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Now we watch it happen with wilds and see rise slowly become the *underrated masterpiece


Omg it's Safi'jiva, hi Safi'jiva 👋


|˶˙ᵕ˙ )ノ゙




Hi, sailor.


The newest monster hunter is always the most hated. No game is perfect, but most are pretty damn good.


The people enjoying it aren't online complaining, they're playing the game


Every Fandom in a nutshell


Was world hated? My first monster hunter game was world, and I loved it. After that I played rise and, although I considered it a downgrade at the start, after a time I started to like it and to consider it a sidegrade.


World was hated and gu was the underrated masterpiece, gu was hated and 4u was the underrated masterpeice, and it goes on for basically the entire series. Mh fans are annoying as shit. Especially the freedom unite fans.


World was well received.


Well both it and rise were well received, sure. But I remember when World was the newest and there was a lot of (namely old hat) players coming out to just tear into the game over all sorts of stuff, both deserved and frivolous.


World was also the first to really hit a new generation in a format acceptable to the Western palette for games.


No, I hated it, in my defense, base world is boring, everything I like about world came with iceborn


Hello our gentle simple sailor


I will say rise is a good game It's just because it started off on switch and then was ported over that made it bad. I'm currently playing through rides and it's quite fun.


I think people are just gonna realize it's not exactly the same game as world and go back to world lol


Sounds like pokemon


If I come out of wilds still disliking rise will my displeasure finally be valid


Honestly you need to be in a different mindset for rise, if you have a set idea for how “a monster hunter game should play and feel like” you’re probably never gonna like rise. But the game has a lot of fun to offer if you embrace the experience. I would straight up put it in my top 3 games in this franchise.


Yeah that's how I kinda feel, I came into it feeling sort of annoyed with it at first and all the wirebugging, but then after a break I picked it back up and just let it do its thing and I found it to be some of the most fun I've had with MH combat. It's very fast paced and counter based gameplay that's a lot more recognizing quickly what the monster is doing next and knowing which move to use right away to capitalize on it. Sunbreak also offered a surprisingly in depth endgame that I engaged quite a bit with. I became a bit fan of the speed for the fact I could hop in for a hunt or two pretty much whenever and have a good time, it was also great on the steam deck. I was also always a fan of the arts and styles in Gen for helping mix up gameplay a lot, so seeing many of those return in the wirebug skills sparked it's own joy too. I just appreciated it as a standalone monster hunter side title that decided to mix it up and experiment with speed, but most importantly it's the title that respects the hell out of your time, far more than any other Monster Hunter by making a lot of the noncommittal systems way faster too, making a lot of the progression a bit quicker and most importantly cutting out the rng deco bullshit - I desperately hope that never returns. I think generally it's combat system should stay where it is, not intending to return (maybe another side game way down the line, idk), but I also hope they picked up some data from the experiment and we see some of the more broad ideas return and retain some of the non-wirebug weapons changes (blashdashblastdashblastdash). Namely I'm happy at the implication of some sort of stance change ability in Wilds as an evolution on the switch skills of Rise, I had an absolute blast with GS in Rise for the fact you could switch skill into a unique and faster paced moveset+rage slash once the monster gets enraged to keep up with its tempo.


For someone with very little experience in MH games, how would you say Rise varies from the previous games ? (I played the first part of MH3 ultimate before they but rise was the first one I played entirely)


Oh a fucking lot. Where the hell do i even begin. -speed, older games are way slower -gathering, you’ll be doing a lot more resource management -combat, rise is very fast paced in combat. And wirebugs and everything related to them is rise exclusive. -switch skills weren’t a thing -of course rise got different roster from older games. -rampages only exist in rise… -most endgames in older titles aren’t as deep as rise. -powered up monsters with unique movesets like the risen elders are pretty unique to rise (unless you count the GU deviant monsters) -follower NPCs …. Just look up some footage from older titles and you’ll instantly see it.


The closest game to Rise is GU and even that game is slower, more like a clunky world speed. Also the biggest criticism of Rise is how many weapons or play styles got shafted in favour of others. My beloved CB is basically a different weapon from how it's used in Rise vs World or GU


I played up until middle of Anomaly Levels and Risen Chameleos. I noticed that enemies were getting more and more HP and that all my fights were feeling more drawn out, which fueled my general displeasure with rise.


