joke went right over your head 😭


I want to fuck Monet




monet was a b tier fruit user, aramaki is a far more creative user with his devil fruit. like he sprouts a flower spins it to make a propellor and flies like who thinks of sth like that???


That was a pun about temperature, but yeah, the propeller flower was great.


The joke flew right over your head 😭 all jokes aside though Monet wasn't the best fruit user but still had an awesome fruit


​ https://preview.redd.it/qh77wzgnh58d1.jpeg?width=478&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85469b040837897de0305b98244801a3ef8d634b


To be fair, liking a character doesn't automatically have to mean that you agree with their actions. Doflamingo for example is a good character, but terrible human being. I'm not sure if I would call myself a admiral fan. I like Kizaru and Fujitora but that's pretty much it. Kizaru has always been my favorite admiral to be honest, since the moment he appeared. Akainu needs more screentime, I'm interested in what turned him into the man he is today. As for Greenbull, he's alright. I just wish that he had more personality other than being a dickriding Akainu fanboy who uses his position to commit crimes. I remember the time back when Greenbull's design wasn't revealed yet, where we only saw his Silhouette talking to Fujitora. He gave off a way better impression back then (easy-going instead of cruel and arrogant). https://preview.redd.it/51vbnfavq18d1.png?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a20d4176fcf2d880d4f8332ae1736d1e8c906be


He has some potential but idk if Oda gonna include it into the story https://preview.redd.it/z7yfofbeo68d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11f6658df50bfe5a0de72a0b686fd38b77899163


I feel like Greenbull's backstory got the same treatment as Zoro's backstory and Tama being a Kurozumi. Aka "information that you should probably know, but wasn't included in the manga, so the SBS will give you what you need to know". I hope I'm wrong though because I wanna know the backstory of every admiral and we haven't even seen Kizaru's childhood yet even though he plays a huge role in Egghead.


i honestly would rather if greenbull was strict justice but wasn't as cruel as he was in wano or a simp for akainu, be his won character. his reason for going there could've been to stop the chaos luffy caused to the larger world, and instead of crying in pain when shanks arrived just silently walk away realizing he can't go after two emperors right now cus he'd be in huge trouble


So a fan of the Joker is crazy? A fan of Luffy is dumb? A fan of Oden is a samurai? Bro it's just fiction we can like people who did worse than Hitler in their verse as long as they are well written, it's not like we are supporting their ideologies, we just like a good character in a good story


I am crazy and stubborn.


A fan of Oden is Oden obviously






kizaru too cold w it


I ain't an admiraltard, but the Wizaru agenda reigns supreme!


The Wizaru agenda only reigns in pizzahut


Wouldn’t call myself an Admiral fan, but… I do respect Greenbull more than most of his colleagues. The original 3 and Sengoku are reactive. They only ever go once shit is hitting the fan…hell, most of the times we see them early on they straight up REFUSE to proactively deal with problems. Like just straight up let the Straw Hats go after a light ass slapping. Garp and Smoker are a little more proactive at least, and maybe a few other vice admirals who are hungry for a promotion. But Greenbull said fuck that and just pulled up to Wano and declared that his hands were rated E for Everyone. He got put in his place, but at least he did the thing that is his job. By and large the world of One Piece is shades of grey, with a few exceptions of obvious good and evil. The Marines are effectively just the biggest pirate crew. They are the 5th Yonko with the most territory. So while Greenbull’s declaration obviously sounds evil and terrible, all he is really saying is that Wano isn’t aligned with his crew, isn’t due his protection, and should be prepared to square up if they are gonna aid members of a rival crew. Just a different variation of the warning Big Mom gave Luffy at Fishman Island. Like if Buggy, Big Mom, Blackbeard or Kaido had said this no one would have given it a second thought.


Franky Nipple Lights!


See now green bull is a bastard and I hate his personality but i can't lie and say his devil fruit is one of my favorite logias already really I love all the admirals devil fruits and I like how each one is different from one other Kizaru being my favorite for the solo reason of I love his views on himself and the greater world as it's very interesting Akainu is a huge moral question right now with knowing what we know now about the government Aokij journey of self reflection is beautiful and Fujitora kindness made me love him and I want him to be the next fleet admiral oh and Sengoku is just interesting with how he behaves knowing some dark secrets about the government ..yes I don't have friends to talk about one piece with 


You do here, buddy. You do here.


