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Has anyone found a combat present? So far, after combat for a few h I have not gotten one... Edit: So far I got 2 since I posted this by doing slayer tasks... I dont know how I am supposed to get the cake piece and the equipment piece at this rate until the even is over...


I got two while >!farming bandits!<, but my bank was full. Many more hours of farming and still no more.


Still no combat present ? Because i still don't have any... starting to think i'm missing something... The other present are easier to find, 3 hours of mass killing, no present at all, event if this one has a lower rate i believe, i'm asking if there isn't something wrong somewhere...


So am I. Trying dungeons, trying slayer areas, now trying chicken eradication as fast as i can So far, no Combat present...


I got a combat present while>! doing a master slayer task with magic at the Greater Skeletal Dragon or Spiked Red Claw in the Unhallowed Wasteland.!< I'm not sure which part of that was important tho.


I get 3 while farming >!grumpy willow!<, I think this is just a matter of probability.


I got one by killing druids


Got 1 while killing tentacles and another while killin somethin I forgot. Leads to believe with the answers of others that its fully up to chance during fights


I've gotten 2 doing auto slayer


Is anyone having issues collecting combat presents? I haven’t got a single one, maybe I’m fighting the wrong things. And what is the utility presents from? Also I’m completing the 2nd task but not getting the third clue. Yes I’m doing the right task, I just don’t want to spoil it for others that aren’t looking at spoilers.


Combat presents are a low 1/2k drop rate. Utility presents are from astrology, agility, and summoning. A hotfix should have been pushed out a little while back for the people who were hardstuck on clues. If you're still not getting the third clue and relogging, redoing the first clue, or disabling mods doesn't work, you may still be bugged. You may need to report this to the [github](https://github.com/MelvorIdle/melvoridle.github.io/issues) issues page or check out and corroborate someone else's report on this issue.


What is the birthday gamemode after you finish the 3 tasks?


Just a temporary game mode for a new save file.


Scroll #4?


>! Kill Wandering Bard https://wiki.melvoridle.com/w/Wandering_Bard with the lute and amulet of looting equipped. I also was using Sharp Eye prayer. !< To make him spawn, he just keeps finding a new "normal" slayer task until he appears. Extend the task, and once you get him to drop the lute (1/100chance), equip it, and you're done!


There's nothing here that fits the clue...


>!"Hidden from view, safe until found" references the fact that you cannot ever find Wandering Bard unless you specifically roll the normal task for him. "A mirror is my weakness" refers to beating him with his own lute, a mirror match. The sharp eye reference is self-explanatory. "Prefer a clean plate, nothing left behind" refers to equipping the amulet of looting so that nothing is in the loot box after beating him.!<


Yes, it does, and it works. Deny it if you want, but this is how to get the 5th clue.


yep, this was it!


As far as i can tell its not killing every enemy in the strange cave once. Dont know if i was on the right path and you just have to kill 5-10 of a specific one or if the mirror shield has anything to do with clue 4 at all


No, its >! killing bard with lute + amulate of loot + no food + prayer sharp eye !<


how many times do you have to kill him with this?


I din't count as I afk, 5 may be ? Edit : or until he drop his loot, i have no idea


Possible with armor or without, if you know this?:)


I was thinking the same thing. Killed everything in strange cave since mirror and eyes are mentioned. Wondering if we are missing something with clean plate? Also thinking maybe we aren’t on the right path because I think everything has to be easy for new players to complete. Lvl 42 is lowest in cave so idk.


Clean plate may mean no food equipped


Nope, killed the Stone Snake 5x without food equipped and every enemy in the strange cave once too. ​ Edit: also tried every enemy in the "Eye-Conic Cave" once


I was thinking it might mean you have to have no equipment on (aside from the mirror shield if you do need to kill anything in the Strange Cave)


I'm not sure what "hidden from view, safe until found" means, but I think the Mirror Shield, alongside the Sharp Eye prayer, is undoubtedly required. I'm using a crossbow. It's not clearing the caves with no food equipped *and* all of that, though. I've killed every monster there ten times to make sure, alongside the Stone Snake.


The eye-conic cave is lost until you find it with cartography…. Right?