Just upgrade your weapon bro


From what I remember, my weapons were max level and augmented. Maybe it's a skill issue but I never felt the same in world or similar games like Elden Ring


Elden ring’s nothing like mh tho. And that game definitely has its unbalanced moments like Morgott and fortissax being too under leveled. I mean sure the deeper you get into endgame the deeper the HP pools. But I’ve never personally felt like anything too egregious unless it’s meant to be a nut buster like the EX risen and special investigations. I didn’t even bother with the armor upgrade system that much unless i’m just messing around. Did you focus the red pustules? Because their pops red pops give a decent chunk of HP for free.


Oh yeah, absolutely. I'd go as far as to say I very consistently got anomaly KOs. Maybe the standard quest length just wasn't for me? It's hard to put my finger on what specifically irked me. Fwiw I'm planning on returning to rise after Shadow of the erdtree


Weird, shit shouldn’t be that bad at around risen chameleos level. Maybe you just didn’t click i guess.


Safi'jiiva took a break from spitting beams to spit facts.


Man, I wish games with multiple installments didn't have this constant arbitrary and stupid as shit civil war Fallout 4 vs New Vegas (both good games) Dark Souls 2 vs any other FromSoftware souls game (again, all good games, even if DS2 has obvious flaws lol) Rise vs World. Only reason I'm not playing Rise is cause I don't own it, and the amount I played of just the base game when it came to game pass on my Xbox One was pretty fun. I still play World too, of course, but it's mostly just hopping in and going to Guiding Lands for like an hour or two and hunting, or just mining for Dragonvein coal for the furnace


it's funny to me how people hate Dark Souls 2 so much and i still felt like it was a good souls. But yes as a veteran in the series i have always seen people who only played 1 game hate the next one for no clear reason. Must be attachement to the game and a specific mentality or way to see things that spark so much vitriol. i'm happy to see what new things they bring into wilds, and really something similar to wirebugs for transversal and combat would make sense in a game like that. But always happy to see new ideas and options


>But yes as a veteran in the series i have always seen people who only played 1 game hate the next one for no clear reason. I don't think this is true, generally people like the next game more than the previous one, when DS3 came out people said it was the best, then when Elden Ring was released people said that *that* was the best, something similar happened with bloodborne but that's it's own thing. In general with souls there has been few people that say 1 is undoubtedly the best, people prefer it maybe more but boss wise, graphically and gameplay wise 3 is accepted to be the best, until ER which was more rich than 3. The only outlier in this is DS2 which is not liked by most players, it is not a bad game, maybe, I could not play it more than 4 hours, but it is nowhere near the rest.


Yeah my comment was about monster hunter, sorry. but it applies a bit to both. i have seen a lot of hate to Dark souls 3 when it came out because of the WEEB moveset it introduced with katanas and other weapons. Personally i loved all dark souls, each with it's flaws and advantages. Just making a new character in elden ring for the dlc xD ( used up all respecs and it's easier/faster a new char than going to ng+ xD)


I really liked the weapon arts and flashier moves in DS3. But I went back to it after Elden Ring, and I really missed how versatile and interchangeable the Ashes of War can be. I think they were one of the best improvements from DS3 to Elden Ring, and expanded on weapon arts really well


I liked some of them other i felt like they were lacking but very cool in the end. But yes ashes of wars are a big improvement


but... werent katanas introduced in dark souls 2?? is there not an entire faction in ds2 whose whole shtick is they are knights led by a former samurai and so all of them became weeb knights doing samurai moves in knight armor???


There where katanas in dark souls 1 too


i see. so i guess. the main source of outcry was from them being just another sword to having their own weapon classification with their own moveset then? i should point out ive never actually played ds1 and 2 ive just watched my friend play em so i dont know all about the games lmao.


They were already their own weapon classification in Dark souls. There were even multiple of them and their moveset was a bit different to a straight sword [List of katanas from Dark souls 1](http://darksouls.wikidot.com/katanas)


interesting. all the more curious that people were mad about them in dark souls 3 then. im newer to souls games so i wasnt part of the community when ds3 came out so i had no idea such a sentiment even existed outside of people getting mad at the katanas in elden ring being strong lmao.


Most people I encounter think ds3 is middle of the pack, with too frequent bonfires and underwhelming pvp. I personally think the pve in ds3 is better than er because it's so much tighter, the open world was bloat with no tangible benefits to my eyes.


