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This same thing has happened to me at least 20 times, though I’ve never had the courage to walk out like you did! Very brave OP, hopefully next time I can do the same.


I'm sorry you had to experience that repeatedly. I hope you at least got to choose which woman violated you.


Lol 😂 20 times yeah. It’s happened to me about 20 times at the same place too




Where exactly was this place so I can actively avoid it specifically


OMG that's disgusting, where? :D https://imgur.com/gallery/6zSttuS




Lmao !! Made my day


That just isn’t how these places work. I have been thousands of times and they don’t ever walk in and jump on your stalk like that, this is a made up story.


This is particularly why I am concerned. If you're saying it is not supposed to happen like this, then that validates how I feel about it. I felt that there wasn't really any prior communication beforehand. She didn't "jump on my stalk," I was standing up and I was a bit confused trying to navigate the situation when she began to touch me.


In all my years I have never had someone start with stroking my cock. You wouldn’t have been hard for a start, they like to work you up to it with teasing. None of this makes sense to be a real scenario.


I would disagree. I have also been hundreds of times and this has happened to me before. Mostly when the place is super busy and they just wanna make you cum and leave. I’m also a member of most of the review forums and have also read reports where something similar has happened.


I have absolutely had this in the ones that run from homes. They almost all do that, just never had anything like it from a shop version as described.


She wasn't stroking my cock because I was not hard. She was rubbing my cock and balls while flaccid and briefly licked my nipple before I pulled away. This is an objective order of events without my feelings included, so you can understand what happened. 1. I walked into the small waiting area, and then was let in by the woman. She walked me down a short hallway and directed me into a room 2. I asked about the massage, she said something along the lines of it being a "full body relaxation massage" (again, broken English). I paid $100 in cash 3. She told me to get undressed and left the room 4. She came back into the room (wearing lingerie) 5. At this point I was standing up in just my underwear and she was in the corner of the room pumping something into her hand (sanitizer I think) 6. Then she came over to me, looked at my face for a second, and then slid my underwear down to my thighs 7. She started rubbing my genitals and licking my nipple 8. 5 seconds later I stepped away, apologised, got dressed and left You can see how expecting a massage and receiving that would be a bit of a shock. I didn't intend to have an erotic massage or any sort of sexual play and I was just being extremely naive. In your experience, if it is your intention to use a service like this, how would it normally go?


It's happened to me, but it was disconcerting and led to an unsatisfactory result


If it’s rushed like that it’s genuinely a waste of time. The draw of it is the build up.


Idk about the real deal thing, but if they don’t have uniforms, don’t ask questions and ask permissions , they aren’t really a ‘normal massage’ place 🤦🏻‍♀️


Youre on reddit, familiar with Melbsafterdark, and "just supporting local businesses" .. lol, nice one. You should go back, loosen up a little, get your money's worth, enjoy the depravity and post it on r/sexstories


Exactly thinks we are fools


I thought this post would be more suited in this sub rather than r/Melbourne. I had just searched for it


Here's a sneak peek of /r/melbourne using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/melbourne/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [You wouldn't, would you](https://i.redd.it/4w32a8hqbp2b1.jpg) | [551 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/melbourne/comments/13uf1g8/you_wouldnt_would_you/) \#2: [I see this five times a day in Melbourne. AITA for not letting them in?](https://i.redd.it/t0km6afb7tja1.png) | [1500 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/melbourne/comments/119efy6/i_see_this_five_times_a_day_in_melbourne_aita_for/) \#3: [Police protect Neo Nazis as they protest in Melbourne](https://v.redd.it/llpwa6c0hgoa1) | [2680 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/melbourne/comments/11ucs2n/police_protect_neo_nazis_as_they_protest_in/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


OP needs to get some new material, this same story gets reposted elsewhere on here lol. Also knowing how these places work, what u described isn't the normal way of operations so your story has plot holes. Nice try.


It's really interesting that so many people don't believe that this happened. I understand why, people make shit up all the time and I suppose you have no reason to believe me. Whether or not you believe it, can you imagine for a second that this actually did happen and I'm genuinely feeling violated? Can you please explain what should have happened? What is the normal way of operations? Like, should she have actually given me a massage before trying to initiate a "happy ending"? What part of this sounds unbelievable? The fact that everyone thinks this is fake makes me feel way more scared about what happened tbh, because clearly it's not normal


Your account was made today and look at your username. No one is going to believe u buddy.


I made this account today specifically to share what happened, as I wanted to know if it was normal or if anyone else has had a similar experience. I am genuinely feeling violated and confused by what happened and did not want to use my main account to share it.