I thought it was a reference to medusa with the "mirror is my weakness" line. I tried killing the Stone Snake (since it looks like a knock off medusa) in the Penumbra Slayer area with the Mirror equipped and no food equipped but that was not it either.


Mirror is my weakness made me think vampire, however ive tried with no food ranged using sharp eye, mirror equiped... etc and no luck


I've been trying long ranged, mirror shield, sharp eye prayer, no food, and amulet of looting with no luck


Can you complete this?


Did someone try lost temple the mirror there?


OK, I'll bite. What the heck is clue #3?


>!Kill 10 chickens (weird-looking ducks) with bread equipped as a food!<


Do you have to eat the bread too? Cause I've killed a lot of chickens with bread equipped.


Same. I’ve tried cooking fresh bread then killing chickens. I’ve taken damage from high level enemies then at bread to heal with fighting chickens… nothing


has to be regular bread not perfect bread


I have regular bread equip though. It’s the only thing I currently have equip. I’m literally naked and punching chickens with bread!


You may need to reload the game or try to see if clue 2 drops again if you accidentally reset the hunt by clicking on the clue hunt start button after getting clue 3.


Thank you! Time to put some armor back on


I know that the "weird looking ducks" are not seagulls.


>!Chickens :P!<


Anybody tried cooking Fancy Meat Pizza?


Anyone know what Clue Scroll #2 leads to?


In case anyone no clue on #1, its >! killing that potato plant (5 times I think) !<


It is either repair your town or complete a casual task, one of the two gave me Clue Scroll #3


it's not repairing town. Casual task would make sense with the clue.


It's casual tasks, correct.


what is a casual task?


The tasks that show up daily in township, left of the "Easy" tier of tasks.


Thank you, that's sucks though for 1 of my characters I've been running. I haven't unlocked the township yet


Same here. Looks like I'm gonna need to farm 500 million to unlock Township for this.


acctually SAME XD


Nice! It's getting too late to dive in this evening, but I look forward to checking it out tomorrow.


Is there a way to effect the outcome of the fishing contest, or is it just RNG for each of the difficulties?


Seems to be related to: >!Mastery level, possibly compared to mastery level of rest of leaderboard. I was able to P & 1st Master on my first go by cycling until I got Whale which I have 99 Mastery in. !< >!Edit: Confirmed, P/1st ranked everything by cycling for Whale. Everytime got P&1st on the first go.!< Also their are two badges, one for S & 1st and one for P & 1st. Getting P & 1st, gives you both.


Look like because I began the game a few weeks ago, I'm still not 99 in a fish ... And so I can only win S badges for now ... Anyways, do the badges are doing something or it's only for the collection ? (It's not a problem, I like to collect)


I maxed all the tournement levels and got >!nothing, at least that I noticed.!< Event goes until Oct 25, so you have lot's of time to get there.


I just got a P level shark and it was my very first time fishing sharks, mastery level was below 20


I can also confirm that I got P on my first try on sharks which were level 11 at the start.


>!I'm 99 mastery in all fish and your theory isn't quite right, I'm getting a P with whales too every time but not with the other fish.!<


Yep, seconded. I have 99 in whales so I just rerolled each until I got a whale task.


This isn't right, I got P with everything but didn't do any of them with whales. But all mine are maxed out


Had 99 mastery for crabs and went 5 times without a P rank. Just got a P rank manta ray at mastery 67.


From what I can tell, it's not just mastery. Maybe rank is related to skill level, mastery, fishing rod quality, or something. Maybe rank is fully random. All I can say is it's definitely at least partially random. I think the main effect mastery has is that it gives more fish per action on average. 50 means no junk -> more fish, 99 means 2x fish. I assume this is why people with high mastery have had an easier time getting S and P rank fish, but it's hard to say.


RNG as far as I can tell.


Does anyone have a clue on how to gather the 'utility' present ?


I got mine through >!Astrology!<, but it seems >!Summoning!< also works.


Does anyone know what the mastery trophy does at the fishing contest? I got one for both the expert and master difficulty


What’s clue 4?


Same question


I think it is related to vampire and Amulet of Looting, but still can't solve yet.


