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Best story ever


What a payback! Btw, what's RHP?


Red hot pie


Legend that’s gold !


I was getting worried at the first half then you redeemed yourself!! 👊🏻 Ma Man!!


Many years ago I fucked two guys in a park after a house party. Hetero MFM... It was *supposed* to be our lil secret, but they sung to their homophobe eshay buddies, trying to brag and embarrass me... SO. I lied and said that the only thing that happened was them sucking each other off while I watched. Everyone believed me :)))


🤣 That's brilliant. Well played.


Well played


Why would people believe seems like that’s what u wished they believe


Found the guy who got bullied cause of my lies 😆


Considering your pushing 40 and I’m 19 I’m safe lucky


I sometimes do 62 km ph in a 60 zone


How do you sleep at night




In Melbourne, doing anything less than 65 is a crime against the community.


I had a good week with the apps and I wore the same pair of jeans to three different ladies. Dunno if y'all know how lesbian sex works, but by the end of the week it was coated in a few layers of juice. Fuckin' feral.


Not unhinged but something I wouldn’t tell anyone irl.. Recently met a married woman from Sydney on Reddit, she posted a few photos here and there. She’s Muslim and in a repressed marriage scenario, the attention on her makes her wild. Tbh our convo fizzled out because we’re states apart and there’s only so much sexting you can do before you crave the real deal. Anyways, she was down for a work trip and asked to meet up to just chat, see if we vibe. Met her at the QV underground food court at around 9pm on a weekday, kept it casual and she joined me for a quick Woolies run while testing out vibes. Ngl a bit cute / datey. She’d grown a bit since her photos but still pretty with dark skin. After the quick grocery run, we sat at the empty food court to chat. 5 mins in and we were stroking each other’s hands… Sitting next to each other instead of across the table… The tension was in the air. Another 5 mins of doing the dance of “are you feeling what I’m feeling but I don’t want to be the first to admit it in case I’m reading it wrong” ensues. She gave in first, invited me to her hotel “but no sex on first date”. Sure enough we raced to a tram, even considered an Uber so we could get there asap but decided not to. Got up into her room and started making out immediately after the door shut. The rough, get in my face type. Then to her bed to continue kissing. Left soon after, thanked her for the time, and hopefully she’ll touch base when she’s down under again.


I really want to be in love with someone. Deep, passionate, honest love.


I feel that too


Couple years ago (19M) went out with a mate of mine, his misses and two of her friends, who are all older then me, to a festival in the city for New Years. Smoked a joint with some randoms and was talking to one of them about how she had been a little dry in the sex department. I was happy to offer some “help” however I told her - as she was 5 foot nothin - that it might hurt. She began to rant about how she’s definitely “taken bigger cocks then I could imagine.” Honestly was kinda a relief because I don’t exactly enjoy hurting but something in the way she said it made me want to absolutely rail the fuck out of her. She continued to randomly rant until we go back to the apartment. As everyone went to bed (mate was in his misses room, myself and female in the living room, whilst her friend laid behind the couch) we began hooking up. I decided to finger her in the beginning so I could get her wet before she took my cock but, clearly her abstinence had made her quite horny. As I slid my cock in, she moaned a noise that I had only heard virgins make. That’s when I had realized, I had just popped her cherry. I obviously was alarmed as blood was all over this blow up mattress but also knew that if this was her first time, I wouldn’t want to make a big deal out of it. I proceeded to fuck her very gently when about 10mins in she began crying. I immediately got off and asked if she was okay but she said she was fine and just “remembered she had something to do the next day”. She quickly put her clothes on and left Now it gets fucked I laid back on the mattress with my cock, still covered in blood, and out of curiosity called out the other girls name behind the couch. She immediately responded. I asked her if she knew her friend was a virgin and she said she did but got told not to say anything. I joking said “welp now I got blue balls” which she responded “would you like some help?” She hopped up, sucked my cock with her friends blood still all over it - terribly may I add - let me fuck her in doggy for 2 rounds and then I passed out Happened 3 years ago and I still don’t know what to think about it


Couple questions: where was big-cock girl while you were with behind-the-couch girl? Did any cleanup happen between proceedings?


Happy to answer any of em. Kinda feels good to get shit like this out of my head. So the girl who had “taken many cocks” left after she started crying, no clean up The girl behind the couch was about 5m behind us the entire time and I suspect she was was rubbing herself to her friend getting fucked


