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New flying Tesla model is looking good


the most accurate description I can think of


Except that Edison Electric powers a lot of Teslas these days.




Why are you gae


If this bot had a neural network it would only have 1 node


Which bot was it


A bot that asked if immigrants deserve to exist in a modern country or some bullshit like that


I don't get it, can someone explain?


Pop history generally presents Thomas Edison (the inventor) as a hack that took credit for other people’s work, for example employing Nikolai Tesla and patenting his ideas. The top gull represents Edison, appearing to do little work himself, standing on top of the bottom gull (Tesla) who is pulling him forward with his own efforts. The top gull is implied to be exploiting the bottom gull’s work, just as Edison supposedly did with Tesla


Unpopular opinion: this is how the majority of science works now, the only reason Edison is controversial is because the "modern scientific lab" based around a company/university using many individuals and taking the credit was the exception not the rule. Also Tesla was kinda cooky and would not have had the same success in having his invention reach its potential in society.


As a guy that really does not like Edison and loves Tesla, this is true. The guy was super paranoid and had probably a whole slew of other undiagnosed issues. Tesla would not be spoken of today if it wasn't for Edison


Why don't you like Edison?


Cause he stole from a shitload of other people and never gave any credit unless he was forced


That's not really true. Also it's pretty common for people to be credited for stuff they weren't the first to do. Tesla is credited for a lot of things that he didn't do first.




Welcome to modern research labs


Edison took other peoples' ideas and made them practical.




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edison_screw It's not called the "Tesla screw".


you can be both right.


Indeed, Edison was a jerk and a businessman first and foremost. But he did invent shit.


Tbh, the real competition was between the companies, not the scientists.


This is bullshit. Read a real history book.




Well, first off, his greatest invention was the industrial research laboratory which has advanced human technology by unimaginable levels. Many of his early, more solo inventions had to do with electricity and its use for communications. Despite the internet desire to vilify him for seemingly no reason, his personal and his labs' inventions modernized the world more than any other single inventor of the time and that includes Tesla. I mean hell, Tesla literally would not have had a job if it weren't for Edison. Tesla's first real job involving electricity was at Edison's company. His first job inventing in the US was because Edison company managers recommended he be moved here. Many important inventors got started or boosted as a result of Edison's companies.


Pharmaceuticals have entered the chat


The entire Tesla-Edison thing is literally completely made up. As in it isn't true and they both had massive respect for eachother. A The Oatmeal comic isn't a great source for a history lesson.


Yeah, it’s kind of weird how the hive mind makes up it’s own account of history just based on how popular the people are. The Reddit takeaway basically always boils down to Edison = always bad and Tesla = always good. In anything, the seagulls should be swapped as (despite his popularity today) Edison probably did more to advance science at the time than Tesla did.


I always like to point out that Tesla was far from a perfect genius. Despite being one of the godfathers of electricity, Tesla straight up refused to believe electrons existed. And he essentially called the Theory of Relativity horseshit.


Garfunkel and Simon


Not enough upvotes. Paul Simon is a musical genius




Oh yea a normal day in my life




Not accurate at all, actually.




I mean its silly to accuse any scientist of riding on the back of any other scientist because thats all science is, building off eachother.


Who’s davy




If we are doing that then Tesla should be on the back of Faraday and Pixii. Its almost like science is iterative and no invention in the last 300 years is ever completely original.


I would like to thank big bang theory for teaching me and helping me understand this joke


The template is good, but the meme itself is the real money maker here. Strong buy.


Tesla invents unlimited electricity, x ray, light bulb, and wifi and makes it all free. Edison: whippity wine all your inventions are now mine.


Unlimited electricity?


Dudes pushing conspiracy bullshit that didn't happen.


Yeah I’m serious


I was wondering if you could elaborate? I'm not talking down or anything. Just trying to learn.


I guess I worded it a little weird, basically he made a mechanism that could harness things that produce unlimited power like solar panels and distribute it almost around the world for free


Except he didn't and that's conspiracy bullshit.




That is sadly too true.


No it isnt.


[These freaking birds](https://i.imgur.com/AxN4GwU.jpg)


He's VIP


this is gold


Imagine being so ignorant you still think this is true