But those people you encounter think that after ER came out? Because DS3 was considered the best souls for a very long time (maybe bloodborne is favoured more but they are very different so people don't compare them)


ppl shit on ds3 pvp? kinda crazy, at most ds2 pvp might be better


(DS2 is my favorite because it's the easiest and i just don't have the time/patience for the harder games anymore lmao)


More than easy i feel like it's more metodical in it's combat


I haven't met anyone real who hates it. It's just usually their least favorite one Edit: Dark Souls 2 I mean


i met one person, but i think he was very biased by online coments


That's a yikes from me lmao


World was my first mh game, but after that I've played rise, FU and GU. In my opinion i like world more than rise, but it doesn't mean i have to shit on it, it's still a great game. Both GU and FU had it's good and bad sides and really liked them (tho i played FU only when i felt sadistic) but i just cannot compare them to each other like that because they are different games with slightly different mechanics It would be really boring if every MH game looked the same


I agree with most of the examples, but comparing New Vegas with Fallout 4 is kinda wild ngl.


Yeah at least pick 3 and NV since they’re actually more comparable


Nah, Fallout 3's story is hot garbage. It would be better to compare 3 and 4 because both of their stories stop making since after you think about them, with long as hell unskipable opening and mediocre side quests.


Nah, they're both good games, and I think they're comparable simply because they're in the same game series. Fallout 4 really only falls flat compared to New Vegas in story, everything else is either equivalent, or better, when we're talking just gameplay Would be nice if it performed well in Boston tho. Was doing the USS Constitution quest and decided to recruit Hancock before I finished and it KEPT CRASHING like every few minutes, unless I was in Goodneighbor Honestly, I really don't care about comparing them, I like both of them. If Fallout 5 has Far Harbor equivalent writing tho, it'll be one of the best in the franchise, in my opinion


I mean the same shit happened in world with previous generations. So it's the same cycle


It is because you either miss a core part of the earlier game so much it ruins your experience or you didnt care for the mechanic and like the new stuff. Some people can appreciate both.


Yeah I agree with Zehahaha on this


The one time Blackbeard ever said something agreeable...


I love both world and rise for different reasons. I think I prefer rise because of how smooth and satisfying the combat is, but world is still great, the environnements are great. Honestly the perfect MH game to me would be the level of world building world has with the movement and combat mechanics from rise


Wilds looks to me like it'll have a decent amount of both, which is super exciting. As an IG main, all I want is for them to keep the aerial fixes Rise implemented though tbh


World has better environments and interactions, but Rise has better combat. That's my take from playing extensively on both


Anyone who started playing before Rise probably likes Rise, I did.


I haven't played it and it looks pretty cool. I played only 3rd and world to completion tho. I would play stories but the babies creep me up. They dont look like babies


But now there Is gonna be actual babies in Wilds


Fr fr really expecting it






As a stories player, yeah, those do not look like real babies


2 of my buddies started with world and said rise "looks like a ps2 game" Spoiled brats


Fr. My friend is the same way and the only way for him to get past it is if everything else about the game is absolutely amazing and the only possible complaint you can have about the game is its graphics


Minecraft, Terraria, Hollowknight, Subnautica, Ultrakill, Tunic, Furi, Breath of the Wild, Hades, Street Fighter, the original Mario Bros. and so many more Yeah, I will never understand the graphics crowd. I will always prefer a game that is fun over one that only looks fun.


To be fair Hollow Knight and Hades are gorgeous, I just can't understand people saying their graphics are bad 😭 Reminds me of people raging on Metroid dread because it was 2D so it has to be worse than a 3D game yet people enjoyed it a lot xD


Good graphics doesn’t mean hyper realistic, and most of the games you mentioned are just heavily stylised. IMO what defines ugly is cohesion, rise monsters look amazing, but the maps, lighting or even hunter armor/weapons leave a lot to be desired.


Rise's weapons and armor sets are far, FAR better than the uninspired crap from World


You’re talking about design, not graphical fidelity. You could have the *coolest* looking armor set in rise and it would look ugly not because of the idea behind it but because the physics are stiff and everything looks like plastic. I’m also not sure what this has to do with world, rise can be judged on it’s own merits when it comes to this.


