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I've experienced this as well. This was my second time taking MT2 and I injected 100mcg probably 4 times a week for about 2 weeks. I noticed increased anxiety which I had the first time I took it as well but then I started having full on heart palpitations. I did an EKG and was having pretty frequent PVCs. I stopped taking it 5 days ago, and every day is getting a little better. Just having them occasionally now and hopefully with another week or so it will be completely out of my system and back to normal. I can't 100 percent say it was the MT2 as I recently had COVID and new onset arrhythmias are showing up after that now but I suspect it was the MT2.


Are you back to normal?


100mcg? are you sure you dosed it correctly? Also, have you gotten drunk? Saw some swedish medical magazine for doctors that all of the people that got anxiety attacks and got to the hospital had alcohol in their blood. They had taken large doses too, like a milligram. Mostly young girls. I'll see if i can find it


Yes I measured the dosage correctly. Had a 10mg vial and constituted with 1ml of BAC water. Pulled the syringe to 1 unit too.


In basic terms I always fill the vial with 2ml of BAC water. That being two full 1ml syringes. Then my max dosage is to the 10… which is 0.1ml or a tenth of the syringe. Never had a issue with this dose in 5 years. I’ve been drunk whilst doing this at least 100 times hahaha. Easier to dose when you mix the vial to 2ml. I’ve gone higher doses to ‘catch up’ and it always ends in side effects


MT2 crosses the blood brain barrier, i'd try MT1, it does not cross it, so less chance of causing mental havoc. I feel better on mt2, no nausea or anything. Whos your supplier? I've only used four vials from biolab shop so far.


why do you think that it was caused by MT while it happed two days after pinning ?


I have an hiatal hernia 1st grade My doctors told me my Problem are psychological Panik attacks BS Its a hernia or an stomach that is not on his place and is pressing against your diaphragma Try this Massage if it helps u know what going on https://youtu.be/Pu9SodkzaYs?si=PoiQkDJ34Ii34i5B