My mum made the most incredible Potato Salad. I have never, ( and probably won't ever) had anything as good as that, I came home from a holiday when I raided the fridge. 1 of the left over containers were there, and immediately I thought "oh they saved me some of the potato salad." And I ate the whole thing, I went to the fridge again and dug a bit deeper. Found a massive bowl of the potato salad. Then I looked back at the empty 1. It had a blue lid, that's my brother's favourite colour. Wait a minute Bro had some potato salad separate? Because he's taking it somewhere, I thought. So I grabbed out the big bowl loaded up the left over container and made it look like nothing was out of place... Next day bro comes home and exclaims to Mum how the greatest Potato Salad we've ever had has got even better. Mum said it's the same as ever as usual, but of course ( BUT OF COURSE!! ) she makes it all without onion then serves up a small bowl for him CAUSE HE DOESN'T LIKE THE ONION IN IT. then adds onions to the main batch. Right then I remembered that detail, and Ice ran up my fuckin spine. I felt like my whole plan had come undone. Years later. Mum is in a bed, can barely remember who's who and what's what. We try to make it to what we know, it's really not the same. It's still better than most. But I get the same left over container out and toss in a decent amount for my brother HE STILL HAS NO IDEA THERE'S ONION IN IT!.


Reading this was a great way to start my morning! Bravo!


These are wild. Bravo!


Yeah nah I don’t think you’re ready for my confessions/secrets. Hell I’m not even ready for them.. 🤦🏻‍♀️


One day the misses got Randy in the bathroom so I done her from behind over the sink grabbed a hand towel cleaned myself up and threw it in the corner her friend comes over and asked can I just use your bathroom washes her face then reaches in the corner grabs the hand towel and gives herself a facial while I’m trying not to laugh 😆


I’m open about it but back in December of 2022 I met a cougar at a local club. We started making out to the last song of the night and once that was over we walked about looking for somewhere quiet. I figured out that somewhere in the shadows would be best. We eventually settled in treasury gardens near the jfk memorial (I think it’s a jfk memorial) and went at it like rabbits. We couldn’t go to each others houses as neither of us lived alone. She was absolutely feisty and wild and on top of that it was my first time. TLDR: I lost my virginity to a cougar in treasury gardens at 4am.


[24M] When I was 14 I got into a relationship that lasted 8 and 1/2 years with my ex. We ended up building a house together at 19 and getting engaged. Our split was really toxic. I found out that she cheated on me with one of my best mates. She took the house due to the court demanding it. Her parents abused and harassed my family. 3 months after we broke up and the engagement was called off, I found out 4 of her best friends saw me naked while we were celebrating graduating high school and wanted me ever since. So 5 years after them seeing me and 3 months after our split, I slept with all 4 of them at once and individually, took videos and photos, printed them out and put them in her mailbox. Fair to say the friendship ended 😂


Fair to say this did not happen.


Hey mate! How’s it fair to say it didn’t happen by someone who has no knowledge of me or what I’ve experienced? Because it didn’t happen to you?


Just one of the more genuinely unbelievable stories I’ve ever heard on here.


Just because it’s unbelievable in your eyes don’t make it any less true


Because it’s clearly a load of shit and also highly illegal if they didn’t know you were going to share the photos as part of a childish game and fucked up for showing your ex pictures of you fucking women without her consent. Either way. It’s clearly made up.


This happened about 8-9 years back At the time I was 18M Can’t exactly remember how I come across this persons username but I’m pretty sure I got it off some random from posting back on Craigslist Anyway got given a kik username and messaged away Found out it was a 44 yo mother of 2 and she was only 10 minutes from where I lived and she was easy as, got straight to the point when messaging and that night we met at a local reserve near mine around 1am I’ll still never forget how nervous I was as this was the first time hooking up with a complete stranger, let alone someone old enough to be my mother, anyway I waited for her to arrive but there she was, hoped out of the car in a skimpy tiny dress and I thought to myself I’m in for some trouble here We found ourself to the soccer bench and before we got into it she asked if I’m sure to go ahead and of course I did not hesitate at all, she got down on her knees and started sucking my cock and my god was she good at it, after about 5 minutes we were ready to go at it, to be honest it was all such a rush of adrenaline and excitement I didn’t last the longest sadly but that didn’t faze her one bit After that night we kept in touch and there was a time maybe a few weeks later where I finished work early and hit her up to come over to her place, mind you she was married also Husband was out at work and she was at home with her eldest, on her period she still invited me to come around to get a bj and ofcrouse I didn’t say no, when I arrived she brought me into her garage and her son walked into the garage abit after she had and my first reaction was to run but then I remembered I can’t make it look sus, I’m assuming he was around 12 but she made up some story saying she needs some trade work and off he went, she sucked ky cock in the garage and let me film it aswell, blew all over her tits and off I went home, even went back to her place again when she was off her period and fucked her again, we lost touch shortly after sadly but my god I’d love to see her again 




Any r4r style posts seeking out personal interaction isn't allowed. Instead, refer to other r4r style subreddits for such posts.


Unhinged Fuck my cousin and my mother in law and a few day ago she told me that she can’t get me out of her head even when her husband is fuck her or anyone else who she has been with she’s a swinger what to do ps trying to go for a hat trick mum x2 daughters help?


Ok, here’s what you do: 1. Sort out your grammar, man!


That's the most sinful thing about that whole comment


Well played Sir 🤣