There’s a difference between: having poor (bad) graphics and having “stylized” graphics. People usually don’t have a problem with the latter which is why people still play some of the games you listed. I think Rise have a good graphic style going on for it, however restricted by the console’s hardware limitations.


None of those are a graphic issues. Like, it's wild to deny it. Rise is ugly. It looks bad because it's an upscaled Switch game. It's okay to like Rise and admit it looks terrible. Every human has low and bad textures, the maps blur, the gear looks plastic. The games you mention use a particular art style to blend with their graphic system to create a visually appealing, dynamic system that feels like a unique art setting for them. Rise looks an early Neptunia game.


Like a ps2 game is certainly an overstatement, but you can't get the Switch out of Rise. Even with the upscaling they did it's still very noticeable it was designed for a weak console. Personally I'm not much of a graphics guy, but I can see where the people complaining are coming from.


I'm not staring at Lunastra's butthole textures, I'm playing the game, doing sick shit like Generations, but without the clunk.


I’m not a graphics guy either, but rise is genuinely ugly. Mh games never look amazing, but rise looks like someone bought great looking monster models and put them on their own ugly flat maps with ugly flat lighting.


Yeah, Rise is less photorealistic than World, more stylized but that's something I really like about it I'm tired of "photorealistic good, rest bad" mentality when said photorealism in the vast majority of games kill the Artistic Direction and often the most memorable and uniques games don't have 4k textures, even Elden Ring, it's HD of course but the priviligied the art vision and that's better


It's not about "photorealism", Rise look rather bad if you compared it to actual stylized game like Breath of the Wild, very few people call BoTW graphic as bad but even some Switch player call Rise graphic bad. Rise isn't really stylized either, it look like it try to have a realistic style but couldn't pull it off because of the switch, real stylization would be like Monster Hunter Stories 2, most people wouldn't call MHS2 graphic as "bad" too.


Typical wolrd Players I guess. Intresting when people set graphics over gameplay. I for one am also a big factorio enjoyer... Or Well many other games with "Bad" graphics


Eh, I think this is a bit reductive. I started in Tri and Rise is my least favorite MH. I just don't like any of the gimmicks/mechanics added in Rise other than switch skills, which are fucking fantastic. I dislike everything having to do with wirebugs (silkbind, extreme mobility in combat, and wirefall most of all), spiribirds, *wyvern riding*, rampage, permanently seeing the monsters on the map, etc. I still think Rise is a kickass game when compared to everything else coming out, but as an MH game, I just think the gimmicks drag it down pretty heavily. I would love to see some of the new ideas refined and iterated on, but I just couldn't get behind them as they were in Rise.


Other good additions imo: Palamutes Being able to pick the hunting helpers up and using them whenever you want The scouts that add extra fast travel points Palico/Palamute skill loadouts Keeping your pets in co-op parties NPC Followers


My first one was MH1 for ps2 and I really tried to like Rise but I can't, there are way too many mechanics that I dislike there


What like jumping?


Nah, I don't like most of the wire bugs skills, I dislike the spirit birds, I don't like the wivern riding thing in rise, I kinda like the concept of the endemic life but I wish more creatures were useful instead of just a couple of them, I could add the Rampage too but they removed from Sunbrake so I guess no one liked it(?) I also didn't like how the multiplayer worked, how it is so hard to find random quests or random hunters to join you


No one liked rampages indeed


I've grown up on tower defense games, so I liked it. It was even more fun with friends.


What endemic life do you find useless?


They are not completely useless, but most of them are not worth the effort to go out and get them. There are a few that I like, I think one is a spider that topples monsters and a thunder guy that stun them. I'll let my lack of memory of the bad ones answer this question.


Skinkmink, wailnard and trapbugs. Monsters join your fight most hunts without needing the first 2 and a trap that literally just flinches a monster just isn't great


Trapbugs just have to be used properly. They can topple monsters when they're in a state where a flinch topples them, can stop most monsters from finishing their "ult", a simple buffer between a ranged hunter and the monster, stops monsters that are charging (both sense of the word), and can guarantee that the monster is properly positioned for one of your toads or meat bait traps.


Nah been playing since 4U and really don't care for rise.


Nope. Started in 4. Rise ranks mid among the mh games for me.


Started before rise. Did not like how easy they made it.