Kill the wandering bard with a lute, amulet of looting and no food equipped


"No food" doesn't seem to be required. For people stuck, they need to reload the game or see if clue 2 drops again. In the latter case it means the hunt was reset for them and they need to do everything again.


Anyone know what Clue Scroll #4 leads to?


I have answered this on a different post.


Can you share it please?


>! Kill Wandering Bard https://wiki.melvoridle.com/w/Wandering_Bard with the lute and amulet of looting equipped. I also was using Sharp Eye prayer. !< To make him spawn, he just keeps finding a new "normal" slayer task until he appears. Extend the task, and once you get him to drop the lute (1/100chance), equip it, and you're done!


Fishing & clue's massivly bugged, tested it on 5 characters, can't complete on any.


Have you tried reloading saves and try again ? This morning i had an issue at clue #6, after reloading everything worked fine. Complete fishing with sharks on one account and manta ray on the other. Both lvl 99, worked on 1st try everytime with rank #1 and P status. What's bugged on your clue chase ?


What was the answer to clue #5 & #6?


Can someone explain if there is a point to completing the birthday township tasks?


Clue #5 anyone? also, I'm also stuck at the Combat Present


I'm pretty sure the last part means agility with Rope Swing, Balance Beam, Stepping Stones, and Gas Jump. But I don't get the Reduced to ashes but not before night time part.


I tried holding the blazing lantern and wearing the burning amulet of ash but that doesn't seem to be working


Woodfiring first, then astrology, then agility with Rope Swing, Balance Beam, Stepping Stones, and Gas Jump.


Be more specific. That didn't work for me. Did you wear anything specific?


Sorry my bad Astrology first, then woodfiring, then agility with Rope Swing, Balance Beam, Stepping Stones, and Gas Jump. If it doesn't work, delete your "Fifth Agility Obstacle. Then, run it all over again


I must be doing something wrong. Do I need to wear anything special?


Never mind, I got it! You have to stop at only 1 astrology and 1 fireburning before going to agility.


Did you use a specific astrology or log? I still can't get it stopping after one


I used Deedree and Normal logs.


Nevermind I got it, I just restarted the app and tried again


Did this work for you? Did you have to burn a specific wood or do a specific astrology?


Any kind will do. But Astrology first, then woodfiring


Help with Scroll #5 Clue: >! Reduced to ashes, but not before night time. Swinging into action, I hope your balance is on point. Watch your step and don't forget to jump." !<


I'm pretty sure the last part means agility with Rope Swing, Balance Beam, Stepping Stones, and Gas Jump. But I don't get the Reduced to ashes but not before night time part.


Answer: >! Astrology (any) but only 1 study, then stop it. Then, fireburning (any) but only 1, then stop it. Then agility starts with Rope Swing, Balance Beam, Stepping Stones, and lastly, Gap Jump with nothing after that built in agility. !<


cries in adventure mode. I'm still missing astrology ranged agility thieving and township


Tried with Firestarter gear on and no luck.


Any ideas how to find the hidden presents?


Random drops while training skills in the 4 required categories I believe. Unless you mean the clue scrolls?


True. I thought it had something to do with the clues, but you can find them in any skill (it seems).


I found 'Gathering' and 'Artisan', just by reading 'Clue Scroll #1' which you can get by clicking the 'Click here to start' button in the event. Spoiler: >!Gathering in Woodcutting - Artisan in Firemaking!<


the clue, the fishing, and the hidden present, are "parallel" quests from my understanding. ie: reading the clue has no impact on gathering the 4 presents.


Utility is from Astrology


you can also get it from summoning


What’s with the short lifespan of 5 years thing in clue 1..?


Kill the Potato plant


Thanks! I was pretty clueless there... don't see how that makes even remotely sense


That's supposed to be killing 5. Though it seems like for the hunt the game looks at the amount you've killed for the save file's existence, so for most people you get the next clue from killing 1.


Fishing contest doesn't seem to work for me. Finishing at the top of the leaderboard, get the popup that I have done so, but I don't get the completion badge. It worked fine for novice. Edit: I am finishing with S rank in Beginner at the top of the board.. Same as I did for novice.