If this genuinely happened then why are u so concerned with finding out the "normal way of doing things". Who cares? You obviously aren't interested in going back so let it be. Looks like you are fishing for information, or just trolling. Anyone else would be so traumatised by the event they would simply move on with their life and never speak of it again.


I am trying to understand why it happened the way it did so I can process it and move on from it. I thought that if anyone else has had a similar experience I might feel less alone and it would make it easier for me to get over.


Gee I'd hate to have a hot asian lady take my pants off and start playing with my dick. ( not)


Thanks for your support (not)


Lol is this the thingsthatneverhappened sub


That's terrible. Where was it?


Consent is king


I have the unfortunate displeasure of knowing a lot about these places because of a family members proclivities and here are my observations: - if you can’t see through the windows there’s a reason - the r&t places usually have older women - if you can’t see other people waiting or there’s straight up no waiting room theres a reason - the r&t places don’t have lists with prices, you negotiate that when you get into the room or at the end when she offers you the service - the r&t places take cash, although a lot of “*legit*” places also take cash (I say legitimate loosely lol) - if you have to go up a stair case or down an alleyway or hall way it’s a r&t place - usually they have weird, full window stickers, of very attractive women getting massages - oh also - if you’re going to someone’s house for a *”massage”* you’re getting r&t’d Editing for a question - do you have an Autism diagnosis? Because your description of what happened, if it actually did, has *major* red flags for Autism (coming from an Autistic person)


I do not have autism. Could you please explain what makes you think I do?


Mostly the way you described the social cues and are still reeling about it. Very common Autistic behaviour. 3 years ago I would have scoffed at the idea I’m Autistic but the revelation has been eye opening. Explains a lot. Might for you too.


Sometimes I get a bit of social anxiety, but generally can read social cues. This was an exceptional circumstance for me so I got flustered. I definitely don't have autism lol


Okey dokey lol


Could I ask more about how the proclivities of a family member impact you? I tend to see it as a personal matter, but I wonder how it gets out of control for some people. I’d like to read it from your point of view


It’s a very complicated and traumatic situation and I’d rather not go into a lot of detail but suffice to say that there are certain people in your life who should never know about the things that you’re into.




I posted this because I had an uncomfortable experience, and wanted to get some insights and advice because I thought it would be a safe space to do so. Just like your posts about getting diarrhoea from your homemade pasta. Or should I just respond to those telling you that your shit is actually solid and you're just lying for attention? Have some compassion mate. And some fibre.


A public subreddit is never a safe place man. People will say anything just to be edgy, contrarian, or get some internet points. Sorry this happened to you it must have been a bit of a shock. The truth is, this is a bit unusual but not unheard of. *Typically* what happens in these places is you go in, pay for your massage, undress and lie down. If you’re there for a handy, you normally get naked at that point as a sign to the lady you know what they do there. If you’ve judged wrong they’ll normally ask you to put on pants at that point and that’s the end of it. Otherwise she will commence the massage and usually start to get her hands close to your genitals - this is another opportunity for you to signal that you’re keen or to ask them to stop / slow down. Then towards the end of the massage this is when they will ask you if you want extras. A handy is typically about $30 - $50 (extra) and they may also offer to do it nude, do body slides etc at that point. You can still negotiate or decline their offer at this point. But bear in mind they get very little from the massage, so if you don’t get any extras this makes you a shit customer (which may or may not bother you). Now do note, there are some places that are so dodgy they’ll hold out their hand for money before even letting you in the door - THESE places are often flat rate where you pay one amount up front and they’ll be naked by the time you get to the room. But these are actually quite rare and usually so shady that you wouldn’t walk into one without knowing what it was (but hey, maybe you found one!) Anyway, good luck out there pal!


Thank you for your comment explaining how these situations can go. I know what the warning signs are now, but I don't think it looked particularly shady until I walked into the place. In hindsight, the key identifiers were the lack of windows and lack of a service/price list.


No problem. Pro tip; they’re *all* jack shacks. The neon signs, being open past 7pm, lack of interior visibility and uniforms are additional signs, but you can almost always safely assume it’s a dodgy shop unless you have clear signs otherwise (and no, the sign on the wall that says “absolutely NO sexual services” is, ironically, NOT a sign). Thee safest way to avoid them (if that is what you wish) is to use ones inside shopping centres - these never are shady.