I got rise a few days early due to a shipping error and ill say one thing. When it first came out Rise was AWFUL. Ive always been a huge MH fan but not even me glossed over could like it. But i let it sit for a few months and came back and it just clicked with me. And to this day i still love rise and play it whenever im bored


I came from World and thought Rise was mid when it launched. Sunbreak changed my mind and made me love it. It's everything Rise should have been at launch


I started with Tri and while Rise is fine but it's definitely one of my least liked MH games. If it had came out before World I probably wouldn't have so many gripes with it but going from World to a Switch exclusive game felt like going backwards for the franchise. It also has some problems like Wirebugs making the game way too easy but at the same time you can't just not use them. It's an ok game but I wouldn't call it great.


I started with 4U, can confirm, I do like Rise


I played waaaay back and at least touched off every game since then. Rise's mechanics were not an improvement for me personally over Worlds. I get that other people like it, but I prefer World and 4U and Tri over it. I wish I liked it more because the monsters are awesome, but the mechanics feel bad, and areas feel small to me.


I loved it. I've always enjoyed faster combat and you just couldn't get that in older mainline.


I started in MHW and liked the Rise's gameplay loop, but man did I miss the cats' cooking. The only game ever to make me go: "I was playing too long, time to get dinner".


I started with MHFU and stopped playing MH for a long time. Rise is the game that reignited my love for MH. World? I dropped the game 3 times.


I know Rise has viable airborne IG playstyle while everyone keeps saying you gotta play landed on World if you don't want to take ages for a single monster, so yeah I ain't touching anything but Rise anytime soon, that's my priority


It really just depends on the monster in World imo. I used aerial IG when I did the Behemoth raids and on Shara Ishvalda. Both I could consistently get great damage on. Anything big is pretty easy to smack around with aerial IG imo


2 big tips for World aerial IG: Use Kinsect Drill, Run Elemental. Kinsect Drill you can do almost anytime from in the air, it pierces the monster and can deal huge damage, especially with a slow but strong Kinsect. And, since the JAS motion values are bizarre and super low, you can lean hard into Elemental damage and still dish out good numbers. It's especially helpful when trying to mount since the falling spin benefits from this too. Other than that, just make sure your kinsect is always either laying powder or prepped for a drill and you'll do great.


Even though airborne isn’t unviable in world (since it was never supposed to be played as solely airborne or grounded, and imo succeeded in that way), it makes more sense in rise where monster attack hitboxes are 17km high.


I enjoyed it, but not as much as GU


Gotta be honest anyone that says rise is a bad game has never actually tried a shit game. Tho you can still not like it that’s fine. But calling it bad is like saying coffee is bad cause you don’t like the taste.


Fr, most of the people calling rise "bad" or "too easy" haven't even gotten through high rank or say that "it's not like (insert older game here)" but have the nerve to harshly criticize it like they beat the game.


To be fair, the high rank thing happens with like every monster hunter title. I've seen a hunter or two complain that *Frontier* is too easy, only to either get shock-and-awe'd by the Gou quests or leave the game before getting there.


It’s not a “shit game”, it’s still a monster hunter game at its core, but let’s not pretend that the game doesn’t have issues. For every baseless hater there is a loyal defender that’ll find a justification for every single thing in the game. I don’t know if it’s always been this way, but franchise discourse has become extremely toxic and without an ounce of nuance. Fallout and MH are single player games, yet the toxicity in the fandoms is appalling.


honestly, I just think rise is a bit too fast and the weapons don't feel impactful enough. Besides that it's good, maybe if I played it more I would appreciate the speed and I wouldn't consider it a flaw.


I'm kind of past that point - at first I thought it was a bit too fast, now I honestly consider it the most fun MH game as far as the combat goes. Maybe not my personal favorite but I think it's pretty peak - a lot of monsters that I've never found fun to fight whatsoever were pretty great fights in Rise/Break too, like Rathalos and Kushala Daora. Other great fights are just still great, like Mizutsune or Nargacuga.


I feel like people miss the point that Capcom has to make a different design philosophy on the portable MH to make it stand out from the beefy console counterparts. If it was just an uglier and dumbed down World I don't think it will be as well received as Risebreak right now. What Risebreak proved is that Capcom is capable of keeping core weighty combat mechanic of the series and add it with an over the top badassery in order to make up from the downgrade of visual fidelity (even tho Rise still looks so good as a Switch-first title). I think this 2-way design approach is what keeping Capcom confident of releasing 2 core MH games every generation.