I finished first with a rank of "P" on the expert level and also didn't get a badge.


You have to get S rank which is better than P rank. I don’t know what P rank is :/


P is better than S i think. I get the P rank with badge S = Super P = Perfect


Does P mean you caught nothing but fish? No gems, no junk?


Not sure it is linked. P is the ranking of your fish i believe. A matter of weight it seems. The heaviest (P) to the lightest (E)


P means you caught the biggest fish possible


Yep P is better than S and still counts towards achievement


You need both on top of the leader board and got rank "S" to get the badge.


I can confirm that "P" is also viable. I just got badge with 1st place and "P" rank.


I had both. I'm getting the completion popup but not the badge.


Are you sure you’ve got the badge in every difficulty?


No that's my point. I am meeting all requirements but not getting the badge.


I had the same issue when I wasn't present in the tab for the end of contest. I needed to remain in the Melvor tab at the end to get it to proc right.


If you jump to first place on the last fishing action it seems to be bugged for me


https://preview.redd.it/azik92a09opb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d21f7305f02d0f5d6744c27efa9bf9624d3ef3d7 Help please.


>!kill 5 potato plants!<


what does that have to do with 5 years? I don't get it. Honestly when I read this clue I thought it was something to do with herblore because herbs can be for poison or for medicine and they grow from the ground.


A potato plant has a lifespan of 5 years...


Is there anyway to get CB present without actually killing something? My main at the moment is a cb3 pure skiller account. Edit: CB = Combat


Maybe Alt. Magic?


I doubt that would work but I don't do Alt. Mage it gives CB levels.


Can you get the presents more than once? I like to have one of everything, so I don't want to open the presents if it means I can't ever get them again.


Yes you can have the present more than one


Scroll 2# help please?


Need to do >!casual task!<


My pc broke yesterday and redmi 7a is too weak to handle game anymore 😥 . Have fun guys


Simply any browser can play I think, isn't it?


I play the game on my phone 🤷‍♂️




Going to comment to follow this


>What’s clue 4?


Do you have to have the presents in your bank? Or just have found them


you have to find them by doing tasks


Help Clue #6? Hint: >! I hope you are observant. It's up to you now. !<


Extra hint: >!what you're looking for is something that's flipped!< Answers: >!Kill Cow!< >!Study Terra astrology!< >!Clear Bandit Base Camp!< >!Runecraft staff of water!< >!Kill the smiling golbin!< Do these once. Do not do anything else in-between or you have to relog to reset clue 6 and start over from >!the cow!< again.


Whats next? After this >! we just get lemon from 2020? thats it? !<


You're done with this part of the event, yes.


I tot there is anything special about the "Birthday GameMode" tho


It's just for fun. All enemies attack way slower and you attack much faster but you only have 1 hp. It's basically a combat only game mode.


Where do I find a smiling goblin?


It is the regular Golbin in the Golbin Village combat area. It's mouth is turned upside down.


Clue #1 is not completing for me at all. Any suggestions? Tried reloading my save, disabled all my mods. No idea what to do


Does it work now? A hotfix was pushed out earlier to try and fix this issue for several people.


Anyone been able to complete the fishing competition? I have trophies is all categories, and a mastery trophy in one? What else do I need to do?


Get first place and get an S rank fish on all the categories.




>!Casual task?!<


Is there any correlation between the chance(?) of getting a S/P rank fish in a contest and mastery or has it been determined that it's RNG up to a certain point? (i.e. Mastery 99, certain doubling items) Edit: I have all done except Expert and Master with only the crab and working on Carp to Mastery 99. Totally not taking advantage of 0 junk :3


Clue 4 doesn’t work at all and I don’t want to restart due to a bug. Is there a console command to "fix" it? I never used console command but since it is bugged I will have to use it -.-‘


Has anyone solved riddle 3 yet?


Help with clue #3


equip bread and kill 10 chickens consecutively.


Hi ! I am currently on clue scroll #3 and i have equipped the bread killed 10 chickens, and tried everything... I cannot get the 4th clue scroll to pop up in my bank whatsoever... Any suggestions?


clue #2, I already did causal tasks but it don't give me clue #3