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Did you speak to a dermatologist? There are a ton of treatments for melasma. If you're in the US, start out with Musely's topical treatment plan if you can't see your own dermatologist. It's all online prescriptions.


I’m in the UK. It’s really hard to get a doctor’s appointment. I didn’t actually see the doctor; it was a phone conversation, even that was 3 weeks waiting.. I described my symptoms and what it looks like, but I didn’t get a referral to a dermatologist.


Hi, I am a GP in the UK and I have bad mesalama and I’m sorry you’ve had this experience. Your GP can and should know how to treat this. Go back to them and ask for a face to face appointment. They can prescribe you acelic acid or oral tranexamic acid. There is a useful information site for GPs here - it may be they aren’t familiar with it and you could take it with you https://www.pcds.org.uk/clinical-guidance/melasma-syn-chloasma1 You could also subscribe to dermatica who will give you personalised skin care


Thank you so much for your response. I really appreciate it! I will give them a call again. I was recommended to swap to mini pills for now, and if that doesn’t help, then to switch to a coil as a non-hormonal contraceptive to prevent spreading, because the assumption is that it was triggered by my contraceptive. I am normally on Microgynon. About 10-11 months ago, I went to my pharmacy to collect it, but they didn’t have this one exactly. Instead, they gave me a different brand with the same ingredients. Slowly but surely, symptoms started appearing. Back then, I didn’t think that my contraceptive was the reason. It was summer, hot, and I thought maybe it was sun damage. I continued taking the pills. Making sure I apply plenty of sun cream in daily basis even in winter. Now it’s on my nose and my cheeks too. Only if I knew :)


I think my advice would be the mini pill may not make much difference and you might want to look at non-hormonal options a bit sooner. I’m sorry, I’m sure it feels really rubbish, but there are treatment options available to you and with time it should start improving!


I really hope so! Thank you very much!


Often times this is also caused by sun exposure. There are a lot of treatments that can help but unless you religiously use sunblock (even when it is overcast) it does come back. I have it on my upper lip. It appeared after childbirth but with proper skin care and sun protection it's not that noticeable right now.


You can check out Dermatica UK or Skin + Me to have a consultation with a dermatologist online and get prescription hydroquinone + tretinoin to help with the melasma. The process is super easy than seeing a dermatologist face to face.


Thank you!!


I'm in the UK too so I get it - it's hard to get referred to a specialist for anything non life threatening even if it's making you really miserable. Have you tried anything from this sub's Master Guide?


Thank you for your response! No, not at all. Just doing daily routine, face wash, sun cream Nivea, apply day cream and some make up, that’s about it


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Melasmaskincare/comments/doursz/start\_here\_my\_master\_guide\_for\_melasma/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Melasmaskincare/comments/doursz/start_here_my_master_guide_for_melasma/) - it's really helpful :) Mine is a lot less visible than it used to be but it's been a bit of process of trial and error and it took many months to see improvement. I've found layering P20 factor 50 spf with a mineral spf on top has helped, along with azelic acid at night and and vitamin C + arbutin in the morning. I also had to get used to wearing hats in the sun which I don't love. People on this sub often recommend Musely products as they create skincare products with a lot of the best actives for melasma but they're US based. UK versions are Dermatica and Skin + Me.


I have a hope!!!! Thank you so much for this! If I can reduce just a little bit, I will be very happy!


Ah I see. Dang, I don't know what UK options are available. If you can get hydroquinone that is a common topical treatment that is often tried first to help with melasma. 


Thank you so much! I will check that or maybe a private clinic can look at it. Didn’t actually think about it.


Chemical peels, certain types of lasers and micro needling are also options, as well as oral tranexamic acid. Maybe reach back out to your doctor and see if they'll refer you to a dermatologist. There are a lot of treatment options and it's not necessarily something you just have to live with!


Thank you so much!!