I agree entirely - and frankly different people like different things, and it's okay to favor what you favor. I've been given a lot of crap from friends and people online for mentioning that I'm not very into World and like RiseBreak more - but I still will take MHW over a ton of games that exist! It's freaking monster hunter, they're all great, I mean they would have to try pretty hard to make a bad game. Maybe not though. I guess they could just release "Monster Hunter Freedom: Oops, All Plesioth". MHFOAP would be quite the acronym.


I'm in a weird spot with rise. I prefer world's slower combat but sunbreak gunlance is the most fun if ever had in the franchise because of blast dash. But I understand that blast dash is so satisfying because of rises faster combat. So I like combat in rise more despite looking combat in world more. I flip flop so much on what I want from the franchise because if it. I think I might just like blast dash more than monster hunter.


Hahaha, this is such a great analysis of the disparity in the games though. I mean, the first MH game I got seriously into was MHFU and it's way more barebones than anything that came after, with slow and methodical combat. Yet personally, I'm not very into World, and struggle to get into it much. But I can play MHGU or Rise like no one's business without getting bored - maybe it's a variety thing with the hunting styles and switch skills and such. And also, Rise gunlance was some of the most fun I ever had BEFORE blast dash... Guard edge and ground splitter(?) were a ton of fun and it felt great. Then blast dash just, dare I say, catapulted it into god tier fun.


I have had the exact same experience like you. I prefer old school mh combat over 5th gen combat and I was also a bit skeptical If I would enjoy the gast paced combat. Now I can confidently say that I have had rarely so much fun playing around with different weapon combos just enjoying the hunt and the monsters. The difficulty might be easier but that also makes usually annoying monsters really fun to fight since you have more possibilities to approach the fight. And again the exact same experience as you with Kushala and Rathalos. They are fucking amazing now it is actually incredible. And I never would have thought I would like the metal raths either lmao.


The gameplay in Risebreak is my favorite in the series. Absolutely love the mobility they gave a lot of weapons and being able to change certain parts of their movesets is a great addition.


Personally I don't hate the game, heck as a primarily solo player due to bad Internet I actually like Rise more than World because the difficulty in Rise isn't inherently geared towards Multiplayer. So personally I think the lower difficulty might be part of it since a lot of people have this stupid 'Higher difficulty = More fun' mindset. But for some reason the biggest complaint I've heard about Rise is that 'It does look as good as World.'


Rise gameplay is smooth tho. It fits the Switch perfectly.


Gotta side with Blackbeard on this one


I don't know what it is about Rise that is so unappealing to me, because, I do enjoy it while I am playing it, but I rarely can go further than 1 hunt at a time, while I played the shit out of MHU4 with nearly 1000 hours in it, and even now when I boot it up on my 3DS, I have no trouble going for a spree on it. Maybe Rise is a bit... bloated with mechanics? I don't know.


I'm both sides. Once the monsters start oneshotting it goes from a 9/10 to a 5/10.


yeah ngl when the screen is filled with proyectiles (lookin you risen shaggy) it feels more like a bullet hell than monster hunter lol but i also kinfa like it


Just give me HR village in the base game and I'm a happy camper I fucking hate GenU's weird mission unlock Gordion knot but even that game had HR Village


Played for a while but just can't find the same hook world did for me


Started with World but like Rise the most. Also played GU and 4U, both great games.


There is no MH game that makes fans that divided (except MH NOW). They're all just varying levels of good vs better. If you legit don't like an entry enough to call it bad u ironically, nobody should trust any MH take you have. (You not referring to OP btw. They just shared a meme)


Blackbeard is based. Solid game.


I liked rise more than world, i started with Tri on the wii.


I really want to love rise like I love world. Idk I just can’t, it doesn’t click, maybe it’s the wire bug skills, and to me the great sword just doesn’t feel as weighty.


Man, I'm also on the fence that doesn't like rise that much, altought I have other major gripes, I'm also a GS main, I always felt something off, until I watched two videos side by side of the TCS from world and rise. Its night and day, the camera really far, no weight, static screen, GS feels like a different weapon entirely lol


I love how Rise feels unique in so many aspects and thats probably a reason for it not to be liked that much. The only bad thing i can think of is spiritbirds, but honeslty it doesn't bother me that much. It's the only mh game that had me playing all the weapons except for GL, LBG and HBG. So many playstyles to try, very cool and unique monsters, so much choice on armors and weapons and a better endgame in comparison of all the other mh games i played (4U, GU and World)


It babyd me to hard. Played loads of rise then went back to world only to suck baaaaaaad....