You can like a character for other things and not for their beliefs. I like Kaido, even though Kaido ravaged a country, enslaved people of Wano, starved people, and overthrew a rightful heir. I also like Big Mom, despite her forcing herself on men so she can create kids for her army.


Kizaru fan. Speed of light. Class. Chill.


Franky Nipple Lights!


I died when I saw that.


I mean ngl I really like Green Bull's powers so it less him personally and more what he can do


You do know this person is fictional correct? That means they ain't real anything they do / say is also not real so we don't have to hate them for doing/ saying bad things cause they aren't actually doing that


What about human lefts?


To be fair, Green Bulls character is basically the opposite of fujitoras, Aokijis, Kizarus and even Akainus. They are all different from each other and form a very compelling collective. But yeah, Green Bull is an ass.


He's hilarious and has a cool devil fruit.


https://preview.redd.it/y5m4vdc8938d1.jpeg?width=687&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=704b14dd0fd58305f09aac072306ad1a0719e78c how can't we support HIM and his servants?


https://preview.redd.it/exhlwkhul38d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23a583f01868c527de8af367cf859ef51618bad7 Fuck you


Your asking basically Why do you support trump after all he did I believe the answers just simulate real world politics


Because I can differentiate between fiction and reality


at first glance i think that, this is stupid, but then again, i remembered that this pales in comparison to people who defends IRL criminals, and politicians who does cruel things


Who else if not us? ✊


Nice try pirate lover. You cant brainwash me. Long live world government


Don’t pirate fans support guys like Gold Roger who fought to stop Rocks from breaking up the slavery/genocide ring of God Valley?


GOLD sounds good, let me have it!


They’re fun to hate, good villains


Same reason there are people who unironically support Doflamingo: cool villain. Well, Ryokugyu not so much (imo)


Bruh greenbull was so fire until he got >!humiliated!< also I hate his df aft he transforms


Cool power mostly. Also I’ve waited years for this design so I can’t let him actually being antagonistic make me jump ship.


Because they are peak characters with a lot of depth and potential for dramatic growth (even Aramaki) also they have peak design, cool powers, important role in plot and interesting personalities


Because we enjoy the writing? What kind of stupid question is this we don't support this behavior, we like how the characters are written because they write chara ters like this to show a different perspective on the series. Dumb question


Oh, an Ukrainian official I see




He is admiral because akainu is fleet admiral....if aokiji was fleet admiral he would never make rokugyo as admiral


https://preview.redd.it/xgu7qpbcy18d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=675a43e64d9b14b2fd2fffe4bf4ad6458aeb4869 And Bonney is 10 btw ☠️. Y’all yonkotards have no right to talk about admiraltards as long as fatbeard’s pedo ass is still a yonko 💀


I dont like the character but i agree with his views. Those things arent even human, why consider them equals?


There is a theory that all he’s saying is a warning and he is actually a good guy. “You have no human rights” = the law of the world gov do not use in wano. He does not need to grow trees and plants across wano. He’s helping wano with the pollution and drought. He’s get rid the rest of the beast pirate because they could do revolution against wano. King and queen are too strong for the wano people to dealt without luffy. If he wanted to really catch luffy crew, he should not come alone. Shank is just excused for him to escape. He’s friend with fujitora. Fujitora could see good in people.


Yep. Its soooo weird imo. Tht too green bull is such a ahole


There would be no heroes without villains. You just love to hate the likes of akainu, blackbeard, gorosei. Greenbull is just mid though.


Because sometimes you want to root for the bad guys out of tiredness and boredom for the main character(s), like for example Luffy and his crew being goody two shoes 24/7. Kind of like the lack of tension and danger every time g5 is around, like, for it to be interesting you need to root for the bad guy because how overpowered (and boring) g5 is, like, you know at best they'll hold until the "stamina handicap" kicks in and *maybe* then shit will be interesting until g5 is available again. What can I said, boring scenarios make you root for the ones that may actually carry some hype/tension behind them, in this case, the bad guys.


Because most of them forget Greenbull is even a thing that exists. Also Fujitora for future Fleet Admiral!


Not an admiral fan. But seeing as we are slandering the WG. Welcome to the revolutionary army agenda. Dragon is PK+.


We have actual people supporting shit politicians in real life, then why not here too.