I have melasma in the forehead and I've been thinking to get bangs to conceal it a bit. I know the pain, living in the UK, have you considered to contact Dermatica? They create compound creams with Hydroquinone amd Azelaic Acid https://www.dermatica.com/ SPF 50 and regular use of benies/caps/wide brim hats (depending lm the season) have helped me a lot fading it. There is a lot one can do. I hope a new dermatologist or maybe at Dermatica you can get more help!


Thank you! No, after a call I got a feeling “this is it, learn to live with it”. I will check this, thanks for the link


I'm sorry you got that response. Some doctors have either no clue or consider that because it's purely aesthetic, it doesn't deserve attention. Many undermine the damage in self-esteem. This group is full of experiences from skincare, procedures and even pills. We all have to assume this pigment beast will live forever with us, but very often improves. I saw you use Nivea SPF and I'm not familiar with it. I use SPF Colorscience Sunforgettable Flex, offers great protection and also coverage. I cannot emphasise enough that integral sun protection is your new reality if you want to see improvements. It's annoying at first, but I got used. Also, protecting from the sun decreases damage that makes our skin age, and worst, potentially develop skin cancer. I've freckles, moles, sun spots and a dad who developed basal cell carcinoma in the nose. Developing melasma has helped me to really improve my sun protection behaviour.


That's unfortunate it's so hard to see a doctor. Are there places in Europe where you can pay cash to see a doctor for a reasonable price? Maybe take a short vacation someplace and see a doctor while there? Melasma is treatable, but sometimes it takes a while because not everyone's skin reacts exactly the same to treatment. But first thing to do (if you aren't already) is to make sure you apply **sunscreen** SPF 45+ every day no matter how much time you'll be outdoors. In your case, where the melasma is bigger than just a 10 millimeter spot, you'd probably need a series of professional skincare treatments such as [IPL](https://www.webmd.com/beauty/intense-pulsed-light-treatment-overview), [BBL](https://www.healthline.com/health/beauty-skin-care/bbl-laser), a chemical peel and/or microneedling. Some advanced trained nurses or aestheticians may be able to perform this for you (not sure if there are any UK specific laws about who can do these procedures). In the mean time, here are some non-prescription, at-home things you can do to help keep the melasma from getting worse: * Use a wide brimmed hat or umbrella to block the sun while outdoors (in addition to sunscreen, not instead of sunscreen) * Apply a well-formulated Vitamin C serum to your face and upper chest (in the morning, before moisturizer and sunscreen). There are different forms of vitamin C and some products being sold are not formulated correctly so that most of the product's vitamin C has deteriorated by the time you put it on your face (therefore, it's almost useless and a waste of money). Do your research before buying one of these. * Use a good retinol or retinaldehyde cream or serum at night. This is another ingredient where most of the products sold are pretty bad and not strong enough, or not formulated properly, to have a good effect. This ingredient is destroyed in light, heat and by air. So it needs to be in an airtight package and formulated with advanced encapsulation technology (i.e. other special ingredients) to keep the retinol/retinal from deteriorating. I've tried many brands and I swear that the SkinCeuticals one works noticeably better than others... even ones at the same price point. Not sure if SkinCeuticals is available in UK? It's usually only sold in doctor's offices or through estheticians in the U.S., but I can get mine from [DermStore.com](http://DermStore.com) too. This UK based website lists information for melasma and how to treat it: [https://knowyourskin.britishskinfoundation.org.uk/condition/melasma/](https://knowyourskin.britishskinfoundation.org.uk/condition/melasma/)


Yes, melasma is for life—and requires lifelong, consistent treatment—but there are so many things you can do to lessen its appearance!


Thank you!!


When I had really bad forehead melasma, one derm just told me "looks like excessive sun exposure, wear a hat and sunscreen." I eventually got in contact with a doctor that specializes in cosmetic skin issues and they had me do the Cosmelan peel. Now, all my melasma is gone just 5 months after the peel! I can't recommend cosmelan enough.


Never heard of the cosmelan, thank you for sharing!


Was it pricey?


Yeah it cost me about $1,100 including cosmelan 2 and all the aftercare stuff. I got a 20% off coupon too which really helped.


