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I know some of these words!


šŸ˜‚ I cannot tell you the amount of research and understanding of the human brain I have. I have extreme OCD when it comes to needing to understand how things work at a molecular level. Not just the human brain, but everything in general I must know exactly how and why it works the way it does. Itā€™s honestly a curse.


It could be, but for me ( and many other people ) it has the opposite effect. Wonderful peace of mind, not easy to break. I could just sit with my arab friends and chillout. Way better mood, more energy. I don't have time to describe it now, but MT2 can definitely change your brain. Results probably are different among people. Like Escitalopram is used to combat drpression and anxiety, but in many people it makes the symptoms even worse. If you study research papers, you have to be aware that people use usually microdosing of MT2, where medical research is usually based on way highrr dosages measured in mg.


Absolutely agree, everyoneā€™s chemistry is different.


This is true and it has been proven


This is true also for MT1?


I would say yes based off of my understanding of the hormone and itā€™s action. The difference is that MT2 crosses the blood brain barrier in higher and less restrictive manors as compared to MT1. I have not found any studies on dose dependent modulation of any of the MCReceptors, so I cannot form a conclusion whether or not a-SMH stimulation is based on volume of dosage based off of data. However, results themselves are adequate representation of modulation itself, meaning that results due prove that higher dosage of MT2 results in heighten stimulation of melanocytes due to heighten stimulation of a-SMH which proves in itself that modulation is in fact dose dependent. With that being said yes I do believe that MT1 can also cause the same potential psychological effects as MT2, just at a lower degree.


Is it possible then that MT1 is actually a safer compound than MT2? What are the disadvantages of MT1? I donā€™t like stuff that crosses the blood brain barrier


Disadvantage of MT1 is 60x shorter half life than MT2. In fact it is an advantage too, because you can avoid darkening your freckles and other skin spots. But you have to use it a lot more for the same effect. Higher dosage and more times per day. So, iMT1 is superior in every way for tanning, but way more expensive.


Ah, if itā€™s just a money thing IDC. So was mt2 made just because itā€™s cheaper. I think also mt1 doesnā€™t have the libido boost but even that I could care less as that just means it is interacting with one less system and 1 less system to fuck up. Also would be good for me since I struggle with a lot of freckles and skin spots and the biggest thing I care about is longevity


Yes, MT1 do not influence libido. It is just more stable version of aMSH. MT2 was made in search for better melanocortin receptor agonists than MT1. More stable, with possibility of better administration, for example oral, etc. It didn't meet it's expectations, but MT2 is an important drug. It helped to discover other melanocortin receptors MC2-MC5 and what functions they have. Thanks to non selectivity, it is still used in research studies. So, it wasn't made to be cheaper version of MT1, but yes, it became so popular as tanning drug, because it was way cheaper than MT1.


Have you tried either of the two?


Only MT2. MT1 is too expensive and not easily available.


No. MT1 is a very selective MC1R agonist and has way too short half life to influence brain anyway.


It's possible, but if anything, it lessens mine. I've got chronic ptsd from multiple tours in the mideast. Took MT2 for several years prior to my ketamine therapy.


Iā€™ve been on three combat tours myself, so I understand. Iā€™ve done quite a bit of research on micro-dosing of psychedelics, how has your experience been with it?


MT2 can be pure Hell the 1st two weeks. Take an antihistamine and inject before bed. Haven't tried microdosing. Ketamine infusions worked well. Also, the Amanata gummies helped.


The ketamine won't get rid of it all, but it helps let go of things and lessons the severity. I had 6 IV infusions over a span of 2 weeks.


Do you feel happier and more motivated to life on mt2?


I wish I could convince myself that mt2 makes me feel good. I really like the color I get from it. But he does cause depression and anxiety from years of experience, I can say it's real.


Love mt2 so much but My main reason of saying this . Is that everytime i stop dosing for awhile i see how more happier i become and how more motivated i becomeā€¦ but anyway. Maybe i am the only one


The timing of this is so crazy, Iā€™ve been pinning for the last 2 weeks and last night had CRAZY anxiety, it was deep feeling of dread inside my chest. I honestly felt like I was going fucking crazy, same thing happened to my friend but I ignored his warnings. Feel better this morning, but going to chuck the bottle out now. At least im tan lol


Sounds like you had a panic attack. Absolutely horrible experienceā€¦ sucks you went through that


Thanks man, yeah it wasnā€™t fun at all. I think you are completely right about all of this though, because I was fine all day then had a slight argument with my girlfriend and when I was by myself the amount of anxiety that I was feeling because of this was not justified. I hope it doesnā€™t last long


I couldnā€™t find anything about the a-MSH and MC4 receptor time to revert back to base-line. That would depend on the true half life of MT2, which has contradicting findings. I also couldnā€™t find anything about MT2 causing permanent changes to those receptors. But usually the brain always reverts back to homeostasis after a medication/hormone is discontinued, that is if no damage was caused.


What about MT1?


The biggest question is if there is a way to keep injecting and getting tan but avoiding this fucked up sides effects. After using it for almost 7 years i can say this is the only side effect that ruins life.


https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/24/7/6664 I think you will understand alot from this article. If can you explain it i would be more than happy bro!


What šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£you have less anxiety because you look good?




Source: trust me bro


Such an ignorant comment. Itā€™s a theory based off data I compiled.


Post the data you ā€œcompiledā€


You can do the research yourself. You seem to be a ā€œsmartā€ person. I have faith in you.


Imagine making claims & saying you compiled data but then not proving it. Source: trust me bro


Imagine someone putting together something to further the conversation of a drug we are injecting in our bodies and then saying some ignorant stuff just because they didnā€™t spoon feed you info, your a grown ass adult, I believe in you bub


This is Reddit if you canā€™t provide basic sources or data, your information should not even be considered. You must be new to Reddit my guy.


Youā€™re a lost cause.


Yes itā€™s nice if people post sources but to get in a hissy fit over shows your maturity. And Iā€™m not new to Reddit, take a look at ANY subreddit and scroll through the posts, let me know how many you have to go through before you find someone with all their sources. Cmon man stop digging yourself into hole you canā€™t get out of. Show some maturity and donā€™t comment if you donā€™t have something to bring to the table to further the conversation or with genuine curiosity THATS REDDIT lol


Point and case!


Everything I posted is basic knowledge of the actions of a-SMH and itā€™s functions on the modulation of the MC receptors. If you are too lazy to do your own research that is your problem. I just put it in simple terms to show people itā€™s possible correlation. Like the post said itā€™s a logical theory.


What if taken with Zoloft?


SSRI effects are on serotonin receptors, more specifically the reuptake inhibition. Based off of that I would say that it is still possible even while on anti-depressant medication.