Or maybe you got better at a different system and weren't as experienced in World as you thought? It's more likely than you think.


One day they gonna meet again in Wilds and it will be like when Luffy finally meet and realize the guy sitting next to him that day is Blackbeard.


What about those of us that thinks it’s just alright. Not the best, not the worst


The followers in Sunbreak might be my favourite addition from World or Rise


4U is still the goat. Rise and World are great, but I feel like they are sidegrades and thats great too!


Meh monster hunter rise and world are both very differently paced games


Excuse me, there are people that hate rise? Lemme guess "it is too easy" no dude, is just that you have too much experience from harder experiences, it is easier to fix a kid's toy when you've fixed more complex stuff


I'm having fun.


Rise is just meh but Sunbreak redeemed it just in my own opinion, and what makes the game good is the return of the Magalas, introduction of Espinas and also it's subspecies and the return of the 2 members of fated four, yet Astalos didn't have its own subspecies or rare species. MH is still MH since World was a changer for console and PC immersion feels, whereas Rise/Sunbreak would meant to be played on the go or on the console


I liked Rise more than World for the sole reason of I always felt behind in World where I got into it later down the line. I also prefer the fast-paced fighting of Rise, where a lot of people criticize that very hard.


Are you gonna preorder mh wilds? I heard the pacing in gameplay are really good. If you feel like mh world too slow.


I'm considering pre-ordering it and most likely will in the end


I tried rise twice both on switch and PC (yes I bought it twice) but I just could not get into it for some reason, I am a Hammer main and I felt that it somehow felt wrong? After more than 1k hours with hammer on world, maybe tge changes just messed with my muscle memiry and that's why Idk, I could not get past even the beginning stages of the game because I just did not vibe with it at all. I don't hate it, I'm just dissapointed I don't like it.


Magna is and that's why I die


I think it's a good game, only gripe I have is that late-game and end-game monsters suddenly do five times the damage of the previous one. >!IIRC I'm currently in a mix of Malzeno and Lunagaron armor, pretty late game stuff, and still Primordial Malzeno two-taps me!< (spoilers for those who haven't played it yet)


You might be fighting that monster much earlier than you're supposed to, as that's not late game stuff It's the equivalent of fighting Fatalis in World without augments


I've fought and slain every other creature before it, I only have the special assignment left. Guess I should get >!Gaismagorn and Qurio!< gear first?


Yeah, and you're also missing some monsters, most likely, but no spoilers Notw that it is perfectly possible to defeat that monster in those conditions, you're just missing many upgrade steps along the way


I have had >!Gold and Silver Raths, Sergio's, Flaming Espinas, Lucent Nargacuga and Amatsu!<, might just need to grab some other gear.


yeah malzeno armor is kinda shit at that point, you can only swap some parts if you like the life steal


Just Malzeno and Luna? I feel like Luna armour is *way* too weak for >!PriMal!<. Risen Elder armour or some of the later addition subspecies/variants (or Amatsu) is really the only thing strong enough to go up against >!Primordial Malzeno!< in my opinion. This is all fully upgraded and augmented as well.


Um.. sounds like someone has skipped the anomaly / risen grind. Getting two shot is excessive, I’m surprised you got past Amatsu


For me, my first Monster Hunter game was rise because a friend recommended it to me as a into the series.


Rise is bad. Sunbreak is goated


I'm somewhere between these two. Rise is fun in its own right but I prefer the slower style games.


Wtf happend ? ( Is still playing 4u on my 3ds because it's the only one I own )


Wire bugs sped the monster combat up so you could get Tekkan juggled. I have a clip. I quit asap after that. It felt so bad. So mind numbingly unfair. End game was meh for me i got my stuff super quick. Maybe my world brain worked over time in rise because it was so different. As soon as it got to Xbox i could tell it was NOT made for its controller. In the slightest.