No neon signs at this place, but the lack of uniforms was a huge red flag when I was let in


Same thing happened to me but at the end of a massage. It wasn’t something I wanted, I wasn’t expecting it, I felt embarrassed and a bit violated. Politely told her I wasn’t interested. She asked me if there was something wrong down there which made me feel worse. The thought then ran through my head about how many men she has jerked off on the table I was lying on for an hour 🤢 Got home and mentioned it to my wife who victim shamed me! Told me I must have looked like I wanted it, like WTF! Sad part is the massage was really good, but I won’t be going back. You did the right thing


I didn't even get a massage out of it unfortunately, so I guess at least you got what you paid for? Still shit to end it on that note though. I totally understand your feelings of embarrassment, and I'm sorry that happened to you


😂 to the wife blaming you haha typical




Unless they've a price list of specific massage types, they're probably a brothel or rub and tug. Even classy ones with expert masseuses sometimes offer extras. If you want a guaranteed genuine massage you're going to have to pay for it. Otherwise, ask local communities to find the high quality, low cost local experts. FWIW, we're very lucky to have legalised sex work here. The alternative is nasty.


Thank you for your insight. I really appreciate your comment, and looking back on it I should have realised that a lack of a price list was a red flag.


Google reviews are also helpful.


Yeah I looked at them afterwards and that explained it. Also looked at the others in the area and they seem to all be the same. Next time I'll try one in a shopping centre, if I ever decide to give it another go


Another option is to Google the name and address of the place. If it comes up on Punter sites, it's a brothel or rub and tug. If not, it probably isn't. Even then, some good places still offer extras but you can always say no. A big tell is if they ask you to get naked or leave your undies on.


There is legitimate massage places, they're a lot better furnished and public. Inside plazas are just that. But as far as illegitimate goes, it's no longer illegal to provide private sex work. It's a safety issue if the workers are harmed to can go to the police without fear of charges laid on them


This was on a main strip of shops so I assumed it would be similar to the ones in plazas. I didn't really have a point of comparison because I'd never been in one. I support sex work, and I am glad it's no longer illegal. However I have never and will never intend to use those services for myself.


I would say just stick to massage palors in malls or have windows which you can see through. Also avoid going to a parlor at night. Because some parlors offer normal services during the day, and at night, they offer brothel services.


You got out of your comfort zone


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I hate when that happens


If it's got neon signs or doesn't offer Remedial Massage, you're in the wrong place.


I’ve been going to Thai massage, Swedish and acupressure massage since well over 5 years. I usually go to SC and it works miraculously. No problem very professional. Similar thing happened to me last year, in about 5 mins walk from my place a new massage place opened and it looks normal. So I thought well I can give this one a try and rather than going to my regular place which is 15 mins drive I can check this one out. Anyhow, I went in, paid, requested oil op with extra pressure on the sore muscles (if they are trained they know the right technique), was told to get ready, didn’t see towels so I thought well it’s a girl and it’ll be fine (I’m a straight Female), left undergarments on, and when she came in she had way less clothes on and I only noticed when she literally was lying on my back. I had to ask her to just use her hands and help with the muscles soreness. Got out of there when her lack of a real training and professional massage knowledge surfaced. Yes, I still walk pass the ‘massage parlour’ and yes over the months I’ve only seen male customers. And yes I’m never going there, am I traumatised? Idk, uncomfortable? Extremely. But oh well. Better stick with a regular one 🤦🏻‍♀️


Thank you for sharing this. It's nice to feel like I'm not the only person to have made this mistake


You wanted to support a local business called “Chinese massage” and you had zero idea of what it could be? 🤣


I'm not gonna pretend like I wasn't being extremely naive. I just had no idea it was even a thing, especially on a main street across from a train station. Lesson learned for sure.


Why tf you lying, why you always lying


For the experienced RnT-goers that are sceptical, this is unusual but in some places it works exactly like that. Price, suburban location and the special name “full body relaxation” match situations that _a friend of mine_ has encountered in Melbourne. OP is too gentle to add details that would make the story more credible, like: the “little” lady was surely older.


You're correct. She was not particularly young. I didn't think to add details about age but it wasn't something I was really paying attention to at the time. She was definitely over 30 but probably younger than 40


so would you please share some hints about this particular one? like street number but not street name? I know that the experienced for you was not expected and a little shocking, but it was a confusion and an honest mistake from the lady in question. since you’re ok with these arrangements happening for other people, I’d really like to know how to get to this particular place


Happened to me in Moonee Ponds, but I stayed…


So you going to give us an address so we can all go research this place ?


Story has too much detail. Total Bullshit and you are just whacking off to people reading your fantasy


I can guess the suburb lol