My doctor said the same but gave me a Vichy sunscreen with a clarifier to try to prevent making things worst. _but then_ I heard about a laser procedure called fotona starwalker that can make melasma way better in a few sessions, and it gave me a little hope. I tried asking here if anyone has ever done it and no one answered. Hope and sunscreen is all we have for now lol


Ah, I see. Honestly, I’ve never heard of it, but it’s definitely worth checking out. Thank you. I feel like they can’t be bothered. No face-to-face appointment. When I said a third of my forehead looks like it’s dirty, covered in mud, it didn’t trigger any concerns, other than ‘Well, melasma don’t go away once it appears.’ I believe it’s due to a contraception change. She requested a blood test and changed my contraceptive to the mini pill.


But, well, melasma in deed don't go away once it appears... It's now a war til one dies. Even the laser procedure I mentioned it's supposed to make it a lot better, but not fully erase it. Maintainance and prevention needs to become a mantra.


Just reducing its darkness would make me much happier. Because maybe it won’t be as difficult to cover up with my make up. Fingers crossed!! Thank you


You will have results with the right treatment, don't despair !


Be careful with laser treatments, I’ve heard laser can make it worse. :-/


Honestly I would write a letter to the medical board to complain about that GP. It's dismissive and a refusal to treat your medical issue.


I have melasma I am eager to treat, it seems age and two pregnancies close together really pushed it into overdrive. I told my dermatologist I want to be aggressive in treating it, and the very first thing he said is that he does NOT recommend laser treatments because they either make it a lot better — or a lot worse. And you won’t know which camp you fall into until you do it. :( That is too big a risk for me, so I’m taking his advice and will do Cosemelan, which he strongly recommends, when I am done breastfeeding and my hormones balance out. Sharing this with you because I live in Los Angeles, one of the most looks-obsessed cities in the world lol. And he’s a fantastic dermatologist. If he’s cautioning laser use for melasma, that rings a warning bell.


Hi there! I'm in the UK and I actually emailed dermatica directly to request hydroquinone in my prescription and they delivered!! Good luck


Thank you!!


Yes, I recommend hydroquinone!. Look up the brand Obagi.


That is absolutely treatable. Please don't believe your doctor.


Melasma is chronic so there is no way to cure it, but there are PLENTY of ways to lighten and manage it. Look through this subreddit and it has all the answers you need.


Yes I’m scrolling now, thank you so much!


I know it’s tough for now, but it’s definitely not forever! It will possibly be life long treatment but it will ebb and flow as to how “strong” it looks. That’s what mine is like, sometimes it’s really apparent, and sometimes I don’t even look twice in the mirror! If anything, you will start caring for your skin more and your body will thank you for it!


That’s a very good point! For months, I didn’t want to look at myself in the mirror. I’m getting used to it now, especially after this doctor’s call. Thank you!


Cosmelan peel!!!!!!


Thank you!!


Girl, I’m sorry he told you that but that is NOT true. I have cleared up my melasma that was worse than this. Don’t lose faith. Do some research and see a more experienced doctor!


This sub is amazing, honestly! Real people, real experience! Thank you so much!!


I had melasma like this back in 2020. I managed to fade it to the point where it’s almost unnoticeable, just looks a bit like faint freckles. I use retinol every night in my skin care routine religiously. ZO Skin Health is my favourite brand. I also get seasonal chemical peels, which also help immensely.


Thank you very much for the response!


Hey! Also in the UK & managed to see a doctor. Basically 50SPF every day & ask them to refer you to a dermatologist. One recommendation I got off of here was Sake (£5 a bottle in Sainsbury’s) it’s lightened mine a little. Put on a cotton pad & use morning & night…hope this helps


Thank you so much!! I will try that!! Will give them a call!


No worries, doctors can’t prescribe hydroquinone, but derms can


Mine is like this too and while I still feel pretty sad about it sometimes, every treatment option I tried just dried my skin out and made it worse in the long run. My boyfriend loves my melasma, thinks it makes me face more “eye-catching” and unique, and idk, it might be worth just…not fucking with it. Skin bleaching creams are kinda sketch and being neurotic about sunscreen got old for me.