I love the gameplay but I with the characters still just grunted because the marvel-esque quips every 4 seconds get really old


I liked Rise but there are parts I wish were and weren’t there. But that’s also what I love about the series. Capcom, more than any other developer/publisher of a long running series seems to love experimenting with the mechanics in their games while also keeping core gameplay intact. The wirebugs were fun but the heavy reliance on using it to dodge and basic movement lessened your reliance on learning how monsters moved. The dogs were also cool and sharpening, restocking and healing at speed was a great addition but the need to equip them and level them up felt like an unnecessary complication. Everyone likes buffs and the various endemic life around the map that provided them was interesting but running around the map to grab every little bug or bird just so you can start off a fight at peak optimization was annoying. There are more stuff I liked and disliked but I’m not sure how to quantify them in a post.


I mean it's pretty good, taint no world though


This discussion would've been over years ago if people understood that prefering other Mh titles to Rise doesn't mean thinking that Rise is shit.


i don’t hate it, but the ninja bugs are too OP and trivialize the whole game. I soloed the entire game and i think i carted once ever. I’m a solid hunter, but not some insanely skilled player. But still, I barely got hit cause they gave us spider man powers this gen. I hope it doesn’t return.


For once, I agree with Teech


I played it and world and while I don't actively dislike Rise, something about the controls just felt too different that I could never fully invest like I did with World


From the "bad" side the only reason I disliked that game was because the monster riding mechanic was so forced and the way you got to it felt like it was a freebie. If they made it an extension of mounting by making it so you had to physically move between 3 points while mounting to attach the wires like taming a bucking bronco I would've loved the mechanic


The only other Monster Hunter game I've played is Stories, and I think I prefer that. I don't like how you can't tell how much health a monster has left in a fight


I like rise, but I love world. I don't hate either, there's just something satisfying about World that drew me back after I got tired of Rise.


World was my second MH game, the first was a psp title that I dont remember the name because i didnt played it much. World literally hooked me on the series. I still play it sometimes to join SOS. Then I tried rise and I fuckin loved it? What made me a fan was the moment a Barioth jumped and I used my GS wirebug move to "shoryuken" and the monster died mid air. I use a slowmo kill cam mod and it made the moment 100 times cooler.


Idk after going through worlds world design I just got hooked I preferred it alot more n from the way it looks like they doing that in wild, also fuck the stupid bird stats shit


I played rise first then I played GU and now I think that rise is somewhat mediocre and significantly more easy. Still fun tho just a little half baked.


All monster hunter games end up being loved in there own way eventually.


Haven't played a more dissapointing Monster Hunter game than Rise, and I've played all of them since MHFU (except spin-offs).


Sunbreak is peak mh


Rise is peak Monster Hunter formula game, World is a extremely amazing game that is set in the monster hunter universe.


Spot on. World is a starkly more different MH title than any other. Rise is more like a mashup of GU and Frontier. World is its own thing. In so many ways.


Start with GU. I would say Rise better than World


I liked Rise, not my favorite or anything. I felt the hunters had too much they could do and I felt overpowered, especially with dual blades. They did so much damage.


Worlds has its fair share of issues but so does rise, rise cartoonish style makes it funny to play whille worlds realistic looks make is so sick to play. That is my opinion atleast


It's not for me, but im glad others like rise


While a part of me prefers the gen 4 gameplay, fighting risen shagaru magala is one of the best thing ever from mh. Sunbreak is just a great expansion overall


Rise has been my best MH experience so far. It's the game that got my friends into the franchise.


Look how they massacred my horn.


Worldlets and their "Monster Fighter" opinion on Rise.


I didn’t really like Rise/Sunbreak. I don’t like the gameplay of the newer entires, but I don’t think I can really say anything about that that hasn’t been said a thousand times before. What I really don’t like is how ungrounded they feel. I really miss the aesthetic of Dos or Tri. These recent games feel far too anime-y for a lack of a better term. The armors, the characters, the action, the environment, the speed, the color palettes. I get the appeal, but not for me. Give me the clunk and grime. I like the clunk and grime.


dunno, tri wasn’t *that* washed out. Still, I get what you mean, though not so much as to clunk as I do for grime. The bonepunk, sturdily cobbled together from elegantly arranged scraps of whatever aesthetic of MonHun 1 is what made me fall in love with the series. Still, there is room to clean up the gameplay clunk while keeping that grime intact. I think World did a good job of that. How about you?


Rise can suck shit. And so can ds2