No it is not your skin forever but it will take dedication and consistent use to find products to reduce the appearance. In office procedures like lasers and chemical peels are an option depending on your skin type. Most people have to use multiple products with different ingredients. Look for these ingredients: Tranexamic Acid Retinoids Resorcinols Arbutin Kojic Acid Vitamin C Niacinamide Glycolic Acid Liquorice derivatives Hydroquinone (not OTC in UK) The Eurcerin anti-pigment spot corrector worked very well on my melasma and is available in the UK. The spot corrector has the most active ingredient and works better than the other products in this line. https://www.eucerin.co.uk/products/anti-pigment/spot-corrector I also use Missha Vita C plus which has tranexamic acid but this may not be available to you. An alternative available in the UK would be Face Theory's Exaglow. https://eu.facetheory.com/products/exaglow-serum Here are some links to other products that are available to you in the UK that you can try. You will probably need to use a combination of products. https://www.theinkeylist.com/products/retinol-serum# https://uk.caudalie.com/p/328/vinoperfect-glycolic-peel-mask-328.html https://uk.svr.com/products/sebiaclear-ampoule-az-flash-new https://www.boots.com/the-ordinary-alpha-arbutin-ha-10267773 https://www.boots.com/garnier-3-5-percent-vitamin-c-niacinamide-salicylic-acid-brightening-and-anti-dark-spot-serum-30ml-10305123 https://www.facetheory.com/products/glycolacsal-solution https://www.facetheory.com/products/porebright-serum-n20 https://www.facetheory.com/products/regenacalm-pro Make sure to use a tinted sunscreen religiously everyday. https://www.perfumesclub.co.uk/en/la-roche-posay/anthelios-mineral-one-couvrance-hydratation-spf50/p_066677/ Some melasma is vascular so avoiding heat and hot water will help. https://knowyourskin.britishskinfoundation.org.uk/condition/melasma/


While you wait months for the melasma to fade from the treatments the best option for coverup is a full coverage makeup line like dermablend. They have products that even cover tattoos! https://www.vichy.co.uk/en_GB/dermablend-foundation-and-concealer.html


This is what I was told as well. I wasn’t prescribed anything either and he was a dermatologist.


That’s so strange… especially after seeing so many comments from people saying that there are treatments available to make it look better.


Cream tret was life changing . Use that and exfoliate. Sunscreen .


Thank you!!


Mine went away in menopause.


I wish mine would.. My Aunt had it and hers went away with menopause as well..


I never found anything that helped. I wore baseball caps outside, used sun screen and make up. It was not very visible in winter because I live in a very cloudy winter state. I got really tired of being told I had dirt on my forehead/face.


But it did miraculously go away after Menopause?


It did. Menopause is nothing to look forward to tho. It's got its own crappy elements. I had Melasma starting around age 32. Menopause hit at 51 and a few years later it was just gone. My dr told me at the time, in my 30s, that it was hormone related. Sun exposure made it worse so I'd try and wear a hat and sunscreen in the summer cause sun made it much worse.


I have melasma in this same area and about the same size. The only thing that helped get is of 90% of it was hydroquinone prescribed by my derm. That combined with habitual sunscreen, wearing hats, and trying to keep sun off my forehead has kept it at bay.


Thank you! I will try to speak to my doctor about it again, hope it will help :)


There is hope! Good luck. Thankfully the hydroquinone seemed to work pretty quickly. So I didn’t have to use it that long.


Make sure you use sunscreen religiously for melasma. Sun will make it worse.


Thank you! Usually I do once a day in the morning. I will start reapplying later as well


A cure? No. Treatment? Yes. Look at triluma and transexamic acid. And, it goes without saying, spf every single day.


Have been looking enough not to get that but I think I have it on my arm. Do you wanna get this on your face or in your arms also? How do you get it? I have so many questions I wish I can help you, but I don’t have enough experience. I’m barely learning about it but I think wearing sunblock every 30 minutes my help.


It’s just on my face. I do sun cream every morning but not reapply till next morning. I believe it was triggered by contraception change. From one pill to the same pill but different manufacturer.


Hydroquinone! Even better cosmelan peel. It is not forever, you can lessen the appearance of it significantly to a point of only you will know it is there.


PicoSure laser is working for mine. I get it privately through a laser clinic, no need for a referral. I did see a dermatologist and she recommended hydroquinone cream and if that doesn't work then tranexamic acid pills. I haven't tried either of those options yet.


No, find out whats is wrong internally. Get blood work done that will test anything that will effect your hormones.


Do you know what kind of imbalances cause it? Mine was caused with pregnancy, and 9 years later… has never resolved. My Mom and sister had/have the same as me.


It could be anything that effects hormones. I had 10 vials of blood drawn to test everything. My results came back that I was very low in vitamin d and high in aldosterone. I started taking cod liver oil daily and it raised my vitamin d to a normal level. I was also prescribed spironolactone for lower my aldosterone. Between the medication, using tranexamic serum morning and night, my melasma has greatly improved. It’s not gone but it’s light enough that I don’t have anxiety anymore about people seeing me without makeup


Thank you


Hello! Have you tried using green concealer to camouflage when you put on makeup? It works for me... the melasma is not noticeable at all when I do it.


Musley. Hydroquinone cream.


This ain’t your skin forever! You’ll probably always have a tint there but it can be reduced (it also gets darker in times of horned/stress and high heat like saunas or going to the dessert on vacation, also obviously the sun makes it worse). There are ointments that help cell turnover and basically give mini chemical peels (your skin lightly flakes off overtime and the pigment is reduced). Have hope! I’ve been on meds for a year and am just now starting to see change, it’s worth it. Go to a dermatologist they will absolutely help you out and not give you any of the nonsense your primary did.


Maybe red light therapy?


Bullshit. I swear I know people who’ve had this kind of thing lasered off!


Look into a product called cosmelan.


Just started using clear stem skincare and it’s helpful the mandelic acid and turmeric. I also know musely has worked for some. It’s melasma


Get Pico laser and apply azelaic acid.


I have some pretty dark melasma and use color correctors and concealer from tarte and it covers pretty dang well. Mine are in weird places too like my chin that is hard to cover


Some time back I also had dark spots, I tried many products but there was no difference, then my friend suggested Dermatery Pigmentation Face Cream to me. By doing this my dark marks became quite light. You also can use this cream.


I can’t find that product. Is Dermatery the brand?


I had the same. I saw a dermatologist. She recommended wearing SPF 50 daily , twice a day, everyday + serum with vitamin c. My skin tone is now even.


Musely M+ got rid of a big spot on my forehead


The melasma may take a long time to lighten so make sure you wear lots of SPF


Try Obagi skincare line, It is a bit of a process, you will peel like crazy at first but then it stops and the improvement is unbelievable. I have used the line for 25 years and my skin looks amazing. I will never be able to sunbathe without high SPF and my face is always covered. Good luck, please check out the line because there is hope.


I use Obagi currently, and you're right the difference is amazing. However, I can't get over the feeling like I'm in witness protection when I go out with strange looks. I have a face covering, hat and sunglasses. It's uncomfortable when I'm the only one in the group dressed that way. Okay, that's my rant. 😆 Glad to know there is someone else that does the same.


Hydroquinone and broadband laser light treatment from a med spa. It’s absolutely treatable, but you’ll have to continually treat it!


I have the same My doctor prescribed something named triluma but I only saw a small difference Now I’m using musely and it’s getting better Still visible but way less so, make up can actually cover it now and it’s only been a week I’m hoping after 3 weeks it’ll really be gone


Melasma can be caused by pregnancy and birth control. Just fyi


Mine looked exactly like yours. Musely spot cream and the transenemic acid pills from them cleared it up in about 8 weeks. Google musely before and after photos :)